When he was preaching earlier in Matthew, He said, There comes one after me who is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to carry. And then he said, in verse 14, when Jesus came to baptize him, I have need to be baptized by you. And, Do You come to be baptized by me? And in John 3:30 he said, I must decrease and He must What? He was not only in prison but he had been victimized some somehow by the current thinking about the Messiah. He is it. So, the first element of Johns personal character to mark his greatness was the ability to recognize a weakness and overcome it. Your greatness is waiting to be revealed, and I cannot wait to see all that you will accomplish. Jesus tells us that true greatness is found in serving others. But thirdly, youve got to have the right impact. Now, listen to this. These are the three ingredients of greatness, people. He was a man who would recognize weakness; he would see it for what it was. Im sure there were many times when he wished he had it. Dont refuse it. They are the victims and the victors. On this particular day the team began to run the bases but Mattie did not get off the bench. Theres a verb in the middle, the verb biaz, and it can be translated passive or reflexive. And the Nazarite vow meant youd drink neither wine nor strong drink, which immediately eliminates you from all the fancy banquets and all the nice little things that you might attend. And when it came to his ability to speak he was without equal. This is true greatness according to Jesus. How many people do you see in the world around you that are professing one thing in the world, and totally behaving like another? In Luke 3:15, And as the people were in expectation and all men mused in their hearts, all men mused in their hearts concerning John whether he were the Messiah. See? And his food was locusts and wild honey. So, the kingdom of heaven which is the rule of God and the implementation of His standards was being attacked and they were trying to stop it. Jesus is saying, if John is the forerunner, then I am the King. God's plans and purposes (seeds of greatness) for our lives have become buried and/or they are dormant, waiting for the right Words of Life to germinate them into action. I mean, its a great thing to be the pastor of Grace Community Church. AND the best bit.YOU keep control of YOUR money. He was above it. You know, when I look back in history sometimes and I read about great generals who put their life on the line, who went through incredible hardship to win a victory; or when I read about scientists who were locked up in some kind of a situation for days and weeks and months and years trying to discover something which we now take for granted; or when I read about some person who stayed with a problem, hour upon hour upon hour until, ultimately, it was solved; or a missionary who burned his life out by the time he was 30 years of age trying to get the gospel to some people someplace, then I remind myself that thats the mark of greatness. This becomes positive then. Because the gate is narrow and the way is hard which leads unto life and few there be that What? He was way down in the eastern part of the Dead Sea and the Lord was clear up in Galilee. You are loved, and you are valuable. He makes both the deaf to hear and the mute to speak.. Before a seed can germinate, the conditions must be exactly right. We sent you an email. Back to verse 11, and heres where we end. Psalm 145:3 (RSV) The Greatness of God A couple of weeks ago, I announced in the sermon that today I would preach the last of a 10+-year series of sermons on the Book of Psalms. And there was a tremendous amount of excitement. 4 0 obj There are a lot of keys on my key ring. You didnt come out here because he was weak. Becoming a Christian means you step out against the flow, you go against the grain. It refers to the spineless. True greatness is not found in finding people who think you are great and having them serve you. There was a boy who took care of his fathers sheep on one of the hills near Bethelem. And here we meet such a person. From the days of John the Baptist until now, theres violence. You know what that says? And then it would also at the end of the verse it would mean violent men are seizing it. In Heaven, you have all you can desire. She grew up to be the Queen of that country, 2000 years ago. Because hes searching for greatness. Mary brought Jesus into 30 years of obscurity. And verse 14 then, this marvelous verse, If you will receive, this is Elijah who was to come. Now what does that mean? The great are the ones who see their weakness and work to overcome, not the ones who fancy themselves to be without weakness. They were offered both. They are the people who cannot rise above their circumstances, they cannot rise above their difficulties, they cannot rise above their weaknesses. #compoundinterest #compounding #growyourmoney #investingtok #investingtip #learntoinvest". Bessarion, a monk, would not even give in to his bodys desire for restful sleep. And the Kingdom of heaven, verse 12, refers to Gods rule. He became pivotal at that juncture of redemptive history. Among ascetics, the most celebrated was Simeon the stylite of Syria and Danielle the stylite of Constantinople. John heralded a King. You see, entrance into the kingdom requires earnest endeavor, untiring energy, utmost exertion because Satan is mighty and his demons are powerful and sin holds us. The guy was so remarkable that people thought he was the Messiah. WebLet us see to it that, being least in our own eyes, we belong to the greatest in the kingdom. Thats much like John. And then because of his privileged calling. A reed shaken with the wind? And well stop right there. When little Mary Reed played in her home New Caldwell, Ohio, no one dreamed that she would end up in China as a missionary to the lepers, but she did. His life had become the issue. WebGod's greatness is reserved for other than those categories of people. Every week we gather in the House of the Lord with people who are searching for answers to great problems. That is the soldier, the general, who does all that he needs to do, even giving his life if need be, to win the victory. He was greater than Melchizedek! No, one of his counselors replied, for hell be glad to go. 6) Greatness follows its passion, and doesn't sell its dreams too cheaply. Until you allow the water of God's Word to gush forth in you, the seeds of greatness will lie in wait. But we know he was humble from chapter 3, dont we? This is good news, because this means that everybody can be great, for anybody is able to serve. In other words, God's greatness makes him And if I am the King, the Kingdom is being offered. WebIts a very tender and touching sceneone of the most moving and heartwarming farewell speeches thats ever been recorded in literature. God can break that and our hearts respond. Verse 7. I mean, if you are always being diverted by the desire for comfort, if you cant take pain and youve always got to find the easy way, then youll never know what greatness is. For many of us, what comes with greatness is fame and recognition; wealth