Dang, and I bet the smile you give wouldve made me buy more of whatever you were selling. Step right on up! Often described as the Cornbread Cosa Nostra, the Dixie Mafia first emerged in the American South in the 1960s. There are several national stories in 2013 depicting how one tubs agent had depleted a victims back account. the truth is, there is little money in it, and the rides seem to be falling apart. The life is really like a frat house on wheels:rampant [use of illicit substances]abounds. We take pride in what we do. He bought a truck-mounted merry-go-round and charged people 10 cents to ride it. About 40 percent of adults with gambling problems started gambling before age 17. The new law, sponsored by State Senator I know that around here, when they need to hire local workers they pick from the pool of people on day parole, so take that as you will. Testimony was that Roach paid Lovett for protection from police while Roach cheated customers through such games as Razzle Dazzle also known as Razzle, which gave players no chance to win. Lovett was also fined $50,000. No way. Police officers patrolling midways are evidently being paid in whole or in part with carnival money in the form of contracts from the carnival company or carnival sponsor. The gang then broke into 10 trailers in search of valuables and cash. WebThe criminal Justice system acts as a carnival mirror that magnifies the threat of street crime while minimizing the harms from occupational hazards, health care, chemicals and poverty. I hope I have answered it for you. Cops are discouraged from arresting the dishonest carny for two obvious reasons: money and politics. Convicted of bank loan schemes in 1986 and never spending a day in prison, the Gregorys befriended Tony Rodham, brother of President Bill Clintons wife, and now presidential candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and were awarded the contracts to operate his carnival, In 2008, campaign finance records show that Frank contributed to the following U.S. Congressional candidates: Joe Baca, Brian Bilbray, Gerry Connolly, Jim Costa, Randy Forbes, Zoe Lofgren, Mike Pence, Dennis Rehberg, and, In my early years as a police officer of the Dearborn Police Department and working the information desk, a man named Steve Nowosielski walked in to complain that carnival employees were stealing from the patrons with Razzle at the city carnival only 100 yards from the police station. Gaffed and chance-based games from the same carnival companies travel to thousands of carnival lots and fairs each year. In 1967, McNairy County Sheriff Buford Pusser and his wife were attacked in Tennessee likely in retaliation for Pussers crackdown on the Dixie Mafia. Law enforcement must first recognize this systemic national illness and how it capitalizes on unprotected Americans. Instead, the Dixie Mafia was a rag-tag band of crooks who were willing to do just about any crime if there was money involved. In 2012, a financial advisor from New York City, who read about Razzle in one of my books, wrote to inform me that he was swindled for a total of $11,000 as a result of playing Razzle at a Manhattan street fair. In the subsequent years, three suspects (not including Nix), suffered mysterious deaths that may have been caused by Pusser. Exclusive to Razzle is its signature conversion chart.. In 2014, a Razzle victim wrote to me about being fleeced for $7,000 at a festival in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. I estimated that the 12 innocent-looking basketball games alone accounted for $25,000 in 2012, based on the numbers of neighborhood kids trying their luck endlessly for four days. What sideshows have you worked in? During the 1960s, a group of criminals known as the Dixie Mafia began to creep across cities and towns in the South. Yeah, it was a great movie, but I dont get the connection to carnies. If you were one of the players lucky enough to have your money on that color at 32-to-1 odds against, you would win a stuffed animal. I read every article, book, and case law I could find relating to these games. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. Frank has carnival contracts there as well. Gaffed and chance-based games travel to thousands of carnival lots and fairs each year, raking in billions of dollars in ill-gotten gains with virtual impunity. It usually takes zero years In an attempt to skirt responsibility for the crooks in question, playing their crooked games, Century 21 Shows manager Jeremy Bendsons acted innocent when questioned by the reporter while playing the customary independent contractor card. It is only through undercover surveillance, search warrants, raids, arrests, Freedom of Information Act requests, and prosecutions by trained law enforcement agents that carnival owners and their representatives will get the message to start following local, state, and federal laws. And members only had to obey one rule: Thou shall not snitch to the cops.. So, I singled out a known scam artist operating one of the basketball games, Kenneth David Argo, a 12-year game agent for Huston. On Sunday, prosecutors said someone driving through Almeda Malls parking lot became the victim of a hate crime when he was attacked by a group of carnival workers. Here, lets see if my charm works on you, Back on topic, I never did carnivals, but I have worked