Join this forum where an online community discuss a variety topics about astrology, horoscope, and zodiac signs. Fixed star Algol, Beta Persei, is a 2.1 magnitude, rare triple star and eclipsing binary, located in the Medusa's Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus Constellation. You will find many clues to Algol's meaning in the stories surrounding Medusa, her rape by Poseidon, and betrayal and outcasting by Athena. They only open up when you step right on them, conjunct or opposition. report. Algol is the Gorgon's decapitated head which Perseus, the son of Zeus, holds in his hand. Having the lunar eclipse on it makes it a volatile and unpredictable full moon. (Mars sextile Pluto, Venus tridecile Uranus, Moon conjunct Venus and Pluto) Tuesday, Dec 7 Solemn realizations born of experiences. Close. Unfortunately, both Amber and Johnny also have their venus conjunct algol (Amber by 1 degree and Johnny exact). the fierce feminine is rising- but to be clear the fierce feminine is sourced in her heart and comes from love. I can send pics but it won't let me post one. Posted by 3 years ago. Topic: Putin invades Ukraina: North node conjunct Algol: Lilithsquared Knowflake . Aspects activate fixed stars when they are conjunct or in opposition to an activated planet or light. This includes Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, who both have Venus conjunct Algol in their horoscopes, hit by the long lunar eclipses of November 2021 and May 2022. (Venus was conjunct Pluto: Venus, art, conjunct Pluto, underground caves, and hidden things brought to light). But it's only when we face our greatest fear that we can fully tap into the truth of our soul. Answer (1 of 5): You'll have to be more specific. I can send pics . Algol is not always bad even if it is closely conjunct, you need to look at the aspects the greater and lesser benefic Jupiter and Venus make to the Descendant and the greater and lesser malefic Saturn and Mars. Venus square Saturn in Aquarius, June 18: responsibilities, duty before pleasure. Algol is the worst fixed star. Karmic synastry aspects..South Node conjunct Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Pluto..North Node opposite..South Node-Saturn conjunction is a lesson on learning to work together as a team through hardships, respecting each other's independence in every step..Venus conjunct South Node is a karmic rope that was sewed with. Venus in Taurus will make four aspects. Venus and Mars coming up to conjoin . On May 18 2006, the sequence of the last chromosome was published in the journal Nature. Prince Diana's Venus in Taurus was conjunct Algol which would make sense of the damaging side of the Fixed star. more so with the South Node on the MC too. Venus, in Capricorn in 9th, is conjunct mid-heaven, exactly quintile Neptune which is exactly on my descendant. Heart-throb Johnny Depp (Algol conjunct Venus), had to grapple with a headless fiend in Sleepy Hollow, and found out who Jack the Ripper was, in From Hell . When conjunct the Imum Coeli (IC), Anon379 says "great luck will arrive in old age.". Algol is a difficult fixed star, which has some very heavy connotation's and attributes. Algol or Medusa's head has been prominent in many of the world's worst wars, etc. . Algol is associated with humiliation, degradation, ruin, grief and a fall from grace. There may be a striking beard or glorious long hair. Even when a Planet is conjunct Algol, it is not relevant unless the Planet is rising, setting or culminating with Algol. Farrah Fawcett, Algol opposing Jupiter in Scorpio. Uranus was at Algol, forming a trine with Mercury on Zavijava (25 Virgo). The Algol Lunar Eclipse in Taurus ~ 19th November 2021 November 19, 2021; New Moon in Scorpio ~ November 4th . Other Factors Influencing Donald Trump's . The specific Planets are Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn and the Hyleg, and even then, only under certain specific conditions. Leo Buscaglia, "Dr Love" had Venus conjunct Algol. and 5 degs off from his sun in the 10th house. Explore astrology posts and see what others have been writing about. When a fixed star is conjunct the Ascendant or MC it indicates good fortune at an early age. Venus in detriment makes it difficult to attract what you want, whether love or money. Thanks Rachel Maria Shriver announced her separation from the Governator last week, and this . Venus is our attraction factor. He has gone to war on the BBC, fully supported by the other senior Royals, to object to Amol Rajan's two part documentary on The Princes and the Press. I associate Pluto with Shiva energy and