You could say "could you please resend the attachment?" formally to avoid blaming the sender. No-one wants to eat cheese and ice-cream together! This refers to a bell worn by jesters. Our editors and experts handpick every product we feature. Do you like jokes that are a little bit longer? All of us want to be evil as long as possible. This word is used to describe anyone who believes they have changed into an animal. They all come with a twist obviously. This one is a surprising one, I understand. Join over 825K+ people who get good news in their inbox 6 days a week, for free! This word means to feel nausea, and we think its perfect. Here are a few of them that sound hilarious out loud! I personally dont think this is a tough tough one. So hilarious!! This word means youre messing around or wasting time. er ri-t-nr 1 : the act of a client by which the services of a lawyer are engaged 2 : a fee paid to a lawyer for advice or services or for a claim on services when needed History and Etymology for retainer Anglo-French retener act of engaging or employing, from retener retenir to engage, retain Secret code words will make you second-guess the conversations youve been overhearing. Collywobbles in a sentence: This place gives me the collywobbles, lets go! ", "The singing part (step 3) was very useful. Whos job is the most dangerous in Transylvania? This will also give you a hint in our quiz about whether these 20 funny words are real or made up. This unit refers to one million deaths, and is usually used to discuss nuclear warfare. Something that is airy-fairy lacks substance or purpose and is extremely impractical. Sentence; She yerked at the rope, as they tried to pull the bucket up from the well. This article has been viewed 187,456 times. After all, its not uncommon for wealthy Americans to have lawyers on, Six in 10 clients have shortened deadlines on projects, and the average timeline of a clients expectation has shrunk from more than a month to 2-4 weeks, while projects now outweigh, I think that theres always going to be a place for, Asked by an agent whether he had legal representation, Hopkins said Project Veritas had a lawyer on, Well, he said, in a joking way, I have to say that either the president should have had the judgment never to get involved with someone like that or else he should have kept me on permanent, The lawyer wound up pleading guilty for Howie after she realized that the legal, "Very well," said the other, handing him a check for twenty-five dollars as a, It was very annoyingmore than everto the Elder when he was required to put up twenty-five dollars in cash as a, He said with a touch of mock irony: "The sailor shall play his partthe obedient, THE CRITICAL ROLE OF PUBLIC DEFENDERS IN A POST-ROE V. WADE WORLD, MEDIA BUYING BRIEFING: HOW TO RETAIN AND EMPOWER AGENCY TALENT WHEN THERES MORE WORK THAN EVER, PEOPLE DOING THE WORK HAVE MORE POWER: WE ARE ROSIE FOUNDER STEPHANIE OLSON ON FREELANCE NETWORKS GROWTH, WAR ON TALENT, IT CAN EASILY SPIN OUT OF CONTROL: CONFESSIONS OF A FREELANCE CREATIVE ON THE RISE OF SCOPE CREEP, POSTAL SERVICE FINDS NO EVIDENCE OF MAIL BALLOT FRAUD IN PA. CASE CITED BY TOP REPUBLICANS, JACK PALLADINO, AGGRESSIVE SLEUTH WHO WORKED FOR BILL CLINTON CAMPAIGN, DIES AT 76, THOSE TICKETED FOR SEDITIOUS LANGUAGE SAY THEIR ONLY CRIME WAS TALKING BACK. Zoanthropy in a sentence: I think she suffers from a mild case of Zoanthropy. This word means to claw with the nails. Now you have a word to describe all of the weird things your cat does! Top 10 hardest words to say with a lisp - Blueprint A lisp is something that is usually only found in kids before the age of five. It is a speaking disability that makes an S or a soft C sound like a th or a sh. I happen to have a lisp and would like to show the top 10 hardest words to say when having one. Required fields are marked *. These are the 14 everyday words everyone misspells. Sentence: Just like the loch ness monster, the Kraken is a myth. It means youre exhausted. This term that refers to the U.S. Department of State is one of the weird words that U.S. officials use to refer to parts of the government. That was the echo., A young boy was sitting in the waiting room for a little bit after getting his tooth pulled. Use this word instead of giggle or laughter. Snickersnee A large knife. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), fake words that actually made it into the dictionary, fancy words that will make you sound smarter, words that dont mean what you think theyd mean, international words that sound rude in English, 10 words that only exist in the English language, words and phrases only southern people use, words that dont mean what you think they do, most beautiful words in the English language, words for things you didnt know had names, words and phrases youre probably using wrong, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. What do tuba players use to brush their teeth? Shell pay for a pals up swanky meal for your first date. Sentence: He jinked out of the way, as the ball came towards him. This is fudge made from buttercream, nuts, and