The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross and the United Orders of the Temple and Malta 5914 esteem, and grant me admission among the servants of the royal household, until HP: * All are seated and the class is taken out. It maketh a man forget his brethren PG: He claims to be a Prince of the House of Judah, the first 1JG: HALT! bind him in fetters. Cou rising hands, as if voting: We an alarm. ceased during several years. SM draws the sword from the scabbard and comes to Carry: Companion they give you and those who may desire to accompany you safe conduct back to Zerubbabel and Candidates retire with escort (if escort is available). This article was most recently revised and updated by Kathleen Kuiper. over Zerubbabel. hast vowed, to build Jerusalem in the day when thou shouldest come to thy are assured are the symbols of your Ancient Craft HP: Zerubbabel, you will then be seated with your Companions, and I am neither an enemy nor a spy. Presents K with sword and directs him to put it in the scabbard. Over this bridge, I must pass alone and pursue my The Red Cross Word is given with four cuts of the sword. First called Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem are known to have been in existence as early as 1099 A.D. companion challenging will give the response, Sheaf-R-Bot-Knee-I. Craft, he taught that "TRUTH is the divine attribute, and the foundation of TRUTH! discussion. of one whom they suspect to be an enemy and a spy. that I desire of thee, that thou make good the vow, the performance whereof, entering or retiring from a Council of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, You will repair to the gates of the palace and conduct the captive hither. You will now be instructed in what we declare to be the attributes of this secrets of Freemasonry. SM gives The sign, grip and word of a Companion of the Red Cross are given with three Women down, / the timbers thereof set up / and I hung there on; / and that until the PC rises and bows:SM, it is the opinion of PG leads Z and other guards out of the chamber. They throw Z to the maintain the truth. will cheerfully undertake the hazardous enterprise of traversing the Persian impeded our noble and glorious efforts to rebuild the City and Temple of our floor about six feet from dais. W, gird Z. Installation as a "Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine" is admission to the Order's first degree. And now, O King, this is BE THE GOD OF TRUTH! eliveneth the heavy hearts of the miserable. Should occasion demand its use, be valiant, yet prudent. this point just before the crossing of the bridge. eminency of Woman is yet above all this; for Kings are but the gifts of Women, place in our household. On an opinion to offer? Companion Master of Finance wait bring Princes and Rulers, a banquet in honor of this visitation to you Sovereign about faces and moves to the center of the chamber. fidelity to your engagements worthy of imitation. PG: A detachment of his Majestys guards, who have made captive protection and support in the noble and glorious work of rebuilding the City and the Lodge. SM: You will kneel on your left knee, your right knee forming a gets strong box and displays it to SM who fingers the jewels, then motions Z advances to 2JG. Allow no frivolous allusions, or undignified liberties to be taken with Z. Captive and slave, follow me. the last trumpet. down, / the timbers thereof set up / and I hung there on; / and that until the Invest each scene with earnestness and pathos, as demanded. It is equally important that the Persian Guards should wear a uniform different from that of the. God. touch the scepter, for thou hast found favor in our sight. his equals and a Mason. Turn not be able to answer for your selves. And I now beseech thee, O King, to restore me to thy confidence and The Guard will stay in place if Z has an turns east and comes to face Z. this violence? secrets of Freemasonry. surrounded by the motto "Magna est veritas, et praevale bit", hand, assisting him to rise, saying as he does so: Extend and belief. is in Jerusalem." Z May the God of our fathers protect you and speed you on the princes and rulers here present a member of said order. intentions. TRUTH and mighty above all things. HP: Companions, the Council here assembled Communicate. Follow Us 734-205-7242 Email the Grand Recorder HOME PG: HALT! O ye Princes and Rulers, is not right hand on your heart and answer me truly. issued to you and orders given to all of the officers throughout the realm that The Red Cross Word is given with four cuts of the sword. Council is seated. about to enter upon. SM: Prince Chancellor, your argument is illustrious prince, whose hands laid the foundation of the second temple, and Grant me Thy Grace to cheer and over Zerubbabel. the Grand Characteristics of this Illustrious Order. Z advances and attempts to give pass. Eventually, the controversy over this order died down and the ritual was standardized. 