Lilth is without a doubt Kali. More simply, the highest point in his chart is at the same degree as the star that represents Medusa's snake-haired noggin. This includes: Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus, June 11: excitement, change and some chaos. It is associated with danger, misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution, and mob violence. This fixed star is in Taurus, a Venus ruled sign, and has long been associated with destructive wrath and great loss. Spending time alone and in deep thought or meditation is good. Stephen King (Algol conjunct North Node), master of horror, whose books keep turning into films, nearly died after being run over by a truck, and should have died, but somehow recovered. 5. Add new topic Astrology forum. Certainly, Medusa embodies the outrage of subjugated women over millenniums of time. We are both Scorpios. I have algol exact conjunct venus and also my vertex 1.6 degree conjunct with Juno, both conjunctions are in the sixth house. *Prima Ballerina Margot Fonteyn, one of this century's greatest dancers, had a Sun-Mars conjunction at Algol (her husband was shot in the neck, leaving him . Saturn in conjunction with Venus presents obstacles every time you want something. Minerva and Athene are in my 7th house conjunct my Sun which is conjunct my Mars. It is associated with Charles Manson types. . The North Node is conjunct Algol within a one-degree orb from Feb. 14 to March 2 (True Node), or from Feb. 8 to March 18 . Algol was activated at the New Moon solar eclipse on Thursday, May 9th. Mercury conjunct it could show learning problems or losing one's head/mind. On Saturday, June 11, Venus and Uranus will exactly conjoin at 22 degrees of Aries, but they are range of aspect from June 3-17. The name Algol comes from the Arabic word رئيس الغول, meaning Head of the Ogre. #1 Hi Everyone, I hope everyone is doing well. Im looking for greater insight into how this may keep affecting my health , I am soooo over having these re. Algol in Synastry. Tough guy James Caan had his descendant and Mars on Algol. This means that these two planets describe the character of the star. This is Sphere + Sundry's second Algol series, but differs from the first (sold out) in that it features the Full Moon instead of the New Algol's procession through the tropical constellations is currently @ 26'25 Taurus . In 7th, 4th, or 11th House: 4: Conjunct Caput Algol-6: In 2nd or 5th House: 3: Conjunct other Fixed Star of Infortune-4: In 9th House: 2: Partile opposition to . The progressed Moon aspects reveal our emotional orientation at that time in our lives. If you have a tendency to be a workaholic and focus all your energies in your career, that would be shown by a placement of Caput Algol directly conjunct your Midheaven , your tenth house cusp, or your sixth house cusp, which is the . When conjunct the descendent, violence can come from others, especially the lover or marriage partner. Planetary dignity of these will also be significant look at the chart of Carl Sagan he has Algol conjunct his Asc also so does . On May 21 2008, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act became law "To prohibit discrimination on the basis of genetic information with respect to health insurance and employment". It matches Algol, the most destructive star in the sky. Fixed stars are like trap doors. his venus is conjunct my south node in the 8th house. Piper Dec 06, 2020 comments off. just so you know. Venus is also conjunct amor. The following orbs may be allowed for conjunction and oppositions depending on the magnitude of fixed stars. I took that as a good sign, especially as my offer included the words 'win,win'. share. Recently, I talked to a young man with Algol conjunct the ASC. Uranus was at Algol, forming a trine with Mercury on Zavijava (25 Virgo). algol can help us with this- and so can eris. Algol may subject you to your greatest fear. save. People who have Algol conjunct the ASC, Sun or Moon seem to have a propensity for evil.If they do not doevil things, they wantto. In modern times, astrologers see Algol as the carrier for the collective rage of suppressed female power. Saturn of course still in a waning square to Uranus. about this synastry any insights for this interaspects mc conjunction pluto orb 0 00 sun conjunction pluto orb 0 16 as conjunction venus orb 0 39 mercury conjunction pluto orb 1 06 as conjunction saturn orb 2 49 as conjun. . If by design and you're attached, then the demands of this transit can be met with doing something simple and pleasurable together as taking a trip to an exotic and unfamiliar . This Lilith Conjunct Ascendant represents someone who is both angelic and dangerous. Venus Conjunct Uranus In Taurus. The eclipses on November 19th 2021 at 27 degrees taurus and on May 16th 2022 at 25 degrees scorpio are bringing to life this fixed karma. BBC Part Two November 29. The important fixed stars used in chart interpretation. She is scared and vulnerable to the risks in her environment simultaneously. A fem By shaymaci — February 12, 2018 4:42am — 2 replies. 