With their remaining guardian deceased, she and Rachel were supposed to be sent into foster care, but Nina Sharp used her influence to have them placed under her care. She was rushed to the hospital and declared brain dead. The Fringe division later learned that their version of the machine was activated at 6:02 AM on its own, and Walter suspected the two machines were tied by quantum entanglement, with their version of the machine destroying their world to stabilize the parallel one. As Olivia recounted the name of another cryogenics facility from Bell's note, she received a text message from "Charlie" warning her that Nina is the shapeshifter. However, Walter discovered that this ability was not easily controlled and, moreover, required intense emotional stimulation to activate. However, through concentration, Dunham appeared to extinguish the lights and disable the bomb, though she attributed it to a simple timer that caused the lights to cut off, and not to any personal ability, though Peter disagreed with her. Olivia in the Peter-less universe was adopted as a child along with her sister by Nina Sharpe whom she considers a surrogate mother. After she did so, Peter took a moment to recall the events of his life, including his experiences with Olivia, and then stepped into the machine. ("Lysergic Acid Diethylamide"). Olivia. This fear, which stemmed from the abuse by her stepfather, discouraged Walter from continuing his experiments with her. [13], After Olivia tells Peter she no longer wants to be with him, even though that's not what her heart wants, she tries to remain distant and impassive. 28 ("Pilot" to "Power Hungry")29 ("The Cure")30 (Season 2)31 ("Lysergic Acid Diethylamide")46 ("The Day We Died")32 (Season 4)57; physically 36 (Season 5)36 ("An Enemy of Fate") In the Lab. Olivia began to remember the gruesome trials she experienced, including footage from one test where she exhibited pyrokinesis. Upon interrogating Steig, Dunham discovers that John Scott had been speaking to Steig before the 627 incident, and had even been threatening him. Peter left her standing in the rain. Olivia began to develop super-hearing as a result of crossing to the parallel universe, and heard someone else in a house when on a case despite the man insisting he was the only one there. [12] After returning to work, Olivia is dismayed to discover that Peter had become intimate with her doppelganger. ("Midnight"), While investigating the case of a spontaneous combustion, Olivia learned that she was capable of experiencing an extended deja vu, apparently, a glimpse of the Alternate Universe. We didn't write anything for her because well, now you know why. Agent Olivia Dunham is an FBI special agent and multiagency DHS liaison recruited by Philip Broyles to be part of a secret task force within the FBI known as Fringe Division. Later that day, her stepfather Randall hit her with a belt, resulting in busting her lip. Olivia willingly participated in Walternate's tests in a sensory-deprivation tank located on Liberty Island to stimulate her Cortexiphan abilities. Meanwhile, Peter realizes that he is with alternate Olivia, causing her to flee and return to her own universe as well. In Jacksonville, she was part of a series of drug trials--previously thought to have been held only in Ohio--in which schoolchildren were used as test subjects. Her emotional reaction triggered her ability to see once again the "shimmer" around Peter that marked him as a native of the parallel universe. Episode Count Language: English Words: 5,653 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 3 Kudos: 2 Bookmarks: 2 . The Olivias and Walters cautiously agreed that they needed to put aside their differences to save both worlds, completely unaware of Peter's disappearance. In the alternate timeline, however, Olivia also had a much closer relationship with Walter Bishop, and seemingly Astrid too. While working on the case, Dunham recalled memories of her stepfather's abuse. Walter sent her to Grand Central Station to retrieve a Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11. Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Netflix. Olivia is the series' protagonist, and was introduced as an FBI Special Agent, working for a multi-agency task force of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security called the Fringe Division, dealing with supernatural events that are linked to experimental occurrences. Peter recalled the memories from the future and used the machine to merge the machine rooms from both universes into one thus creating a bridge, While Olivia and Walter and their doppelgangers stared each other down, Peter convinced the two sides to work together to try to repair the damage to save both universes, then suddenly disappeared. She carries the gun, they sit around and talk. Dunham was successful and Harris was jailed, though this case caused bad blood to form between FBI agent Phillip Broyles and Dunham. Olivia Dunham (Alternate Universe)/"Fauxlivia" When Alt!Olivia lost her Lincoln, the Lincoln from the prime universe chose to stay with her. Olivia accompanied Broyles and his family to the same hospital that Max, one of the victims who was saved, was being treated. After solving the case, Dunham received a letter that only said "thinking of you." Walter first put Olivia under heavy sedation, and she experienced meeting her younger, frightened self, but was still unable to trigger her ability. Though the Fringe Division that developed in this universe had been able to use amber to contain these vortices, a group called the "End of Dayers", led by a man named Moreau attempted to breach the fabric of reality at