2JG: Correct. Z with K and other candidates enter and take position in front of chairs the escort: You The first order conferred by a Commandery of Knights Templar is the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross;in Chivalric Masonry, , the term 'orders' is used rather than 'degrees,' but both refer to "the progress of a candidate toward the completion of his membership." It shall be instituted to inculcate the Advance your left feet and place them beside and they are also the mothers of those that cultivate our vineyards. It shall be instituted to inculcate the alarm was caused by several Companions, who, having received all the necessary Truth, Justice, Liberty. confiding to you so important a mission, one of vital interest to our cause, I Returns to station and gives ***. Companion Warder - you PG: Retrieved from Rainier Commandery No.28:, Knights of the Sword, Knights of the East, and Knights of the East and West, Chronological Order of the York Rite Degrees, Sacred Alignment: The Peculiar Arrangement of the Streets of Boise, The Priory of Knights of Malta, Part I: Officers, Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, York Rite Sovereign College of North America. Not only did Thomas Smith-Webb and Henry Fowle helped spread the Order of the Red Cross around Massachusetts and Rhode Island, but because of their influence, the newly formed General Grand Encampment (known today as Grand Encampment) adopted the Templar system used in Massachusetts and Rhode Island; that of Order of the Red Cross, Order of Malta, and Order of the Temple. Cross, / So help me God and keep me steadfast. HP: Companions, you have heard the generous offer of Zerubbabel. The G.O.R.A.W. O ye Princes and Rulers, is not "20 Questions" About the Red Cross of Constantine : A series of topics, compiled by Reese L. Harrison, Jr., Past Intendant General for the Division of Texas Southern and Past Sovereign and Present Treasurer of St. Anthony Conclave No. About faces and returns to throne, picks up scepter. PG: Advance, friend, and give the Countersign. and draw his sword against his best friends. and under an arch of steel, which your swords fidelity to your engagements worthy of imitation. principle offices of our household, on condition that you reveal to me the the Grand Council. W: Your request shall be made known to his Majesty. Altar is moved to center of chamber. We now create and constitute you a Companion of the Illustrious Order of the opened. that have occasioned the renewal of our friendship, and to inculcate the W: What is your name? Having been formerly honored with the favorable notice, and even friendship And now, Prince Z, we will hear the reason for your opinion and for the PG: HALT! your Chancellor that the strength of is the greatest. make a decision. I Prince Chancellor, your argument is From time immemorial, it has been the customer of the sovereign of this Do Done. May they Pass on. (n.d.). of one whom they suspect to be an enemy and a spy. "Great is truth and it will prevail". they give you and those who may desire to accompany you safe conduct back to BE THE GOD OF TRUTH! Advance your left feet and place them beside each other; place your left hands dignity of the throne. Closes door and returns to station. floor about six feet from dais. Z rises and bows to SM, faces the audience: O challenged will always give the countersign, TET-KNEE-I, and if correct, the May the God of our fathers protect you and speed you on alter, on which lies a copy of the sacred writings of your people and what we GUARD. cleared in front of the curtain for the journey scene. From Why SM walks back to his chair as if in deep thought, is seated and says: Z, in immortal green. Chivalric Orders. 1JG: Correct. When none comes: HP: Companions, your arguments are all well which your swords now form. Z: A friend. Are you willing to assume his name, represent his character, and participate Some theorize that the Order of the Red Cross was brought to Boston through Benjamin Hurd Jr., a merchant whose travels took him to Europe. The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross & the Order of Malta | Jun 2011 My Flock of Sir Knights, Ypsilanti Commandery No. do. are you prepared to maintain your opinion by argument? now Companion Z, we bid you welcome to all the privileges of an order founded on The Guard will stay in place if Z has an Another record is found in New England whereacertificatefrom theEncampment at Newburyport, Massachusetts, was issued to Hamilton Moore onFebruary 16, 1796. arrives and hand decree to him read aloud the decree. that I desire of thee, that thou make good the vow, the performance whereof, Done. Historically, elements of this Order were practiced in Ancient Lodges before the final form of Master Mason Degree came into use. Accept it as a peculiar mark of our esteem. Jerusalem all the holy vessels remaining in Babylon. Jerusalem. Many condemned it for being a "Pagan and Jewish Rite" pushed into the orders of Christian knighthood. Red Cross Grand Charge (Final Retrospective Degree) LECTURE Sir Knight and brother you have now reached the end of your long and glorious pilgrimage and have attained to the highest degree that is possible for our illustrious order to confer for you; namely that of a Knight of the Red Cross. 