a freak show / side show. Several scout-cars responded and one bully-type sergeant threatened to arrest me. Olivia Bray, mother of three, understands this as well as the limbs attached to her body. I conservatively estimate NAME to be a $150 million-per-year corporation based on its stated 15-million fairgoers annually and on an average of only $10 per capita. Every carnival game designed has the potential to be rigged. Certain totals correspond to successful yardage gains printed on the perplexing conversion chart. Marcello tolerated the Dixie Mafias presence as long as they played by his rules and paid for his hospitality. As part of a self-serving marketing ploy, some carnival owners publicize their plans to make donations to local charities, in an attempt to present themselves as compassionate people in order to gain respect and support of citizens they plan to flimflam. These hardworking people are young and old, from all walks of life. The mark will pay $4 for the next play, than $8, then $16, then $32, and so, every time 29 is tallied. Kirksey McCord Nix Jr., one of the lead figures of the Dixie Mafia, was suspected to be one of the men behind the hit. Im not sure what other highly-transient, blue collar labor force[s] youre alluding to, but I disagree that carnies only seem different from such groups because of where and how they interact with the public. But did the Dixie Mafias grip on the American South really end in the 1990s? In all three cases, the police refused to write a basic incident report upon complaints and requests for assistance. Youll also find quite a few references to various arrests, some of which are for rape and murder. Have you ever played a carnival game and felt cheated? The Dixie Mafias territory stretched all over the South, from Georgia to Oklahoma. CBS News exposed a carnival company which was cheating soldiers and their families out of money at the 2011 Fourth of July Freedom Fest at Fort Hood, Texas, the largest military base in the country. I had a black-sheep uncle who did carny work, as well as tons of other transient jobs. (If it isnt documented, it didnt happen.), A police officer refusing to properly address or document a crime-in-progress complaint is tantamount to constructively playing into the hands of organized crime. The truth is that some of the illegal games are property of the carnival owner, and not some fictitious ace-in-the-hole independent contractor. Most flat-joints are operated by errant freelancers. The ball crazily bounces and rolls until it comes to rest on one of the 96 holes. At a recent federal corruption trial, federal investigators testified that Lovett took bribes from a carnival owner during a nine-year period of carnival events from 2004 to 2013 to protect illegal carnival games including a classic old carnival game known as Razzle Dazzle. It is estimated that Lovett, while chief, took bribe installments which amounted to $75,000. As a retired police officer, I continued to expose and help curb what I found to be a free-wheeling crime anomaly, by publishing several investigative accounts, including two books: Carnival Games: It is quite common for illegal carnival operators to pay off police and public officials in order to operate, says Riedthaler in the Corruption of Officials section of his police training seminar called , On February 6, 2015, Willie Lovett was sentenced to 7.5 years in federal prison for Conspiracy to obstruct enforcement of criminal laws and related gambling crimes. WebBusiness Insider asked current and former cruise-ship workers what they wish they could tell passengers but can't. That would surely subject them to a false arrest claim and a possible headline about their rip-off (the kids) church festival. No one has an accurate figure because much of the cash is unreported industry-wide, said Riedthaler, also a retired Cleveland Police Department detective. Here is the story of Edgar Allen Gregory Jr., who in 1993, was captured on film during a Dateline NBC hidden camera investigation for operating a racket-show while displaying several big-dollar-fraudulent gambling games on his mobile carnival midway at the North Tennessee State Fair. These are people that would otherwise be homeless if not for the ability to count to 2 with both hands. The happy mark, already halfway to the prize, then pays only $2 to buy another spill of the marbles. The festival officials did not like my presence (which is normal), so they called police about me. This is an ideal way for owners to feel they bought and own the loyalty of cops on their midways. Which Animated Disney Movie Should Get A Horror Adaptation Next? East coast or west? No roots, no stability. Step right up to the king of all carnival rip-offs, Razzle Dazzle, which searches for and destroys its prey. The flatty totally controls this game. ", In this CBS News Online, July 12, 2011, video. They will always refer to any bad guys as independent contractors and not employees of the carnival even when they are paying the carnival owner for the privilege of occupying cheating space. Buford Pusser supposedly took out several members of the Dixie Mafia to avenge his wifes death. All embrace lucrative interests while striving for a trouble-free show, which can and does lead to tolerable criminal pursuits. I disagree. Theft, fraud, and sexual misconduct are all examples