If you have managed to do this, you are welcome to share that outcome with this Project. Some of the Scottish POWs were sold individually as servants. colonial ancestor you may have received a small segment from. In many cases convicts appealed to be pardoned or to have their sentences reduced, while transportation itself was often used as a reduced sentence for a convict who might otherwise have been executed. (LLNV),Died enroute from Boston, MA.Denmark,Patrick. (CD)McFarland, Purdie. Actually, yes we can, although there are big challenges in using this DNA type. They were given very little to eat. (CD), of Dover NH, Kittery ME;yDNA StudyToish, John. (IWI), of Lynn, MAEager,William. (CD), of Boston?, MABogle,Alexander. (CD); yDNA StudyRankin, John. Is this freedom? (CD), of New Haven, CT and Elizabeth, NJ.Ross, Gilchrist. With that authority Hasslrigge sent forty men to work as indentures servants at the salt works at Shields. /** (IWI), of Lynn, MAGowen (alias Smith),William. (CD), of Charlestown, MADaniel, Davey. 1-B. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. There is a profound difference between indenture and slavery. var _qevents = _qevents || []; Scotland's Classified Directory, http://www.rootsweb.com/~mecanaan/early.htm. Page Notes US POWS 36 29 2 33 1776 name, rank, regiment, 6 pages Navy Officers 44 37 474 1781 Id DateRoll No. John Bean wound up in the Exeter sawmill. Published: 14 April 2013Updated: 30 Mar 2020Researchers: Dr. Andrew Millard, Teresa RustEditor: Teresa Rust, Because the original passenger list for the ketch Unity, which transported about 150 Scottish prisoners of war captured at the Battle of Dunbar to the British Colonies in the New World, has never been discovered, the following list, updated as of 03 April 2019, is a compilation, of all of the suggested, but not necessarily proven, Dunbar prisoners of war sent to Massachusetts in 1650. The Saugus Iron Works is now a national historic site. (LLNV), of York, MEDouglas/McDougall, Alexander. Bostonians viewed them with scorn and classed them with African-Americans and Indians. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. When they reached their destination, they happened upon a field of cabbage.They ate all of it, which of course made them even sicker than they already were. (J&S), Adams, James. (CD)McNair, Alexander. But the Y chromosome is very powerful for earlier ancestry because it changes very little as it is passed from father to son. There are tens of millions of slaves in the world today. However, by the time the Scots arrived in Boston, they were in poor health. Brown and Orr lived for many years in Wells, Maine. About 275 Scottish POWs were sent to Boston about the John and Sara, where Thomas Kemble, a Charlestown merchant, took them on consignment. If they can prove a SPOW descent, then that is your descent as well. The ancestry proposed for David Hamilton, here treated, relies upon the pedigree published on the Phillips Family website. Thanks to (IWI), of Lynn, Salem and Marblehead, MADavison ye Scot. Steve Carlson article on The Saugus iron Works. To their miserable condition on arrival was due the foundation in 1657 of the Scots Charitable Society of Boston-the earliest Scottish society in America. The National Archives holds records of many criminal trials and convictions as well as convict voyages, censuses and pardons and this guide explains how these are indexed and how they can be searched. Firstly, this era is generally something between 8 to 13 generations back in time for today's family history researchers. Around 1715 during events associated with the Jacobite uprising at Preston, five years before the birth of the well known Jacobite Bonnie Prince Charlie whose image we have, we see recorded the individual names of many common people; in prison costing the authorities two pence per diem to feed; on ships costing two pounds per person to transport into exile; and in land records, people recorded as real property and sold for cash. (IWI), of Lynn, MA; Block Island, RI; Danielson, CTDarling,George. His was one of several Scottish names that began appearing on . 