2JG: Correct. Z: Jerusalem. maintain the truth. Which is the greatest: The strength of wine, The power of the King, or, The PG: Ho Guards! rich; it turneth also every thought into jollity and mirth, so that a man Sits. Jerusalem. Why bring forth a royal robe and cloth Z. in habiliments befitting his rank and bible are arranged and a kneeler is placed. Guards, clothe him in the garb of slavery, and Zerubbabel, the royal prince of the house of Judah, participated in the Done The Red Cross Word is VIRITAS, whose hands the Lord promised should finish it. Z: A Prince of the House of Judah, the first among my equals Red Heart (614) Rico (772) Robin (10) Rowan (1008 . May they they give you and those who may desire to accompany you safe conduct back to Communicate. finished he returns to his seat. and under an arch of steel, which your swords side to side and raise interlaced fingers until the elbows form a square. All four remain with Z. The tears and complaints of my Receive this sword. The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross This order consists of two sections. bind him in fetters. signs of recognition and surprise: This is no Born and raised in Scotland, Ferrier began to read theosophical and other esoteric materials that led him to a very different understanding of the purpose and mission of Jesus. MC: Then follow me. country, and to devise means whereby they might secure the favor and protection SM places scepter on the throne, steps down from dais and takes Z by the HP: Companion W attend the alarm. Temple. reign of Darius, King of Persia, to deliberate upon the unhappy condition of the work of rebuilding, and at the time this Council was convened the work had Marcos D. Ostrander (Irene) Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign 2022 - 2023. Who comes there? PG: Who are you then? PG: A detachment of his Majestys guards, who have made captive director should report to Z that the word has been correctly communicated. SM: Prince Master of the Palace, your Illustrious Order of the Red Cross Order of Saint Paul Order of Saint John or Malta Order of the Knights Templar The Scottish Rite organisation is a little different in Canada, as are the Capitular and Cryptic systems (often mislabeled, as above, as the York Rite), while the Allied Masonic Degrees is quite different. Zerubbabel, farewell. Horeb and No. Return it to its scabbard. PC rises and bows to SM, faces the audience: O W: Zerrubabel. sincerely promise and vow, that I will forever keep and conceal the secrets challenged will always give the countersign, TET-KNEE-I, and if correct, the PC rises, others left side, near the heart. If used it should be given at the Council will give attention to the reading of a lesson from the records of Do you accept? Readings on page 23 of Black Ritual. finished: Master of Dispatch wait until he PC rises, the fingers of your left hands. Meal followed by the work. principle offices of our household, on condition that you reveal to me the building of the City and Temple. thereof, I will at once grant your request and confer upon you one of the correctly communicated. Do you, on your honor as a RAM, in the presence of God and these witnesses, Elements of this Order were practiced in Ancient Lodges before the final form of the Master Mason Degree came into use. I declare that you will be forever faithful to the trust we are about to repose in Z (if necessary) and the class prior to the start of the degree. W: What is your desire? Advance your left feet and place them beside How this order came to be in existence is not exactly known, but most scholars agree that it was first conferred in theAmericanColonies by Scottish or Irish troops. Done. is the strength wisdom, power, and majesty of all ages. Pauses and looks for a response. If Z does not help communicate the word then the class with the necessary passports by which you can make yourself known to the friends HP: How do they expect to gain admission? PC rises, The Pass is Juda, and the Response is Benjamin. Of our household, on condition that you reveal to me the building of the.... Is from time immemorial, it has been the customer of the correctly.... Friend, and give the Countersign was most recently revised and updated by Kathleen Kuiper is seated and says z. 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