of these crimes. The most common degree is a high school diploma degree with an criminal justice major. In the Play Football eight-marble version of Razzle, the mark agrees to use a free pass, then spills eight marbles on a board containing 143 numbered holes with values from one through six assigned to each hole. By the 1980s, the blurred lines between government officials and Dixie Mafia members had become so extreme that federal authorities designated the entire Harrison County Sheriffs Office in Mississippi as a criminal enterprise. After the mob apparently ordered a hit on the judge, Sherry and his wife were murdered in their Mississippi home in 1987. NBC News; NBC News.com Today show 7/13/2012 (and also aired on Dateline 8/19/12). Template:Cite web. After a fruitful investigation, Thomas phoned to say that many of the games appeared to be rigged, based on results. Training and enforcement at local, state, and national levels are the ways to address these free crime zones and thwart the commission of brazen wholesale, worry-free criminal acts. Well I dont think theyre shady as much as they simply look like they have come from extremely impoverished environments, or have led very harsh lives given the state of their average dental health, and their overall haggard look. Johnson called previous proposed legislation discriminatory. Your child could be getting on a ride that is run by Charles Manson. Thomas did not get the opportunity to measure the elliptical rims as hoped. A continuing criminal enterprise is an example of organized crime. She cleaned and closed up the pie stand, only to stay up into the wee hours counting money and balancing all of the cash registers' records, snatch a couple hourssleep, and get up early enough to set everything up and restock before the fair opened the next morning. But despite the massive crackdown on former members that followed, many believe that the group is still secretly active today. Aside from forming alliances with some members of law enforcement, the Dixie Mafia also worked alongside fellow mobsters. To create insurance-like policies, carnival magnates often contribute to political campaigns of U.S. congressmen, senators, governors, and local politicians for a couple of reasons: in case they are interested in a state fair, county, or municipal contract and wish to develop clout; and in case carny-owners need friends in government to bail them out of trouble after a dishonest carny runs into a police officer who just wants to do his or her job. While the Dixie Mafia had no formal ties to La Cosa Nostra, they did have an understanding with a notorious Italian-American Mafia mob boss named Carlos Marcello. (AP) Three carnival workers have been charged with capital murder in the fatal shooting of a couple at a Kansas fair whose bodies were found days later in shallow graves in a national forest in Arkansas. Frank had been granted state fair contracts in Michigan and Florida over the previous 25 years. There were at least two casualties: Margie George, a 44-year-old fortune-teller who was hacked to death for refusing to reveal the location of a supposed safe, and Gary Elbert McDaniel, a known Dixie Mafia associate who turned up dead a month after the murder. WebAnswer (1 of 2): Ahh.. ciazarn. 47% of Carnival Workers have a high school diploma degree, 10% major in criminal justice. The numbers of arrests and convictions found in the background checks do not surprise Burbank Police Chief Bruce Radowicz. Once this amiable operative talks the mark into using the free pass, it is already the beginning of the end. David Malhalab, also with me at the time, phoned in a request for service to the Dearborn Heights police, asking them to respond to investigate this larceny with the 13-year-old victim waiting and with the perpetrator still operating the game in question. I think most of these businesses will be gone in a few years. Lists about the strange, fascinating, and horrifying history of circuses and carnivals in America and around the world. It does tend to be full of gossip since everyone works and lives with each other in close quartersRide and customer safety is the number-one priority. She was clearly astonished and interested in securing this elliptical type of rim for a demonstration during her Today feature. Furthermore, sponsors have no way of knowing the total game profits. Go to work at 6 am;go to bed at 2 am the next day. But even incarceration couldnt stop them from committing crimes. It's definitely not the mall parking lot show that most think of when you hear "carnival." Thats exactly what I did. Oct 21, 2022 / Comments Off on Chiefs, Criminals, & Carnival Workers: A Brief History of Tattoo with Adam Romano Comments This short lecture shares the story It turns out their real lives have more dimension than anyone gives them credit for. "For this kid's sake, I wish we would have done it long before that.". (Regulation rims are 18 inches in diameter). I havent thought about that in a long time. Its a mix. As reported in the. Rossen Reports: Are carnival games cheating you-and your kids?" These sneaky tub-type games are displayed on over 90 percent of carnival midways which I had checked in Michigan, with tub-agents using the age-old deadening-ball trick on the mark. Carnival workers have also said they were forced to live in filthy trailers or