There are more artistic writings like this on our site. Okka Holthuis, Each life creates endless ripples. Kiefer Sutherland, You want to be the pebble in the pond that creates the ripples for change. I know how his shoulders look, bunched, when he's on top of me, how his face gets tight with lust, as he eases inside me. And you might think that what you're doing is not that significant, but just the way you respond to other people makes the world the way it is. Maybe the yogi is a parent who's a little more patient with their child, or a more compassionate coworker, or an understanding boss. Unfortunately, this will have a ripple effect in the economy. Those echoes crash across worlds. Waves and swell look subtly different. Scott Adams, A simple act of kindness, like a ripple on a pond, radiates from the giver throughout eternity. As long as you don't make waves, ripples, life seems easy. Ripple is more like sending an iMessage: you send it, and you immediately know. I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. They are the ocean's pulse, and our own heartbeat." Every action and decision we take " or don't " ripples into the future. When Katrina hit, my family lost everything - their homes, jobs, friends - and then it was a ripple effect, as so many others attached to them were affected. Your posture can shine your heart or transmit anxiety. Hope youll like it. Ones that lift up families and communities, that spread opportunity. Barack Obama, Having a vested interest in other souls unconditionally creates a ripple effect that produces miracles in the lives of those around us. Molly Friedenfeld, Dont underestimate the ripple effect of what you do. Because if you can fix yourself, it has a ripple effect. Rob Reiner, I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. Mother Theresa, When the environment makes gender salient, there is a ripple effect on the mind. They show that we might have a warped view of the popularity of some habits, but also that even small changes in our collective behavior can have huge ripple effects. It will let us see the real-time cause and effect of our actions. I love to do research on quotes and also love to let people know about quotes. Votes: 0, If you can control the rising of the mind into ripples, you will experience Yoga. Your efforts extend like ripples on the ocean, much further than you know. I've always protected myself when it comes to love. We collected these quotes from various resources. Your words can inspire freedom. We collapse, and the world feels it. What did a few ripples in the flesh matter when, all too soon, now or later, that flesh would be making its return journey to dust? I have been a member since 2014. Driving the ripples on forever People carrying heavy student-loan debt won't buy houses, start families, or start businesses. The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, p.59, , David Deida (2009). RT @MichaelCoudrey: Small ripples can create big waves. Now let's speed up the fan. Steve Jobs, Your actions is like a raindrop; it falls into the pond making ripples and then its over. Mar 20, 2021 - "A silver lining to all of the madness.people will stay home, go within and find themselves, away from the chaos. It is like dropping a tiny pebble of light into a dark pool of unconsciousness . Ripples of light! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. When you have weird policy decisions in the United States that then ripple out throughout the world, the rest of the world really takes it on the chin. If this has taught me anything, it is that there are some occurrences that change the course of things, that make an alteration far beyond their own apparent magnitude. As they grow larger, with longer periods, the waves are called "sea.". It brings about changes in the world. I think you are searching for the sociological perspective of the ripple effect. Heidi, Doing good holds the power to transform us on the inside, and then ripple out in ever-expanding circles that positively impact the world at large. We can't change the moon but we can live in harmony with its tides, and we can make some ripples of our own. For the first time we have the capability, the technology, and the knowledge to direct these ripples. Ripple's technology, IRP, is open source; XRP Ledger is open source. Rajneesh, Even if its a dumb story, telling it changes people just the slightest little bit, just as living the story changes me. And so we all matter maybe less than a lot, but always more than none. Because if you can fix yourself, it has a ripple effect. The next stage is to draw wavy lines and draw the water's edge. It only takes one pebble to start an avalanche. One way energy can move around is by forming waves. "It's a wonderful metaphorcatching a wavefor how you can look at other challenges in your life." - Jeff Bridges 4. And life pulsates in rock or tree. Lets Learn. We have one major event that happens that you are asked to buy into. A ripple of excitement / unease, etc. Every little thing you do adds up, and before you know it, you've created your life. These cookies do not store any personal information. Small acts of decency ripple in ways we could never imagine. Maybe you are looking for the ripple effects quotes and sayings. Votes: 1, The impact of a conscious artist is necessary, and it ripples through the world. And that's a lot. It is like the throwing of a tiny pebble into a pool, how it makes an ever-expanding circle of ripples, spreading right across the water's surface. Plus, when you sign up, you will gain access to my library of FREE spiritual & printable resources. Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects. Like a huge boulder dropping in a lake. I had to come up with $12,000 per month to take care of everyone. So I think that the person who is known or famous has the ability to decide what they do or dont want to share. Rosie ODonnell, Companies operating in urban communities have a tremendous ripple effect. Michael Porter, Your behavior influences others through a ripple effect. Votes: 1, Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects. He strips his shirt over his head and I catch my breath, watching those long hard muscles ripple. My breath whooshes out of me in a run-on word: "Whogivesafuck? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Votes: 0, If there are ripples on the surface of a lake, we cannot see the depth. The mathematical theory of water wave propagation shows that for waves whose amplitude is small compared to their length, the wave profile can be sinusoidal (that is, shaped like a sine wave), and there is a definite relationship between the wavelength and the wave period, which also controls . The arc of the moral universe is long, said Martin Luther King Jr., but it bends toward justice. And because I have been witness to so many people who lent their support to this good cause, I am lifted up by them lifted up so high that I can see the end of that arc. Everything seemed yellowly blurred, illusive, lost. What is wrong in being happy? Ripple takes the orthogonal side of each of those. Let the other guys go, catch another one." Duke Kahanamoku "You're not a wave; you're a part of the ocean." Mitch Albom Kathy Freston, What a vindication of the belief that ordinary people can do extraordinary things, what a reminder of what Bobby Kennedy once said, about how small actions can be like pebbles being thrown into a still lake, and ripples of hope cascade outwards and change the world. Billions of years ago, soon after the Big Bang, cosmic inflation stretched the tiny seed of our universe and transformed energy into matter. With a portion of their profit going to Waves for Water Philippines, the business provides clean water to their partner communities. Who knows what these ripples will do. The span of someone's life, they say, is only the core of their actual existence. And that's a lot. Now, Ripple can make it easy for Facebook and Uber and Amazon to make payments to developers in real time. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes a universe exist. This can be the biggest source of inspiration for you. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. That would be like trying to smooth ripples in water with a flatiron. Small ripples begin to form as the wind blows faster than 1 mph/1.6 kph, and by the time the wind's speed reaches 10 mph/16 kph, you'll see distinct waves with a few whitecaps. We all are so deeply interconnected; we have no option but to love all. They don't have to rip out existing infrastructure; they can use Ripple to make the transactions more profitable or more efficient. Unless I have to do something in-game to unlock them? Votes: 0, When you send out a powerful thought into the universe, you send out ripples to all parts of it which come back to you, reflecting what it is you sent out. Would you like to leave the world without making a ripple? When we become mindful this way, theres a ripple effect. Doing good holds the power to transform us on the inside, and then ripple out in ever-expanding circles that positively impact the world at large. Of course, you cant force your mind to be silent. Everything seemed yellowly blurred, illusive, lost. If everybody floated with the tide of talk, placidity would soon end in stagnation. Ripple can also be a verb. A ripple effect works because everyone influences everyone else. That is, the ripple in the water when the rock first impacts the pool, and it is those waves, that energy that one produces, that determines our direction. A small wave, or maybe a big one. Langston Hughes Waves are not as dangerous as fear of waves. "Jericho" "Who are you?" Educated people make more money and are more likely to escape poverty. William Shakespeare. Each one of our thoughts, words and deeds is like that. Some piece of ourselves, not necessarily our consciousness, but some piece of ourselves gets passed on and on and on. We're going to set up one model of it in Ladakh. ripple through something. I think that once you open the door and allow people in on a certain aspect, it's very hard to then control how far that ripple effect is. The ripple effect is so much greater than the original impact formed by the single stone. This is a collection of 38 ripple quotes and sayings. And for that moment, you're weightless. Lets Learn, Find the tools to help you create a life that is healthy for your mind, body and spirit. The availability of roles for deaf actors has always been very limited. Christy Ann Martine The sea is a desert of waves, A wilderness of water. Have you ever been at a fork in the road, and been unable (or unwilling) to chose between them? Votes: 1, What we do in life ripples in eternity. Gravitational waves were predicted by Albert Einstein. That's what I'm interested in, that echo, that ripple of choice. During inflation, the universe expanded faster than the speed of light. Votes: 1, The script of 'Shogun' was so tight that you could not take a word out of a sentence, you could not take a sentence out of a scene, and you certainly couldn't take out a scene without putting ripples right through the back or the front of the overall story. Each one of our thoughts, words and deeds is like that. You should do what you're supposed to do and hope that that ripples out. Thats what try making your own positive ripples in people around you. Rolling over the waves will shoulder me under. "Waves are toys from God." ~ Clay Marzo "The waves do keep coming, so learn to surf." ~ Jack Kornfield "I see nothing. But that's condemning yourself to impotence and death before you are dead. Dan Beachy-Quick, To become more conscious is the greatest gift anyone can give to the world; moreover, in a ripple effect, the gift comes back to its source. On one hand, yes, you're cleaning up this area, you're making it more livable for people. Our wings are small but the ripples of the heart are infinite. Or maybe wanna know more about the ripple effect. People are pebbles too. 'Switched at Birth' has made an impact for the better. A pebble cast into a pond causes ripples that spread in all directions. Family is very important to me because that is the footprint we perpetuate. Part of domestic abuse is often economic suppression; the male might take your paycheck every week and never give you money or allow you to work because hes too jealous. Patricia Arquette, Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple. Gene Wilder, We have strong evidence today that studying a foreign language has a ripple effect, helping to improve student performance in other subjects. Richard Riley, In space, everything is dependent on everything else and one hiccup causes a lot of ripple effects. Anne McClain, We live as ripples of energy in the vast ocean of energy. Deepak Chopra, We come and go just like ripples in a stream. John V. Politis. You must like it. Just as a pebble thrown into the water creates ripples, so our thoughts create similar effects on our palms. 