[80], Dream asked again for his armor back, and promised that if Sapnap gave him the armor, he would go away somewhere. He believed that Sapnap was not the right person to own the book and wondered how he could obtain it for himself. Dream he's never on our side anymore. [140] A while later, Foolish asked Dream if he could perhaps kill people for him in exchange for Quackity's location. [69] A few months afterwards, Sapnap and George searched for Quackity together but encountered Mexican Dream instead. Sapnap started firing arrows at Dream, and a full-blown fight broke out. Puffy. Sapnap told Tommy to stay near him so he could protect him. Dream Team Streams [GeorgeNotFound] (May 15, 2020). Dream got both the fish back in the end and put them in his ender chest. [4] This was never actually done, however, and the concept of resurrection did not come into play again until the Disc Confrontation on January 20, 2021. They have mentioned on streams that they would play Minecraft together and call each other on Skype. [27] Sapnap and TommyInnit repeatedly killed the two after they retaliated by burning Sapnap's house. Has been killed and revived by Punz before while experimenting on the resurrection book. Sapnap noticed that Tubbo had a new pet and started shooting arrows around the fox, asking to pet it. Sapnap attempted to mediate between the two but was unable to stop the argument. ", "Tommy can I be honest with you? He is also known for his variety livestreams from Minecraft to other video games on his Twitch channels. This includes. It's it's gonna be me who takes your final life. Dream said that he did not want to fight, but Sapnap replied he did not trust him anymore since he felt that Dream had left him behind once before. This eventually led to Dream stepping in and taking Tommy's discs. How did Tommyinnit lose his canon lives? Sapnap invited Quackity over to Kinoko to discuss the issue. Because Dream is my closest friend, and I dont think I owe L'Manberg anything. Mexican Dream said that he never met him, but that he had had a dream in the Afterlife where George had told him that Quackity had destroyed Mexican L'Manberg. However, Tommy refused and the pets remained unharmed. [95], Dream's axe. [92] He mostly kept it in his ender chest, but he took it out for the Manberg vs Pogtopia War. [84], After he read the book, Sapnap thought it was a prank at first. [3] Sapnap often protects Karl from mobs and tried to help Quackity during the Doomsday War. He also ended up fighting Technoblade and nearly killed him; however, Technoblade pearled away before Sapnap could land the final blow. When Sapnap was unable to kill Dream with the book, DreamXD offered Sapnap a deal where he would tell him Dream's location. [113] Afterwards, Sapnap tried to hide his pets, but they were found by Fundy and taken hostage. Sapnap thought it might be in his best interest to get rid of Foolish, since Foolish was the only one who could suspect that Sapnap had the Book of Death. He was a citizen of El Rapids and Dream SMP and is currently a member of Kinoko Kingdom. [129] At first, he did not plan to side with L'Manberg during the Doomsday War. Tommy attempted to convince Sapnap to join his side and vote for POG2020, but Sapnap told Tommy that he must publicly denounce Fundy first for his vote. They got engaged to each other and to Karl soon after the Manberg vs Pogtopia War. [78], On November 28, 2021, Dream escaped from Pandora's Vault. [1] This was revealed to be fully canon on one of Tubbo's streams by Wilbur himself.[2]. [59] They worked together to get their nation recognized as independent, which they were successful at in the end. Musical career On April 3rd, 2021, Sapnap announced that he was forming a band named Power. Limited12 [Karl Jacobs] (November 7, 2020). After hearing Dream say to Tommy that he did not care about anything on the server anymore, Sapnap went to Tommy for reassurance. Sapnap said that Dream deserved to be in prison but hoped that they could still be friends. Sapnap did not believe him and refused to return it. [160], They ran into Karl, who did not remember his relationship with Quackity anymore and only saw him as a murderer. [110] Sapnap got Max back in the end, and put all his pets in a new secret base. To suggest a change, leave a message in canon death suggestions channel on the Dream Team Wiki Discord server. Dream Team Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. [59], Killed and then revived by Dream November 13, 2022.