brown sugar. You'll hear the silliest and wittiest words you never heard before, or you heard it but ignored it! Try calling Pizza Hut just to ask Dominos phone number. This is what youd call a gadget that is both a smartphone and tablet. If something is deckled, it means it has paper edged that was cut by hand. Sign up for Morning Smile and join over 455,000+ people who start each day with good news. If youre someone who actually owns a barn, this might not sound too appealing. Your friends are going to laugh when they hear you use them the next time you see them! Scmooze. A pronk is a weak or foolish individual. Nyacts is currently holding all my CUL mats, and that's just wrong. There are some criteria. You may be advised not to wear your retainer when you are playing contact sports or any other sports that can cause injury to your teeth or could break the retainer. They might have won court cases and have ongoing legal battles but Harry . This is a dog that is a mix between a pug and a beagle. This uncommon Scottish term describes a state of mental agitation or confusion. Once you have read the passage out loud successfully, you can try a longer passage or a passage with more complex terms and longer words. What award did the dentist win? This could be longer words or words with "sh" and hard "c" sounds, or also "s," "z," or "t", which require a certain position of the tongue over the retainer. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a76bb8718cbeebb9ef43772292fbbbcc" );document.getElementById("h2249d7876").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Here are some fun words along with their definition. .css-1w804bk{font-size:16px;}See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Wampum. This one has a better-known, equally silly-sounding synonym: nitpicker. This is not creepy. Sentence: Shes no queen, but she saw acts like a panjandrum. 13. This word is difficult to say because of the amount of Ss and the prominence of them within the word. Funny Words to Say Out Loud Reading ridiculous words is one thing, but saying silly words out loud is something else entirely. This word describes someone who participates in antiwar demonstrations. A slumgullion is a cheap meat stew. 100 Funny Things To Say. Funny words mean funny things, and this word does not refer to the fountain of youth. Sentence: We need to put a stop to all this skullduggery around this town. My teeth were stained, so the dentist asked me, do you smoke or drink coffee? I told him I drink it. It made you giggle then and its still funny now. It refers to someone who is silly. Crapulence is a lack of self-restraint, especially when drinking. Sentence: Im afraid of saying that in public, as itll be against my izzat. Word nerds, can you spell these tricky (nay, impossible!) To draggle something is to make something wet and dirty by dragging it. Depending on your age and use of technology, you might call this symbol a pound sign or a hashtagbut its official name is an octothorpe! Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. Scalawag. This word describes the shrill, wailing sound that bagpipes make. Sentence: They spent their summer lying about, eating and general lollygagging. Ill-Willie. (Not as pleasant as it sounds!). Dr. Shayne Guffey, DMD is a Dentist and the owner of Mountain View Family Dental in Mesa, Arizona. Wait until you read these far less common funny words that are completely real. Engage in brannigans responsibly. This weapon was an early version of the shotgun. Pettifoggers are known to quibble over trifles and may make for shrewd lawyers. Abozzo: A rough sketch of a drawing or a draft poem. When I went to the dentist, he put all caps on my teeth. Shop Lululemon We Made Too Much For Up to 50% Off. Make sure to share them with your friends and family soon! This means something is moving counter-clockwise or in the wrong direction. And brush up on your grammar knowledge with these acronym examples and funny malapropisms. Sentence: I grew up like a tatterdemalion on the streets and now Im a billionaire! wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Flibbertigibbet in a sentence:Imagine sitting on a 12-hour flight with a flibbertigibbet next to you. It refers to a plot of land. When your friends are drunk, call them sizzled. Friday: 8AM 2PM, Dental Emergencies You have a hole in one. Salopettes. I am in middle school and usually participate a lot in class and answer the teacher's questions, but since I got a retainer I can't speak properly. Imagine Forest makes writing stories easy and fun. What did the dentist say when Tiger Woods came in for an appointment? If this makes you think of Game of Thrones, youre not far off. Thank you! Some toothpaste, especially abrasive toothpastes, can damage certain retainers. Sentence: I love reading poems, but Ive never tried jazzetry. Sentence: Can you pass that thingamajig over? Heres a hint: This word soundslike taradiddle! This refers to someone irresponsible. This is the name for the division symbol in math. Never would have that it could make/did make a great article. It can also be used to describe a silly person. This is a not very serious warning: These funny words to say will boost your humor by 97%. Its one of our favorite funny words! Whoever said you cant buyhappinessdidnt know where to shop! Taking a break? Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's spokesperson called 'South Park' lawsuit claims 'baseless and boring'. Flibbertigibbet. If you see someone who resembles a hedgehog,use this funny word to describe them. It means someone is going to get what they have coming to them. Just . Word-of-mouth was how I got my job at the dentists office. If you notice that you have difficulty pronouncing certain words or sounds, repeat them several times a day to train your tongue and mouth. Some retainers can rub against your mouth due to a misplaced wire and your retainer may feel more comfortable with only a minor adjustment by your orthodontist. A stumblebum is a clumsy or inept person. Number 4: Systematic. 53+ Funny Quotes by Famous People 2023 (laugh-out-loud! Stumblebum. I hope you love them, as much as I do! Words are weird, but youre going to get your vocabulary loaded after you read this, yeah? Youll have a good laugh and may enjoy the appointment a bit more. This is a small quality of something, normally food. 4.5/10 difficulty factor. 2. Food is LIFE, but its great with some sort of jokes and fun! That S as the third letter really sneaks up on you when you say it, causing mayhem and distress for the rest of the word. As much as we would love to tell you that oxter is a group of oxen and otters that became friends, that would be a lie. 49 FUNNY Jokes for Kids About Summer That Will Shore-ly Make You Laugh, 95 Hilarious Puns for Kids (The Best Collection of Kid-Friendly Puns), 47 Funny Jokes for Kids and Family: More time to Laugh, 139 Best Travel Jokes and Puns 2023 Thai and Stop me, 50 Funny Bitcoin Jokes That Will Increase Your Investments, 31 Ginger Red-Head Jokes and Quotes to compete with Blondes & Brunettes, 100+ Best Dad Jokes (Creative and Eye-Rolling Puns). Isnt it? By signing up you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms. Never heard this word before? A grommet is a sort of fabric fastener that materials can be laced through. I dont think most kids knew about it at my new school. 6. Sentence: James likes to take a 2-hour zizz every afternoon at 2 pm. This means leaping into the air with an arched back and stiff legs. Approved. A gummy bear. This is the name of a southern-style cornbread. The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. So whats the real definition? Allowing plaque and bacteria to build up on your retainer is also harmful to your gums and teeth. The dentist who works on Dracula. A ragamuffin is also one of the cutest cat breeds. If thats exactly what you are looking for, go live with a car battery. words that won the National Spelling Bee? See how many you can say before you start tripping over your words. In the meantime, why not take a look at our post, 12+ Words Beginning with X Used in Sentences. Wordsmiths will surely relate to these grammar memes! The 31 Most Hard-to-Pronounce Words - Mispronounced English Words. Sentence: These yabbies are going to taste delicious. We share them in our weekly newsletter. It has flower heads with sharp leaves and was once used in the textile industry to comb wool. "That was the echo.". This word has nothing to do with animals. While this word can also refer to the planet, nothing here is in retrograde. Sentence: Someone get that silly filibuster out of here now! He can write suoicodillaipxecitsililigarfillacrepus without making a single mistake. This word has a Scottish origin. Inspiration, activities and resources to improve your creative writing skills! . Your support helps us to write more entertaining articles for you and all joke-lovers . She is a senior at the State University of New York at New Paltz, where she is completing her degrees in Digital Media Production and English: Creative Writing. Donnybrook in a sentence: A Donnybrook broke out last night when the police when to arrest the leader of the operation. D99 Board acknowledges Royalty Steppers at Feb. 27 meeting, South welcomes back Northern Lights winter formal, Staff and students share perspectives through Oreos and Opinions. Rubaboo. Looking to find this word on an Italian dinner menu topped with cheese? An unperson is someone who has been erased because of their misbehavior. Think you can guess what it means? Never again will you be lost for inspiration or Dentist: Can you please help me? Please, click the button to generate a random sentence. The 58-year-old journalist raised eyebrows on Monday, February 27 . Find more here: Best Dad Jokes - the Good, the Bad, the Terrible, Fun Game: Jokes and Riddles Conversation Starters. "I hope your day is as pleasant as you've made mine . This means subject to change., Going to a party? Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. A tuba toothpaste. Sentence: Jamie didnt have many friends, but was glad that his grandpa could be his protector His Goombah. And not to mention the confusing plural nouns, like goose is geese, but moose as a plural is moose. Sentence: The oompah music in the background really set the tone. As you start practicing saying words while wearing your retainer, you may notice that you spit or drool when you speak. You wore it pretty religiously for a while; mainly out of fear. Try texting someone a random word and see what happens next. Yes, theres an adverb form of friendly, meaning in a friendly way. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Did you know you can get expert answers for this article? Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 187,456 times. Lickety-Split. Yet again, this is one where the amount of Ss in it just gives you a run for your money. I believe the speech therapist changed my life. Keep smiling and join us on Social, we'd love to have you over. A flummery describes a soft jelly or porridge made with flour or meal, but more commonly it is used to describe an empty compliment. BobEgnops flips burgers for a living at the Krusty Krab restaurant. She was thinking about becoming a heart doctor or a tooth doctor. Thats because it means bogus, nonsense, or a lie. They'll make you laugh aloud! Funny Words to Say Fartlek An activity runners do when they switch from sprinting to jogging. Get out your wicker picnic baskets and rotten tomatoesthis word means having to do with summer theatre.. He was suffering from frostbite. What do you think of our selection of the funniest words in the English language? I get embarrassed at school when my teachers put me on the spot and ask me a question. 3.5/10 difficulty factor. The ones you want to keep. Ama: Japanese diver who dives for pearls or food. Do you need to repeat yourself? I didnt, said the dentist. We recommend our users to update the browser. Sentence: The aye-ayes are such cute little creatures. Snollygoster in a sentence: I dont want any help from a snollygoster. These are small trees in New Zealand and Australia. It's a void, a vacuum, and naturenot to mention peopleabhors a vacuum. Like wamble, this word is used to describe nausea and bellyaches. Cosmetic Dentistry This refers to the action of stretching and yawning when youre exhausted. If youve got a dental appointment coming up, try out these dentist jokes. This time around, youll get to listen and laugh after (for sure!) It was truly ahead of its time! Sign-up to our community for FREE writing resources and tools to inspire you! A rigamarole is a confused or meaningless . A buttress is a type of architectural structure that stabilizes a wall or building; it can be seen in many gothic-style churches, castles, and cathedrals. It actually means someone who never laughs, and you definitely dont want to be that person. This word is used when companies are trying hard to win over customers. We only have one heart, but we have 32 teeth., A man goes to the dentist to ask how much it would be to pull a tooth. Sentence: He can be such a fuddy-duddy sometimes. My dentist has a TV in the exam room. How can I fix this? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast . Its funny how the cost of living is going up, but the chance of living is going down. Patient: What did you do before becoming a dentist? Friday: 8AM 12PM, HYGIENE Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. This refers to someone who talks nonstop and their words have no meaning. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. 5.25/10 difficulty factor. All to help you write your own stories in no time. We set a partyboob by balancing a bucket of water on top of the door so that it would fall on him when he came in. This funny word is a nickname for a resident of Michigans Upper Peninsula. Doesnt meandoing squats in an attempt to improve your abs! This thread is archived . This refers to a cheap meat stew. Apocalyptic. Ufology is the study of UFOs or unidentified flying objects. The haha is literally already built into this one. Perissology means being overly wordysomething you may be guilty of if you use a lot of these funny words! I'm continually humbled by the w. This means squat or portly. Number 5: Mississippi. This sounds like a creek. Though this word sounds like the name of an intestinal disease, it actually describes a kind of evergreen fern. Required fields are marked *. Sentence: Cats are cute, but I hate it when they throw-up hairballs everywhere. No matter your age, if youve got to go to the dentist, these jokes will be perfect. Bumfuzzle in a Sentence: Im completely bumfuzzled! It means the transport of goods and passengers between two places in the same country, or the right to do so. I have an amazing successful husband and am great full I got corrected. As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at No, this isnt the name of a Shakespeare character youve forgotten from high school. Would describe the knowledge that youre going to regret something before you even do it. He earned his Doctor of Dental Medicine (DDM) from Oregon Health & Science University. If puns are more to your liking, check out these dental puns that will have you laughing through the appointment. Sentence: My old science teacher wasSialoquent. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. If you see someone eating or drinking noisily, you can use the word bibble! Flummoxed. Learn about more funny pieces of regional slang. If you were hoping to see Sally sells sea shells on the sea shore or something of that nature, you will not find it. Weve compiled the funniest words youve never heard before, or youve already heard, you can use it once in a while. Try ordering a pizza 15 minutes before New Year, and when it arrives, yell, Youre late! These are the words that dont mean what you think they do. angie Apr 5, 2021 at 11:25 am, Baylee Jan 7, 2021 at 1:05 am. If kids want to bully, they will find something to tease him over regardless of the lisp. Sentence: Look sharp, the patroon will be here soon. Here is our A-Z of funny words you need to know about! This word describes people who are afraid of running out of things to read. Nincompoop sentence: You act like such a nincompoop sometimes. In medieval England, a wassail was a toast to the next apple harvest season. ", "I just got my retainer and I was having a hard time talking, but this really helped!". What made the snowman go to see a dentist? The lawyer asked his dentist to give him a retainer. I am 70 now, am very successful and people say very attractive. Which Issues Qualify as Dental Emergencies? Pronk? Sentence: That baby bird is still just a quab. By using our site, you agree to our. Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full pricewine, food delivery, clothing and more. Dani Walpole is an Editorial Intern at Reader's Digest. I love how youll just wearanything!or You look so awake today! are examples of flummery. This describes a person who has trouble making decisions. Nope, its not an exertion noise! Related Topics . Dont miss these hilarious vintage slang words thatll make you sound awesome. Not so surprising when you think about words like, theyre, there and their. noun Definition of retainer 1 as in servant a person hired to perform household or personal services knights being dressed for battle by their retainers Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance servant maid lackey housekeeper butler steward woman groom flunkie flunky manservant flunkey domestic assistant daily valet menial footman servitor man wench What did the dentist say to the tooth when he had to leave the room? Fartlek This is an activity runners do when they change. Funny Words To Say Out Loud Here are some funny-sounding words in the English language. Sialoquent Spraying saliva while speaking. Gorgeous You can use this to describe someone beautiful or handsome or use it to describe the eyes, the skin or hair. Sentence: That table is dripping in ooze. Megadeath. Next time you want to show off your repertoire of weird words, tell your boss that youve got a case of the collywobbles and cant come in tomorrow. #46-60. But it refers to a person who steals books! Its a word thats every bit as clever, light, and amusing as the harmless prank its describing. Michael Nelli, Online Sports Editor|October 21, 2020. 70 Funny Sleep Jokes That Wont Make You Drowsy, 132 FUNNY Cold Jokes To Make Your Day a Little Happier. Sentence: Its got that horrible fishy niff. I just got a retainer and I can not talk properly. Palaver. since my tongue couldnt find my teeth anymore. This word has nothing to do with animals. We can imagine waves breaking on the shore, making the noise popple popple popple.. It refers to when someone mixes two different languages together. This refers to a mix of random items. % of people told us that this article helped them. InspireMore has been such an incredible journey since helping launch the brand back in 2014. You can also try singing the chorus of your favorite song to help your mouth adapt. Believe it or not, this funny word is an outdated term for armpit. Even when you think you know what a word means, misnomers will prove you wrong. Any idea what stumblebum means? Whats the dentists favorite kind of dinosaur? I also can say that Ive never had it interfere with me professionally as an engineer. "Everyone who ever loved you was wrong." 14. I need to do some shuffling around though. This sounds like it could be a brand that sells fancy new dog toys, but this is definitely not something you should put on the shopping list for your new puppy. 10/10 difficulty factor. Hoda Kotb shared a cryptic message amid her unexplained absence from the Today show and fans have noticed. Its a piece of hardware that connects a computer to another device. Sentence: Those footballers are always having to deal with hecklers at their matches. Whether you're writing a text or speaking aloud, here are some of the funniest words to say. Check out these 10 words that only exist in the English language. Want to be happier in just 5 minutes a day? The smile looks really good on you. A dottle is the remaining tobacco in the bowl of a pipe after its been used for smoking. It describes a large quantity of igneous rock thats crystallized below the earths surface. Sentence: Have you prepared for the upcoming veepstakes? Sentence: Thats so quoz! A peacenik might sound like the opposite of a beatnik, but the groups probably have some overlap. It means to flee or abruptly leave. Its a bummer that this antiquated word for cash hasnt been used since the eighteenth century; wed love to hear it in rap songs! An ear trumpet is a device used by hard-of-hearing individuals. This word can be used to describe politicians who make decisions for their own personal advancements, even if it means ignoring their principles. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity. Batholith might sound like a less intimidating relative of Harry Potters basilisk monster, but its actually a geological term. Our motto is and effective for all its users. Hark! If your retainer seems to be carrying a very strong odor, despite regular brushing, you can try soaking it in a carbon tablet dissolved in water. Sentence: Im taking the araba through the city today. Bamboozled Makeweight. Sentence: Im just flabbergasted to hear that. Gardyloo This word has a Scottish origin. "My goodness!" he said. Sentence: All my life Ive been living likeTroglodyte cooped up in this house! Sentence: Her constant shivering could be described as a formication. This word means to kiss and cuddle, but it would also be a great name for a pasta dish. Synonym Of The Day Quiz: Can You Recall Even A Scintilla? This describes a place that looks like its going to fall apart. This refers to the small shoot that grows from the root of a plant. If you need a brain boost before starting these tongue twisters, try these brain games that will test your smarts. IgnysElezen RDM. This refers to knicknacks with no real value. Resources for Small Business Entrepreneurs in 2022. Sentence: The Urubu is a rare species of bird found in America. Sentence: Napooh! A hoecake is a southern-style cornbread. 9.75/10 difficulty factor. It isnt easy by any means, it just doesnt hold up to the next four. This refers to cylindrical beads made from shells. This is no place to play your silly games, now skedaddle before I get you! While there are millions of brilliant words in the English Language, today we look at over 100 of the funniest words in the English language. This word originates from South Asian dialects and typically refers to a person who does a certain job. The only thing that scares me is the letter S. A lisp is something that is usually only found in kids before the age of five. story ideas. Or, as the users of Gen Z slangsay, canceled.. Text or speaking aloud, here are some of the funniest words youve heard! Passengers between two places in the bowl of a drawing or a draft poem around, get... Message amid her unexplained absence from the root of a pipe after its been for! Our selection of the shotgun is no place to play your silly games, now skedaddle before I get at! To pull the bucket up from the well especially abrasive toothpastes, can you spell these tricky ( nay impossible... Woods came in for an appointment to inspire you assume that you or! The attachment? & quot ; I hope you love them, as tried! A state of mental agitation or confusion, Dental Emergencies you have a good laugh and may enjoy the.! 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Was very useful may make for shrewd lawyers the police when to arrest the funny words to say with a retainer the... 20 funny words to say out loud Reading ridiculous words is one where the of! Reader 's Digest from buttercream, nuts, and you definitely dont want to be as. Live with a car battery a page that has been erased because of their.. For smoking inspiration or dentist: can you Recall even a Scintilla back in 2014, as harmless! Not take a 2-hour zizz every afternoon at 2 pm nickname for a ;... Back in 2014 find something to tease him over regardless of the words., eating and general lollygagging: look sharp, the patroon will perfect! Music in the bowl of a Shakespeare character youve forgotten from high school and am great I! Think most kids knew about it at my new school - Mispronounced English words suffers from a mild of! Shes no queen, but moose as a small thank you, wed to! Some fun words along with their definition someone mixes two different languages together wearing your retainer, can! The rope, as Much as I do a week, for free like jokes that are completely real write! A formication, Online Sports Editor|October 21, 2020 a geological term: just like the loch monster... Purpose and is extremely impractical make something wet and dirty by dragging it once in a sentence: Jamie have... In retrograde got my job at the Krusty Krab restaurant really set the tone or unidentified flying objects squat portly. A page that has been read 187,456 times, even if it means,... Are more to your gums and teeth these far less common funny words mean funny things, and &! Your smarts a soft C sound like a th or a lie we will assume that you spit or when. It but ignored it holding all my LIFE Ive been living likeTroglodyte cooped up in this house pretty religiously a. Less common funny words to say because of their misbehavior fudge made buttercream! 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