1671 he had a grant of upland, at York Bridge. Bennett Senior changed the newspaper industry with such [], How Scottish POWS Were Sold as Slave Labor in New England, John Cotton defended the practice. Item Vol. (CD), of Braintree, MAFrizzell/Frissell, John (2). He was captured at The Battle of Worchester. The following is exactly how I found it recorded so nothing is misspelled. That includessex trafficking, forced labor, debt bondage, domestic servitude or unlawful recruitment. On September 16Th, the secretary,Gualter Frost, was ordered to confer with the petitioners, to terms under which they would undertake the project. William Furbush was in constant trouble for his outspoken comtempt of the English authority. (LLNV)Patterson, Edward. To my mind it is slavery. (CD), of Lynn, MAMcKay, Daniel. Leader put the Scottish laborers to work sawing Maine white pine trees, needed for the British Navy. * LEARN WHY DEFINING THESE VARIABLES IS IMPORTANT: They are as follows: John Archbell John Banke Alexander Bravand Alexander Burgess John Clarke James Daniels ( Danielson) George Darling Malcolm Downing Alexander Dugles James Dunsmore Alexander Easton Alexander Ennis James Gourdan Peter Grant If you are descended from a SPOW, you are likely to be descended from other colonial Americans too, and so you cannot be sure whichcolonial ancestor you may have received a small segment from. Descendants of the Scottish POWs from the Battles of Dunbar and Worcester have a web site. Samuel Drake Publisher 1847 Vol 1 - 50 ( Oct 1847 pages 378- 379), Coehon John ( Cowen, Cowan, cowin, Cowing), Edminsteisteire John ( Edminstair, Edmonstair), Mack Alinsten Almister ( Mc Alinsten, Mac Allinsten ), MaKandra Wm. Much the same happened in 1715 and 1745. James Adams went with Giffard's acrt and team. I know it looks funny but as we all know that's how they wrote things back then, "London This 11th of November , 1651; Captain Jojn Greene; "Wee whose names are under written frighters of your shipe the Joh and Sara doe order yow forthwith as winde & weather shall permitt to sett sajle for Boston in New England $ there deliver our Orders and Servants to Tho kemble of charles Towne to be disposed of by him according to orders wee have sent him in the behalfe & wee desire yow to Advise with the said Kemble about all that may be concerne that whole Intended bojage using you Jndeavo's with the said Kemble for the speediest lading your shipp from New Eng, to the barbadoes with porvisions $ such other things as are in N.E. Many Irish prisoners were sent to America, primarily to Virginia and Maryland, until 1775. They were still there in 1659. /* Following the English Civil War, Cromwell transported thousands of Scots soldiers to Virginia, New England and the West Indies. 62 went to John Giffard, the agent for the Undertakers of The Iron Works of Lynn (Saugus). Late [apprentice] to Pat Black Surgeon in Perth. })(); Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. Founder of Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild In our view, indenture was a euphemism used by John Cotton and others to disguise the cruel fact that the Scots were (a) sold and (b) had no freedom under their masters and had to do everything they were told. Bonded Passengers to America, also by Peter Wilson Coldham, gives a detailed overview of all relevant records and published sources in The National Archives. Three thousand men died in battle, and 10,000 taken prisoner. Finding out more about a person transported to North America or the West Indies is likely to be difficult, though legal records can be useful. Other records that we hold may help you find this information: consult our guides to criminals and convicts. The ship was ordered to depart on Nov 11, 1651, probably left in early December and arrived in New England sometime in early 1652. An incomplete list of Scots who were sent to New England in 1650 appeared in the Iron Works papers in 1653. (IWI), of Lynn and Braintree, MA; yDNA StudyMcCallum, John. About 50 went to the Saugus Iron Works,the first successful iron works in the colonies. For each person cited in this directory, some of the following information is given: name, occupation, place of residence in Scotland, place of capture and captivity, parent's names, date and cause of banishment, name of the ship and the date and place of arrival in the colonies. Please keep this updated as you discover new information. They planned to sell each man for between 20 and 30 pounds, which would have made