1st, 7'30 2nd, 5'30 3rd, 3'40 4th, I'30 . . Apollo was the son of Zeus, and the Greek god of music. On the same day, Venus is conjunct Uranus at 3° Taurus. 5°Sag hide. Algol is widely conjunct my Moon and Chiron in Taurus. Energy that will stir up and unleash necessary, deep & ultimately healing changes in life, especially around our relationships, finances, values & creative… My partner has his venus conjunct pluto at 3 degrees Sagittarius. Vertex conjunct Algol conjunct Venus. She added: "Algol represents a strong consuming passion that may devour you with anger and rage. VENUS TRANSIT OF PISCES. (Mercury square Neptune, Moon conjunct Saturn) Wednesday, Dec 8 Ride the wave of energy over the maddening crowd. The person will feel very, very sexual and may feel embarrassed or ashamed of it. It causes misfortune, violence and illness. But, Venus and Mars are not per se, about commitment or marriage - although they may lead us there! This phase is best spent doing a lot of reflection and coming to a better understanding of yourself and life. Algol (also known as Medusa) is located in the constellation of Perseus. June 16, 2018 1:17 pm. my venus is at perfect conjunction with his mars, mercury, and south node. Algol conjunct the ASC. Medusa, by Caravaggio. 6 th April 2022 - 3 rd May 2022. According to Hermes Trismegistus and his 30 stars, Algol a star of 2-3 magnitude has the nature of the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. For April's Transit Talk Yomi and I discuss current events associated with the ongoing transits of Algol, Sedna and Black Moon Lilith. On the one hand, she is the most powerful woman in the world, in charge of her own life and a symbol of women's liberation. . Remember that Algol is a binary star and thus prone to polarization. Pluto conjunct Venus-this is similar to a Scorpio Venus. Amol Rajan: The Princes and the Press. Neptune is in my 10th.Pallas is in my 2nd house in Pisces and conjunct my North Node. Hi there, I have had chronic fatigue reoccuring since 2012. It shows an area of our lives and part of our psyches where we lack self-esteem or even self-respect and tend to overcompensate as a result. Mars is conjunct my Aries ascendant but in 12th, and a Jupiter Uranus conjunction also conjuncts Nadir. . In astrology, the head of the famous Medusa is known as the fixed star called Algol which is located at 26 degrees of Taurus. It is the most evil star in the heavens." I have been attempting to study Venus quintile Neptune - and started noticing the cardinal points again in my chart. Venus and Mars are personal planets, Venus relates to feminine, Mars masculine, characteristics and traits. to get to this place we must work through our anger and rage all the way through to our grief, pain, vulnerability and tenderness. (@tonya) Estimable Member. Algol could imply imposed injustice with little recourse to control or redirect the outcome, and which therefore needs to be transformed in order to change. He thinks he is a sociopath. Scorpio Mars squares Aquarius Jupiter Dec 10th - FIRST QUARTER MOON in Pisces Dec 11th - Capricorn Venus conjunct Pluto Dec 11th - Sag Mercury sextile Aquarius Jupiter Dec 11th - Sag Sun square . anger and rage that is used to overpower others or take … It can make romantic relationships and love very painful, but it extends beyond just partnerships and creates a wound that steps on who you are and your feminine side. It is located in the 11th house and forms a T square with my sun (23 degrees Leo) and Uranus (0 degrees Sag). *Prima Ballerina Margot Fonteyn, one of this century's greatest dancers, had a Sun-Mars conjunction at Algol (her husband was shot in the neck, leaving him . Yes, Algol - the most malefic of fixed stars - appears to be the culprit. Jupiter - tumors, cancer. It's less obvious in his case where the Algol effect operates. 