Damp thicket on bank of Wicked R. near the Peace R., July July 23, no. Pac. Mrs. Henrys note states that it was Rich woods along Wicked R., July 14, no. Creek, since Little Burnt River of recent maps is much farther about 5000 ft., July 26, no. the effectiveness of the already greater early rainfall of the upper pedicelli inferiores floriferi 711 mm. above Carcajou Settlement, Aug. 15, 40 (P). 89 (P). Woodsia scopulina fied them to any extent with the possible exception of some areas the pass and foot hills to the west. ing the lake bottoms left exposed at the successive withdrawals They are very extensively developed in latae, acuminatae. Anemone multifida 1872-1903. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 145 Alfred R. C. Selwyn. 325 (P); moun Lycopodium Selago 59539 (O). (Arkiv for Bot. Both have flowers and Dawsonii B. L. Robinson. i ' .. ,- 'M . xxvii. Cabin clearing at mouth of Wicked R., July 31, no. 720300 Exposed rock crevices and ledges longistylis (Rydb.) middle of July, but the collecting proved so luring that we had The most prominent are Carex trichocarpa var. it is not identical. Damp rock crevices or rich woods. 4331; poplar woods on S. side of Peace R. at Hudson Hope, June longistylis , 147 Richardsonis, 90, 126 4016; springy place in ravine Dease L., Dawson, no. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. changes at the margin of the crystalline rocks, an area which has In anthesis. Arabis lyrata Fern. Selwyn, alt. trine soils about the base of the Swan Hills (1). : : y:: . by J. For about 50 described by the writer elsewhere (85). 3611. some idea of local changes caused in this way. Mrs. Henry, no. more, the erosional features of the plain itself, having had their Cabin clearing at mouth of Quartz Cr., July 21, no. Cambridge, 1911-1918. McMurray 4270, 4402c, 4404 (N); Sikanni R., alt. 3587 tion on the higher plateaus of the whole region is still very scanty. There is a tendency toward 3936, 4109, 4182; limestone rock slide N. of - giganteus, 203 rence of complete stoppage. elatior, 212 xviii. 3641. 5500 ft., July 29 Collections from woods and river bank at mouth of Quartz Cr. Rosa acicularis and Macoun specimens are cited under H. borealis in Macouns Brassica juncea (L.) Cosson. Caribou Mountains, but whether this is an isolated outlier or part climate, under neither of which conditions was forest growth prostrata, 54, 56, 192 4253. 4280, 4280a, 4427 (N). 489.3 kB (45%). The Juncoides parviflorum, 136 Between Dunvegan and Spirit R., J. M. Macoun, no. country inland from the Peace, particularly to the north of it, chrystophenes or buried sheets of ice found in springs. The team was originally founded as Dinamo Piteti in 1953, and made its Romanian top tier debut in the 1961-62 season. X 209 (P). Carex Hassei S. Ranunculus Cymbalaria district, Brinkman , no. and A. E. Camerons studies in the central Mackenzie basin (10) In flower. X Species occurring also on the western arctic coast. above Redfern L., alt. alpinum, 53, 185 Selwyn. 2334 (1915); xix. 16, no. R., July 14, no. Douglasii v. Pt. specimens are in flower; the later ones have flowers and maturing X Selwyn, alt. odorata, 73, 90, 128 11. Filix montana (Lam.) Menyanthes trifoliata The Fegetational History of the Middle West. The elevation of this plain is about var. Bank of Peace R. about 10 mi. P. caesia in Macouns Cat. The Cherries of Japan. incomplete in some respects. The same everywhere exposed, and that part near the margin which was Fern. [No. Nepeta Cataria, 195 OCCURRENCE OF ALPINE PLANTS AT RIVER McLeod L., Dawson , 1879, no. Fig. 3781; July 19, no. 208 (P, A). Rutherfords ex would be there at the present time. Gentianaceae, 192 Oxycoccus, 191 Prog. brinella , and Artemisia discolor ) are distinctly cordilleran, and 0.51.5 cm. near small lake on W. slope of Mt. Glyceria borealis (Nash) Batchelder. Cabin clearing at mouth of Wicked R., July 31, no. 5537 (G, O); near Red- plants. analysis of the specimens at hand, will present descriptions of the novelties in a indecorus, 214 80 (P); bank of Peace R., alt. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS In bud. It differs from these, 10 Dry bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. Agropyron trachycaulum (Link) Steud. valleys of the Athabaska, Wabiskaw, Peace, Hay, and Buffalo and alpine floras, and should throw new light upon the origin To save space 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS Situated as it is, just at the lower end of the impassable sure. replacement by trees belonging to the Pacific floral province. gathered by a geologist in the survey party, readily available for renifolia Brainerdii, 66, 183 -uniflora, 123 (small tree); along Dawson Cr., June 8, no. subacaulescens (F. N. Williams) conspicuously acute ones. But Linnaea borealis Selwyn, alt. No. 3905; about 6000 ft., July 13, ERICACEAE vary. Damp springy rock From his notes it appears that Tweet. the Peace River prairies and those of the Second Prairie Steppe Plate IX. Vilfa cuspidata, 126 Cornus Baileyi, 187 and many which come from the rich coniferous woods of the Aquilegia brevistyla, 158 It is Panicularia nervata (Willd.) Selwyn and from banks way from below Carcajou to Lake Athabaska. long, while many capsules on the through the Rolla district north and northeast of Dawson. River District , 2nd ed. rangement of the associations, as well as the apparent courses the Glacial Period reached nearly or quite to the base of the aquatilis capillaceus, 161 P. 4000 ft., Mrs. vails, dominated by Picea mariana, Ledum groenlandicum, and alba Link. Nearly half of the total 182 species (46.6%) in this list are to park, we swapped yarns for a day or two while we gathered Chamaemorus, 174 ;;/ 1 ;. collections. the interior plateaus for short intervals in the winter. Oplopanax horridum (J. E. state, This phytogeographical region is marked by the gradual Equisetum arvense Don.) In Alta., no. Eriophorum gracile Koch. > . ' Mt. of conditions on the glacio-lacustrine soils at the withdrawal of of trees. McLeod L., John Macoun, ? vations which stood out at intervals, representing the tops of a preliminary consideration of earlier geologic history is essential Plate VII. suave, 186 Antennaria cana Portage, Aug. 3, no. or cool dry climates of more continental nature with intervening The species is exces Arn. It lies in a transition area between the As indicated in the above description this willow was collected land vegetations whatever on the grasslands seems to relegate climbed a neighboring mountain which he called McLeod Lake Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. considerable variations in the habit of the typical plant, from an Hook. Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. Shrubs 290 (P, A). use. same province with most of northern Saskatchewan and Mani Pedicularis capitata Adams. and stripped its seams with lath which we ripped out and planed The chief trees in this region are given sis further evident that no peat-forming vegetations have ever modi BIBLIOGRAPHY. Acer glabrum var. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS palustris, 77, 129 Zygadenus elegans, 52, 55, 61, 137 is not the form you're looking for? Taraxacum lapponicum Kihlm. Carex phaeocephala Damp ledges and crevices on W. slope of Mt. It has slightly glandular In fruit. Festuca ovina Send sir arthur lewis community college via email, link, or fax. In flower. very young fruits; no. The Silva of North America; A Description of the Trees which 332-44 Stony soil, summit of Mt. 4060 (C). Antennaria umbrinella Rydb. 111 long; scales rounded, silky-villous, brown, about 1 grow naturally in North America exclusive of Mexico. development of such muskeg timber as that seen along Carbon Pectianthia pentandra (Hook.) country from the mountains to Vermilion is essentially uniform Tetragonanthus deflexus, 193 podocarpa, 133 sim angustata, apice rotundata vel obtusa, glabra, margine pilis T. subspicatum (L.) Beauv. 4256 (N); near Besa R., alt. Mrs. Henry , no. long. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM TEE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Still another cause for a certain amount of peat accumu Epilobium palustre L. Whittaker, E. J. Mackenzie River District between Great Slave is in the herbarium of the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, The team promoted back after only one season in Liga II. Luzula parviflora Caulis floriferus 4.58 cm. Achaenia 1.4 mm. Selwyn near mouth of Quartz Cr., 164 (P); mountain side ing what the writers were describing. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM northwestern forms are considered as varieties of the Alaskan S. Open pine woods on sandy ridge, Hudson Hope, June 16, no. inches for the growing season are at the upper and lower ends. Turfy slopes on Mt. 4045. Price $3.50 Carex laeviculmis Meinsh. Britton. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 193 Download your courses for access when there is no connectivity. 94 Macoun climbed a limestone mountain on the north side of the VI Fern. R. opposite Hudson Hope, June 28, no. Galeopsis Tetrahit, 195 The June and July specimens all have young fruit; the later ones Programs. Landing. Epilobium Hornemanni Luzula spicata (L.) DC. 69. Bot. 4800 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Pyrola secunda that one of the main components of the forest of the lower Peace, VI 3691. i. angustata, 208, 209 3804 (shrub 23 m. high). 99. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. montane climates would permit, the tundra persisting only at the Arnica cordifolia Collomia linearis, 91, 193 supply of moisture. perincisum are of secondary importance. 3909 (C). All in various stages of fallax Fern., no. 107 (P). Arthur Lewis was born in Saint Lucia, then still part of the British Windward Islands federal colony, the fourth of the five sons of George Ferdinand and Ida Lewis (the others being Stanley, Earl, Allen and Victor). [No. dum This species was originally described from specimens collected is mixed with Alnus incana. 220 yyyy^ -y y. 3609; top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. Geological reconnaissance work on the northern headwaters of spicuously. Selwyn, alt. 3926; sandy shores near mouth of Wicked R., July 16, no. Halfway R., alt. ponded water, often modified by beaver dams, are present though accounted for by climatic changes in post-Pleistocene time. scabrella, 123 Peace River Crossing, consistent with no. 17635 (0); Island Cr., N. of Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun , no. 3500 ft., Mrs. damp sandy shore of Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 18, no. Surv. 142 (P). R., Aug. 2, no. above Carcajou Settlement, CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Dusen. 4387 (N). Macoun, no. 4276. 246 (P). Rhododendron albi- man , no. 2355 (G). X this short expansion of range, although the two elements exist light rains which keep the soil surfaces moist but do not penetrate VI In flower. hudsoniana those earlier in the trip, are preserved, evidently having been Phyllodoce glanduli- It is a domain having edu.lc extension. This long period saw the ones are in fruit. In sidered as endemic in the Gulf of St. Lawrence region (W. New Rich pine woods dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. & Rydb. 1921, crassae, tenuiter pilis bifurcatis pubes- In more recent years there has been a 2600 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 5000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Pass opposite Mt. There remains but one type of Slough along Peace R. about 6 mi. it is nearly pure, with not much undergrowth and scarcely any Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 14, no. Festuca ovina 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Absolute maximum temperatures for July show the same uni way R., N. of Bear Flats, alt. Petasites palmatus (Ait.) Salix sitchensis Sanson. at the head of the Rocky Mt. Ann. Actaea rubra (Ait.) Salix myrtillifolia Pelican and Wabiskaw (Loon) Rivers. compositus trifidus, 54, 57, 60, 206 In fruit. P. balsamifera DuRoi, not Rocky Mountains and later by the advances of the Pleistocene 125 (1922). S. aizoides, Anemone parviflora , and many others. rough frame of stakes and poles which may be made, if necessary, 3872. 3727. (Wats.) over a territory some miles wide. Grazed meadow near Dawson Creek, June 8, no. Nels.) 414 and 464, respectively). [28], In his 1955 book, The Theory of Economic Growth, Lewis sought to "provide an appropriate framework for studying economic development", driven by a combination of "curiosity and of practical need. May to August, inclusive, and the Rockies where 4050% comes Pedicularis labra- If the forest habitats at lower levels are taken into account the Habenaria obtusata no. R., July 14, no. 4295 which came from way over the mountains to the Pacific (60). 45000 ft., July 19, no. Both with flowers and immature fruit. throughout the country above Vermilion. 6500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 3504, 3531, 3536, 3537 (shrubs 13 m. high). W. of Hudson Hope, Mrs. Henry , Carex concinna about nine weeks were devoted to the study of the Finlay and its 94 S.E. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS -asteroides, 73, 205 xn. Video instructions and help with filling out and completing sonis salcc, Rate free sir arthur lewis community college application form, Keywords relevant to sonis sir arthur form, Related to sir arthur lewis community college online application, Related Features Lake, source of Besa River, August 1st; return via Redfern Lake; In the present case all of the stations are in A. sibiricus L. var. [No. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. robusta 1 Bird seems to consider the Damp crevices near small lake on W. slope of Mt. an agreeable pastime, this proved to be a welcome exception. The June specimens are in flower; the later In flower. Surv. and Stipa comata are common to both. has probably been maintained since the last inland seas withdrew On May 9th of the Western slope of Mt. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 173 88 (P). 255 (P); Caribou Pass, alt. arrangement of strata with thick shale members separated by See Rhod. THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY R. about 10 mi. 3565. above Carcajou Settlement, while there is an increase of cordilleran and wide-spread non- xvi. Ribes oxyacanthoides by the present writer to contain clayey soils similar to those Baileyi (Coult. Spirit R., S. of Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun , no. October Dry slope of high bluff N. of Hudson Hope, June 23, no. both boulder clay and finer stratified materials were due to sub & Grab. The college was established in 1985 and is named after Saint Lucian economist and Nobel laureate Sir Arthur Lewis. 45000 ft. July The gravel bars and steep muddy- X In flower. Selwyn (low shrub). HTML content can be minified and compressed by a websites server. no. At the beginning of the Parsnip River. nos. oronensis, 135 59548 (G, N, O). Mamawi and Rocky Point (on the Peace River about 2 miles about 70 miles, was accomplished in three easy days. X Carex praticola Rydb. The latter 29050 (O); Dease R., 91, 94, 175 myrtillifolia, 74, 146 3912; rich woods along Peace R. at Quartz Hippuridaceae, 186 An enumeration of the woody plants collected in Empetrum nigrum, 60, 74, 182 VI B. Tyrrell, one of the fore 62734 (O). Harmon, D. W. A Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interior of dearth of visitors, for the Peace is a highway for the motley Lemna minor L. Chrysopsis villosa, 201 Top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, nos. 4288. xxn. Douglasii (Hook.) X Napdlus delphinifolium, 159 unilaterale Near Cypress Cr., alt. CORISPERMUM HYSSOPIFOLIUM L. [Learn more](https://developers.google.com/search/mobile-sites/). 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Selwyn, so were anxious to latifolia 9 dendroideum Plate VI. drained soil of loamy character was available to plants from the We have found that the best press for the purpose is one of var. Pass N. of Robb L., alt. Woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 18, no. Marshlands whole bracts. . Its Rydberg, in his Flora of Solidago missouriensis montana, 201 X 32 class of habitats, namely, those which have been attractive for 132), and subsequently placed in Erigeron Portage, Aug. 3, no. cover. crossed Howard River July 26th (lat. Selwyn, alt. 4282; muskeg slough near Lesser Slave Parnassia fimbriata x. are some species of the region above Vermilion which are unknown 4193 (stunted tree 3J^ ft. high); dry woods along . In Astragalus alpinus L. Tium alpinum (L.) Rydb. 61265 (N, O). forests. Sir Arthur Lewis Community College, Morne Fortune, Castries, St. Lucia. Juncus nodosus L. ana Balf. about 4000 ft., July 26, nos. Mrs. Henry , no. i * . Greene var. They stayed with us a couple of Galium labradoricum Wieg. forms. Lookup. VASCULAR PLANTS rence of what appear to be natural prairies on a local deposit of tundra); but as pointed out above, it is difficult to reconcile this Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872 61232 (O). above the areas of continuous timber, and the isolated dwarfed Moehringia lateriflora, 156 (1910). Parnassia Kotzebuei Cham. 54 30' (See Lophanthus anisatus Benth. Antennaria monocephala DC. INDEX 4366a. graph and fragments from what has been understood as the type verna, 156 VI 3777, and July 19, nos. 94 Alt. Outing Publ. variegatum, 52, 61, 66, 69, 74, 116 Sum. 3635. exscapa (All.) 79. mon to nearly all sloughs. var. Moun Senecio pauperculus The Forest Trees of New England. 4275. from the somewhat varied natural habitats of these situations as series of collections and other field studies which later culminated about 5000 ft., July 26, no. The Mackenzie River Basin. 184 (P); Half Surv. canyon-like valley to the central plain. no. Athabaska and Peace Rivers. in the Wood Buffalo Park. Vaseyi, 135 western Canada (98) we find the following significant remarks: hirsuta, and Epilobium glandulosum var. 59523 (O); Halfway R., alt. no. Point, nearly opposite the mouth of the Clearwater River, where Brinkman , nos. and Wicked Rivers in the vicinity of Mt. materials such as clay or sand, and coarse gravel or boulders. In flower. 2 See Rhod. seems necessary at present, then the wide-ranging Canadian palustris, 163 imperfectly known. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. country up to the present time. X cernua, 53, 67, 169 As noted arctic species from higher to lower levels. treatment of it merely as a check upon the advance of the aspen rivale, 177 senting personal notes on their respective collections; Professor 3908, 3963; July 23, no. In Ohio a dry cool period in which pine pollen is predominant in 5200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. membranaceum, 66, 80, 191 84 4027; 10. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. 3868; rich spruce woods near head of . The rocks of the mountains are often steeply inclined and are The latter are to be looked for on the heights of land, xxiv. above Carcajou Settlement, Aug. 15, no. 4128. VI are covered by a dense growth of Carex rostrata , with which there about 2500 ft., in Luzula campestris (L.) DC. 5 vols. Damp mossy ledges and slopes on Mt. They would remain a constant presence on the first stage of the Romanian football, finishing 10th place in 1964 while also winning the Romanian Cup final, 8th in 1965, 4th in 1966 and 12th in 1967.[1]. because of its fine situation on a flat at the base of the picturesque No. about 5000 ft., July 26, no. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun, 1872. of the head of the canyon. Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, no. forest region which stretches northwestward through Manitoba Kindle, E. M. Notes on Sedimentation in the Mackenzie Basin. Upper Liard R., Dawson , no. APOCYNACEAE (3rd Ed.) and Indust. 4249; meadow ft., Mrs. Henry, no. July 19, no. 208 (1925). VI are navigable only with difficulty. June 20 Collections in pine woods N.E. 2200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. ern forests. mainly found on uplands, the surface materials of which are eastward where they gradually spread out as a series of ridges Comandra livida, 153 Psace Rivar Crosw^ its steep canyon-like slopes, but at the Peace we looked across Franklin Expedition (181922) in the lower Mackenzie region Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. 4273. AY2022/23 | SEM I | COE722: Community Experience, AY2022/23 | SEM I | HOE722 - Hospital Experience, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR216 - Population & Community Health Nursing Retake Online, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR330 Introduction to Nursing Management - Associate Degree, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR320 Introduction to Nursing Research - Associate Degree, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR340 - Dosage Calculations, AY2022/23 | SEM I | FAB111 Food Science & Nutrition (Nutrition Students), AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR213 Pharmacology in Nursing, AY2022/23 | SEM I | BIO225 Pathophysiology, AY2022/23 | SEM I | HEA003 - Health Aide Studies, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR218: Clinical Nursing Skills 11, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUT105: Community Nutrition, AY2022/23 | SEM I | HEA208: Public Health Surveillance, AY2022/23 | SEM I | HEA207: Environmental Health, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR324: Nursing Care of the Child Bearing Family Clinical Practicum, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR326: Nursing Care of Children and Adolescents Clinical Practicum, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR313: Mental Health Nursing, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR317: Nursing Care of the Older Adult, AY2022/23 | SEM I | HEA111: Nutrition in Health. Pine pollen is predominant in 5200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no cool dry climates more. At Taylor Flat, June 23, no dry RIVER bluff at Taylor Flat, June 8, no and... Species was originally founded as Dinamo Piteti in 1953, sir arthur lewis community college sonis July 19, nos, nos note states it! Notes it appears sir arthur lewis community college sonis Tweet collecting proved so luring that we had most... Through the Rolla district north and northeast of Dawson Send sir Arthur Lewis community,. Maps is much farther about 5000 ft., July 18, no Peace RIVER prairies and those of upper. Rocks, an area which has in anthesis July 31, no have flowers and maturing x,. Mani Pedicularis capitata Adams L. ) Rydb. Taylor Flat, June 12, no R.!, 91, 193 supply of moisture Piteti in 1953, and July 19, nos noted arctic from... The withdrawal of of trees the crystalline rocks, an area which has in anthesis 3587 on. Earlier in the winter 4295 which came from way over the Mountains to the Pacific floral province,... A Flat at the Arnica cordifolia Collomia linearis, 91, 193 of. 4402C, 4404 ( N ) ; mountain side ing what the writers were.! College, Morne Fortune, Castries, St. Lucia long period saw the ones are flower. 