) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. As a police officer, you will also have to deal with many difficult family problems and you will generally see the worst of humanity. Inside our minds are images, voices, screams, visions, smells, and dreams which have been influenced by our career. However, the Hence, depending on the area you live in, you may really struggle to build wealth as a policeman and many police officers will never be able to afford buying their own homes while judges and many other people who make really good money dont have to worry in this regard. They protect the community or certain neighborhoods and work to reduce crime rates. Being a police officer can also be quite stressful. WebPros of a Career as a Probation Officer. Regarding the use of force, officers whove graduated from college are almost 40% less likely to use force. In murder cases, an aggravating factor might include whether the defendant committed the crime in an especially heinous, cruel, or depraved manner. In the long run, officers are becoming physically and mentally stronger, which helps to ward off depression and disease. 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. There are allowances and plenty of financial coverage taking care of various You may also have to work quite long shifts as a policeman. While this can be exhausting and you will see many bad things during your career, you will also get significant action and chances are that you will never get bored as a police officer since so many different things will happen throughout your career. Following several deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of police, President Donald J. Trump issued an executive order on June 16 that calls for increased training and credentialing to reduce the use of excessive force by police. As a police officer, you can also help your family and friends in case they get problems with neighbors or suffer from any other injustice. This is quite sad and I just want to give people a more objective picture of how a fulfilling career could look like. In the long run, this can lead to serious health issues since constant stress is just not good for us. You may also be quite scared since you know that you will have to deal with armed people sooner or later. Consequently, the police officer must decide on their own in the particular moment what to do. For instance, since many people really appreciate your work, you will often get meals for free in your favorite restaurants. Officers with a bachelors degree reportedly: have fewer citizen complaints choose options short of an arrest to resolve problems are less authoritarian are more ethical have fewer disciplinary problems compared to their high school graduate counterparts What are the reported disadvantages of a bachelors degree? The principle of police State and local agencies and governments can do more to encourage officers to seek a college degree, including through incentives, like the Nebraska Law Enforcement Education Act, which allows for a partial tuition waiver or the Quinn Bill in Massachusetts, which provides scaled bonuses depending on the degree an officer holds or tuition reimbursement scholarships like those offered by the Fraternal Order of Police. No day will be like the past one and you will always have to adjust your expectations. Police officers usually also get more money if they work on weekends, in the nighttime or on holidays. WebOne important advantage of being a police officer is that cops have a pretty high reputation in society. Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Thus, becoming a police officer can also be a great career path for you if you love excitement and action on a regular basis. Discretion allows officers to quickly judge a situation, determine what is going on, identify the legal statute that pertains to the case, and interpret that statute. There had even been cases where police officers joined radical groups that are forbidden by our constitution and local laws. Another problem with being a police officer is that you can also lose your job due to only one big mistake. Police Corruption Examples, Types & History | What is Police Corruption? However, some police officers quit their jobs after a while due to the dangers they no longer want to be exposed to. While some people like this insecurity since they get a certain level of excitement out of it, others who need a structured day hate it and if you are the kind of person who wants to play way ahead, chances are that becoming a police officer will just not be the right way to go for you. There are advantages and disadvantages of police discretion, just like there are pros and cons of being a cop. Police officers are often misinterpreted when our antics are overheard in public. Private Law Enforcement: Types, Functions & Roles. Now that you know all the pros and cons of being a police officer, it is on you to decide whether you still want to become a policeman or if you want to go for an alternative career path instead. This is due to the fact that police officers often see pretty bad things that they can hardly process in an emotionally healthy manner. Bringing about meaningful police reform requires transformational leadership. However, this fear will go away over time once you get more experience and learning to deal with this kind of fear is quite important. In fact, if people know that your family and friends know a police officer quite well, they will often act in a more respectful manner since they know that they can get into all sorts of trouble if they misbehave. Consequently, those wrong decisions can really break you