18. This is not to say you are a Charles Manson if you have this, but you will have dark impulses, most likely. I have a lot of polarity and duality and I'm just a mess haha. So, the spiritual meaning of the full moon in November 2021 refers to the use of sincerity, faith, a strong sense of purpose to evolve and elevate . At the same time, Venus is currently transiting in conjunction with Uranus. We haven't had a Venus-Uranus . As the sun set and the hour of Saturn began on Tuesday November 12th 2019, the Mother Algol series was ritually created to talismanic standard during the Full Moon conjunct the fixed star Algol around 26° Taurus. As with any Chiron placement, the healing path for Venus conjunct Chiron involves accepting your inner child or shadow . Venus is our attraction factor. My BML is at 2 degrees 30′ Virgo within 18 minutes of my IC and conjunct natal Uranus 00 degrees 26 ' Virgo and opposing Chiron 1 degree 55' Pisces. Venus will be within three degrees of a conjunction with Pluto during the upcoming solar eclipse, eventually forming a conjunction with Pluto on December 11 the first time and then again on December 25 after stationing retrograde on December 19. Today Venus shifts into watery Pisces, enhancing her natural strengths; as well as helping to activate the much-heralded Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces, which is growing ever closer by the day. We tend to give and give and give in these areas of life, until we learn to build our confidence. Transiting Libitina conjuncts natal Libitina. Fixed star Algol conjunct Mercury (0°21′) and Venus (0°26′): Algol is one of the most unfortunate stars used in astrology. This is fascinating! The 4 Persian Royal Fixed stars used to be at the solstice and equinox points, however due to the precession of the equinox they are now at different positions. This is an important 84 year historical cycle (albeit one which most astrologers . Uranus Libra straddles the 8th and 9th with Medusa conjuncting it. It means that everybody has Algol somewhere in their natal charts. Chirongirl said: with in 10 degrees of it. The Lunar Eclipse takes place on November 19th, 08.57 am GMT at 27° 14′ Taurus conjunct fixed star Algol For sure the energies around this Lunar Eclipse are potent, powerful & transforming. . Venus will then remain within three degrees of Pluto until January 1, 2022. IP: Logged. I have studied Algol and it is a pretty nasty place to have planets or aspects. Moon, Mercury, Venus, Pluto, Vesta, and South Node. But so is Prince William's Venus in Taurus, which sits within 15 minutes of a degree to Algol (= closely conjunct) and on the apex of a Yod. The full Moon in the sign of Taurus on Friday, November 19, 2021 is a partial eclipse of the Moon. Posts: 120 From: Registered: Jun 2013: posted February 24, 2022 09:27 AM Ukraine* Algol IS known as the malefic fixed star. The planet Uranus (upheavals; sudden changes) and Algol are entering a critical phase of their cycle, which began with their conjunction back in 1941-42 - the height of World War II. p.s. He is RIDICULOUSLY romantic. The fixed star Algol is also part of the Perseus constellation and historically it has always had a reputation for being one of the most wicked stars in the sky. Aim constructively. Algol conjunct Jupiter, opposes Libitina, Roman Goddess of Death. I have never read this about the venus pluto male but it makes perfect sense. Algol is just over one degrees away from Donald's Midheaven, so this may be a weak influence, if any. Posts: 49 From: Registered: Jun 2009: posted February 09, 2007 01:36 AM Algol Fixed Star (1800-2100) Sidereal Ayanamsa: Lahiri Raman Krishnamurti Takra Fagan-Bradley De Luce Larry Ely Usha/Shashi Yukteshwar J.N. Algol is at 24' Taurus. Although he was renowned for his courses entitled "Love 1A," the queues of people who wanted to hug him following his lectures and his bestselling book "Love," he never married. They aredrawnto evil and dark things as a moth is drawn to light. For one to successfully process Algol without excessive side effects, one must meet her gaze with deep humility, heart in hand, and genuine respect for the destructive power inherent to this primordial force. I have Saturn conjunct it. Partile conjunction Jupiter or Venus: 5: Partile conjunction Moon's South Node-3: Partile trine Jupiter or Venus: 4: In terms of Saturn or Mars-2: Partile sextile Jupiter or Venus . BBC Part Two November 29. . As the title of this post suggests, chiron is conjunct algol (chiron is located at 27 degrees and 30 minute) in my chart. It is not their fault. Heart-throb Johnny Depp (Algol conjunct Venus), had to grapple with a headless fiend in Sleepy Hollow, and found out who Jack the Ripper was, in From Hell. Archived. By thecrazyariestaurus — November 28, 2016 6:38pm — 10 replies. According to Vivian Robson, who is a contemporary authority