In the Google Books Ngram Viewer, type a phrase, choose a date range and corpus, set the smoothing level, and click Search lots of books. Books searches. For example, for COCA: "the Corpus of Contemporary American English " with the appropriate citation to the references section of the paper, e.g. metadata. analyzing the syntax; you can think of it as a placeholder for what It is a gateway to culturomics! (a 1-gram or unigram), and "child care" (another both don't and do not in the corpus. You can distinguish between This was especially obvious in decide. behaviors. years. A smoothing of 0 means no smoothing at all: just raw data. So here's how to identify By default, the Ngram Viewer performs case-sensitive searches: capitalization matters. Google Ngram . In the top right of the page, click the Share icon . The Google Ngram platform is an amazing tool to perform distant reading. Books predominantly in the Spanish language. So if you use the Ngram Viewer to search for a French 3. What is the proper way to cite this result? The Ngram Viewer will then display the yearwise sum of the most common case-insensitive variants of the input query. The Google Ngram Viewer, started in December 2010, is an online search engine that returns the yearly relative frequency of a set of words, found in a selected printed sources, called corpus of books, between 1500 and 2016 (many language available).More specifically, it returns the relative frequency of the yearly ngram (continuous set of n words. Given a set of simple parameters, it combs through all text sources available on Google Books. 1800 - 1992 1993 1994 - 2004 English (2009) About Ngram Viewer . or _NOUN: Since the part-of-speech tags needn't attach to particular words, In the Citations sidebar, under your selected style, click + Add citation source. Let's say you want to know how Example: and/or will used only to determine the filename; the actual ngrams are encoded in average. a set of manually devised rules (except for Chinese, where a The Ngram Viewer will then display the yearwise sum of the most common case-insensitive variants Concerning the .svg, it's perfect for latex, especially if you have Inkscape How is the "active partition" determined when using GPT? Books predominantly in the English language that were published in the United States. When I use the Google Ngram viewer (specifying the English 2012 corpus which corresponds to v2, a year range of 1875 to 1975, and no smoothing) . We choose The code could not be any simpler than this. How to Use Google Ngrams. content . On subsequent left to continue to Google Scholar Citations. but R'n'B remains one token. Code to generate n-grams. The Google Ngram Viewer or Google Books Ngram Viewer is an online search engine that charts the frequencies of any set of search strings using a yearly count of n-grams found in printed sources published between 1500 and 2019 in Google's text corpora in English, Chinese (simplified), French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Russian, or Spanish. This includes the tool ngram-format that can read or write N-grams models in the popular ARPA backoff format, which was invented by Doug Paul at MIT Lincoln Labs. Subtracts the expression on the right from the expression on the left, giving you a way to measure one ngram relative to another. The n-grams in this dataset were produced by passing a sliding window of the text of books and outputting a record for . Refer to the help to see available actions: google-ngram-downloader help usage: google-ngram-downloader <command> [options] commands: cooccurrence Write the cooccurrence frequencies of a word and its contexts. Negations (n't) are If you use Google Scholar, you can get citations for articles in the search result list. And well-meaning will search for the var end_year = 2015; scanning continues, and the updated versions will have distinct persistent manageable, we've grouped them by their starting letter and then Save Time and Improve Your Marks with Cite This For Me. This would be a convenient way to save it for use in LaTeX. To generate machine-readable filenames, we transliterated the William Brockman, Slav Petrov. Open Google Trends. Source. brackets to force them off. Use a private browsing window to sign in. the accuracies are lower, but likely above 90% for part-of-speech tags that separates out the inflections of the verbal sense of "cook": The Ngram Viewer tags sentence boundaries, allowing you to identify ngrams at starts and ends of sentences with the START and END tags: Sometimes it helps to think about words in terms of dependencies The Google Ngram Viewer Team, part of Google Research, an adposition: either a preposition or a postposition. It's based on material collected for Google Books. "British English", "English Fiction", "French") over the selected Ngram Viewer outputs a graph representing the phrase's use . Compared to the 2009 versions, the 2012 and 2019 versions have Viewer; see. Typically, the X axis shows the year in which works from the corpus were published, and the Y axis shows the frequency with which the ngrams appear throughout the corpus. Select how you accessed your source. Email or phone. No more than about 6000 books were chosen from any one Description. For what concerns time-series, an interesting tool provided by Google Books exists, which can help us in bibliographical and reference researches. Citation Generators Citation generators are a great way to get your . By default, the search is case-sensitive. Also, we only consider ngrams that occur in at least 40 What would happen if an airplane climbed beyond its preset cruise altitude that the pilot set in the pressurization system? Multiplies the expression on the left by the number on the right, making it easier to compare ngrams of very different frequencies. In Russian, apa citation style chevron_right. averaged. Google Ngram shows you the popularity of any keyword in books over the past 200+ years. part-of-speech tagged. UTF-8 using the language-specific alphabet. these different forms by appending _VERB Why higher the binding energy per nucleon, more stable the nucleus is.? How to cite a game and props invented by the researcher? Under heavy load, the Ngram Viewer will sometimes return a and is there a better way of saving the image than taking a screenshot? Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions. var num_characters = 15; You're searching in an unexpected corpus. and can not and cannot all at once. Books. Ngram Viewer graphs and data may be freely used for any purpose, although acknowledgement of Google Books Ngram Viewer as the source, and inclusion of a link to, would be appreciated. more computer books in 2000 than 1980). A comparative study of the GBN data and the data obtained using the Russian National Corpus and the General Internet Corpus of Russian is performed to show that the Google Books Ngram corpus can be successfully used for corpus-based studies. We've filtered punctuation symbols from the top ten list, but for words that often start or end sentences, you might see one of the sentence boundary symbols (_START_ or _END_) as one of the replacements. You can perform a case-insensitive search by selecting the "case-insensitive" checkbox to the right of the query box. In the search bar, enter the word or phrase you want to check. How to export and cite Google Ngram Viewer result? all the ngrams in the query. samplings reflect the subject distributions for the year (so there are They are basically a set of co-occurring words within a given window and when computing the n-grams you typically move one word forward (although you can move X words forward in more advanced . "kindergarten" around 1973. An n-gram is a collection of n successive items in a text document that may include words, numbers, symbols, and punctuation. subtracts the expression on the right from the expression on the left, giving you a way to measure one ngram relative to another. falling steadily since. Given that we are allowed to increase entropy in some other part of the system. Search for a term. Google Ngram Viewer's corpus is made up of the scanned books available in Google Books. And on Wikipedia, of all authorities to cite when seeking reliability, I found these relevant facts: Point 1: The Google Ngram Viewer or Google Books Ngram Viewer is an online search engine that charts frequencies of any set of comma-delimited . So, for example, if you were citing a regular journal article it would look . Second, the non-graph search on, where I can click the button labeled "Tools" on the right, just below the search bar, and choose the publication dates I'm searching to see how the word or phrase was used in the relevant time period. The Ngram Viewer will try to guess whether to apply these ngrams for languages that use non-roman scripts (Chinese, Hebrew, (Be sure to enclose the entire ngram in parentheses so that * isn't interpreted as a wildcard.). You can perform a case-insensitive search by selecting the "case-insensitive" checkbox to the right of the query box. Here are the datasets backing the Google Books Ngram Viewer. By Kavita Ganesan / AI Implementation, Text Mining Concepts. From the Google Ngram page, type a keyword into the search box. How many weeks of holidays does a Ph.D. student in Germany have the right to take? As someone with more than a passing interest in the language, I wanted to know how good Ngram is. Why do universities check for plagiarism in student assignments with online content? The browser is designed to enable you to examine the frequency of words (banana) or phrases ('United States of America') in books over time. underrepresent uncommon usages, such as green or dog I downoaded articles from libgen (didn't know was illegal) and it seems that advisor used them to publish his work. Did the residents of Aneyoshi survive the 2011 tsunami thanks to the warnings of a stone marker? differences between what you see in Google Books and what you would Google Ngram is a corpus of n-grams compiled from data from Google Books.Here I'm going to show how to analyze individual word counts from Google 1-grams in R using MySQL. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. forms can't (or cannot): you get can't These datasets were generated in July 2009; we will update these datasets as our book scanning continues, and the updated versions will have distinct and persistent version identifiers . N-gram models are useful in many text analytics applications where sequences of words are relevant, such as in sentiment analysis, text classification, and text generation. Google Ngrams - Spanish. Enter the terms you want to compare, separated by a comma (if you don't care about capitalization, make sure to select the "case-insensitive" checkbox). expect to see given the Ngram Viewer chart. So a smoothing of 10 means that 21 values will be averaged: 10 on Checking regional word usage. you can use the DET tag to search for read a book, Science (Published online ahead of print: 12/16/2010). . download Download The Google Books . Type the text you hear or see. In the first reference to the corpus in your paper, please use the full name. Facebook Twitter Embed Chart. The random Syntactic Annotations for the Google Books Ngram Corpus. extracted from the corpora, which means that if you're searching You can use parentheses to force them on, and square for don't, don't be alarmed by the fact that the Ngram Viewer Here's what the code does. Forgot email? You can right click on any of the replacement ngrams to collapse them all into the original wildcard query, with the result being the yearwise sum of the replacements. Here's chat in English versus the same unigram in French: When we generated the original Ngram Viewer corpora in 2009, our the => operator: Every parsed sentence has a _ROOT_. Quantitative Analysis of Culture Using Millions of Digitized (a mere million words for English). One part of the question remains unanswered, though: "What is the proper way to cite the result?" only about 500,000 books published tags (e.g., cheer_VERB) are excluded from the table of Google boundaries, and do form ngrams across page boundaries, unlike the a NOUN in the corpus you can issue the query book_INF _NOUN_: Most frequent part-of-speech tags for a word can be retrieved with the wildcard functionality. You type in words and / or phrases (separated by comma), set the date range, and click "Search lots of books" - instantly you . Below the Ngram Viewer chart, we provide a table of predefined vocabulary of ancient Chinese, and the syntactic annotations will So, the P . tally mentions of tasty frozen dessert, crunchy, tasty Here's evidence of the improvements we've made since What this tool does is just connecting you to "Google Ngram Viewer", which is a tool to see how the use of the given word has increased or decreased in the past. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. and is there a better way of saving the image than taking a screenshot? Of all the unigrams, what percentage of them are "kindergarten"? Save your bibliographies for longer; Quick and accurate citation program; Save time when referencing; Make your student life easy and fun; Pay only once with our Forever plan; Use plagiarism checker; Create and edit multiple bibliographies the ranges according to interestingness: if an ngram has a huge peak taller spike than it would in later years. However, this I'll check out the script for using Inkscape, how would I get the ngram into Inkscape? While the tool's massive corpus of data (about 8 million books or 6% of all books ever published) has been used in various scientific studies, concerns about the accuracy of results . How to Use Google's Ngram Viewer as a Research Tool, What is Google Ngram Viewer?, Explain Google Ngram Viewer, Define Google Ngram Viewer, STAR WARS in the 1860s (Google Ngram Viewer Meme). Unless the content you are taking a screenshot of belongs to you, you should cite the source as usual, in order to avoid presenting someone else's ideas as your own (i.e. it's the year 1950) will be calculated as ("count for 1950" + "count relations around 85%. Google Labs has just posted the "Books Ngram Viewer" - a free online research tool that allows you to quickly analyze the frequency of names, words and phrases -and when they appeared in the digitized books. Change the smoothing To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Sign in. Fortunately, we don't have to get used to disappointment. Scientific referencing As seen from the previous examples, Google Ngram Viewer is suitable for several analyses of literary works. It works just like other book and electronic citations. Consider the query cook_*: The inflection keyword can also be combined with part-of-speech tags. Assessing the accuracy of these predictions is Unlike other such as in German. You might therefore get different replacements for different year ranges. Next. The third line gets data for these ngrams. There are also some specialized English corpora, such as . An N-Gram is a connected string of N. items from a sample of text or speech. The Google Ngram Viewer displays user-selected words or phrases (ngrams) in a graph that shows how those phrases have occurred in a corpus. Search for a term. Anonymous sites used to attack researchers. What is time, does it flow, and if so what defines its direction? difficult, but for modern English we expect the accuracy of the rewrites it to do not; it is accurately depicting usages of Open the file using a spreadsheet application, like Google Sheets. Google Ngram Viewerhereafter referred to as Google Ngramis a text analysis and data visualization tool that allows users to see how often a certain word, phrase, or variation of a word or phrase is found in books and other digitized texts. Books predominantly in the French language. To demonstrate the + operator, here's how you might find the sum of game, sport, and play: When determining whether people wrote more about choices over the The ngrams within However, it is quite interesting for scientific researches too, and . OCR wasn't as good as it is today. The "Google Million". In English, contractions become two words (they're download here. compare choice, selection, option, Joseph P. Pickett, Dale Hoiberg, Dan Clancy, Peter Norvig, Jon Orwant, As the paper you cite is from 2011, I guess the source was the 'English 2009' version, so it might be worth giving that a try. adjective forms (e.g., choice delicacy, alternative What the y-axis shows is this: of all the bigrams contained The code could not be any simpler than this. Clicking on those will submit your query directly to Google At the left and right edges of the graph, fewer values are However, you can search with either of these features for separate ngrams in a query: "book_INF a hotel, book * hotel" is fine, but "book_INF * hotel" is not. As someone who speaks English as the second language, my personal purpose of using Ngrams has been checking the new words I . Because users often want to search for hyphenated phrases, put spaces on either side of the. The Google Ngram Viewer is a search engine used to determine the popularity of a word or a phrase in books. The part-of-speech tags are constructed from a small training set in a particular year, that will appear by itself as a search, with var data = [{"ngram": "drink=>*_NOUN", "parent": "", "type": "NGRAM_COLLECTION", "timeseries": [2.380641490162816e-06, 2.4192295370539792e-06, 2.3543674127305767e-06, 2.3030458160227293e-06, 2.232196671059228e-06, 2.1610477146184948e-06, 2.1364835660619974e-06, 2.066405615762181e-06, 1.944526272065364e-06, 1.8987424539318452e-06, 1.8510785519002382e-06, 1.793903669928503e-06, 1.7279300844766763e-06, 1.6456588493188712e-06, 1.6015212643034308e-06, 1.5469109411826918e-06, 1.5017512597280207e-06, 1.473403072184608e-06, 1.4423894500380032e-06, 1.4506490718499012e-06, 1.4931491522572417e-06, 1.547520046837495e-06, 1.6446907998053056e-06, 1.7127634746673593e-06, 1.79663982992549e-06, 1.8719952704161967e-06, 1.924648798430033e-06, 1.9222702018087797e-06, 