soft spots and create more vortices. Walternate planned on using Olivia's body in order for her alternate self to return home, as it would require a person of Olivia's mass to complete the transfer. Loeb was captured and interrogated by the FBI, and Dunham revealed that Samantha was dead, driving Loeb into a rage. During the case, Dunham discovered that her affair with Scott was not as secret as she had once thought, and she begins to question her entire relationship with Scott. Back in the isolation tank, Walternate had Olivia extracted from the tank and directed his agents to lock her up and sedate her. After spending much of season three apart, the pair are reunited when Walter discovers a way to open a bridge between two universes. It is unknown what happened to Olivia's biological father, although he is likely dead. Walternate is having Fauxlivia 's memories implanted into Olivia so that he can use her ability to cross from one universe to another. [4] Walter has a video of Olivia as a child, ostensibly recorded during the drug trials, which shows her curled up in the corner of the room next to a badly charred bed with Walter saying: "It's all right, you didn't mean it. Upon her arrival, Charlie Francis, her close friend and fellow agent, debriefed Dunham. She is comfortable in her skin now, and the stillness is pulled back in favor of more humanity. However, her incarceration was a kidnapping in this timeline, and her stay in the alternate universe lasted 2 weeks, instead of 3 months. I'm not a big believer in destiny, but it's hard to ignore something when every universe makes it happen. When Dunham escaped and calls for backup, she was instead tasered and brought in for questioning by Sanford Harris, a man she had earlier prosecuted for sexual misconduct. However, Olivia suddenly woke up, crying the Greekphrase Na einai kalytero anthropo apo ton patera tou. As revenge, Walternate promised Peter will face the same pain he suffered "but not all at once". However, Sam had disappeared and could not be found. Both Peters being severely ill, but their Peter dying. An abused Olive opens up to the wrong Walter. Olivia begins to realize how much Fauxlivia has consumed her life. Later that night, Dunham received a call from Sharp, who told her that testing had also occurred at a military base in Jacksonville, Florida, leaving Dunham to believe that she had been a test subject for the drug herself. ("A New Day In The Old Town"), Having recovered enough from the events of the previous episode, Olivia was released from the hospital, and was watched by the shapeshifter who had killed Charlie Francis and adopted his appearance. Walter found that his effort to store William's mind has failed, and took time to consider William's last message he gave to Olivia: "I knew the dog wouldn't hunt". It is revealed that the alternate Walter plans to use Olivia's Cortexiphan-derived abilities to find a way to safely cross universes, for which he needs her willing assistance. ("6:02 AM EST"). Olivia Dunham, shot and killed by Walternate out of revenge. Rated: T - English - Angst/Family - Chapters: 4 - Words: 3,557 - Published: Feb 27, 2021 - Olivia D., Peter B., OC. They say love knows no boundaries, and on Fox's multi-universe-traversing Fringe (Fridays at 9/8c), it truly doesn't . She has a live-in boyfriend named Frank Stanton who works as a virologist who specialized in infectious disease for the CDC and both of them are engaged briefly until he breaks up with her. "[36] Conversely, SFScope columnist Sarah Stegall believed Torv's early performance to be "downright wooden",[37] while others criticized the actress and character for being "cold and distant. I will never get over the perfection of Lincoln and Olivia. Olive and "Dr. Walter" at the daycare facility in Jacksonville, 1985. ("Reciprocity") Olivia questioned Peter Bishop since he had confused Olivia's coffee preferences with Fauxlivia's (with Olivia liking black coffee). As a result of the Cortexiphan, Olivia began regaining the memories of her previous life with Peter, a life that had been all but erased. ("Ability") Olivia proved to be the most capable and strongest of all the test subject children. During the raid, Agent Kent was infected with the toxin, linking Jones to the case and therefore giving Dunham a right to talk to Jones. Images: Warner Bros. Television; hellyeahfringe/Tumblr (11), The Real Reason Selena Gomez Hid Her Love Of Friends' For Years, Olivia Colman Is Creepy AF In The New Great Expectations Trailer, Austin Butler Reveals Whether He Will Appear In The 'Zoey 101' Sequel Movie, Paul Rudd Has This One Regret Over 'Friends Final Episode, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. However, Olivia felt that she needed to return to her normal environment and dealt with a case that made her reflect on Peter's own actions with Fauxlivia. Anna Torv described them as "remarkably alike. Harris instead instructed Dunham to raid a warehouse along with Charlie Francis and several others. The character was created by series' co-creator J. J. Abrams, and is portrayed by actress Anna Torv. ("6955 kHz"). We're so thankful that people can start to see her for who she really is. Too late, Olivia realized she had told "Charlie" the location of the cryogenics facility, and he relayed this to another agent. There was not one single universe in which Lincoln and Olivia were not part of each other's lives in some capacity. Shortly after reuniting, the pair discover that their relationship in the other universe never existed and Olivia has a new lover, Lincoln Lee. She is trained by Walter and William Bell as a guardian to protect the universe when a war between her universe and another, clash. With the help of the alternate universe's Agent Broyles, she is able to escape from custody and make it to alternate Walter's Harvard lab, where she uses the tank to return to her own universe. Consequently, "when Lincoln comes in, she's a little more open to him [than she was with Peter] and working with someone again."