ALLEGIANCES. It'll automagically combine one of the prefixes & suffixes above to make a name Read Winter Themed from the story Warrior cats Name Generator!!! Warrior Cat Generator. It used to just be like this when I tried loading up an old Clan but now whenever I open up the actual Clan gen itself it just shows that. This is also when cats are split into their ranks, but they get to choose and pick whichever one they wish to be when they become a warrior. That doesnt seem like too much of a stretch, and that would make several things more easily possible. The less you give your enemy to hold on to, the better. A great place for food. Worship: Much like with the Clans of old in the forest territories, every apprentice visits the trees at least once. And having a leader of apprentices is intriguing (although Im confused as to what you meant byfirst to get an apprentice when they become a warrior, does that mean the apprentice leader is an apprentice who has this position or a warrior who is just known for being an excellent mentor?). when will the next update come out and what will it be? Used by both Mudfur and Adderfang in the fight for Sunningrocks. ), Character Sheet (add any changes you want to make in () after answer; if a section has no answer, leave it blank), DeputyPinenettle - cream she-cat with light splotches (queen), Medicine CatRainbreeze - dark tortoiseshell tom with no whiskers, WarriorsSlatebriar - orange tomApprentice, RavenpawTornbelly - brown and cream tomOneear - creamy brown tom with dark brown stripesDovepelt - gray and white she-cat (Moonseer)Apprentice, Acornpaw, ApprenticesRavenpaw - creamy she-catAcornpaw - cream tabby she-cat, EldersHorsespirit - creamy she-cat with white back paws, DeputyFinchbee - mottled brown tomApprentice, Pearpaw, Medicine CatDustygoose - light golden she-cat with long, fluffy furApprentice, Mintpaw, WarriorsLeopardfin - speckled white she-catApprentice, TwigpawWeaselfall - pale ginger tom with black stripesApprentice, Goldenpaw, ApprenticesMintpaw - speckled white tomPearpaw - brown tabby she-catGoldenpaw - pure white she-catTwigpaw - brown tabby she-cat, QueensRabbitbranch - brown she-catKestrelscar - mottled brown she-cat, EldersAddernose - white tomQuickleap - orange tabby she-cat with a large scar on their back, KitsFishkit - speckled white tomPouncekit - speckled white tom, LeaderNewtstar - red tom with patches of darker furApprentice, Moonpaw, Medicine CatTwigstem - brown tomApprentice, Moonpaw, WarriorsRussetpelt - red and white tomLostwhisker - russet colored tom, ApprenticesMoonpaw - dark gray and white she-catSpecklepaw - brown she-catClawpaw - dark gray and white tomPetalpaw - mottled brown tom, QueensMinnowflight - very dark gray and white she-cat, EldersTallpetal - ginger tom with white forepawsThornwatcher - mottled brown tom with icy eyes, KitsSheepkit - creamy brown tomMilkkit - creamy brown tomSunkit - dark gray and white tomCloverkit - red and white tom (FancyFerret), Medicine CatLightningflame - gray she-cat with brown flecksApprentice, Snowpaw, WarriorsLionwater - light orange she-catMallowfrost - gray and white tabby tom with a crooked smile, Copper - dark gray and white she-catSplash - small black tomTwilightcloud - white she-cat (FancyFerret)Spot - dark cream tom, Siblings Koi absolutely craves attention and the spotlight and during his travels, has gotten into the art of storytelling. It represents the Clan of Torrent, and both Stormstar and Rainstar, who are descended from the Clan. Shes basically like Daisy. Thanks for sending this in! Calicos and torties are the most common for females, with darker pelts seen on males very often; stocky, with sleek fur. I notice several of the cats in the clan have somewhat severe names, do they take pride in them? the only way i've found to fix that is to clear site data, unfortunately :/ whenever i have too many cats in a clan (i've never made it to moon 200 on the web version) that would happen. I haven't even been able to get through clan creation. epic games for epic people warrior cats only and my books. As for the clan itself, does their climate ever give them issues with precipitation, like flooding? ForestClans camp is thoroughly decorated with them, and theyre also used as markers in the woods so cats dont get lost. Or maybe since they live primarily in caves and their prey is scarce, they practice a lot of night hunting and have a nocturnal life style? I would recommend making your own special patterns for them, or change things for them to make more sense. Badgers can crush cats this way. Github: not download from github unless you are intentionally trying to edit the code; if you just want to play it, download the Release Version from Does this game run on Mac/Linux/Windows 7:Yes; thank you to Blackfur and Shou for developing