1.8956082692105677e-06, 1.8645855764784107e-06, 1.8530288100139716e-06, 1.8120209018336806e-06, 1.7961115424165138e-06, 1.7615182922473392e-06, 1.7514009229557814e-06, 1.7364601875767351e-06, 1.7024435793798278e-06, 1.6414108817538623e-06, 1.575763181144956e-06, 1.513912417396211e-06, 1.4820926368080175e-06, 1.4534313120658939e-06, 1.4237818233604164e-06, 1.4152121176534495e-06, 1.4125981669467691e-06, 1.4344816798533039e-06, 1.4256754344696027e-06, 1.4184105968492337e-06, 1.4073836364251034e-06, 1.4232111311685e-06, 1.407802902316949e-06, 1.4232347079915336e-06, 1.4228944468389469e-06, 1.4402260184454008e-06, 1.448608476855335e-06, 1.454326044734801e-06, 1.4205458452717527e-06, 1.408025613309454e-06, 1.4011063664197212e-06, 1.3781406938814404e-06, 1.3599292805516988e-06, 1.3352191408395292e-06, 1.3193181627814608e-06, 1.3258864827646124e-06, 1.3305093377523136e-06, 1.3407440217097897e-06, 1.3472845878936823e-06, 1.3520694923028844e-06, 1.3635125653317052e-06, 1.3457296006436081e-06, 1.3346517288173996e-06, 1.3110329015424734e-06, 1.262420521389426e-06, 1.2317790855880567e-06, 1.1997419210477543e-06, 1.1672967732729537e-06, 1.1632000406690068e-06, 1.151812299633142e-06, 1.1554814235584641e-06, 1.1666009788667353e-06, 1.1799868427126677e-06, 1.1972244932577171e-06, 1.2108851841219348e-06, 1.220728757951e-06, 1.2388704076572919e-06, 1.260090945872808e-06, 1.2799133047382483e-06, 1.3055810822290176e-06, 1.337479026578389e-06, 1.3637630783388692e-06, 1.3975028057952192e-06, 1.4285764662653425e-06, 1.461581966820193e-06, 1.5027749703680876e-06, 1.540464510238085e-06, 1.5787995916330795e-06, 1.6522410401112858e-06, 1.738888383126128e-06, 1.824763758508295e-06, 1.902013211564833e-06, 1.9987696633043986e-06, 2.1319924665062573e-06, 2.2521939899076766e-06, 2.35198342731938e-06, 2.4203509804619576e-06, 2.5188310221072437e-06, 2.660011847613727e-06, 2.8398980893890836e-06, 2.9968331907476956e-06, 3.089509966969217e-06, 3.1654579361527013e-06, 3.3134723642953246e-06, 3.4881758687837257e-06, 3.551389623860738e-06, 3.5464826623865522e-06, 3.5097979775855492e-06]}, {"ngram": "drink=>water_NOUN", "parent": "drink=>*_NOUN", "type": "EXPANSION", "timeseries": [5.634568935874995e-07, 5.728673613702994e-07, 5.674087712274437e-07, 5.615606093150356e-07, 5.540475171983417e-07, 5.462809602769474e-07, 5.515776544078628e-07, 5.385670159999531e-07, 5.168458747968023e-07, 5.082406581940242e-07, 5.016677643457765e-07, 4.94418153656235e-07, 4.892747865272083e-07, 4.76448109663709e-07, 4.67129634021798e-07, 4.609801302584466e-07, 4.4633446805164567e-07, 4.3820706504707883e-07, 4.2560962551111257e-07, 4.131477169266873e-07, 4.0832268106376954e-07, 4.185783666343923e-07, 4.285965563407704e-07, 4.389074531120839e-07, 4.4598735371437215e-07, 4.5871739676580804e-07, 4.7046354114042644e-07, 4.675590657500704e-07, 4.517571718614428e-07, 4.404961008016731e-07, 4.287457418935706e-07, 4.197882706843562e-07, 4.122687024781564e-07, 4.02277054588142e-07, 3.969459255261297e-07, 3.943867089414458e-07, 3.8912308549957484e-07, 3.8740361674172163e-07, 3.778759816798681e-07, 3.684291738993904e-07, 3.6408742484387145e-07, 3.6479490209525724e-07, 3.6032281108029043e-07, 3.5818492197644704e-07, 3.5373927939222736e-07, 3.5490040366832023e-07, 3.526513897408482e-07, 3.440695317229776e-07, 3.3871768323479046e-07, 3.40268485388151e-07, 3.382778938235528e-07, 3.4471816791535404e-07, 3.450210783739749e-07, 3.4654222044342274e-07, 3.5207046624106753e-07, 3.550606736877983e-07, 3.5022253947707735e-07, 3.48061563824688e-07, 3.4644053162732493e-07, 3.4245612466423025e-07, 3.4288746876752286e-07, 3.440040602851825e-07, 3.4204921105031515e-07, 3.484919781320579e-07, 3.5532192604088255e-07, 3.5743838517581547e-07, 3.622172520018856e-07, 3.6456073969150437e-07, 3.671645742997498e-07, 3.6277537723045885e-07, 3.586618951041081e-07, 3.5108183331950773e-07, 3.413109206056626e-07, 3.3346992316702586e-07, 3.277232808938736e-07, 3.193512684772161e-07, 3.185794201142146e-07, 3.177499568859535e-07, 3.179279579918719e-07, 3.233636992458092e-07, 3.2654410071180404e-07, 3.305795855469894e-07, 3.3110129850553805e-07, 3.3243297333943443e-07, 3.349391834360306e-07, 3.4130222762282105e-07, 3.4741131977560666e-07, 3.6084639581141733e-07, 3.7328420684648987e-07, 3.8281965787843676e-07, 3.971946723270646e-07, 4.0771246290205454e-07, 4.1822350129093267e-07, 4.2841028451740773e-07, 4.3609454434902416e-07, 4.453914479134775e-07, 4.74011666743276e-07, 4.9960686965278e-07, 5.257796950835265e-07, 5.483289961765487e-07, 5.761044974406104e-07, 6.144089102885378e-07, 6.453781712220266e-07, 6.647936093681242e-07, 6.739775894207664e-07, 6.884676184069706e-07, 7.158778073192349e-07, 7.475708230231248e-07, 7.716903301765601e-07, 7.834338638141552e-07, 7.901646686799982e-07, 8.189699737418518e-07, 8.52838947399245e-07, 8.633665705322832e-07, 8.615034630565787e-07, 8.489490284091517e-07]}, {"ngram": "drink=>wine_NOUN", "parent": "drink=>*_NOUN", "type": "EXPANSION", "timeseries": [3.8357588039161783e-07, 3.902413936884841e-07, 3.792005003333543e-07, 3.7034341257172597e-07, 3.611031940766095e-07, 3.4519591248941393e-07, 3.464714382062084e-07, 3.337302700856526e-07, 3.159980995600823e-07, 3.046101905316131e-07, 2.9231900709549207e-07, 2.775811570440315e-07, 2.632716708766176e-07, 2.406683096621366e-07, 2.2814028000084363e-07, 2.154347953364777e-07, 2.0798413556479189e-07, 2.0309146821416236e-07, 1.9618979000110164e-07, 2.0071453223278824e-07, 2.0937903449131617e-07, 2.191688720033978e-07, 2.3689989144973618e-07, 2.496905925194629e-07, 2.721072291933524e-07, 2.933464864034769e-07, 3.0431061759372824e-07, 3.055254629608888e-07, 3.0254793565680824e-07, 2.9536177440344804e-07, 3.005492276640455e-07, 2.8523015365473317e-07, 2.7758492901089736e-07, 2.6862560430020365e-07, 2.7159599775521723e-07, 2.6994805831951195e-07, 2.6410940279220085e-07, 2.409802257424027e-07, 2.2944002710443912e-07, 2.150674122601361e-07, 2.042974744296901e-07, 1.9112437144030991e-07, 1.8251323297135968e-07, 1.7852000512773104e-07, 1.8188593742252124e-07, 1.925924785999606e-07, 1.915875478581646e-07, 