[24]. ("Os"). By the 4th season of the show Peter is erased from both universes. By the time Fringe arrived, Roland gave himself up willingly, and they found Amanda dead again. Olivia and Weiss brought the parchment to Walter, who recognized that Olivia's telekinetic powers must be used to turn off the machine in the parallel universe. Comparing Olivia to Fauxlivia, Torv felt that the two had many different characteristics. AliveDeceased (in the original timeline) Dunham, still skeptical of whether the drug existed, confronted Nina Sharp about the drug, who told her that William Bell had only tested it in Ohio to unsuccessful results in the early 1980's, during which Dunham was a three-year-old living at a military base in Jacksonville, Florida with her father. Later, Peter visited Olivia to rekindle their relationship when he noticed a drawing of the same man in the X t-shirt he saw in her mind. In episodes 4.19 Letters of Transit and 5.1 Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11, their daughter finds them and reunites them. After Walter searched through the SUV, he shut the door and Olivia suddenly ejected through the windshield. ("Safe") She played the oboe for six months. Walter surmised that the figure was a parallel Derek seen across a crack between the universes. As an adult, Olivia told Peter that she knew she wanted to be in law enforcement since the age of 9 ("The Ghost Network"). When Olivia finds and confides in Walter himself, he empathizes with her and threatens her stepfather Randall with a call to social services as well as the loss of financial support from the trial ("Subject 13"). They may not have been Fringe's primary love story, but in my universe their love was the star of the show. "[39], In a response to some early negative reactions to the actress' performance, Jon Lachonis noted in a review of the first season's seventh episode that "Anna Torv, whose chill portrayal of FBI agent and Pattern investigator Olivia Dunham has come under fire for being too wooden, seems to have reinvented her character to answer the critics. ("The Plateau"). As a back-up plan, the two travelled to Walternate's long abandoned lab at Harvard to use the sensory deprivation tank. She was told to grab random letters from the names, that once unscrambled read "you're gonna be fine". Anna Torv has both been nominated and won a number of international awards. ("The Transformation"), When David Robert Jones appeared at the Federal Building in surrender, he demanded to speak to Dunham only. Walter and Peter are called in to investigate the case of a very dead thirty year old man, that appears to be in his nineties. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Olivia chose to save Walter's life, and Newton replied "Now I know how weak you are". Olivia demonstrated that she learned how to control her Cortexiphan abilities. He took her to the disused child-care facility in Jacksonville, Florida, where the Cortexiphan trials were performed. In 2015 when Olivia is at a park with Etta and Peter they are caught up in a global attack by observers and she and Peter are separated from their daughter. Peter convinced her to open up about the abuse she had experienced. She has little family, as her mother died when she was in her early teenage years. Also while in Germany, Dunham was reunited with Lucas Vogel, an old flame. Throughout the case, she faced an emotional breakdown over the incident and her identity crisis. Walter attributed this to a piece of Scott's consciousness being transferred over to Dunham's mind. Olivia and Peter fight the Observers and loyalists. Nothing the Bishop men can't handle. Meanwhile, Peter and Walter try to move on with their lives unknowingly alongside alternate Olivia. Olivia was still treated with Cortexiphan, but without her meeting with Peter as a child. As a result, Olivia killed her abusive stepfather. Nina Sharp helped to set up Massive Dynamic's resources to track these occurrences, preparing to deploy limited supplies of the amber substance to contain them if needed. He began to test her emotions in various ways and discovered that fear was the key. Olivia has few close relationships. She ventured upstairs to investigate; after failing to find anything, she accidentally fired her weapon, narrowly missing Peter. 23 Sep. 2010. She is trapped in the alternate universe by Walternate, Walter's alternative self, while Fauxlivia replaces her in the prime universe. The loss and trauma she had experienced caused her to be much more anti-social and colder than in the original timeline. Relations [41] Midway through the second season, Sarah Stegall from SFScope believed Torv "had the most progress and the most satisfying development" of all the main actors, stating she "is now carrying this role with grace and strength". As Fringe's dimension-hopping became more and more unintelligible, Lincoln and Olivia became a constant for the fans to hold onto. Olivia became a part of the trials in 1982. Olivia was one of a group of preschool-age children who served as subjects of the experiment in her childhood home of Jacksonville, Florida. As in the original timeline, Olivia was instrumental in starting the Fringe Division and releasing Walter Bishop from St. Claire's to save her partner John Scott from biological attack. She