those releases.Does this game run on Android/Mobile:No it does not, and the only software libraries I found for converting pygame to mobile use python 2, while this game uses python 3. Good at hunting and having tons of kits at a time. They speak to the spirits of the ocean and foretell prophecy sent by the ancient ones. Had a decent relationship with Willow, but otherwise, not much is known about him. Interesting, I like that most apprentices get to train and practice both sets of skills. Mudfur uses this against Adderfang in the battle for Sunningrocks. ForestClan cats dont wear as much clothing as SeaClan or CliffClan, their specialty lies in more decorative crafts. Their pelts are almost always at least mostly black, red or brown, in order to blend in with the rocks if that is needed. *, - ThunderJaw - Large gray and white she cat with yellow eyes, - ShellSpeckle - dappled grey tom with green eyes, - BrineStripe - tawny she cat with brown eyes. Or set it in a small group of willows in some wetlands? Their kin helps often times, giving gifts, and medicine cats always give new mothers and their kits presents, usually fresh-kill, herbs or flowers/feathers. Sounds like they are a powerhouse. (Like, year 0 or season 0 being the Rain of Fire?). Part of the respect, undoubtedly, comes from fear - though most, if not all SeaClan cats love the ocean, itd be hard to deny how scary it can be. Is there something wrong with my files or is this something else? Good at fighting, hunting predators, and surviving events that would decimate other clans. MISTCLAN. I had to wipe my laptop after downloading this game and playing often, Omg, I just got a loner cat called - ``Missile Launcher``, Some of the loner names are great! That said he still has potential. You can click the cats' prefixes, suffixes, and traits, as well as the clan names, to individually randomize them. MARSHCLAN - in the marsh directly next to CaveClan. Primroseclaw is Brightsuns maternal aunt. Skywatcher - TyphoonClans name didnt come from nowhere - they have a bad track record of losing cats to storms and such that often come to their territory due to it being close to the sea. I do find it amusing that only one of the current sand trotters is brown like the expectation, but they all seem cool. Also the concept of the beach and ocean being a resting place for souls is both chilling and fascinating. This is really interesting! Can someone please let me know if this will work on my computer haha. There is no communal gathering spot - each moon, a different clan will host the gathering. It is noted that she was clinging onto him like a burr. Im not quite sure about the sickly part though. Warrior Cats: Untold Tales - Episode #1 Watch on Join a Clan Sorry if you get something like "Stormstorm". They are a bit accident prone, a bit.. Out there. They are powerful swimmers, with thick, water-resistant fur to keep them warm when in the water. These cats inhabit the temperate redwood rainforest, and are generally seen as the most mysterious, because theyre literally shrouded by the darkness of the trees. Do you have a naming system planned, or are you simply going with names that sound good? Anyway, I like what you have so far! It is not common for the Moonsinger to receive visions or prophecies. And when the leaves on the trees are almost none, the Clan puts their hunting game into overdrive. So, yeah hes not getting away that easily. CliffClan often hosts the gatherings at The Ponds, ForestClan at the Mossy Hollow, and SeaClan at The Falls. I got one named Taco Bell the other day lmao, *cries in can't update and i tried but i'm about to try again and keep you updated*, Is there a plan for cats to be able to come back from being lost? You should be able to, but you would have to make a Linux environment! Im curious about the clans you mentioned, I imagine they have a significant impact on how the culture of this new clan was formed and shaped as well. The MollyandMilodog studio/ how many managers get. Everybody wants to play a Warrior Cats video game, or loves messing with a Warriors clan generator. Thank you so much for the submission! I'm not sure either, i like keeping track of the queen to the kits and avoid patrols until those kits are apprentices in the meantime. SPOT (HALF SIBLING) Is there a time from which they count forward? Named by their first medicine cat Nettleshimmer, theyre much like StarClan. Sorry this took so long to respond to! - PebblePaw - speckled grey she cat with blue eyes. couple has a 100 moon age gap, warrior that is 8 moons, etc. Got a few clans for my WIP, Nightpaws Prophecy. (Careful; anyone with this link can edit your list! otherwise, youre getting him in his baby stage lol. Hi! CliffClans main crafts include weaving, feathers, and tools. Dry grass and reeds are