them a considerable profit, since they only paid five pounds for each man. Ninety percent of them stayed in Maryland and Virginia. (CD), of Dorchester, and Rehoboth, MAGray,George. After being captured, they were marched from Durham to Newcastle. They were as follows: The following settled in what is now Berwick, Maine: There is also an extensive list of Scot prisoners on the John and Sara which sailed from London 1651. Now autosomal DNA (like the Family Finder test, or popular tests from other companies) is the most common type of DNA test and many people ask to join the Project using autosomal tests. It is reckoned that transported convicts made up a quarter of the British immigrants to colonial America in the 18th century. George S. Stewart's list, 35 Scots at Lynn 1653, Iron Works Inventory. In about 1676 he administered the estate of John Barry and he lived on that same land in Kittery. Mackanur died in 1670. To Mr Webster [Minister] In Edinr. Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America, Caribbean Migration (To and From U.S.) Prior to 1900, Emigration from Europe - Ports of Departure, Passengers of the ship John and Sara: Scots Prisoners of War, 1651, Directory of Scots Banished to the American Plantations, 1650-1775. Born about 1635 in Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts Puritan minister John Cotton wrote in his letter to Oliver Cromwell, "The Scots, whom God delivered into your hands at Dunbarre, and whereof sundry were sent hither, we have been desirous (as we could) John Paul (abt. (CD)Moore, Mathew. Cooper's daughter Sarah married George Grey, another Scotsman. A similar list for the second fleet, which left in 1789 and suffered 278 deaths during its voyage, is included in The Second Fleet Convicts, compiled and edited by R J Ryan. (CD), of Cambridge, MAMcCoy, John. Biography Indentures end, and the person is then free to pursue their own lives. Note: Some of the Scotmans were at Block Island after being freeded. Others who have some evidence to support a possible connection to the Dunbar or Worcester prisoners. in the wrong box in the British Archives. Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy; please independently verify all data. The Iron Works at that time covered over 600 acres, from what is now Saugus Center to Walnut street up towards what is now North Saugus, almost out to where Route one is now and over as far as Lynn Commons. He had to do everything Stratton told him to do, so long as it was legal. (LLNV), of Salem and Marblehead, MAForbes/Furbush/Farbush, Thomas. After landing in Charlestown, New England, the ones who survived the voyage were indentured for 20-30 each as farm or industrial servants, up to 60 of them to the Saugus Ironworks in Massachusetts. (CD), of Oyster River, NH; Salem and Malden, MA: Kittery and Saco, MEDunbar,Robert. About 275 Scottish POWs were sent to Boston about the John and Sara, where Thomas Kemble, a Charlestown merchant, took them on consignment. The list also details where each person was tried. Isla Bryson, who transitioned from a man to a woman while awaiting trial for raping two women in 2016 and 2019, was sentenced Tuesday to eight years in prison in Scotland. (CD), of Boston, MABohannon/Buchanen,John. A horseman chased after him and wounded him, but spared his life. Maxwell's Garrison survived. The Scots were soldiers who were defeated in the English Civil War at the Battle of Dunbar in 1650. Battle of Worcester By Published by Machell Stace http://www.learningcurve.gov.uk/civilwar/g5/cs2/s5/, CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1943037. or an account you already have with Google, Twitter, Many more records survive from this period but, as few are indexed by name, finding an individual can still be difficult. Among them was Thomas Doughty, a common foot soldier who had survived the Battle of Dunbar, a . They are mainly from England and Wales but there are Scottish and some Irish cases and also courts martial from around the world. Still others were sold individually. Scots Charitable Society burial plot at Mt. 09.02.2023. Note: Alexander Gorthing was purchased by Samuel Stratton of Waterown. The list below is a sample of files containing names of British, Loyalist and American prisoners of war during the American Revolution and can be found among the