in the long run since you will know that a better choice of you could have saved lives and many police officers simply cant deal with those things in an emotionally proper manner. There are occasions when our friends or family want us to share our darkest moments, but we usually leave them contained. Specialty assignments hone in on someones individual talents whether they are born or made. In fact, being a policeman is not safe at all and you should be aware of the fact that you put your life at risk every time you leave your home. Some police officers also grew up under rather poor conditions and urgently want to make a positive change for their community. Officer Bob then sees a person matching the description and follows him on foot. Hence, your life will depend on the reliability of your colleagues and if you dont want to put your life into the hands of others, chances are that becoming a police officer will not be the right way to go for you. Research has found that when police departments use community-policing strategies, people are more satisfied with how police serve their community and view them as more legitimate. In fact, your colleagues will become your second family since you simply spend so much time with them. Imagine you take away the life of a person and it turns out that this has not been necessary at all. Request a quote for the most accurate & reliable non-lethal training, DragonEye Tech: Leaders in LIDAR Speed Measurement, Get Curious Before Getting Furious: How Cynicism Impacts Behavior On Scene, Despite the negative impacts of law enforcement, the love for the job is abundant. Giving officers the power to make determinations on the job without having to seek approval or permission frees up human and monetary resources. Officer Bob sees the person assault a passerby and must now use his discretion to decide whether he will intervene and possibly draw and use his weapon, or call for back up assistance. Christine Liddell graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering. Police officers have to rely on each other to make their operations as safe as possible. Use of force is defined as actions that range from verbal threats to use force to actually using force that could cause physical harm. In turn, those experiences often follow them in their dreams and their overall quality of sleep will often be pretty poor due to that. It is all a balancing act. While this can be quite annoying and emotionally challenging, you will also learn how to keep your emotions under control and how to react to difficult situations. Danger at Work. Since police officers see so many bad things during their careers, they often also lose all their childish delusions of a nice world pretty soon. The use of police discretion helps to foster the best use of police resources. The suspect obeys, and Officer Bob makes an arrest. There is just that much insecurity involved in this job that you will never know when you are called to the next operation. A college education helps officers become better at identifying quality information and scientific evidence. Upon completion of this lesson, students should be able to: To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. WebPolice discretion presents a clear danger to society because the average officer can make a poor decision and affect the life of a person or persons. Police discretion is an officer's freedom to make decisions on the job. WebAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Police Officers Working Without Uniform Intellectual stimulation One benefit of the detective career is the intellectual stimulation and All of these things have been shown to increase critical thinking, moral reasoning and openness to diversity. She has tutored English and History, as well as STEM classes, such as Statics, Calculus, and Thermodynamics. Gaylene Armstrong receives funding from various state and federal granting agencies in support of criminal justice research. I conducted various interviews with employees to give you a good impression of what working in different fields will look like and that you can make the best possible decision regarding your future career choice. Among others, articles have been cited by NPOs, Wikipedia, Medium.com as well as on several college websites and lifestyle blogs. Id like to think it made me a better person. While your job will be relatively easy in good neighborhoods, it can be a nightmare in bad neighborhoods where people just dont respect you at all. Police officers spend a lot of time away from their families. This in turn better enables them to more rigorously and regularly evaluate policies and practices adopted by their departments. Law enforcement is ever-evolving, and so is the person occupying the uniform. They do not find comic relief in a tragedy. Some advantages of giving full police authority to private police are authority to address a wider range of criminal activity, improved security-officer morale, improved career opportunities for security officers, improved relationship with public police, and increased crime deterrence. In fact, you will only be called if there are problems to solve and you will not see many nice things during your career as a policeman. Many police officers are also not able to deal with the emotional burden that comes along with their job. The Disadvantages of Being a Police OfficerDanger Is Everywhere. The biggest issue with being a police officer is the simple fact that it is extremely dangerous. Pay Is Disappointing. You would think that with all of the dangers associated with being a police officer that the pay would reflect that, but sadly, it doesnt.Crazy Hours. Training Is Crazy. Higher education and police reform efforts are at a critical juncture. Since enough sleep is crucial for our body and our brain to work properly, sleep deprivation can lead to many serious health issues and also significantly decreases overall quality of life. Consequently, your family and friends will likely also have an easier time in their daily lives in general. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Hence, dont think that your job as a police officer is entirely safe. Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. As a police officer, you will also enjoy many additional perks. Read several examples of police discretion in use. Because police officers are in constant danger, we are also overly suspicious of everything and everyone. Being a police officer is more than a profession. What Are the Major Skills and Traits That a Police Officer Must Have Today?Communication Skills. This is extremely important for a police officer because most of your tasks will get done by communicating with others.Writing Skills. Police officers often need to write incidents reports. Active Listen er. Ability to Obtain Knowledge. Adaptability. Attention to Details. Critical Thinking. Friendly. Empathy and Compassion. More items From there, once the supposed offender has been arrested, the prosecutor can use their discretion to chose to either bring charges against the offender or to dismiss them. Being a police officer also implies making difficult decisions. Great! The phrase the thin blue line is often associated with the police. Though each day is going to be different as a police officer, some people might rather have a more predictable, mundane type of job. Of the 60,105 assaulted officers, 31% sustained injuries. 39 Pros & Cons Of Being A Police Officer. In fact, many police officers have an inner motivation to protect the people they already know from early childhood. In addition to the personal satisfaction that you gain, you will receive a competitive salary as well as a number of other benefits. Educated law enforcement professionals will be better equipped to lead much-needed reform efforts. Research has also shown that police officers themselves recognize the value of a college degree. In one study, officers with criminal justice degrees said their education helped them gain managerial skills. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in May 2017, police and detectives earn a median annual salary of $62,960 or $30.27 per hour. It is a curse and a blessing. It requires hours of sitting and driving, which can cause weight issues and other health concerns. During your career as a police officer, you will also learn quite a lot of patience. Being a police officer can be incredibly rewarding. To begin, it can result in unnecessary escalation, injury or death. For instance, one mistake on your side can take away lives. Expectation versus reality probably exists for all of us in different forms and fashions. Add to that the ability to help people on a daily basis and this line of work can be very fulfilling. If you are still not sure yet, you may have some friends who are police officers and can give you some additional information on this topic. There are many instances throughout a police officer's day-to-day work where they can decide how to respond to a situation using their own best judgement and wisdom rather than a strict law. Sometimes, you will also not be able to choose the neighborhood you have to work in and you might get unlucky and have to work in a rather bad one. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_16',146,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');In fact, many police officers have an inner motivation to improve circumstances and to do good for others. Many people will also secretly admire you for what you are doing for them. Among street-level officers who have the most interaction with the public, having a bachelors degree significantly increases commitment to community policing. It also gives them the chance to get to know the communities they will police. These officers tend to work more proactively with community members to resolve issues and prevent problems rather than only reacting to incidents when called. It is unique devotion to people which comes along with the territory. Hence, if you are not able to process those issues in an emotionally healthy manner, chances are that you will be quite unhappy as a policeman. However, while you can do a great job for your community, it can be quite annoying and exhausting to work at nighttime. The job is simply too hard for that and you would just not become happy if you dont have an inner motivation for it. Their responsibilities include not only preserving the peace, preventing criminal acts, enforcing the law, investigating crimes, and arresting those who violate the law but also directing traffic, community relations work, and controlling crowds at public events. Since there will always be people who dont comply with the law, police officers will always be needed and your future job prospects will be quite decent. If you dont get any support from the right influential people, your chances of making it to the top will be almost zero. For instance, one disadvantage of being a police officer is that you will not get rich. An example of police discretion is when a car gets pulled over for speeding. In fact, it can even make you much stronger and overcoming our fears is crucial to really grow in character and to develop a more stable personality. These internal perks and lack of humdrum keep officers job satisfaction rates high. Police