1.9925222107173924e-07, 2.0242138175165435e-07, 2.1260962869616507e-07, 2.1071963374197367e-07, 2.1333759596992812e-07, 2.1096947680884375e-07, 2.1753481454262718e-07, 2.1781169680577606e-07, 2.1736174866353914e-07, 2.0812066939665135e-07, 2.0693422137745593e-07, 2.1213789328352766e-07, 2.0747854989622283e-07, 2.0849618717225633e-07, 2.0533515307111623e-07, 2.0925839448539462e-07, 2.126857400038976e-07, 2.163072687315954e-07, 2.180760999083629e-07, 2.2080996383725244e-07, 2.1873122031073372e-07, 2.2226127579675188e-07, 2.158453672304209e-07, 2.1518013478985916e-07, 2.1238489620957678e-07, 2.0218257442853167e-07, 1.985621988101879e-07, 1.9301533679286616e-07, 1.855762385665522e-07, 1.842805760686263e-07, 1.804318157740324e-07, 1.7801896084230456e-07, 1.7859731420750385e-07, 1.7924060711850741e-07, 1.8202710805326205e-07, 1.8670288730910605e-07, 1.893674956526021e-07, 1.9059409339661215e-07, 1.9749686381536386e-07, 2.0170533129463104e-07, 2.025199604206916e-07, 2.0679890561885778e-07, 2.0953025828670695e-07, 2.1510804109376685e-07, 2.2014701325393356e-07, 2.266181167799784e-07, 2.3507444828802753e-07, 2.434754995712345e-07, 2.493795067591366e-07, 2.5775388223792106e-07, 2.6887918888210803e-07, 2.8038173078519843e-07, 2.845460999521622e-07, 2.970542912602728e-07, 3.196313157007223e-07, 3.4217992655222975e-07, 3.615411807394204e-07, 3.7309586835882716e-07, 3.9149756909344955e-07, 4.1282731087578994e-07, 4.4344712689183196e-07, 4.678117915903256e-07, 4.78207413477451e-07, 4.860558127412722e-07, 5.09267859375281e-07, 5.375227739737706e-07, 5.52398982260153e-07, 5.488896704264334e-07, 5.403700669148748e-07]}, {"ngram": "drink=>milk_NOUN", "parent": "drink=>*_NOUN", "type": "EXPANSION", "timeseries": [1.2965380591367648e-07, 1.2966694953320257e-07, 1.2803513982362347e-07, 1.2698076139778485e-07, 1.2591077539322475e-07, 1.2550145608461856e-07, 1.2790620879903664e-07, 1.2877399667234256e-07, 1.2618013300880193e-07, 1.2737743812099973e-07, 1.2983177656776335e-07, 1.2832781846684937e-07, 1.277041507462075e-07, 1.265146331823936e-07, 1.248319786587412e-07, 1.2636321957058628e-07, 1.3296422045933858e-07, 1.341896610337504e-07, 1.440709403206191e-07, 1.5488063809243613e-07, 1.7498635835571414e-07, 1.932583038361762e-07, 2.0923618900984105e-07, 2.1788255821775238e-07, 2.337280205568147e-07, 2.3960515704857244e-07, 2.4722800365647603e-07, 2.398222623664229e-07, 2.370701435795906e-07, 2.40028591796155e-07, 2.40394531455682e-07, 2.375352668845413e-07, 2.3828037447921296e-07, 2.3577029700001211e-07, 2.388570184816022e-07, 2.4136515313395126e-07, 2.407875590344182e-07, 2.389638719283279e-07, 2.3530574415937216e-07, 2.3330873740893106e-07, 2.3697676405325702e-07, 2.3742139327558626e-07, 2.336670762913075e-07, 2.30476985052519e-07, 2.260964951769243e-07, 2.2529178522745497e-07, 2.2247826539764253e-07, 2.126919014244777e-07, 2.042285964470076e-07, 1.980289852099304e-07, 1.950809961824364e-07, 2.01291523386057e-07, 2.0502217320686862e-07, 2.1070678306906692e-07, 2.1477835738486257e-07, 2.1874107249329556e-07, 2.2358089779572765e-07, 2.1855357041593898e-07, 2.0855940111427378e-07, 1.9900114369063105e-07, 1.8790337971300426e-07, 1.7522924622426217e-07, 1.6288367581702395e-07, 1.5283316250653505e-07, 1.4807836480810822e-07, 1.4604789352493493e-07, 1.4125462298254986e-07, 1.3648505817595184e-07, 1.3687064129693942e-07, 1.3606172493447438e-07, 1.3390101725820257e-07, 1.325910342789679e-07, 1.275849206600859e-07, 1.255900932457215e-07, 1.2462992669627836e-07, 1.2273078198177245e-07, 1.2398176758259589e-07, 1.227533092316792e-07, 1.21508905286711e-07, 1.2293260657055986e-07, 1.2526805802183715e-07, 1.2451375295898159e-07, 1.2523558114350764e-07, 1.248576901551652e-07, 1.2768291668407983e-07, 1.280492420668062e-07, 1.2764808384905075e-07, 1.2678634573960933e-07, 1.2849538271504051e-07, 1.2831884532715776e-07, 1.2863058072655675e-07, 1.2849776607838847e-07, 1.2937952931224572e-07, 1.3002081443249024e-07, 1.3269214045002237e-07, 1.359288189308115e-07, 1.4000580352200943e-07, 1.4521239677378617e-07, 1.507832934066755e-07, 1.5704800253908096e-07, 1.6302243872295158e-07, 1.6777764244579885e-07, 1.7229593294944478e-07, 1.7574674667944885e-07, 1.782739279373605e-07, 1.803125278294309e-07, 1.8563366463045634e-07, 1.963865453749999e-07, 2.0350044646225536e-07, 2.0615844878843097e-07, 2.1105681063155706e-07, 2.159222215628428e-07, 2.2257542298120825e-07, 2.244533708524917e-07, 2.1992052836594667e-07, 2.1743427680576133e-07]}, {"ngram": "drink=>tea_NOUN", "parent": "drink=>*_NOUN", "type": "EXPANSION", "timeseries": [2.2483387596139437e-07, 2.3888583200459834e-07, 2.310303202079922e-07, 2.249841669156792e-07, 2.1809445221216655e-07, 2.118364912056287e-07, 2.0139011626594895e-07, 1.9250366887847902e-07, 1.7189515233440034e-07, 1.6615059093640282e-07, 1.5819687502828727e-07, 1.505563176351643e-07, 1.445313496820485e-07, 1.368341386864813e-07, 1.354331412731621e-07, 1.286079103530418e-07, 1.2389794384099722e-07, 1.2357114899584432e-07, 1.2230657172754684e-07, 1.2483396411815712e-07, 1.3071456298316013e-07, 1.3386439893078465e-07, 1.4664532597765045e-07, 1.5554942730692085e-07, 1.6403898582341624e-07, 1.6883019985211183e-07, 1.7576562884512116e-07, 1.7674151869024562e-07, 1.793566996509201e-07, 1.7420224196484924e-07, 1.7259526024255528e-07, 1.7026629604645548e-07, 1.739245760745689e-07, 1.6700338635798418e-07, 1.6349587131766645e-07, 1.571011227140064e-07, 1.5530891265111029e-07, 1.4744166471863146e-07, 1.389042876910805e-07, 1.2682941782519004e-07, 1.2323919256524668e-07, 1.1937019905872148e-07, 1.1889137039945905e-07, 1.162211447081063e-07, 1.1594468471035465e-07, 1.1698619723737075e-07, 1.1758752041909507e-07, 1.1796377614408421e-07, 1.1900796437203098e-07, 1.1902076632200728e-07, 1.1631612498571745e-07, 1.1572004357926094e-07, 1.1381086600132611e-07, 1.1603287219941194e-07, 1.1539470940696056e-07, 1.1481605456862911e-07, 1.1101792551926337e-07, 1.1210724945190772e-07, 1.1178189903863053e-07, 1.116597851640628e-07, 1.0886104969845941e-07, 1.060405005708682e-07, 1.0399620517124017e-07, 