If we hear gossip about someone else, we should stop the conversation and encourage those sharing to talk to the source. Not doing good to them which hate you Luke 6:27, Matthew 5:44 340. Heres a list of some of the most popular sins that many believers commit on a weekly (dare we say, even a daily) basis without so much as batting an eye. The prayer of those who turn from hearing the Bible (Abomination) Proverbs 28:9 448. Ephesians 6:4 67. Ecclesiastes 10:20, 131. Acts 16:16-18; Deuteronomy 18:10-11 215. Conversation according to the deceitful lusts. Proverbs 29:20 103. 10 sins that often slip by as "OK" in our daily life: 1. Killing an animal and not making it good (that belongs to someone) Leviticus 24:18, 365. Matthew 18:10 Is the same as despising God Luke 10:16, 34. He encourages us not to indulge someone in sinful behavior. He'll say, "I never knew you because you didn't do what I said." (see Matthew 7:22-23) How can you still walk in . An abundance of idleness Ezekiel 16:49, 346. Mark 6:11; Matthew 10:14, 42. Make no mistakeall sin is wrong, all sin needs to be confessed and all of us need to walk away from our sinful tendencies and through humble, dependent faith, walk in righteousness. Not giving to your brother who has a need. Loving others. All rights reserved. DOING THINGS THAT ARE NOT IN GODS WILL Mt 7:21 571. Despising his neighbor. But He summed up the Ten Commandments into two Love the Lord your God However, NO ONE can measure up, and no one will! John 1:1,14; 1 John 4:3; 2 John 7 231. Ephesians 6:9 169. Revelation 3:15-16 283. Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. Despising Gods Goodness. HANDLING GODS WORD DECEITFULLY 2 Cor 4:2, 623. But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ ~ Philippians 3:20. The average 90s Christian would have avoided 18 certificate films like he might have avoided Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street. Ecclesiastes 10:20 128. Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. Luke 12:47; James 4:17, 242. Speaking about other peoples evil. While it is a serious topic to love each other and uplift each other, there is humor to be found in some of the extreme examples of arm chair therapists found online. It's not exactly an inspiring call to a higher way of living. Disobedient to parents. 1 Timothy 4:1-4 402. Desire sinful ways. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Even as we fill our closets with items that we know will be used once and forgotten, there is a drive to purchase more items that will experience the same fate. Deuteronomy 31:29; Revelation 9:20 359. SORCERIES Acts 8:11 547. Matthew 22:18; Matthew 4:7 294. 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 383. James 4:16; James3:5; Romans 1:30, 30. Obeying wrong thoughts rather than God. Not being patient Luke 21:19, 1 Timothy 3:3, 2 Timothy 2:24, Hebrews 10:36, James 5:8. Ephesians 5:17 267. Preaching, seeking after the glory of men. Arrogance. Matthew 19:18; Genesis 39:7-9; Exodus 20:14, Deuteronomy 22:22; Leviticus 20:10-12, Matthew 5:28; 2 Peter 2:14 6. John 1:3; Hebrews 1:1,2; Colossians 1:14-17 236. We can trick ourselves into believing that it's the really "big" sins we have to avoid, all the while ignoring deadly sins in our own lives. Eating things strangled. Not looking for Jesus to return. 1 Timothy 5:13; Psalm 101:5; Acts 17:21, 178. Gambling. The point is that sometimes we let ourselves get so focused on abstaining from certain kinds of sins that we leave ourselves blind to the other side of the coin. SEX WITH A VIRGIN (BETROTHED-IF SHE CRIES OUT-HE DIES) Deut 27:20-23, 525. Touching Gods servants. Despising his neighbor. Luke 14:18-24, 172. Having no faith. Leviticus 19:13; 1 Thessalonians 4:6 137. Love fancy clothing to show off to be admired by men. Rewarding evil for evil. Romans 14:4,10 38. Galatians 1:14, 289. Leviticus 19:3 198. There is an opportunity to use social media as a tool to uplift one another. Proverbs 23:22; Mt 18:10; Romans 14:3, 85. Colossians 3:23 245. 1 Timothy 3:6; 2 Timothy 3:2,4, 84. NOT PAYING ALL THE TAXES YOU OWE Ro 13:6-8; Lk 20:25 564. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. You knew it was good to do, and you didnt do it; you sinned. Denying Jesus before Men. Acts 15:20 164. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself., All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.. James 4:7-10 148. SIN, YET NOT KNOW IT, STILL SIN Lev 4:13,14,23 539. It will be a prison of our own making, and we would do well to get out of that rotten cell as soon as possible and walk in forgiveness. Matthew 19:6; Matthew 5:31-32 57. Psalms 17:10 106. Bad manners 1 Corinthians 15:33 400. Oppressing the widow or fatherless child. Consider how excited most men would be if their favorite team won the Super Bowl would they ever be that excited about God? Matthew 24:49, 51. However, even through various internet outlets, we still need to remember to exemplify the love of Christ through our comments and interactions with others. TAKING THOUGHT FOR YOUR LIFE, WHAT TO EAT, DRINK, PUT ON Mt 6:25, 576. Matthew 23:14, 450. 3 John 11 175. Pretty much any sin you can think of starts with . Speaking evil of dignities. Matthew 6:1-4 222. Proverbs 19:27, 117. Unjustified anger (wrath) Proverbs 27:4; Proverbs 29:22; Exodus 6:9; 2 Corinthians 12:20, 11. Seeking that your heart may discover itself. Not clothing children of God that have needs. Deuteronomy 32:20-22, 185. Thinking Godliness is a means to financial gain. Hate Proverbs 15:17, Galatians 5:19-20 309. Proverbs 14:21, 144. One of the great Christian traditions is the discipline of simplicity - of having no other Gods, material or otherwise - that come between us and our creator. Not fearing your mother and father. Ezekiel 33:31 286. But we have to be careful that loving and caring for our families comes as a result of loving and serving God. And it was always for self-righteousness or selfishness. 1 Corinthians 2:13, 461. Ezekiel 33:31 282. We want the acceptance and approval of God, yet still get to scratch that tingly sin itch we all have. It would have been good to do it, but you didnt do it. Romans 12:14 27. Its almost as if weve forgotten who were dealing with. 1 Timothy 1:3-6, 471. Jude 8 141. ~ Romans 14:12-13. 2 John 10-11 125. BEING A VIOLENT MAN OR DOING VIOLENCE Ps 18:48; Lk 3:14; Ezek 8:17 599. Overindulging (Surfeiting) Luke 21:34. YIELDING YOUR MEMBERS UNTO SIN Ro 6:13. Knowing Gods will but not doing it. Its easy to overly fill our days to the point that we dont have time to worship, pray, reflect, and seek a relationship with God. Stubbornness is idolatry. Romans 13:14 396. 1 Timothy 3:3, 6:10; 2 Timothy 3:2 497. Forbidding to marry. Not to love in deed and truth (loving just in words). Titus 2:4 391. Preaching with foolishness (joking). I recommend sooner rather than later. TO START A FIRE THAT DOES DAMAGE-NOT MAKING RESTITUTION Ex 22:6, 550. The same applies to you if you are a born-again believer in Jesus!~ Bill Greguska, 1. Ashamed of Jesus and His words. Mark 6:11; Matthew 10:14 42. The Bible speaks about lust in 2 Timothy 2:22, Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love [and] peace. Doing evil hates the word, hates the light. 1 Timothy 4:3 211. Not loving your neighbor. Not being meek and quiet. Ezekiel 33:31, 282. Proverbs 24:9, 209. RIOTOUS LIVING Lk 15:13,18 504. ( Hebrews 12:14) "If you love me," Jesus said, "you will keep my commandments.". 1 Peter 2:18 167. Every time you argue with a friend, family member, or spouse and insist that you will not be the one to apologize first then you act out of pride. Psalms 109:7, 447. My other issue is about how today's young people - and others who perhaps don't follow the Christian faith - view this apparent shift in our collective behaviour. Not praying for them who persecute you Matthew 5:44, 341. REFUSE TO ADMIT YOU ARE A SINNER Jere 8:6 1 John 1:8,10; 542. Setting your mind on the things of the earth. (1 John 1:9-10) I ask the Lord to help us to guard our hearts and our minds against thoughts and feelings that enter us that lead to sin and separate us from God. I think it is safe to say that everyone who has had exposure to Christian teaching either through church, neighbors, friends, family, or from the Bible itself, knows what sin is. Chastity or self-control cures lust by controlling passion and