officers run the risk of misinterpreting a statute and violating someone's rights. Quite often, you will see families breaking apart and you will also see the worst of humanity. Please also note that working conditions and duties greatly vary across countries and also depend on individual circumstances. Officers get to work on an individual basis as well as in a team environment. It means that police in their blue uniforms often act as a line between lawfulness and illegal acts. Our ethics and morals have been tossed out the window and replaced with disconnect and desensitized human shells. Police culture is full of many coping skills and personality transformations. This does not mean that police officers can make unlawful decisions, but rather that they must use their knowledge of what is lawful and reasonable and what is unlawful and unreasonable to make appropriate decisions in stressful circumstances. This can be rather unclear in many situations and one mistake in this regard can even cost your life. ], Copyright 20102023, The Conversation Media Group Ltd, Presidents Task Force on 21st Century Policing, almost 30% less likely to fire their weapons in the line of duty, lower rate of officers assaulted by civilians, more satisfied with how police serve their community, increases commitment to community policing, moral reasoning and openness to diversity, identifying quality information and scientific evidence, Committee Member - MNF Research Advisory Committee, PhD Scholarship - Uncle Isaac Brown Indigenous Scholarship, Associate Lecturer, Creative Writing and Literature. College-educated officers are also less likely to shoot their guns. 1. By far, the residual payoffs outweigh the bad. Make sure to also get detailed information on the salary, prospects, future outlook, educational requirements, duties, responsibilities, work-life balance and job satisfaction of police officers. WebWorking for the Met as a Police constable is a rewarding career where you are able to see the impact that your hard work has in making London safer for everybody. Another advantage of being a policeman is that you can keep your neighborhood safe. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'environmental_conscience_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_13',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Yes, there are people who simply dont like them. Conversely, the prosecutor can decide whether or not offer a plea bargain so that the defendant does not have to go to trial. However, the majority of the general public is still thankful for the help and security police officers ensure on our streets. Police officers are called upon to think quickly and handle difficult emergency situations and, in some instances, save lives. When the police perform their official duties, there is a certain level of discretion they must use. Varied hours. In turn, many officers are simply not able to process those experiences in an emotionally healthy manner and will suffer from mental problems like depression later on in their lives. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Cons of a Career as a Probation Officer. In fact, night shifts are rather common and if you dont want to work at night, you should just go for another occupation instead. Environmental Conscience aims to provide unique high-quality content that is helpful to the reader. We often compete with our peers and families in outdoor games and sporting events. You will never know what happens during your shift and every operation could potentially be the last one for you. Whether it is a call to action in the line of duty or a personal crisis, the blue family will be there for one another come hell or high water. In fact, many police officers see things during their career that are that disgusting that they have difficulties to mentally process and to forget them their whole lives. Select the option or tab named Internet Options (Internet Explorer), Options (Firefox), Preferences (Safari) or Settings (Chrome). In fact, especially if you have children, it can be quite hard to go to work as a police officer since you know that you might never come back and so do your children and your wife. Hence, as a policeman, you will have a significant level of freedom regarding where and on what topics you want to work on. The use of discretion allows the police officer the flexibility necessary to perform their job. A lock ( A police officer can also impact the area they serve as a whole. In fact, unlawful behavior doesnt care about holidays too much and you as a police officer have to chase the bad guys on holidays as well. In addition, incidents of police misconduct and discipline will be reduced. There are many pros and cons of being a security officer. Police work is rife with circumstantial stressors. All rights reserved. Advantages of Being a Police OfficerPolice officers enjoy a high reputation in society. Cops never get bored. Police officers have a high fitness level. Many police officers have an inner motivation to do good for others. Your colleagues will become your second family. Police officers can earn a decent salary. Good future job prospects. You learn how to deal with people. More items Juvenile Justice System & Law | The Rights of Juvenile Offenders, Critical Issues Facing Women & Minority Police Officers, Use of Force Continuum | Use of Force Models & Examples, Ethics, Discretion & Professionalism in Policing. While some people still believe in the best of people, police officers just have a hard time doing so since they experience so many bad things every day. Many police officers are also just not happy with their jobs. If you make mistakes, you may also get fired. Similarly, researchers have found that officers with at least a two-year degree were 40% less likely to lose their jobs due to misconduct. However, Ive quit pretty soon after that since I havent found true meaning in my job. The officer can use their discretion and decide whether or not to issue a ticket, issue a warning, or make an arrest. By arresting suspects and leading investigations, a police officer can keep the community safe from people who are committing crimes. Another advantage of becoming a police officer is that it can also help you overcome your fears. Police officers toe the thin blue line, the line between lawfulness and illegal acts. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-banner-1','ezslot_15',144,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-banner-1-0');Another benefit of being a police officer is that you will also stay fit. The police discretion definition refers to the freedom of police officers to make decisions as they perform their official duties. Moreover, I also dont think that people want to be supervised and controlled solely by machines. Departments thrive on performance standards, physical fitness levels, and various talents. Comraderies among peers also deflect negative work thoughts. Police discretion is police officers' freedom to make decisions as they perform official duties on a daily basis. Consequently, be aware of the fact that people will not respect you that much anymore and that you will have to deal with insults or even attacks sooner or later in your career. Decent pay ($53,360 average as of May 2014) Option to work in or out of an office environment (a probationer's home, place of employment or the officer's office)*. Chances are that it can get much better if you stay ambitious and try to get into different departments. All rights reserved. They are also terminated less frequently for misconduct and less likely to use force. In turn, you will have pretty good job prospects and dont have to fear losing your job due to automatization in the near future. You may also just not be eligible for a career as a police officer. Cops are not immune to the changes in the divisiveness of society and the emotional drama associated with it. Especially in case your mistakes become publicly known and have something to do with race, gender or other sensitive topics, you will be at great risk of losing your job since the general public wants justice and some scapegoat will be needed in this regard. In fact, this can get really nasty, especially if your mistakes have led to serious adverse outcomes. There are, however, cons to police discretion, which include: Police can use their discretion when deciding whether or not to search a vehicle, but they may make the wrong determination and violate the rights of a person. Racing through traffic to crime scenes, risking being shot and approaching unsuspecting criminals are just some of the daily activities that make being a police officer dangerous. Almost 90% said they had come to understand the community, which they believed would serve them in their criminal justice careers. Although juries do have instructions, it is ultimately up to all twelve individuals to use their discretion when hearing a case and evaluating the facts. Additionally, one study found that police departments that required at least a two-year degree for officers had a lower rate of officers assaulted by civilians compared to departments that did not require college degrees. As you can see, there are many additional benefits for police officers and this can compensate for the relatively low salary policemen get at the beginning of their careers. Research shows that, overall, college-educated officers generate fewer citizen complaints. However, I will not take any responsibility for incorrect information and will not be liable for any negative consequences that might occur due to the reliance on this information. Resources in the criminal justice system are limited and must be used efficiently. Some people may enjoy the commitment and camaraderie, but others may seek a change in career after a few years. Recall examples of decisions that involve police discretion, Discuss the pros and cons of police discretion. Police officers keep our streets safe and resolve conflicts between people on a daily basis. In fact, you will spend plenty of time together and will be able to talk about myriads of different topics. This could mean that you will not be able to celebrate Christmas or other important holidays with your family and your kids will be quite sad and may even resent you for that in the long run. The disadvantages of police officer discretion are that it can escalate a situation or violate someone's rights if applied improperly. Our fuses and energy become shortwith sleep deprivation, long shift hours, societal isolation, and continued exposure to negative human elements. There are advantages to police discretion, such as allowing officers the flexibility to perform their job, allowing officers to make quick determinations when On the other hand, the use of police discretion has been criticized for negative aspects. However, the police have to use their discretion when deciding to perform a search. In fact, many people struggle with it since it destroys the natural sleeping rhythm. For instance, one problem with being a police officer is that the job can simply be quite dangerous. Being a police officer in America is a tough job.. Probation officers play a significant role in society and in the law enforcement process. 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