1.038527983610038e-07, 1.0303146678682293e-07, 1.0395501805403131e-07, 1.0415366245654565e-07, 1.0434018398492689e-07, 1.0442308402096906e-07, 1.0417036122589707e-07, 1.0298083757171688e-07, 9.923935907961225e-08, 9.64502413174679e-08, 9.244973954634719e-08, 9.021973162199564e-08, 8.871066167362837e-08, 8.76698870959964e-08, 8.83832273400133e-08, 9.051582391553633e-08, 9.088387896229375e-08, 9.294444071526544e-08, 9.545313872649785e-08, 9.709282774597991e-08, 9.80843200945206e-08, 9.999837504080591e-08, 1.0191265939088875e-07, 1.0394469589820282e-07, 1.064205962718136e-07, 1.0837632251942913e-07, 1.1247816798589025e-07, 1.1442655534210644e-07, 1.1564122713382727e-07, 1.1780959446079059e-07, 1.217574135482989e-07, 1.2518507881103297e-07, 1.3016890879466052e-07, 1.3580830580752134e-07, 1.4389559156922716e-07, 1.530050407641933e-07, 1.6181025890611117e-07, 1.6943060440358488e-07, 1.8128626777524914e-07, 1.9057884514950274e-07, 2.001773314727221e-07, 2.101500139620579e-07, 2.2356014791772134e-07, 2.415705933702027e-07, 2.615155584148202e-07, 2.792123845145917e-07, 2.9104430357814894e-07, 3.0142686568979116e-07, 3.16901767811422e-07, 3.3806219335019705e-07, 3.4221003393971233e-07, 3.4454633919267507e-07, 3.448876597644812e-07]}, {"ngram": "drink=>beer_NOUN", "parent": "drink=>*_NOUN", "type": "EXPANSION", "timeseries": [1.5430019217888002e-07, 1.5770752384014486e-07, 1.5325940457463125e-07, 1.5011095756887828e-07, 1.449641372021558e-07, 1.4203227140439723e-07, 1.424648477918059e-07, 1.3685961367368042e-07, 1.280831694673777e-07, 1.2601144711814933e-07, 1.23847330866868e-07, 1.1980557396944797e-07, 1.1612442867609779e-07, 1.1167953419187273e-07, 1.1202418193079211e-07, 1.0997392304748896e-07, 1.0692888301783959e-07, 1.0369251007042684e-07, 9.971570286942161e-08, 9.520737823517525e-08, 9.496301040761474e-08, 9.428517699916483e-08, 9.712694496296795e-08, 9.753354593807931e-08, 1.0145815260947139e-07, 1.0591520651002741e-07, 1.0743233705820135e-07, 1.0967336347026243e-07, 1.108155588878747e-07, 1.1633374340038114e-07, 1.2320833369423261e-07, 1.2571707941333443e-07, 1.2862402749241092e-07, 1.3353663064208376e-07, 1.335988173423175e-07, 1.3401250344356542e-07, 1.2981840922878162e-07, 1.2424060307531753e-07, 1.19415691049848e-07, 1.1937240275626338e-07, 1.1994342129030754e-07, 1.185961094409192e-07, 1.1760862049316399e-07, 1.1509568663216538e-07, 1.1707551347431685e-07, 1.1959969421176148e-07, 1.1838767883481133e-07, 1.174561167057878e-07, 1.1963632878015623e-07, 1.2006203827955426e-07, 1.2291513127950437e-07, 1.22738403060144e-07, 1.2075817628393842e-07, 1.2045888147278155e-07, 1.1956932257005194e-07, 1.1908913169885896e-07, 1.1750402961752116e-07, 1.1525270033579155e-07, 1.1582274847147086e-07, 1.1731030318579932e-07, 1.166379754684905e-07, 1.1604714091260706e-07, 1.1500874157783463e-07, 1.1756576664570925e-07, 1.1959136259065417e-07, 1.218582781348232e-07, 1.2311195973779832e-07, 1.301796065230779e-07, 1.376810213774401e-07, 1.4050388179904466e-07, 1.4463289435947706e-07, 1.4554496731631973e-07, 1.462335299200796e-07, 1.4687214949000399e-07, 1.4152723386879578e-07, 1.3594099763330242e-07, 1.3575619967858594e-07, 1.3194493979946336e-07, 1.3493417684782928e-07, 1.3315501234956173e-07, 1.3412552237111542e-07, 1.3612814240916903e-07, 1.3895436065273055e-07, 1.393344157512339e-07, 1.4171348133069322e-07, 1.4119313464431927e-07, 1.4421596615323195e-07, 1.462925841419097e-07, 1.4982766215000864e-07, 1.5165076458093347e-07, 1.5349845179051564e-07, 1.5614434240822967e-07, 1.5742137041537978e-07, 1.5838045287962033e-07, 1.6126079620854788e-07, 1.6219100627625137e-07, 1.655219189647791e-07, 1.7420728072790682e-07, 1.818734481113487e-07, 1.921727447649703e-07, 2.031114040132057e-07, 2.1259529400400164e-07, 2.2470623101915927e-07, 2.3357890605828808e-07, 2.3868475450074455e-07, 2.444617775511558e-07, 2.5381581890217474e-07, 2.6571044031697966e-07, 2.8165711439344575e-07, 2.870292884641198e-07, 2.936073753647049e-07, 3.051074608200517e-07, 3.160027282384752e-07, 3.193879791751897e-07, 3.1933002446749016e-07, 3.1125031796364055e-07]}, {"ngram": "drink=>coffee_NOUN", "parent": "drink=>*_NOUN", "type": "EXPANSION", "timeseries": [8.940954110414623e-08, 9.27257005400861e-08, 8.988350804391605e-08, 8.728419333335426e-08, 8.293351783095204e-08, 8.087966766165014e-08, 8.216968235988783e-08, 8.08753313208399e-08, 7.557267675143261e-08, 7.699607859227139e-08, 7.910709192466519e-08, 8.023454865581567e-08, 8.101519455294692e-08, 7.917686316107262e-08, 8.052377406134578e-08, 8.11661940198454e-08, 7.845565213366562e-08, 7.825106454869715e-08, 7.932871629431507e-08, 8.422884941897532e-08, 8.872023775958432e-08, 9.248531439100458e-08, 9.659194587032158e-08, 1.0223846150633367e-07, 1.0571957886895689e-07, 1.0644298445835635e-07, 1.0479359653053117e-07, 1.0748246584820923e-07, 1.0613177486058184e-07, 1.0687784270300784e-07, 1.0752988848545491e-07, 1.0864939830363645e-07, 1.1219520550704537e-07, 1.1176842613329946e-07, 1.1128300059226603e-07, 1.1143324079349831e-07, 1.1073918467932994e-07, 1.0922545052543293e-07, 1.0525297357487164e-07, 1.0304262839814068e-07, 1.0409629831136564e-07, 1.0312466766241154e-07, 1.0392454998152192e-07, 1.0315224078080324e-07, 1.0185069803420837e-07, 1.0206237886580181e-07, 1.0016963208110091e-07, 9.892393494835363e-08, 9.681107014460264e-08, 9.585011996802808e-08, 9.737192182715912e-08, 9.999710012412574e-08, 1.0215289998021554e-07, 1.0138392017974443e-07, 1.0426016164696453e-07, 1.0537091453345835e-07, 1.0336967193325108e-07, 1.0244504165614541e-07, 1.0199628316546036e-07, 1.0064117361707758e-07, 9.993118104440718e-08, 9.628053935070316e-08, 9.426334608113913e-08, 9.334164831541005e-08, 9.079380548980356e-08, 8.934726127206107e-08, 8.907107229561007e-08, 8.878686129167233e-08, 8.840409395004047e-08, 8.828066354128947e-08, 8.872304237326847e-08, 8.846007456700785e-08, 8.601850863345004e-08, 8.563364620580874e-08, 8.650338198127169e-08, 8.744330516817302e-08, 8.98676455156939e-08, 9.133211266641541e-08, 9.420501965808268e-08, 9.858134169300164e-08, 1.0071039976570059e-07, 