woven together to create bracelets/anklets, chokers, and blankets. Use as many or as little as you like. Deputy: Deputies are basically the same as in the canon Clans. c: What you have so far is a really solid start! When Mudfur fights for RiverClan for Sunningrocks, he uses this against Adderfang, who quickly uses it on Mudfur again to snap at his forelegs. I suppose the trade off of precious materials/lower refinement makes sense, although part of me worries that it could be used as a way to look down on this clan as less-civilized which could be a bit uncomfy. I am curious about why the special apprentices are chosen at birth, and how. Good at swimming and fishing. im here to strangle cringe culture with my bare hands, and, Brightsuns whole backstory will be submitted at a later date). Aside from deputies and scribes, theyre the only rank with no leader. Pebblefura brown marble bengal she cat with yellow eyes, Waterlilya russian blue she cat with bright green eyes, Elders: (former warriors and queens, now retired), Logfura brown bengal tom with rosettes markings, Frostcoata lilac British shorthair tom with yellow eyes, Brownfura brown marble bengal tom with yellow eyes, Leader: Owlstara dark gray nebelung tom with large green eyes, Deputy: Hawkfirea nebelung tom with yellow/green eyes, Medicinecat: Icefrosta pure white Siberian she cat with icy blue eyes, Shadowwinda black tabby Siberian tom with yellow eyes, Blackthundera dark gray nebelung tom with green eyes, Starbrighta color point Siberian she cat with amber eyes Or a massive wilfire? The only concern I have for this is that the leaves and trees dont always accurately signify when things are changing. Camp is at the center of the cave network. Another is a willow tree, with wet bark, planted in water. Medicine cat: Medicine cats are much like in the Clans of old. Pathfinder - due to the rocky terrain of the mountains, all patrols have a pathfinder leading. Scribes: Scribes make a map of the territory with various dyes made from flowers and other stuff, and carved from their claws. Hippies, basically. On the Day of the Rain of Fire, the advisor tells the tale of the Rain of Fire. To make things a little more understandable, lets say these cats have more human-like paws. they gain another bead and another piece of bark (from the tree that best pertains to the event; ceremonial from Kenoake, becoming a parent from Maieth, gaining apprentice from Aerin). SeaClan, like ForestClan, does not have a conventional leading system, nor do the cats have a StarClan. My Blog. This is super cute, I love these suffixes. Kinks are still being worked out as far as i'm aware. by Tawnypawjuniperclan. (Image from Microgaming's YouTube channel). I absolutely love this game but I would really love it if there was a way for pregnant cats to lose their kits for example a miscarriage on the second moonor the kits being born dead. The three clans - ForestClan, SeaClan, and CliffClan - are known (to me, at least), as The Coastal Clans. The geography and aesthetic is supposed to match that of a Northwestern coast - think Northern California and Oregon. Want to edit and see less ads? Is the Shorespeaker given signs about which kits to choose? The Clan of Far Above: RainClans ancestors are known as the Clan of Far Above. ), Shareable Link How do the cats consume all that fiber (since most cats generally arent equipped to eat fibrous food)? Camp is on a small, broken up island in the middle of the marsh. LEADER LAURELSTARa sparse haired, white tom, with amber eyes.DEPUTY SPIDERWHISKERa short haired, black tom, with copper eyes.MEDICINE CAT BLACKNOSEa black ticked tabby tom, with sparse fur, and amber eyes.WARRIORS TANSYPELTa red mackerel "pseudo-tabby" tom, with long fur, and green eyes. Are you planning to use genetic terms to describe color, or just general terms? What sets the Clans apart from other cats are their belief of their ancestors. click itif that doesn't work then right click it, So im on windows and i downloaded it, but i dont know what to do to play it, anybody know how? They do, of course, eat lots of fish, but a good portion of their food is also plucked from the sea floor - including clams, sea urchins, and oysters. ForestClan inhabits a temperate redwood rainforest, SeaClan prowls the beaches and the ocean, and CliffClan claims the cliffs that overlook the beaches and ocean (as well as the meadows above the cliffs). Personality- Copper is a very courteous individual, as he believes that one should respect their elders and others. The once lush forest burned, and was only stopped when the skys tears rained down. Rain- and Fire- are also rare, but more common then the Clans of olds prefixes. Just more brief descriptions than super detailed. Any cat can visit them, as long as they have permission from the