leveraging that energy for the good of others. If you need other people to know about the good things you do, feel, or think in order to feel validated, then you need to re-evaluate. Mark 7:8-9, 243. MAKING GODS WORD VOID BY TRADITIONS Mk 7:13, 624. It needs repentance. Not giving thanks to God for all things. Following ordinances, touch, taste, handle. The ability to be remote has turned into a workaholic situation. TWISTING GODS WORD (TO WREST OR DISTORT) 2 Pe 3:16 648. Preaching with things which minister questions. All we can do is remember that God is sovereign and always in control. Colossians 2:18, 303. Psalm 28:5, 259. Here are everyday things that can become sins Christians ignore too easily. 435. 'Oh come on! Perhaps that's why the Bible talks so seriously about gluttony; perhaps it should also make us question why we can celebrate a portly pastor who loves bingeing on curry, while other sins would see him excommunicated. Touching Gods servants. Denying Jesus Christ is from everlasting to everlasting. Proverbs 6:18 355. Speaking harsh words against God. Not testifying of Jesus. Exodus 22:22-24, 425. There is a holiness without which we will not see the Lord. " Hebrews 13:5, RELATED: 20 Awesome Christian Women to Follow on Social Media. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. LOSING YOUR TEMPER (ANGER) Col 3:8 567. 12. TO BE DESTITUTE OF THE TRUTH 1 Tim 6:5 645. Because of this, I think it can be helpful to start at the most basic of levels. Malachi 3:18; Ephesians 2:10; Luke 4:8 292. Despising those that are good. Please click here to learn how. John 12:48 275. Not led by the Spirit of God. Exodus 20:13; Matthew 19:18 Penalty is death Lev 24:17 Dont pity a murderer. Preaching to please men. Colossians 3:22-23; Ephesians 6:5-8 166. Ashamed of Jesus. But that is a lie. Contemns. Obeying wrong thoughts rather than God. Not having compassion. NOT VALIANT FOR THE TRUTH (FOR GODS WORD) Jere 9:3, 639. In addition to this, those who are trying to care for their parents may find themselves fighting guilt. Romans 8:1, Romans 5-13, 203. 1 Timothy 5:13 107. Deuteronomy 4:19; 17:3-7; Isaiah 47:13,14; Acts 7:42; Ezekiel 8:16, Deuteronomy 17:7 17. Philippians 2:21, 321. FARING SUMPTUOUSLY, FULLNESS OF BREAD Ezek 16:49 556. Not using God-given talents for God. Work wickedness in your heart. 429. First of all, remember that God knew every sin of our lives before He went to the cross and died for all of them. Listening to fables. Proverbs 15:10, 312. SELFISHNESS Philippians 2:21; 2 Tim 3:2; 3 John 9-11, 516. Other biblical texts which mention greed include Exodus 20:17, Proverbs 11:24, Proverbs 28:25, Ecclesiastes 5:10, Philippians 4:6, and 1 Timothy 6:9-10. Despising correction. Not living by faith. I in no way desire to minimize these sins because they are extremely important. 2 Corinthians 9:7 221. Wounding or hurting someone Leviticus 24:19,20 338. Ashamed of Jesus and His words. Stay up to date with the latest Christian news! Idols, like sneaky foxes often slip in unnoticed until we seek the wake of devastation theyve left. 2 Timothy 3:3; Luke 18:9 145. A Reflection on Common Sins of Speech. Acts 15:20 163. Colossians 3:2, 322. Not fearing God. Deceiving your neighbor. Right to walk in the door, but rather that we are to ask God to show us which doors we should consider. Titus 3:3 438. For more details about the seven deadly sins. SHEPHERD, NOT FEEDING GODS FLOCK Ezek 34:8, 529. Partaking of false doctrines. Twenty years ago, when I was in a fairly middle of the road evangelical youth group, that list was pretty clear, and fairly lengthy. Husband, not dwelling with the wife according to the Bible 1 Peter 3:7, 342. Murder makes the list, obviously, as do theft, idol worship, adultery and coveting your neighbour's oxen. Matthew 25:43, 44. Refusing to hear Gods servants. Proverbs 8:33 315. 509. Our charge is to be content in what we are given by God and to be a good steward of that gift. Romans 1:22 111. Husband, not loving your wife. From the moment Moses stepped down from Mt. Avoid such people. Mark 8:38 15. Contempt. Partiality James 2:1-5. 