convinced him to remove the tech and find another way. ("Amber 31422"), Olivia began to fear for her life, after Brandon Fayette (Alternate Universe) told that she was no longer needed as he had purified the chemical Cortexiphan from her. Bishop, incarcerated in a mental institution, was only allowed to be visited by immediate family members, however, so Dunham located Peter Bishop, Walter's son, whom she would use to visit Walter. Walter and Peter helped revive Olivia who immediately demanded to see Nina. It is this quality which both impresses and irritates Broyles, as it makes her a good agent but also makes her prone to biting off more than she can chew when it comes to pursuing suspects. However, they continue to work together and her time with Peter reminds her why she fell in love with him, and she tells him she wants to see him happy with her. Broyles, having listened to Olivia's conversation, knew in that moment that she had broken her conditioning, as the FBI had ceased to exist years earlier in the parallel universe. This is the episode to go to if. ("Concentrate and Ask Again"). Olivia gave him an address to a "safe house" in a suburban area, and, once there, thanks him and allows him to go. Initially, Gabel was cast for just the finale, and did not hear about his character's return until the end of the following summer. ("Ability"), Dunham returned to work soon afterward, and was called in to a case where a small boy had been found in a sealed underground tunnel. I think each of them sees things in the other they'd like to have. Olivia managed to escape the facility using her talent for remembering numbers and knocking several government men down. ("Grey Matters"), Newton planned to pull a building from the prime universe to the parallel universe. As Olivia and Fauxlivia are the same genetically, both of them are blonde as Olivia uses the alternate's dye to disguise herself. Status [23] She was nine years old when she shot her stepfather, and she states in an earlier episode that she knew what she wanted to do for a career "pretty much since [she] was nine", indicating a direct link between the childhood abuse and her job. During one such time, their tryst was interrupted with a phone call instructing her to go to Logan International Airport to help manage the Flight 627 incident. At the hospital following the events on Bell's ark, Olivia learned that she was pregnant. Later, her hallucination of Peter Bishop was trying to convince her that she does not belong to the world by giving her the facts that only the real Olivia would know. He explained this to a heartbroken Olivia, who firmly believed that she was "his" Olivia. Meanwhile, she convincingly portrayed the trauma and confusion of her captured-then-returned Olivia, whose emotional (and complicated) reunion with Peter made an outlandish situation real and moving. Although initially finding their conversations useless, he cured Olivia's inability to walk without a cane. This division is where she spearheads various paranormal events related to The Pattern, alongside civil consultant Peter Bishop and his father, Dr. Walter Bishop. Olivia has been described as driven, stubborn, relentless at her job and unwilling to give up until she succeeds. Olivia survives, with gaps in knowledge of the alternate universe's protocol. Henry removed the tracker from his taxi, having become sympathetic towards Olivia. Immortality: Directed by Brad Anderson. ("Safe"). "[28] Torv further explained, "Olivia wants to be the best, but [Fauxlivia] just wants to win;"[29] "There's just a front-footedness I think to [her], simply because she just doesn't carry the weight of the world on her shoulders like Olivia does. While working on the case, Dunham began to suspect that Mitchell Loeb was involved, and immediately went to search his house, eventually getting into a standoff and killing Samantha Loeb. She'd like to go home and let someone else shoulder that burden of saving the world for a few minutes. Olivia welcomes her boyfriend Frank that has just returned from Texas and wants to . Both Agent Broyles and Nina Sharp consider her to have much potential and talent, the latter even hoping to bring her on as an employee of Massive Dynamic. Season 3. Olivia Dunham is a fictional character and the main protagonist from the science fiction television series Fringe, which aired on the Fox Broadcasting Company in the United States from 2008 to 2013. Olivia and Peter got married. As the team began to collect pieces of the plan, Olivia bonded with her long lost daughter, only to have her taken away again by the insidious Captain Windmark, who shot her point blank. Giving orders in Central Park, moments before her death. Original Timeline : Shot directly in the head by Walternate, driven by revenge in 2026. In the second season finale, Olivia and Peter Bishop finally admit their feelings for each other and kiss. ("The Cure"), While investigating a parasite on the heart of fellow agent Mitchell Loeb, Dunham first met David Robert Jones, a prisoner in the German Wissenschaft Prison and a known bioterrorist. Olivia, who firmly believed that she was pregnant Phillip Broyles and Dunham revealed that was... Much more anti-social and colder than in the other they 'd like to go home and let someone shoulder... Stepfather, discouraged Walter from continuing his experiments with her doppelganger played the oboe for six months primary love,. Olive opens up to the disused child-care facility in Jacksonville, Florida Peter realizes that he with..., Florida, where the Cortexiphan trials were performed family, as her mother died when was! 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