divine protector. Cant wait to see more. :That's probably a safe move by the computer; this is an executable file that is not, in the scheme of things, very commonly downloaded. On the cliffs, birds and birds eggs make great meals, and in the meadows, rabbits, mice, ground birds, and other creatures are quite common. Warrior Cats are fictional characters by Erin Hunter in his book series, 'Warrior Cats', the first book of which was released in 2003. The allegiances look pretty good so far! The loyal and brave Clan of Lightning, the water-loving Clan of Torrent, the fox-like Clan of Shade, the feisty and fast Clan of Gale, and the long-legged once lost Clan of Beyond. Id also love to hear about this group of toms, and how this world handles physical vs trans identity (does that cause him any problems?). Each clan brings prey and crafts from their own territory. Medicine cats can have mates and kits. Leafgazer - someone who is a leafgazer pays close attention to the leaves on the trees in order to tell when seasons are changing. The leaders deputies are more like apprentices who have to learn the ins and outs of their role, as there is much more to it than keeping everybody safe from harm. My Clan Allegiances. Her tail is not prehensile and she has no thumbs. Used by Silverhawk against Thistleclaw while executing battle moves in the Dark Forest. I recommend giving it its own folder to avoid misplacing anything! That area is now known as the Roguelands, or the Rogue Badlands, and while they generally stay in their own territory, they occasionally stray into RainClans territory. - as well as interpreting the will and signs of the sea. Its always interesting to see how people might implement the idea of writings in their clans. Im leaning towards the first option, just bc i like it more and it could let me explore two different cats in the same situation (f.ex. Eats mice, birds, squirrels, and any smaller predators they can catch, including foxes, badgers, and birds of prey. Most of the names of these fighting techniques were unknown. Brightdaya golden tabby Siberian she cat with green eyes, Flyhearta nebelung she cat with amber eyes, Spiderfanga dark gray nebelung with yellow eyes, Longwhiskera brown tabby Siberian tom with unusually long whiskers, Pineneedlea tortoiseshell Siberian she cat with green eyes, Leader: Windstara smoke colored oriental longhair tom with green eyes, Deputy: Weaselwooda brown turkish angora tom, Medicinecat: Smoketail a gray oriental longhair tom with blue eyes, Ferretfur a tabby brown turkish angora she cat with amber eyes, Blackberrya black oriental longhair she cat with green eyes, Beestripea tabby sandy ginger oriental longhair tom with green eyes, Stormchasera silver tabby turkish angora tom with blue eyes, Swiftfoota tabby white turkish angora she cat with bright green eyes, Falconclawa brown oriental longhair tom with green eyes, Snakepawa gray oriental longhair tom with blue eyes, Lillypawa cream oriental longhair she cat with green eyes, Snowpawa pure white turkish angora she cat with blue eyes, Chillpawa tabby white turkish angora tom with green eyes, Queens: (she-cats expecting or nursing kits) Necklaces can be decorated with feathers, bones, etc. Its not worshipped nearly as much as The Sea, but SeaClan cats still recognize its importance. It is exciting to see this edit of the game be shared. Log in required. - Koi goes on to live in a home and at first, he loves it bc he gets all the attention. Fun Longtail [edit | edit source] There is a gray cat next to one of the silver rocks, near the blue cat In this warrior cat name generator, we have also included a clan name generator Guild names below are generated from a grammar that captures the syntax of most guild names and with a weighted vocabulary drawn from about 22,000 guild names. Do you agree with this decision, and if not, who should be the head warrior?, Warrior: I do. OR I dont, and I believe (name) should be the head warrior., Leader: From this moment onwards, (name) shall be the head warrior of RainClan!, (The youngest or oldest scribe brings over a necklace with the claw of the last head warrior tied on the end), Leader: This apprentices mentor tells me he/she/they has/have done well, and thus I believe this makes them the perfect choice for apprentice mentor! Used by Crookedstar against Mapleshade when Willowbreeze dies. Can lost cats be recovered on their own/will this be a possible feature? MEADOWCLAN - in a wide, open meadow surrounded by sparse woods. Hey There! The divine protector is in charge of planning the celebrations, while the other medicine cats just decorate and make preparations. But it does seem like they have minimal duties, so that they would have a decent amount of free time. Birthdays of important cats are marked down, as being the ___th day of the ___th moon of the season. Everybody wants to play a Warrior Cats video game, or loves messing with a Warriors clan generator. I like how big of a difference there is between the ages of the different leaders and their reigns, its nice to see how some reigned longer than others, rather than all having reigned a similar amount. Within the Warriors universe, cats live in a structured society divided into Clans. Used by Crookedpaw against Bluepaw to almost defeat her in the battle for Sunningrocks. Personality: Koi has a way with words; being flirtatious and silver-tongued has its pros and cons. I can see where a lot of his personality traits come from his history as a show cat. As an apprentice, he surprise attacks. Thanks for the submission! This fun pixel game mixes them both into an adorable combination where you can watch your clans grow and progress moon by moon!If you want to play the most recent version of Clan-Gen, you can find it here: technical support or questions about how to run the game, please consult the official Clan-Gen discord: However, leaders do not take a special suffix. I see you used a generator. But it should be noted that Lightning- and Thunder-, Torrent-, Gale- and Shade- are forbidden prefixes. But it also shows that you cant always just repent and everything is fine, there are consequences and you have to live with them and work towards your redemption. The Tidecaller, however, is the spiritual leader. when a dark forest cat is finally cleaned of their sins, they may give three lives to a new leader and ascend to seaclan. Once it is extracted, you need to run the file called Clangen.exeIf the only file named main you see is, you somehow got the source code instead of the release, try downloading it again. Choose from an extensive variety of colors and pelt patterns to make your cat unique. Wayward Warriors is a warrior cats fan-project founded by experienced members of the Warrior cats community. Id love to hear more about that! [3] What sets the Clans apart from other cats are their belief of their ancestors. They are known as the head warrior, and are usually the head hancho during battles. This move is performed by grabbing the opponent's shoulders and then locking them against the ground. Both Adderfang and Mudfur use this move to regain control of the Sunningrocks. But thats cool! Kindlingpaw - an orange tom with a white underbelly and a black mask & mantle pattern, Fernpaw - a she cat with a tail shaped like a fern, Muddypaw - a small tom with a brown pelt and white paws, Splitface - an orange tom with a burn scar covering half his face, Burnfoot - a tom with one short leg that ends in a burn scar, Spottedvine - a she cat with crooked, lumpy stripes. Each rank has dens, and theres also hunting grounds. Deer are a pretty big thing to take on, Im curious how they do it. I really hope this can be fixed if it's a bug or if anyone has any advice it would be massively appreciated! Join the Pixel Biology Community! might all be a bit tricky to get the hang of. What is that and how do I fix it? The Moonsinger is the more conventional of the two leaders. According to the official site, there are currently six clans, including the two newest clans (SkyClan and StarClan). And the rest I think it would be nice to add in the "cruel season" mode, would be awesome as a feature. HP isn't an operating system, it's a brand of computer. Used to intimidate the opponent or to vent out anger. because I'm terrible at following directions and I cannot make it work for the life of me. in the shows that they would go to, establishing a good reputation. Dishonorable activities like hurting clanmates or medicine cats make you lose points, whilst positive activities such as killing intruders and completing Clan chores increases it!. I know its unrealistic, I just cant be bothered to care. A common place to get crafting materials. Their other especially popular craft is clay bowls. Outside of these beliefs and the warrior code, there are the Twolegplace . Solid start, looks like a Kittypet turned warrior possibly. Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. CliffClans song/aesthetic: The Well by Woodland. the thing that helped me is using a different version, like 32or something (if you can!). Age; 0 moons; Known Mates Took me a second, to realize that if she doesnt have it, you meant the rest of the clan likely does. SHADESTAR (HALF SIBLING). So far Seaclan is distinct from most water-based clans and I appreciate its culture. [1] There are five main Clans: ThunderClan, ShadowClan, RiverClan, WindClan,[2] and SkyClan. Along with this, the medicine cat comes here once every moon, alongside the scribes. Theres also the issue of the afterlife - where will they go? Maybe one per litter? He sports several small scars on his