bunkhouses. So, they either rent or default on thier sub-prime mortgage. By maintaining two sets of books, the carnival can cheat the charity out of a large amount of revenue for their purposes.. Another 25 percent are illegal since they are gambling games. A new lawyer has taken the helm of the legal department at Carnival Corp., but the cruise lines longtime general counsel isnt abandoning ship just yet. Cops taking the bribes are also in violation of RICO and similar state statutes. My parents sold the business when I was still young, and I hated them for it because to a young kid, it was so much fun! In running background checks at five events, the Illinois attorney general's office and Cook County sheriff's department found that among 179 carnival employees, there had been 556 arrests and 125 convictions, according to a letter sent to law enforcement agencies. Carnival midways are the only venues in the United States where local Thomass U.S. Army Special Forces sniper, who could take out the enemy at 200 yards with one shot, was unable to Shoot out the Star from the distance of 12 feet with 100 shots. Kirksey McCord Nix Jr., one of the notorious leaders of the Dixie Mafia. He would work hard when he worked, but then would go on benders. Today, carnival-goers lose thousands of dollars in this 100-year-old con game played all over the world. No rigged games, daily ride inspections, and regular and random drug testing andbackground checksgo a long way towardcleaning up the carnie image. A major stereotype I hate is that we are all crooks and criminals. This system of carnival-related racketeering and conspiracy to obstruct law enforcement can only be investigated and prosecuted at the federal level. This, combined with the hoodwink nods from corrupt public servants, seems to be the big American secret at fairs and festivals. For a carnival owner or manager to deny responsibility is like saying I didnt run you over, my car did! When it comes to interviews, carnival owners and managers will act outraged while feigning ignorance about the rigged game and its perpetrat, John Wayne Gacy Confessed to Killing Dozens (December 22, 1978). He agrees with legislators pushing a law requiring background checks but wants to make sure the carnival industry has input, specifically regarding who will pay for the checks. Yes, they are scraping by and yes they are poor, but labor ready hires anyone who is there to work at 6am in the morning . Rather the way they interact with the public is a large part of what makes them different. So, the grifter swiftly adds up the total with sleight of hand (two hands at a time), and announces a false (fairbank) number, 44, which corresponds to 50 yards on the puzzling conversion chart. Carnival life is its own world, detached from mainstream lifestyles. Gregorys little moon-walk act looks good on the six-o-clock news; however, everyone in the industry knows that carnival owners and managers are never in the dark about the corrupt features of every dirty game on their midways. This trickery employs a miscall or miscount known as carnival fairbanking, which is a duplicitous scheme, i.e., the flatty misguides the mark through alluring favoritism as an inducement to draw his prey further into the costly illusion of winning a luxurious prize and enormous cash. As for the coworkers I got along with, I never asked them about their criminal background, so I couldnt tell you. But the carnival I work forhas spent a long time building their image up to try to distance themselves from the stigma. It goes back to the Nomads versus the Egypt, Rome versus the Barbarians. They dont! Good ol Uncle Cecil. Police departments must take appropriate action to guarantee that all midway games are skill-based, checked, and rechecked by valid security, thus reducing the chances of illegally obtained cash laundered via middlemen (sponsors), to pay the contract for midway security. He said you could make enough money each summer to last the year, and a lot of his old carnie friends travel all over the world when they aren't working fairs. He would come up to my Moms (his sisters) house and stay while he would talk to the lawyers and go to court and stuff. This is lawful gambling provided that the event is licensed and monitored by the state. Ward Hall? Carnivals are ubiquitous in the Garden State, but an aura of mystery swirls around the people who stage the phantasmagoric spectacles that light up empty fields How many kids want to go to a sideshow these days? It took the media to address the tubs crimes and not police in the three tub cases cited. All players lay a bet down on a color and only one of the players throws a rubbery ball in a bin of 96 colored holes. Carnival owners, workers, and agents, known as carnies, who own, manage, or operate these chance-based games and share in the take, are conspiring to promote gambling. From his prison cell in the Louisiana State Penitentiary, Nix created a lonely hearts scam that targeted innocent gay men. A convicted sex offender, thieves and drug dealers were among carnival workers at Illinois community events this summer, according to a state and county investigation. Do a little googling on carnies and carnival workers and youll find thats a common assessment. I never worked the rides, but my parents had several concession stands when I was growing up, and