[72]. Sapnap spotted Niki spawning in withers, which caused a distraction as everyone went to fight them. ", "Dream, if you try and break out early you know you only have one life left. [4] They got engaged shortly after Karl joined the server. [67], Dream asked Sapnap to deliver a message to Ranboo, saying ":)". alivebur. He wears a t-shirt with a flame design on it over a long-sleeved black tee, black pants, and black checkerboard shoes. Sapnap, in worry and confusion, briefly looked for him before giving up. [25], After George stole Sapnap's horse, Joffrey, Sapnap accidentally killed it while attempting to punch George. [50] Due to that, they fought together for some time on Schlatt's side during the Manberg vs Pogtopia War. They were initially friendly with each other as Karl offered to give Quackity a tour of the country. When Wilbur and Tommy started a drug business, Tubbo and Sapnap fought against them to stop them from doing anything illegal. Sapnap blew up parts of Eret's castle and attempted to frame them for the death of Karl. Fundy, I will bring you to your knees if you don't bring my animals back in one piece. It started after Sapnap had taken Punz's items and would only return them if Punz won a game of hide and seek. The two fought briefly until Dream escaped the area and Sapnap lost track of him. Stabbed to death by Technoblade with an enchanted netherite pickaxe. DreamXD confirmed this and said that Foolish knew there was another book that was not the Revival Book. The two often tease each other and are very protective of each other. However, Sapnap refused to do so. After winning the 1v1, Sapnap expressed respect for Tommy and listened to him. [108] After all of Sapnap's pets were moved to the community pet house, Dream showed the foxes to Fundy for him to use in the Pet War. Sapnap streams Minecraft on his main twitch account. Killed by Dream on March 1, 2021, while stuck in the Prison together. This book allowed its owner to write a name in the book upon which both the target and the owner would get killed by DreamXD. ", "How Schlatt stole the Election of the Dream SMP", "Tubbo & Tommy KILL Dream (Dream SMP Lore Finale)", "Punz and Dream have been to limbo before", "Tommy & Tubbo Finally Kill Dream (Dream SMP)", "Quackity Betrays JSchlatt and Joins Pogtopia", "TommyInnit FIGHTS Dream & Technoblade (GRAND FINALE)", "Dream SMP - One Last Time (Syndicate Lore Finale)", "Disaster at The Manberg Festival (Dream's SMP)", Twitch clip about Bad's canonical life system, "Dream SMP - I WENT OUTSIDE AND MISSED LORE! Awesamdude. Dream Team Streams [Dream] (May 10, 2020). Sapnap asked if he could make a deal with DreamXD instead. [51] Because of the annexation, Sapnap became a part of Manberg and so fought on Manberg's behalf. If you break out of this prison? [1] Quackity and Sapnap founded Mexican L'Manberg along with George. Dream Team Streams [GeorgeNotFound] (May 5, 2020). 11. how long was wilbur dead? [125] Bad fought alongside Sapnap during the Battle of the Lake after Bad was framed by Tommy and Dream for burning down the Eiffel Tower. In response, Sapnap drove him out, stealing his items and threatening him with a bow. Unenchanted diamond boots that Sapnap keeps in his ender chest. Dream and Sapnap met online in either late 2012 or 2013, and have been friends since. During the Pandora's Vault jailbreak, Sapnap was the first person to message Tubbo about Dream's escape.[166]. [96], Dream's helmet. Sapnap considered asking Dream to work together to kill Foolish. While they were on different sides during the Manberg vs Pogtopia War, they agreed to remain friends after the war. Tubbo was in possession of it for a while, then it was taken by Sapnap (it is unknown how he got it), then taken back by Dream during The Beach Episode. Killed again by Tommy in Dream's vault on January 20, 2021. (in his time) 23 and a half years. Sapnap was reluctant to hand the axe over, as he had wanted to use it for leverage. I recommend you take my "Whose Side Are You On In The Dream SMP?" quiz first, as you will need to know your answer to that quiz for the next question. Sliced by Sam with Warden's Will. It took him 4 games of Dodgebolt to lose for the first time, the longest in the tournament. During negotiations with Dream, Sapnap and Quackity argued fiercely for recognition of their country. Resurrection, the process in which a character is brought back to life after losing their final canon life, was a concept that was first introduced by Quackity shortly after Jschlatt's funeral. TommyInnit [TommyVODS] (January 21, 2021). . [2] However, he is quick to jump to conclusions and stubborn in his views. Karl trusted Sapnap's decision to take Dream's armor, but said he would be disappointed if anything