Papers of the Continental Congress. The Scottish POWs worked 12-hour days at hard, dangerous labor. elem.type = "text/javascript"; Carrying the label Jacobite Rebel he was sold into seven years indenture-ship and so became a piece of real property. (CD),McLachlan, Robert. This information will help us make improvements to the website. William Furbish (probably Farrabas, which became Forbes in Massachusetts) bought land in Kittery sometime before 1664, but was punished in 1681 for calling the Kings officials, Divills and hell bound. Furbish apparently had not forgiven the English for the Battle of Dunbar. They arrived in Boston in December. Dunbar Prisoners, transported on the Unity (1650): B list: Probable (from the research of the Durham team, looking at the connections of these men to the known Scots communities in New England, who must have been resident in the mid-1650s when the indentures were ending, and were also not on the John and Sara list) - 65 names. They sold to James Smith of Oyster River, a tailor, land granted to them at Dover. The microfiche index to the New South Wales convict indents and ships, compiled by the Genealogical Society of Victoria, can be consulted in our reading rooms. Autosomal DNA is most powerful when looking at ancestors born since 1800. (IWI), of Oyster River, NH and Kittery, ME; yDNA StudyGrant, Thomas, (1). Mr. Dobson, author, provides a list of these banished Scots who are the ancestors of thousands of Americans living today. They worked as woodcutters to supply the wood to make charcoal, or as forge hands, as blacksmiths, as miners and farmhands. The usual period of transportation was 14 years for convicts receiving conditional pardons from death sentences or seven years for lesser offences. A letter written by James Stanhope at Whitehall to the Commanding Officer of his Majesty's Forces in Liverpool. (CD), of Boston, MAMcDonald, Neil. The Great Migration of Puritans had ended, and the colonists badly needed workers. Henry Brown and James Orr,Oar,Ore lived together their entire lives. Britain Sent Thousands of Its Convicts to America, Not Just Australia By Matt Novak Published May 29, 2015 Comments ( 136) The joke about Australia is that it was founded by a bunch of. Leslie, I agree with your view on indenture. What a scoop. requires you to be logged in through either a Disqus account Images: Saugus Iron Works By John Phelan Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16192079; Mt. (IWI), of Lynn, MA;yDNA StudyMoore, James. He was taken with other prisoners to the American Colonies. (CD)Neill, Andrew. Just 3,000 survived to be ordered into their temporary prison of Durham Cathedral, where the dying from infection and fever continued. Gordon complained to the court of ill-treatment and petitioned for his freedom, apparently without success. John Barber Jr, son of above John Barber, married Ann Smart, daughter of Robert Smart, in 1696 They lived at Hilton's MIlls Grant In 1725 he had a land grant of 69 acres. The Scottish Covenanters' army was heavily defeated by Cromwell at the Battle of Dunbar (3rd Sept 1650), and some 5,000 prisoners were marched south of the border by the Parliamentary army to Durham. Grey paid his wife's fine " for breach of sabbath and for stricking of Patience Everinton". Some men were shot because they either could not or would not march. For information about Alexander Gordon, we relied on A. J. Gordon: An Epic Journey of Faith and Pioneering Vision By Kevin Belmonte. During its 80-year history 158,702 convicts arrived in Australia from England and Ireland, as well as 1,321 from other parts of the Empire. Covenanters. (IWI), 1653: Lynn, MABurgess, Robert. His widow married another Scotchman, Micuim Mc Intyre. Bryson, who was formerly called Adam Graham, was initially assigned to Cornton Vale, the one women-only prison in Scotland, after a trial at the High Court in Glasgow. He landed in Ipswich ,Mass, where he was an indentured servent . Auburn Cemetery. Many of those captured Scots were sent to the American colonies. fot fo the West Indies where yow are to deliver them to Mr. Charles Rich to be disposed of by him for the Joinet accont of the frightr's & so to be Retou'ned home in stocke vndevided thus desiring wee remajme your loving friends Sinatum et Recognitum John Beex Rob't Rich Will Greene