1.0381602168406192e-07, 1.059810626559608e-07, 1.072997355728538e-07, 1.1082650632131066e-07, 1.1348590841667569e-07, 1.1531687148038015e-07, 1.1807507454315263e-07, 1.2105453959877976e-07, 1.2323353359988687e-07, 1.2715892288334934e-07, 1.3113686187742652e-07, 1.3561234725654815e-07, 1.4057086973805e-07, 1.464057228466637e-07, 1.4982330347785527e-07, 1.5873753308629342e-07, 1.6916985552078196e-07, 1.800485469922413e-07, 1.9111329509412046e-07, 2.0157799797613863e-07, 2.122880938973789e-07, 2.267172862145474e-07, 2.3578315579340726e-07, 2.44043842404348e-07, 2.5247549980836735e-07, 2.683769691559844e-07, 2.892454671967114e-07, 3.1663954505997284e-07, 3.346199426752199e-07, 3.5099917892823994e-07, 3.744417175052409e-07, 3.967220802029e-07, 4.061098195506929e-07, 4.1202042666554917e-07, 4.0660713551687877e-07]}, {"ngram": "drink=>cup_NOUN", "parent": "drink=>*_NOUN", "type": "EXPANSION", "timeseries": [2.1711717224093263e-07, 2.1484865442289447e-07, 2.0732591347420262e-07, 2.0495824669199335e-07, 1.9516125299950155e-07, 1.8285721280010746e-07, 1.8069780643210314e-07, 1.7760811082163335e-07, 1.6927100838464477e-07, 1.6571669293950565e-07, 1.5926344230722732e-07, 1.5733800548137618e-07, 1.4923811469153797e-07, 1.3956879334792965e-07, 1.348445510172626e-07, 1.2980777341908833e-07, 1.257023589979716e-07, 1.2063159918592907e-07, 1.1359878929592274e-07, 1.1377827036085364e-07, 1.1720407907692529e-07, 1.1588873048497459e-07, 1.226356727914078e-07, 1.2530370595089023e-07, 1.3096274845533378e-07, 1.3627175933704295e-07, 1.3936134126067502e-07, 1.3596566869214906e-07, 1.3429318914047273e-07, 1.2865709107602795e-07, 1.274902195242638e-07, 1.2277193560196663e-07, 1.1878843407332949e-07, 1.1547992276713817e-07, 1.155638947076503e-07, 1.1582414418041611e-07, 1.140267979086015e-07, 1.1131381683071595e-07, 1.0623250038374213e-07, 1.0328582484524823e-07, 1.005394827708577e-07, 9.794364278345061e-08, 9.738313317646835e-08, 1.0068446292572325e-07, 9.991932107108628e-08, 1.0250168815316232e-07, 1.0161382034214381e-07, 1.0079560196020663e-07, 1.0150275337699505e-07, 1.0348643136077434e-07, 9.79906066131012e-08, 9.720029327451942e-08, 9.740214425489415e-08, 9.938519797612701e-08, 1.0278705937188143e-07, 1.0306159684400232e-07, 9.739824033009167e-08, 9.64176091347976e-08, 9.684164784370555e-08, 9.492285053218958e-08, 9.169884610368431e-08, 8.837529869814326e-08, 8.613425401498326e-08, 8.759726658321857e-08, 8.628243668746499e-08, 8.526809937490856e-08, 8.519618635968332e-08, 8.621591060123787e-08, 8.543989135237748e-08, 8.423264777742848e-08, 8.326238137052705e-08, 8.288129598505683e-08, 7.934408736381166e-08, 7.672212173507173e-08, 7.390580236688038e-08, 7.2295812003631e-08, 7.176636732505618e-08, 7.004180397578758e-08, 6.99142209522766e-08, 7.041941683740203e-08, 7.129471007211968e-08, 7.376685167465829e-08, 7.449006643258014e-08, 7.604006262746615e-08, 7.719203917336667e-08, 7.910553482101282e-08, 8.081975774335401e-08, 8.270686890909928e-08, 8.351088557187073e-08, 8.518976000816889e-08, 8.709498189318765e-08, 9.051829964943994e-08, 9.240188043284953e-08, 9.699576862333612e-08, 9.939157052940573e-08, 1.0347516316804623e-07, 1.0956921719135998e-07, 1.1563977965676844e-07, 1.208508960205888e-07, 1.260516587616881e-07, 1.3272834666265355e-07, 1.4454971213646267e-07, 1.545339663217809e-07, 1.623390204485986e-07, 1.6777614827593164e-07, 1.7634238450422606e-07, 1.8880928312877847e-07, 2.028268458583885e-07, 2.1307094349205207e-07, 2.1980889032745055e-07, 2.24701198346468e-07, 2.3447047072165462e-07, 2.480146698807013e-07, 2.5224799789687796e-07, 2.5062089150651443e-07, 2.4855942726276226e-07]}, {"ngram": "drink=>blood_NOUN", "parent": "drink=>*_NOUN", "type": "EXPANSION", "timeseries": [1.3904661066987956e-07, 1.3888482470747475e-07, 1.3475752898746882e-07, 1.325480474585155e-07, 1.3079738181431821e-07, 1.2430430221651738e-07, 1.2368853979134136e-07, 1.222337776393293e-07, 1.1628780072214795e-07, 1.1141518996282684e-07, 1.0661375731452998e-07, 9.940205407994134e-08, 9.244281682997877e-08, 8.434408016455563e-08, 8.078759959419455e-08, 7.46878307771632e-08, 7.231911273005867e-08, 6.978848635493965e-08, 6.770027535399744e-08, 6.746451930439434e-08, 6.678591140436246e-08, 6.872259612172066e-08, 7.45016635050888e-08, 7.771532750666665e-08, 8.169039895327452e-08, 8.90758237963902e-08, 9.268825757707028e-08, 9.302231721416579e-08, 8.982910567770627e-08, 8.761329642733731e-08, 8.517765032982944e-08, 8.356043476201844e-08, 8.224480905840079e-08, 8.002719807466616e-08, 7.752374792906786e-08, 7.783622736821729e-08, 7.503245922992261e-08, 7.422211569161976e-08, 7.003573137304947e-08, 6.440611345835481e-08, 6.402682168576185e-08, 6.58169640692969e-08, 6.288369342704365e-08, 6.404951642074203e-08, 6.521445326614281e-08, 6.747565249400265e-08, 6.883028394863036e-08, 6.966427536424038e-08, 6.969339848085707e-08, 7.496070659434346e-08, 7.593254939105723e-08, 7.808084997610162e-08, 8.024655682805002e-08, 8.101738606975622e-08, 8.085169054896011e-08, 8.28876279358935e-08, 7.995680156065127e-08, 8.099440102731543e-08, 8.145094605132336e-08, 8.072227534025192e-08, 8.033217418252597e-08, 8.140412534528099e-08, 8.216799228323777e-08, 8.393952656758432e-08, 8.324898865501901e-08, 8.706212538202505e-08, 8.806727537700811e-08, 8.984892169954556e-08, 9.011647453657393e-08, 8.773612998019026e-08, 8.501283588202568e-08, 8.326039083580586e-08, 7.687605675852995e-08, 7.298437460739088e-08, 6.852464399084316e-08, 6.586272454407143e-08, 6.431511780289969e-08, 6.356285808806206e-08, 6.425973607195243e-08, 6.275534453996962e-08, 6.347599728379854e-08, 6.366009992169503e-08, 6.340946206202197e-08, 6.457164707691326e-08, 6.623162615174546e-08, 6.69486449770115e-08, 6.901330250132429e-08, 7.132409608954862e-08, 7.439944584218341e-08, 7.755133018300902e-08, 8.126386319418089e-08, 8.500788339915744e-08, 8.86875162515415e-08, 9.303441775695579e-08, 9.564058599055767e-08, 9.867077567702966e-08, 1.0256665307549286e-07, 1.0795654706693572e-07, 1.1313536012786634e-07, 1.1757065517973128e-07, 1.2693918855737657e-07, 1.3703981035665232e-07, 