happened to Kinoko. Sapnap had taken Dream's armor set and his weapons, which Dream wanted him to return. Killed by Awesamdude after being broken out of. The Dream SMP was originally conceptualized as a vanilla, easy-mode survival server, and was treated as such until the beginning of the Disc Saga, and the War for L'Manbergian Independence, when it began to shift into becoming more roleplay based, before becoming a loosely scripted series beginning officially with the Manberg Rebellion Arc. [77], Quackity was confused and got upset when Karl said he had no memories of Quackity except for him being the reason that Karl had died. In addition, please read through the sources cited before doing so. [41] With the help of Punz, the two built a wooden structure resembling the Eiffel Tower near Skeppy's house for their future honeymoon. Blueberry TV [Sapnap] (November 8, 2020). [123] He built a nether-themed room for Sapnap. Quackity relunctantly agreed to go over to Kinoko to talk to Karl about it. [4][5] Later on, Sapnap came to Tommy and Tubbo's defense at the Disc Confrontation and he offered to protect Tommy during the Pandora's Vault jailbreak. Karl did not respond to this and told Sapnap to follow him alone. As he waited for Dream to appear, he hid below the main floor of the vault. [79], After searching around the server for a while, Sapnap and Sam came to the conclusion that Dream would most likely go find his armor first. A while later, he showed the base to Tommy and told him to kill the pets to prove that Tommy was just as much a pet killer as Sapnap. The two usually bicker constantly while around each other, but they do not hold grudges. StartravelerSerilly [WilburSoot] (August 10, 2022). [5] On June 3, 2021, he graduated from high school. He started streaming on twitch in February 2020 and continues his Twitch Career. Sapnap then wrote the name of a pet in the book, but the book did not work on pets. Sapnap was a member of El Rapids, while Punz was Dream's spy and second in command. dream [@dreamwastaken] via Twitter (January 16, 2021): Z [@Z2381591926] via Twitter (November 28, 2021): Z [@Z2381591926] via Twitter (December 17, 2022): StartravelerSerilly [Slimecicle] (October 31, 2021). Posted by Maleficent-Seat-617 Sapnap has a serious canon life problem Two months ago Wilbur wrote on this reddit that Sapnap had two canon lives which the Wiki thought was his death to Dream in the Battle of the Lake as you remember. An unnamed siamese cat that Sapnap keeps in his secret base. [70] Sapnap helped establish the nation and grew very protective of Kinoko. Dream revealed in a Q+A that he messaged . [57] Dream did later recognize Sapnap's nation of El Rapids as independent. Though the Dream SMP server itself is in regular survival and players can easily respawn after death, the three lives system was put into place because of the storytelling being done and a need to legitimize death on the server. He repeatedly asked Sapnap to kill BadBoyHalo, but Sapnap refused to do so. [48][49] After being a citizen alongside Nihachu for a while, Schlatt approached Karl and asked for his support in the upcoming war. Due to that, Fundy decided not to kill the dogs. You know? A "canon death" refers to a death that specifically changes or bears weight on the plot, is purposefully scripted, or is directly mentioned by one of the writers of the current arc. sumdood125 [BadBoyHalo] (October 29, 2022). However, DreamXD told Sapnap that he was unable to kill the owner of the Revival Book, since the ability of revival was a counter to the Book of Death. After Tommy burned George's house, Sapnap was angry that Tommy had done so and wanted to protect George. Sapnap wanted to search for Quackity, since they had not seen him in a long time. Like the rest of Dream's armor, Sapnap obtained the boots after taking them from Tubbo's vault following Dream's escape from Pandora's Vault. This meant his loyalty lay only with the Dream SMP. Karl responded that he would follow Sapnap's direction as he was the head of military, but that he would be severely disappointed if Kinoko got hurt. [111], Helaina is one of Sapnap's three dogs. He used it to kill Tubbo in the Final Control Room. Today, we are going to find out how many canon lives you have left! [63] During the Disc Confrontation, Sapnap was one of the people on Tommy's side, and personally took Dream to Pandora's Vault along with other server members. Since he does not have a "living" body, he is considered as "suspended" rather than dead according to Wilbur. In exchange, if Sapnap were to kill Dream then, he would have to die permanently without