in pneia Jo Nottock: notar Publ; 13 May 1652 Entred & Recorded Edward Rawson Recorder. They can include information aimed at establishing the convicts good character and proving them worthy of merciful treatment, often including details of their personal circumstances and family background. (CD), 1659: Dover, NH; Maine, Believed to have died childless.Anderson,Archibald. until Hugh was fortunate enough to stumble upon a warrant, filed away for safekeeping (CD), of Braintree and Hingham, MA; yDNA StudyDunsmore [Moore], James. Many were sent to Berwick Maine after the demise of the Iron Works. Furbush was fined in N. H. for drinking with two Indians, named Henry and Richard. Seven of Valentine Hills Scottish POWs, for example, were listed as taxpayers in Dover, N.H., after their slavery ended. As the descendant of at least two Dunbar prisoners, I strenuously object to confusing indenture with slavery out of emotion and ignorance, or for dramatic effect. ( Mc Kendra, Mc kandra, Mac Kandra ), Mac Kane John ( Mc Canne , Mac Kane, Mc Kane), Mac Kane patricke ( Mc kane , Mc Cane ), Mac Kannell Daniel ( Mac Connell, Mc Connell ), Mac Kannell Wm. In 1651, William Tingle hired four men for a period of three years, for which the company deducted 6 pence from every load of charcoal that Tingle produced. David Hume, who came over on the John and Sara, settled in Dedham, Mass., where his name morphed into Holmes. window.onload = function(){document.getElementById("printbtn").style.visibility = "visible"}; * Maxwell, eventually became a well-to-do taven Keeper. The solution was to develop new penal colonies in modern day Australia, and on 13 May 1787 the first fleet set sail. FAQs Contact Us & Complaints |. Barry William Ferfar Angus 079 p SS 441 Baton Alen Barton Wm Kertome Lancashire 093 c Between the march and lack of food, many died along the way. Virginia, Bermuda, Barbados are encouraged to contact the administrators. Assimilated to English ways, the Lowland Scots were primarily skilled tradesmen, farmers, and professionals pulled by greater economic opportunity in America. All this means that this Project is a Y DNA project, and we cannot use autosomal DNA (but, https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Scottishdna/default.aspx, descended from Scottish prisoners transported to New England on board the, descended from Scottish prisoners transported to New England on boardthe, descended from Scottish prisoners who may have been transported on other ships or to other colonies (1640s-50s), descendants from other Scottish exiles from the Commonwealth or Restoration (1650s-60s) eg. To use this type of DNA you will have to have an all female-line of descent (the living tester can be male or female) from the mother/daughter to your tester. In 1662, Brown and Orr of Sacco Falls belonging to Winter Harbor, for himself and Henry Brown. (CD)McDougall/Douglas, Alexander. Daniel Salmon employed some of the Scots on his company farm., where they kept the community cattle. . (CD)McCallum, Malcolm. Firstly, this era is generally something between 8 to 13 generations back in time for today's family history researchers. (CD), of Bradford, Ipswich, Newbury and Rowley, MA.Stewart, Hugh. all of them [were] stript, many of them cutt, some without stockings or shoes and scarce so much left upon them as to cover their nakedness, eating peas and handfuls of straw in their hands which they had pulled upon the fields as they passed. (CD), of Kittery, MEWebster, James. Not many people know that between 1718 and 1775 over 52,000 convicts were transported from the British Isles to America, mainly to Maryland and Virginia, to be sold as slaves to the highest bidder. They were as follows: A few years later, a small group of Scots were brought to Scotland, Maine. Recently I discovered that the record of his trial as a Rebel was available in the British Archives in London. (LLNV) of York, Maine and Salem, MAFrizzell/Fresell/Frissell, John (1). (2), (LLNV)Stewart, Daniel. Many of those deported were later pardoned on the condition that . John Paul It gives orders for the transportation of Jacobite prisoners in Liverpool Castle to plantations in America and provides instructions for the care of sick prisoners, 29 February 1716 (SP 35/5/13).

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