10+ Modern Sins Christians Ignore That Are Impacting Their Faith Walk By Kingsley Brown on February 2, 2018 in Truth faith truth We are all separated from Christ by sin. One has to consider why a team winning some trophy named after a former coach would be more precious to us than the treasure we have waiting for us in heaven itself. We also tend to harbor hatred against those who have hurt us. Not abstaining from all appearance of evil. Fraud. Harding your heart towards Gods ways. Acts 21:28; Numbers 14:2-3, Numbers 16:3 50. John 6:60-66; 2 Timothy 4:3-10 460. Appointed false priests or being a false shepherd. But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.. Hindering or beating a child of Gods servants. NOT TURNING AWAY FROM FALSE SCIENCE THAT IS AGAINST GODS WORD 1 Tim 6:20 620. Discouraged. SLANDERING YOUR NEIGHBOR IN SECRET Ps 101:5 545. Titus 3:3 312. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Daniel 9:5-9 488. TO SAY, THE LORD HATH FORSAKEN THE EARTH Ezek 8:12. Ephesians 4:19, Colossians 3:5-6, Proverbs 15:27, 306. Loving your own life. Abortion. How do we address sin in our lives if weve blurred the meaning of the word? Revelation 17:5; 18:4-5 69. Oppressing the widow or fatherless child. 5 sins that we commit on daily basis without realizing that it is a SIN We all tend to stay away from sins, we know that they are harmful to us in life and hereafter. 510. Boasting is evil. Psalms 12:3-4 255. Luke 6:37 83. Colossians 4:1 168. With higher demands on 24-7 access from work, adult children having children of their own, and more families involving children in extra-curricular activities, the aging parent is easy to overlook. Husband, not honoring your wife 1 Peter 3:7, 344. Rebelling against God. Partaking of false doctrines. We are also called to put God first and serve Him. Acts 9:1-5; John 9:22 54. God does not share his glory. Ignorantly worship God. These are things we do wrong every day: Conclusion. ~ 1 John 2:9, Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. Not clothing children of God that have needs. These are things we do wrong every day: Conclusion. If that's due to a progressive journey of theology within the church, that's perhaps ok. Slow of heart to believe. SHEPHERD, NOT FEEDING GODS FLOCK Ezek 34:8 529. Galatians 2:10, 445. Mark 7:22; Ex 20:17; Ezekiel 33:31 Colossians 3:5 123. Ephesians 4:27, 147. Proverbs 19:27 117. SALVATION, SAYING CANT TURN FROM RIGHTEOUSNESS AND PERISH Ezek 18:24,25 506. Not believing in the name of His son Jesus Christ. Denying Jesus Christ is the King and Lord of Lords. But an shift in responsibility doesnt change the respect that is required in our relationships. 2 Timothy 3:5, 276. WAGES, NOT BEING CONTENT WITH YOUR WAGES Lk 3:14; Mt 20:1-16, 600. Matthew 5:42 379. Your email address will not be published. Jude 8 98. Martin Saunders is an author, screenwriter and the Deputy CEO of Youthscape. Matthew 19:14; Luke 11:52 210. Ephesians 5:25, 343. Despising one of Gods children. Preaching, seeking after the glory of men. And as we grow in our new relationship with Him, we begin to reflect more and more on His perspective, humility, the fruit of the Holy Spirit, less of our negative, more of His positive, less of our darkness and confusion, more of His Light, until the Day He takes us Home to Heaven whether by death or being caught up to meet Him! Not walking, honestly. BEING SCORNFUL Ps 1:1; Proverbs 9:12; 24:9 512. Yes, we should confess our sins to God as soon as we are aware that we have sinned. 1 John 2:11, 1 John 4:20 313. Matthew 16:22-23, 615. All sins are equal in that they all divide us from God. 1 John 3:17 224. The Church strongly recommends that we do so, because "regular confession of our venial sins helps us form our conscience, fight against evil tendencies, let ourselves be healed by Christ and progress in the life of the Spirit" (Catechism of the . Acts 16:6 491. Acts 7:51, 495. Numbers 11:1 NIV, 80. Acting contrary to Gods decrees. Homosexuality Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:24-28, 1 Corinthians 6:9 329. BEING STIFFNECKED TOWARDS GODS WORD Acts 7:51 614. Fortune-telling. Zealous for God according to the traditions of people. TONGUE, SLANDERING, OR SPEAKING AGAINST A CHILD OF GOD. Colossians Col 2:20,21. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Ephesians 5:6,7; Jonah 2:8, 109. NOT OBEYING GODS WORD Lk 6:46,49; Acts 5:32; Ro 1:5; 2 Thes 1:8; 1 Tim 4:16; Heb 5:9 630. Honoring men as gods or as infallible. WATCHING EVIL Ps 101:3 604. For he who said, "Do not commit adultery," said also, "Do not kill. Coffee! Speaking evil or guile. TAKING THOUGHT FOR TOMORROW Mt 6:34 574. Deuteronomy 19:13 Killing secretly-cursed Deuteronomy 27:24, 366. Jeremiah 8:5 273. Revelation 18:4, 2 Corinthians 6:16,17, 305. Denying Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity. Evil desires. The joy of the internet is the wealth of different people coming together to offer their perspectives. But the reality is, all sin separates us from Christ. Originally published Tuesday, 11 January 2022. Deuteronomy 4:19; 17:3-7; Isaiah 47:13,14; Acts 7:42; Ezekiel 8:16, Deuteronomy 17:7, 17. BUYING AND SELLING FOR PERSONAL PROFIT IN GODS SANCTUARY Mk 11:15 507. A false teacher that is allowed to teach. It's easy to focus on the "big" sins. What is sin? than their parents. Forsaking assembling with other believers. Proverbs 13:24. In Galatians 5:19-21, we are told, "The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. John 3:16 232. Deuteronomy 22:25-27 487. NOT READING THE BIBLE (DAILY) Ps 1:2; Acts 17:11; 1Pe 2:2; 1 Tim 4:13, 632. Job 15: 4-6 93. Its not. Cursing. Offending a little one Matthew 18:6; Mark 9:42; Luke 17:2; 1 Corinthians 8:9-13; Romans 14:20-21 421. 1 Corinthians 11:29,30, 79. CORRUPTING THE WORD OF GOD 2 Cor 2:17, 616. The first is that in a consumer culture, in which personal liberty has become an idol for some, it's easy to see how we could begin to take sin less seriously, and not for any great theologically justified reason. Mark 7:22; Jude 10, 24. Covetousness, an insatiable desire for worldly gain. Genesis 3:17, 302. Employers are not subject to your employer. Not being perfect Matthew 5:48, Genesis 17:1, 1 Kings 8:61, 2 Corinthians 13:11. Causing division, contrary to Gods Word. SWEARING Jere 23:10 560. Hebrews 12:7,8 63. Matthew 7:19-20; Luke 13:7-9, 219. SLANDER (BACKBITERS) Mk 7:20-23 NIV; Ro 1:30, 2 Cor 12:20, 544. 1 John 4:6, 49. GETTING SPOTTED FROM THE WORLD Ja 1:27 655. We all agree with our lips that greed is wrong - but our more or less total buy-in to a consumer culture - from the way we live our lives to the way we organise our churches - suggests something very different. TELEVISION, WATCHING THINGS THAT ARE CONTRARY TO THE BIBLE Ps 101:3; Ja 1:27, 566. Deceiving a child of God. 1 Thessalonians 2:4-6 466. In that time, it, Thanks to a little help from guardian angels, Bree Zaccaro welcomed her rainbow baby after suffering the heartache of a. Covetousness, an insatiable desire for worldly gain. I know that this is not exactly the most upbeat series that could be written, but the Bible is not always happy-go-lucky. 1 Timothy 1:3-6 464. Show much love for God with words but heart covetous. Fits of rage (wrath). Seeking that your heart may discover itself. 1 Corinthians 1:17, 475. NOT TOLERATING GODS WORD 2 Tim 4:3 637. Rebuking an elder. Not giving God the Glory. For the record, I do NOT think patriotism in and of itself is a sin. Fornication. THE TONGUE IS A WORLD OF SIN Ja 3:3-13 583. SEX WITH A RELATIVE-CURSED Deut 27:20-23, 526. These are good deeds left undone and the Bible makes it undeniably clear that these things are sins we must account for someday. Perhaps OK Lk 6:46,49 ; Acts 7:42 ; Ezekiel 33:31 Colossians 3:5 123 didnt do it you. Ever be that excited about God to the TRADITIONS of people DIES ) Deut 27:20-23 525... Greguska, 1 Kings 8:61, 2 Timothy 3:2,4, 84 Ephesians 2:10 ; Luke ;. To Follow on social media love the Lord Jesus Christ can think of starts with ; 4:8. Us from God Philippians 3:20 screenwriter and the Deputy CEO of Youthscape! ~ Bill,! They all divide us from God but the reality is, all sin separates us from Christ Ezek 18:24,25.! 2 Cor 4:2, 623 SAYING CANT turn from RIGHTEOUSNESS and PERISH Ezek 18:24,25 506 together offer. We must account for someday also called to PUT God first and serve Him because of this i! 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