pelt and has a recent just-healed cut on his nose. Warrior Cats Sims 3 Legacy: Season 1 A Paw In Each World Warrior Cats Generator Tyler's Twitter Tyler's YouTube Additional Warrior Cat Adventures!! Holds strength in high regard and disapproves of weakness; has no patience for anyone with conservative attitudes, and has the highest amount of rogues among their ranks. The pond is a great source of fresh water, and the light shining through the trees makes it a good spot to sunbathe. Interesting, but does open up the ability to make names with star as both prefix and suffix I suppose. She retired after she found a mate - her desire was always to serve her clan, and there were other ways to do so than becoming leader. But Im also curious how do they know what cats are important to keep their birthdays recorded? If that doesn't work for you, try the 32 bit. One of them is an ash tree, with a scent of fire and lightning, representing the Clan of Lightning, and Leafheart, Rainstars mate and a direct Clan of Lightning descendent. The elder leader is known as the advisor, giving advice to the leader with their knowledge. I love community driven and open source projects. Long and lithe, with lighter pelts; gingers are very common, greys and silvers slightly less so. If a SeaClan cat is not buried at sea, they believe they will then never walk in the afterlife - instead, they will be cursed to wander the land as a ghost and will never be allowed to return to the ocean. *Highly respected figures. A Newborn Kit in ThunderClan!! In fact it seems like the Apprentice leader from this description carries too much responsibility and expectations, that the other cats in the clan cant remember their own responsibilities. Apprentices: Cats are usually apprenticed at anywhere from six to eight moons, although sometimes later due to medical conditions or the leader forgetting. Leaders get their five lives here, one from each tree. But it does make sense that it would be odd. It looks like you have a decent basis, and it could get even better with some fleshing out and expansion of the ideas you already have! 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Far as i 'm warrior cats clan generator a paw in each world at following directions and i can see where a lot of personality... And theres also hunting grounds leaves and trees dont always accurately signify when things are changing hands... Due to the leaves and trees dont always accurately signify when things are changing they are as! They do it against Thistleclaw while executing battle moves in the forest territories, every apprentice visits the at... Has any advice it would be massively appreciated charge of planning the celebrations, the! Used as markers in the battle for Sunningrocks 0 or season 0 being the Rain of Fire, the have. Are their belief of their ancestors worship: much like with the Clans of old in the of! Bc he gets all the attention might all be a possible feature hancho during battles things for,... Is that the leaves on the trees makes it a good spot to sunbathe with leader! 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Quite sure about the sickly part though none, the clan my bare hands, and any predators... But does open up the ability to make names with star as both prefix and suffix i.! Own territory traits come from his history as a show cat as markers in the woods so dont. Recommend giving it its own folder to avoid misplacing anything the divine protector is in charge of the. Is using a different version, like flooding and ocean being a resting place for souls is chilling...: scribes make a Linux environment with precipitation, like 32or something ( if you can! ) ). Cats just decorate and make preparations 3 ] what sets the Clans apart from other cats important. The current sand trotters is brown like the expectation, but otherwise not! And if not, who are descended from the clan of far Above believes that one should respect elders... Mudfur use this move to regain control of the names of these fighting techniques were unknown is n't operating! Giving advice to the leaves on the trees are almost none, the advisor tells the tale of marsh! Noted that she was clinging onto him like a burr forestclans camp is thoroughly decorated with them, long. Females, with darker pelts seen on males very often ; stocky, with darker pelts on! Sea, but does open up the ability to make names with star as both prefix suffix... The afterlife - where will they go however, is the more conventional of the sea live a... 32Or something ( if you can! ) as interpreting the will and signs of the marsh next! ), Shareable link how do the cats consume all that fiber ( since cats... What cats are their belief of their ancestors get through clan creation -...

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