on fixed stars, Algol "causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. These seem very difficult, it feels as though all around you society as a whole may be too violent, too brutal or too competitive (thinking of my husband with his personal planets in conjunct the North Node of the Moon also conjunct . . For an Algol contact the orb is about 2.5 degrees although for the Sun or Moon I would give it a full 3. Venus conjunct Mars. Donald Trump has Venus in conjunction to his detrimental Saturn in Cancer. Venus sextile Neptune in Pisces, June 19: imagination, hope, creative and spiritual interests. Sun and Mercury were conjunct Algol. Lilith is a fighter as well as a dreamer. Powerful motive and emotional fuel to burn. Mariana Bridi, young Brazilian model who died from septicemia recently, having had both hands and feet amputated along the way. I have a quick question to ask and your insight would be appreciated. The new moon on November 19th is a lunar eclipse on the fixed star Algol, making it anything but a nice and friendly full moon. It is the nature of their chart. I hope some of this eases up when Mercury moves beyond its conjunction with Algol on June 9. (Venus was conjunct Pluto: Venus, art, conjunct Pluto, underground caves, and hidden things brought to light). Algol is also very special with it's heliacal phases as the star is rising and lying dim. With respect to who, what and how they need to love, the genie is really out of the bottle now, isn't it? The North Node conjunct Caput Algol is in my opinion a pouring in of energies from the social issues of the day. Chiron's Aspects in the Natal Chart. The Progressed Balsamic Lunar Phase is the phase preceding the New Moon Phase, and is therefore all about preparing for that phase. Chiron in the natal chart represents our "deepest wound". Venus conjunct Chiron is a tough aspect in the natal chart. We have venus conjunct pluto in composite and double venus pluto in synastry. Since 2005 - it's free to post or help others . Amol Rajan: The Princes and the Press. In fact, when we first met, the first words out of his mouth were, "hello, I'm your future husband." An aspect of Caput Algol to your Venus could indicate a tendency to fall obsessively in love with your paramours. Unless your Venus is within a degree of this fixed star, it doesn't even count as a conjunction, because they use a 1-degree orb for fixed stars. Venus in Taurus Aspects. "This star seems to contain immense female passion and power" wrote Bernadette Brady. Harmonious aspects of the progressed Moon indicate periods when one feels natural or comfortable in the areas of life affected. 4 comments. That is, Trump's midheaven, the north-south meridian that intersects with the ecliptic is at the same degree as Algol. 100% Upvoted. No trines or squares. Moving on…Hillary Clinton's Venus is in detriment in the sign of Scorpio. Cancerian Prince William took the full brunt of the recent Taurus Algol Lunar Eclipse sitting on top of his Venus in Taurus. Vertex conjunct Algol conjunct Venus. A powerful statement. Occurring at 19'31 Taurus, a sign ruled by Venus, this eclipse was not conjunct Algol by "projected" ecliptic degree, but instead the Sun and Moon culminated in paran with Algol that day. Challenging aspects indicate periods of time when we feel that our natural responses do not bring us what we want in the affected . I have noted more than one person with the Sun in conjunction with this star in being a pathological liar." Algol is associated with the head of Medusa. But lo, and behold, Donald Trump's midheaven is within one degree of Algol. I as a woman have venus conjunct pluto at 0 degrees in libra. Venus was conjunct Algol. Joined: 7 years ago. Algol also gives very distinctive facial features and hair. This triple conjunction of Venus, Mars and Pluto within a one-degree orb is very rare. The Uranus conjunct Venus transit suggests that you must change up things in your love life, whether by design or someone else's mandate. Might seeks right. Bhasin Djwhal Khul Hipparchus Sassanian True Citra 0°Lib True Mula 0°Sag True Pushya 16°Can (PVRN Rao) True Revati Aldebaran 15°Tau Galactic Center 0°Sag Galactic Eq. BornUnderDioscuri Moderator . Jupiter conjunct Algol is victory or success. Uranus Conjunct Venus Transit. He pursued me like no other. Part of Fortune seems to be in play as the morning I made an offer on the business it (transiting) was conjunct (to the degree) my Venus - and at the same time transiting Venus was exactly conjunct the seller's Part of Fortune.

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