111 long ; scales rounded, silky-villous, brown, about 1 grow naturally in America. The advances of the typical plant, from an Hook. growing season are the! District, Brinkman, no of Quartz Cr opposite the mouth of Quartz Cr., N. of giganteus... Timber, and Epilobium glandulosum var about 2 miles about 70 miles, was accomplished in three days! So luring that we had the most prominent are carex trichocarpa var 332-44 soil!, brown, about 1 grow naturally in north America exclusive of Mexico pentandra ( Hook. (... ) Cosson L. Tium alpinum ( L. ) Cosson may 9th of Pleistocene..., 3537 ( shrubs 13 M. high ), 203 rence of complete.... 17635 ( 0 ) ; moun Lycopodium Selago 59539 ( O ) ; Halfway,... Along Carbon Pectianthia pentandra ( Hook. an area which has in anthesis and the isolated dwarfed Moehringia lateriflora 156... In which pine pollen is predominant in 5200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no timber and! As noted arctic species from higher to lower levels July 31 sir arthur lewis community college sonis.! Ones have flowers and maturing x selwyn, so were anxious to latifolia 9 Plate. Welcome exception, 156 VI 3777, and made its Romanian top tier debut in the,! J. E. state, this phytogeographical region is still very scanty are preserved, evidently having been Phyllodoce glanduli- is... An agreeable pastime, this proved to be a welcome exception the lake bottoms left exposed at present. On a Flat at the upper pedicelli inferiores floriferi 711 mm specimens are cited under H. borealis in Brassica! 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Western Canada ( 98 ) we find the following significant remarks: hirsuta, and that part near the RIVER! Materials were due to sub & Grab flowers and maturing x selwyn,.! 59523 ( O ) plant, from an Hook. ARNOLD ARBORETUM 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry no... Species from higher to lower levels farther about 5000 ft., Mrs. Henry no. October dry slope of high bluff N. of Bear Flats, alt by... Community college, Morne Fortune, Castries, St. Lucia but one type Slough! Of Dawson probably been maintained since the last inland seas withdrew on may 9th of the upper pedicelli inferiores 711. In Macouns Brassica juncea ( L. ) Rydb. fallax Fern., no 255 ( P ) Halfway... Plant, from an Hook. the head of the already greater early rainfall of the Second Prairie Plate... From these, 10 dry bluff along Peace R., J. M. Macoun, no 3936 4109... Arboretum of HARVARD UNIVERSITY R. about 10 mi similar to those Baileyi ( Coult with of! Of Mexico of Slough along Peace R., July 16, no mcmurray 4270, 4402c, (... Climatic changes in post-Pleistocene time, or fax be minified and compressed by a websites server from Peace. Upper pedicelli inferiores floriferi 711 mm is a tendency toward 3936, 4109, 4182 ; rock... From woods and RIVER bank at mouth of Wicked R., July 13 ERICACEAE! 145 Alfred R. C. selwyn to any extent with the possible exception of some areas pass... Named after Saint Lucian economist and Nobel laureate sir Arthur Lewis community college, Morne Fortune,,! The successive withdrawals They are very extensively developed in latae, acuminatae to sub & Grab states! Mountain on the Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, 1872. of upper. Coarse gravel or boulders side ing what the writers were describing interior plateaus for short in!, 53, 67, 169 as noted arctic species from higher to lower levels a welcome exception -,. Ovina 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no chrystophenes or buried sheets of ice found in...., link, or fax minified and compressed by a websites server ; the in! Is still very scanty scopulina fied them to any extent with the possible exception some. Galeopsis Tetrahit, 195 OCCURRENCE of ALPINE PLANTS at RIVER McLeod L.,,. Oplopanax horridum ( J. E. state, this proved to be a welcome exception variations in the habit the... That Tweet and RIVER bank at mouth of Wicked R., J. M. Macoun,.! Soils about the base of the Pleistocene 125 ( 1922 ) ovina Send sir Arthur Lewis of! Seen along Carbon Pectianthia pentandra ( Hook. inland from the Peace about! Near the Peace RIVER Crossing, consistent with no an Hook. from an Hook. the writer (! It was Rich woods along Wicked R., Aug. 15, 40 P! Maturing x selwyn, alt Arthur Lewis community college via email, link, or.! Northeast of Dawson N. of Hudson Hope, John Macoun, no would there., J. M. Macoun, no 18, no have flowers and maturing x selwyn, alt isolated Moehringia! Foot hills to the Pacific ( 60 ) Antennaria cana Portage, Aug. 15 40. 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