1. The water ripples that surround your stone demonstrate the effects or impacts of your topic. 'FlashForward' is definitely not a sci-fi show. I could isolate, consciously, little. It's not the rich and famous who make a difference but. Like as the waves make towards the pebbl'd shore, so do our minutes, hasten to their end. No one has a right to sit down and feel hopeless. Mother Teresa, We cant change the moon but we can live in harmony with its tides, and we can make some ripples of our own. In a twilight corner of her consciousness, one tiny fragment and another tiny fragment call out wordlessly to eachother, their spreading ripples intermingling. But that's condemning yourself to impotence and death before you are dead. Watch what happens when we turn on the fan. Your every act can open hearts and minds. After 'Switched at Birth' began including deaf actors, a ripple effect has definitely been created in the industry. Plural for a small wave or series of waves on the surface of water. 10 Feb 2023 05:44:58 Dare to look beneath the surface of things for there is truth and treasure there Happiness and joy is meant to be shared (quotes), The idea that everything is purposeful really changes the way you live. It's now possible to have your body 3D-imaged from head to toe at a sub-millimeter accuracy, showing every ripple of muscle or cellulite, to allow the perfect-fitting jeans or shoes. Votes: 0, Waves of thought are stirring. I have to move. Meditation means how to be not a mind. What's happening in crypto - and certainly what's happening at Ripple - we have an opportunity to fundamentally change the way global commerce is managed from a payments point of view. Listening to intuition is similar to watching wind wiggle a pond. Just as ripples radiate from the place where a stone is thrown into a pool of water, our sometime-unconscious thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs create the "disturbances" in the field that become the blueprints for our lives. Votes: 1, As long as you don't make waves, ripples, life seems easy. I have begun to think of life as a series of ripples widening out from an original center. What you do is transform it. Matt Bevin, Dont underestimate the ripple effect of what you do. Hopefully, it'll ripple across, and we can all take the message to see people for who they are, recognize them without labels, just as humans. Thats why weve put a lot of inspirational ripple effect quotes in this section. , Remember theres no such thing as a small act of kindness. his flawless crystal skin practically dared people to see ifit felt as good as it loked - which it did. Alma Powell. every move of his body sent ripples along those lean muscles. Votes: 0, Our good works are like stones cast into the pool of time; though the stones themselves may disappear, their ripples extend to eternity. The higher the budget gets, the fewer storytelling risks you're able to take. First glimpse of big bang ripples from universe's birth. froth. It even comes with journaling pages & prompts so you can record your progress as you work through it! Become simple and live simply, not only within yourself but also in your everyday dealings. Every action you take, every choice you make, sends ripples of effect through the pond of our reality. To see another with clarity and objectivity, one first must master stillness. I am Arabella Lumley, the creator of Small Ripples and here to lead you back to your Divine Self. Votes: 0, Just as a pebble thrown into the water creates ripples, so our thoughts create similar effects on our palms. It doesn't mean unconsciousness. Germaine Greer, Send forth a tiny ripple of hope. Votes: 0, Every action and decision we take " or don't " ripples into the future. Votes: 0, Throw a stone into the stream and the ripples that propagate themselves are the beautiful type of all influence. Those waves came from two black holes that crashed 1.3 billion light-years away, sending out ripples that eventually traveled through our planet and registered in LIGO's giant, L-shaped detectors . Shari Arison, Each time a man stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. Votes: 0, Each one of us is like that butterfly the Butterfly Effect . We lose the clarity of the perfect reflection. Votes: 0. Educated parents raise healthier children..The list goes on, just as ripples in a body of water emanate outward. Each time a man stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. . News of the war hardly caused a ripple (= people showed little interest). Waves form when energy is transferred from the air to the water. Remember that when someone says you can't change the world. Jacque Fresco, I love people that work with passion and love. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Votes: 1, A kindness given is a kindness receivedwho knows where the ripples stop. Your email address will not be published. Redemption rips through the surface of time That's why it's important that we're at our best and that we're influencing others for the good. If youre not uncomfortable, its not DiscomfortWear. Votes: 0, every move of his body sent ripples along those lean muscles. Ripples are a different beast altogether. Last Updated on August 10, 2020 by Scott M. Thomas. Perhaps, they pick up a piece of trash that wasnt theirs, turn off a light when theyre not in the room, or turn off the water while they brush their teeth, sensitive to the finite nature of our worldly resources. Cast a stone into the water ripples that surround your stone demonstrate the effects or impacts your... Name, email, and you immediately know sign up, and ripples! Created in the road, and before you know it, and before you know,. Care of everyone thought are stirring more money and are more artistic writings like this on our.... This section and draw the water creates ripples, so our thoughts, words and deeds is like that care... Of the heart are infinite developers in real time or Dont want to be the pebble in industry. On, just as ripples in water with a portion of their profit going to waves for water,. 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