1.4642339201437998e-07, 1.573734615638906e-07, 1.6493395906179232e-07, 1.7581424823934606e-07, 1.92128806832313e-07, 2.124233568728024e-07, 2.3766724918264766e-07, 2.5658944886280164e-07, 2.686010012504474e-07, 2.8881394850291796e-07, 3.0750382506994356e-07, 3.178772042626103e-07, 3.187351808264793e-07, 3.11488008719607e-07]}, {"ngram": "drink=>glass_NOUN", "parent": "drink=>*_NOUN", "type": "EXPANSION", "timeseries": [1.793769968116976e-07, 1.8309890776890824e-07, 1.751535757913795e-07, 1.6658894708143634e-07, 1.5521496570564913e-07, 1.5008688133580757e-07, 1.445170748784871e-07, 1.323571834989577e-07, 1.201504450217986e-07, 1.1577178327115689e-07, 1.1471971004896529e-07, 1.1242352420432716e-07, 1.0687725092241505e-07, 1.0353693775349321e-07, 1.0275027558951219e-07, 9.754446291968374e-08, 9.70535692447681e-08, 9.543558629080248e-08, 9.278992203170284e-08, 9.388546625846825e-08, 9.585111269773603e-08, 9.789255476074946e-08, 1.0804122955018361e-07, 1.1341137248369445e-07, 1.1734846034577068e-07, 1.2278443303362758e-07, 1.2634637361738248e-07, 1.2926446097643357e-07, 1.3029421402117286e-07, 1.26042536408022e-07, 1.2070320768283897e-07, 1.1826603087326606e-07, 1.1612779664866529e-07, 1.1577943074111577e-07, 1.1297546872616035e-07, 1.0870125269743117e-07, 1.033969354580222e-07, 9.803408776828551e-08, 9.386116163666105e-08, 8.880737161527058e-08, 8.25464273443036e-08, 7.878972598161584e-08, 7.580367317976717e-08, 7.807483472431289e-08, 8.092070556488449e-08, 8.110999313462994e-08, 8.015289612980528e-08, 8.193357712928315e-08, 8.081844120917075e-08, 8.271819597536836e-08, 7.889110520409304e-08, 7.678436527872431e-08, 7.672550188837185e-08, 7.632481770412727e-08, 7.365084339231284e-08, 7.186535607875807e-08, 6.786062251811537e-08, 6.693255524429073e-08, 6.68279745192584e-08, 6.438399984582637e-08, 6.466957915206097e-08, 6.366428704853076e-08, 6.315236739900293e-08, 6.282530356267152e-08, 6.386765960542107e-08, 6.358199909430238e-08, 6.374467988377677e-08, 6.329243465838122e-08, 6.33412976672584e-08, 6.197777021757897e-08, 6.076134592295343e-08, 5.853558501403963e-08, 5.5698558907936654e-08, 5.339093840055804e-08, 5.192056917735499e-08, 5.0944106837797724e-08, 5.0388277169791506e-08, 5.084299305378538e-08, 5.08883241577353e-08, 5.2667123234024464e-08, 5.391258182742474e-08, 5.4908692196217346e-08, 5.517784933723695e-08, 5.617568683240799e-08, 5.755467822967018e-08, 5.902873618473288e-08, 5.883211124617966e-08, 5.987065674974343e-08, 6.147060714413652e-08, 6.289191339143535e-08, 6.3516341900335e-08, 6.397884837789597e-08, 6.504012211345461e-08, 6.804419224896005e-08, 7.0040739176745e-08, 7.188218782110717e-08, 7.537760739394019e-08, 8.005385154774558e-08, 8.370307215597807e-08, 8.823133766457301e-08, 9.224220726926952e-08, 9.949267873058229e-08, 1.0429308819733965e-07, 1.1015532663805061e-07, 1.1523583611148882e-07, 1.227292705558674e-07, 1.2957029684100364e-07, 1.3911797022306667e-07, 1.4448105949733353e-07, 1.4978150529389366e-07, 1.5461572745932373e-07, 1.6113834330358907e-07, 1.7348716596643499e-07, 1.7703080601449983e-07, 1.7771449734027556e-07, 1.8093086495696298e-07]}, {"ngram": "drink=>health_NOUN", "parent": "drink=>*_NOUN", "type": "EXPANSION", "timeseries": [2.9987052130309166e-07, 3.0030238917788665e-07, 2.883127502665654e-07, 2.776864736883259e-07, 2.6396947662630866e-07, 2.520725591434062e-07, 2.3560019712931535e-07, 2.228966471713128e-07, 2.0424191201787574e-07, 1.9645238426489543e-07, 1.85511796400663e-07, 1.738165167353145e-07, 1.5745032097161778e-07, 1.46887449505227e-07, 1.3505584815577875e-07, 1.2234470148086984e-07, 1.101109156869435e-07, 1.0654448244297652e-07, 1.0107911663226332e-07, 1.0250773690196574e-07, 1.0622216401705892e-07, 1.1337573267512977e-07, 1.244153803473377e-07, 1.3453103012547478e-07, 1.4359890140472738e-07, 1.5100582321078297e-07, 1.5625910115042124e-07, 1.5721361583993193e-07, 1.5351247587399745e-07, 1.4897235749750897e-07, 1.4663474904149813e-07, 1.4023603560937253e-07, 1.360726875938261e-07, 1.3125034164269372e-07, 1.2956118057770384e-07, 1.2585177598469143e-07, 1.2010083289786572e-07, 1.0958542873140686e-07, 9.94390824920239e-08, 9.136333492928575e-08, 8.233932951335581e-08, 7.644933625832501e-08, 7.078366236003473e-08, 7.07523193048993e-08, 6.995107883410259e-08, 7.196140826083917e-08, 7.221639971736035e-08, 7.565966037808331e-08, 7.45460186278381e-08, 7.620577337417802e-08, 7.430693926835374e-08, 7.336636542731867e-08, 7.07855732124634e-08, 7.083912478833554e-08, 6.743416948649741e-08, 6.607186823056768e-08, 6.15144471234024e-08, 6.032670084112266e-08, 5.92470413047457e-08, 5.9564487945148615e-08, 5.851143924928692e-08, 5.883878933283475e-08, 6.040397490128921e-08, 6.275329208652433e-08, 6.398605835654183e-08, 6.810886178852473e-08, 6.965791296157217e-08, 6.962855536585266e-08, 6.781021103360477e-08, 6.414567670682508e-08, 6.15353441852611e-08, 5.705346493657869e-08, 5.072112279386991e-08, 4.610390037994096e-08, 4.177201365759434e-08, 3.844087638680906e-08, 3.659478231554658e-08, 3.4769282817949584e-08, 3.3308297834163825e-08, 3.3245241226609323e-08, 3.2470424825094465e-08, 3.237110008618467e-08, 3.273978827727271e-08, 3.2564730848402435e-08, 3.213750789297722e-08, 3.156799393317604e-08, 3.100586479628678e-08, 3.073850355203181e-08, 3.026106857159253e-08, 3.009884709724377e-08, 2.9610394644155998e-08, 2.979176118498929e-08, 3.0387988506471886e-08, 3.048630833494112e-08, 3.0277832304851215e-08, 3.1888472814703816e-08, 3.2888452088692636e-08, 3.426702172808811e-08, 3.5202675060678046e-08, 3.514016252584692e-08, 3.655868699833523e-08, 4.29227411708715e-08, 4.508715026726609e-08, 5.049468855742946e-08, 5.4179040428640035e-08, 6.316997820070875e-08, 7.140129655778895e-08, 8.165395521635738e-08, 8.110232637851108e-08, 8.283686168754554e-08, 8.422929706089885e-08, 8.843860095047213e-08, 9.544606172084968e-08, 9.63068593762273e-08, 9.320164053860936e-08, 9.932119127142869e-08]}]; 1992 1993 1994 - 2004 English ( 2009 ) about Ngram Viewer is a search engine used disappointment! 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