going to limbo. Then in January 17,2021 his death was removed. [22][23], In early July 2020, Sapnap attempted to nudge George off a crafting table in the Community House, unwittingly creating the crafting table meme. Sweezy [GeorgeNotFound] (December 4, 2020). He showed Tommy around the kingdom, but Tommy began claiming property as his. [7], On February 10, 2021, after working on Karl's library, Sapnap headed to visit Dream in Pandora's Vault. A non-canon death can be a death from fall damage, accidental, during a parkour or other type of challenge, a joke death, or by being revived by a Totem of Undying. [16][17] He easily loses his temper during confrontations and is not good at mediating between people, only getting more upset as a result.[18][19]. Sapphire. He later showed the pets there to Tommy and taunted him to kill them, but Tommy refused to do so.[111]. The Three Lives System is a canon death system introduced following the end of the Manberg-Pogtopian War, and established by Wilbur Soot, the previous head writer for the Dream SMP, after seeing a Reddit post on r/dreamsmp by u/usedforwholesomeness. I'm not a killer, I'm I'm justice! DreamXD proposed that he would give Sapnap the location of Dream, but if he then killed Dream, Sapnap would have to die permanently. Sapnap said that if Dream got his armor, he would do the same things that he had done in the past. After reading the message, Ranboo's enderwalk state was triggered and he ran away. Sapnap tried to keep the peace between them and did not understand how Karl did not remember Quackity. [3] However, he went to Tommy for reassurance when he had heard that Dream had said he did not care about anything on the server anymore. . He went outside and decided to test out the book by writing the name of somebody who did not exist. [62] The day of the battle, Tommy met with Sapnap at the remains of the Community House. They argue and fight each other a lot, but at the end of the day, they care about each other. [94], Dream's bow. Article continues below advertisement Source: Twitter All three times Tommyinnit died were by the hand of Dream, and vice versa, although Dream has one canon life left. Sapnap cracked part of the Egg and wanted to put holy water on it. Fell to his death after the ground below him was blown up by GeorgeNotFound in order to frame Eret. DreamXD was disappointed by this and eventually left. He got to the armor and took it, along with Dream's weapons. Jumped off a bridge during his conversation with Wilbur on May 22, 2022. Ant revealed on Twitter that Foolish volunteered to lose one of his canon lives before the Red Banquet. Examples of these non-canon deaths include fatalities such as when Awesamdude was killed during a mock battle between him and Dream, when Quackity died to lava getting netherite, or when Tubbo continued to die of fall damage while working on the ocean monument. [110] Once he got his pets back, he moved them to his new secret base. At the end of this conflict, Tommy persuaded Sapnap to release his own pet fish, Mars, and the two promised to end all conflicts involving pets. Sapnap was confused and said that Karl should have given him an invitation to Kinoko Kingdom. [140], Initially, Sapnap and Foolish had a somewhat positive relationship, with the two of them working on Karl's library and putting up posters to promote Kinoko Kingdom. "So, you're gonna tell me where Dream is. I just think George, I just I just think we're better off without him. Ant agreed to return the panda, but while transporting the panda back, Punz accidentally killed it with the thorns enchantment on his armor. [137], DreamXD does not seem to like Sapnap much. Quackity [QuackityVODS] (December 18, 2020). [60], After the Green Festival, Sapnap said he still considered Dream to be his closest friend. To remain friends after the ground below him was blown up by GeorgeNotFound in order to frame Eret because is! The Doomsday War online in either late 2012 or 2013, and have been friends since name! Team Streams [ GeorgeNotFound ] ( October 29, 2022. [ 72 ] 's Streams by himself. Him 4 games of Dodgebolt to lose one of his canon lives you have left ]! Not hold grudges a bridge during his conversation with Wilbur on May 22, 2022 ) work to. To give Quackity a tour of the day, they care about each other for and! To this and told Sapnap to follow him alone away before Sapnap land! Started streaming on Twitch in February 2020 and continues his Twitch channels not to kill with. Of him pants, and have been friends since that Tommy had done so and wanted to it. 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