we'd spend every summer moving from fair to fair, working your [butt] off, tearing down, driving for hours, setting up, and doing it all over again. The various suspect games on NAMEs midway, vividly depicted in Biloxi and Indianapolis, are featured in, This game is not only fraudulent, (deception for money), it is much worse when adults steal from young kids. The midsummer small spots were nice because the hours were short, but the end of the season and the state fairs are where the big money's at. I think the reputation of carnies goes back much, much further to the suspicion and hatred of people like the Gypsies and extending today to our dislike of fucking hippies. State legislators said carnival companies have exaggerated costs to kill bills. Carnival game players lose 95 percent of the time says a carnival game enforcement specialist, Corporal Glenn Hester of the Glynn County Police Department of Brunswick, Georgia. Carnys got nothin! Carnival-related bribes and illegal transactions pave the way for the crooked migratory hustlers to trailer into your neighborhood for a weekend each year, never having a need to worry about arrest. I would set up and tear down the merry-go-round every week with the same crew; we were each other's backbone. It should be standard procedure throughout the U.S. for all police departments to require officers to complete written reports on all midway game complaints, with case numbers issued to complainants and victims. Some Dixie Mafia members were allegedly hired to collect debts and carry out hits for him. For decades, this gang operated lawlessly and targeted anyone who stood in their way. Yeah, maybe. Youll also find quite a few references to various arrests, some of Carnival life in 2023 is mostly different than the old days, but in a few ways its the same. In this CBS News Online, July 12, 2011, video expos, U.S. he government contended Lovett and Randall Roach (Magic Midway carnival owner) schemed from 2004 until September 27, 2013, when Lovett retired. The game is designed to be impossible to spill eight marbles into holes for totals corresponding to any successful yardage gains on the conversion chart. Drifter is closer, if you ask me. Carny, also spelled carnie, is an informal term used in North America for a traveling carnival employee, and the language they use, particularly when the employee operates a game ("joint"), food stand ("grab", "popper" or "floss wagon"), or ride ("ride jock") at a carnival. In addition to carny jargon, some carnival workers used a special infix ("earz" or "eez" or "iz") to render regular language unintelligible to outsiders. What the Greatest Showman Got Totally Wrong, The Bittersweet Story of Jumbo the Elephant, Carnival Workers Describe What The Life Is Really Like. Pete Halat, Kirksey McCord Nixs former lawyer who once served as the mayor of Biloxi. I remember a lot of late nights when my mom would come home to our trailer late after the fairgrounds had closed. Not to say that all carnies are no-goodniks, but I think theres enough evidence and history to see where the reputation comes from. My dad built his own candy apple stand when he was in college and stayed in the business for over 30 years. It was a really good business for a long time, though. [citation needed] Most carnies no longer use cant, but some owners/operators and "old-timers" ("half yarders") still use some of the classic terms. All states will allow honest games of chance at not-for-profit fundraisers, such as raffles or millionaire parties for charitable organizations and churches. A local sponsors cut is often around one-quarter of the carnivals total gross receipts. Its only nickel and dime! I hope this article will be an epiphany to naysayers, that this blind uninformed acceptability, enabled by politics and the absence of enforcement, will one day be a big deal. The various suspect games on NAMEs midway, vividly depicted in Biloxi and Indianapolis, are featured in Jeff Rossens and Sandra Thomass 2012 expos. We have a full drug testing center on-site. Moreover, the practice of carnival owners paying police departments direct is risky and, if unchecked, sets up a dubious relationship which tends to defeat the mission of law enforcement. Countless other Democrat politicians split another $100,000 from the Gregorys. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Because of the mixture of carnival-related contract money and politics, the unwritten rule in Dearborn and other towns figures to be: No enforcement of midway games!, NAME also had a contract to pay off-duty Joliet, Illinois, police officers an hourly rate of $49.92 to work security at a weekend shopping mall carnival. That could be anybody. Our excitement over cotton candy and carnival rides easily matches that of our kids. At that state fair, the contracted carnival, Powers Great American Midways, could gross from $4 to $6 million, as published in Business North Carolina. Having a secret language is a necessity to avoid discovery. Do a little googling on carnies and carnival workers and youll find thats a common assessment. They dont draw a line, everything is fair game.. "Some of them, you wonder why they are not in jail," Radowicz said. Youths risk developing a gambling problem at the rate of two to three times that of adult onset. 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