and fortune; it is the lure of success and still the driving force of ambition in the United States and all over the world. The kingdom is for hard, sturdy-hearted folks like Joseph and Nathan and Elijah and Daniel and his three friends and Mordecai and Stephen and Deborah and Esther and Lydia and Ruth and Paul. When God put you on this earth, He sent you as an ambassador. P.O. For it is he of whom it is written, Behold I send My messenger before thy face, who shall prepare thy way before thee. He is the fulfillment of Malachi 3:1. But I if Iwere in Johns position, it would be so hard pressed to perceive that after hundreds, yes thousands of years of preparation for the Messiah, I should be the one to be His personal herald. And John had that ability. This was done as strongly as stone and mortar could make it and only an opening, a small hole through which she might look and hear the offices of the church, remained. A heart like Jesus. And that is not somebodys opinion. Its all of that that makes it happen. He touched the living Christ. Just kept sitting on top of higher and higher pillars. He goes immediately to the Lord. II. Then he goes on to talk about judgment of fire and purging and burning them with unquenchable fire, a devastating diatribe against the religious leaders. 'You Raise Me Up' Duet Earns A Standing Ovation From The Judges, 7 Tests to See if Your Worship Is Truly Christian or Pagan, 3 Bad Church Approaches to Good Money Stewardship, 5 Critical Rules to Teach Your Kids to Help Them Stay Safe, 4 Things You Should Know about Jesus Revolution, Jesus on Adultery: Its More Controversial Than You Think, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Crosswalk.com. Now, what is the nature of this violence? It is being persecuted. You just have to be willing to follow His lead. And so, the man and the mission come together. The temperature has to rise to just the right degree and there has to be sufficient light to beckon the seed to come forth. I believe that many of the seeds of greatness that God placed within us are awaiting the Water of God's Word of truth to come to them. Heavenly Father, give us a servant's heart. They want something that gives them a competitive edge even if they have to lie, cheat and steal to get it. Very few people are chosen to carry others into uncharted territory. The Lord said when it comes to humanness there has never been a greater than John the Baptist. This word basically means to be hidden or concealed. People are always in a desperate search for a secret source of power. To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. Our Father, we hear the echo of the words of our Lord in Matthew 18. That is the athlete who beats his body, as it were, because he has a goal. Verse 8, What went ye out to see? Now you went all the way out in the desert, you traveled hours into the desert to look and to listen to this man, Did you go out there to see a man clothed in soft raiment like they wear in the kings house? Did you go out there just to see another typical guy who is a courtier, who operates in the palace, who favors the king, who does whatever you need to do to get the royal favors, a man who lives a life of luxurious self-indulgence? He remains a prisoner of that ignorance until the flame gets lit, and the urge to be free outdoes all fears. He had absolutely no access because he couldnt leave the prison. And so, not only his personal character, but his privileged calling. The forerunners task is to prepare everything, especially the hearts of the people for His coming. Give him humility so that he may always remember the simplicity of true greatness. Luke 14:7-11. What a testimonial, huh? He who is in you is greater than he that is in the world! Guest. You dont have to be able to explain Him. And they knew that. Look at verse 9, and the Lords third question: And went ye out to see? And heres the first one that deserves a yes answer. I dont know just exactly what it would be like to have listened to him, but he was the most dynamic, articulate, confrontive, powerful spokesman God ever had to do the supreme prophetic task, the last prophet who would announce that the Messiah not was coming, but was here. Healing Maybe hes a more vacillating person than we have imagined. Scripture: Matthew 18:1-11 About that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, Who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven? 2 Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them.3 Then he said, I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and He controlling himself. Now is the time to put aside the pain of the past and the fear of tomorrow. The Greatness of God Is Utterly Relevant. It is utterly relevant for everything in life. If we saw the greatness of God, we would not be so greedy and covetous. If we saw the greatness of God, our eyes wouldn't stray after lustful images and thoughts. He was the greatest. But one like Elijah. Shall I put him in a dungeon? the emperor asked. Why? That it is saying that the Kingdom is moving ahead under the power of this marvelous man, John, and vigorous, aggressive, forceful people are taking that kingdom. Please be aware that these items are sent out from our office in the UK. He started out as a pile of dirt. He stirred up a hornets nest. Now, some commentators take it passively. The action took place all around him. That particular phrase was somewhat common to designate someones identification with the human race. And it wasnt that he was denying himself to gain some kind of penance, thats foolish. Not everybody understood the significance of this man, so the Lord adds a warning and He adds that warning to you: He that ears to hear, let him hear.. And I guess if we were all to discuss the subject of greatness, and ask the question, who are really the great people in the world, we might come up with all kinds of answers. But lets see how he did it, and Im going to give this to you fast cause I want to get on to the text were supposed to look at today. In fact, Matthew uses the same verb for that very expression in the 24th chapter in two places: Verse 11, Many false prophets shall rise, and verse 24, There shall rise false Christs and false prophets. The term rise then frequently is used in reference to a prophet. In Matthew chapter 7 it says that if youre going to enter into the narrow gate, youre going to have to realize that its hard to enter, that there must be a striving. You must reflect His greatness. 0 Comments. It is being attacked. Thats kind of exciting to think about. Totum est quod velis. Bow your heads with me. But if you refuse the kingdom, then John is not going to fulfill that Elijah prophecy and there will yet be an Elijah-type person to come in the future. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the Kingdom of heaven. Father, may we know that all of these marks of human greatness are fine, and may we know that theyre especially wonderful when they are doubly endowed by the presence of the Holy Spirit as in the case of John. Thats a general term here, simply referring to Gods rule, simply referring to Gods will, Gods message, Gods principles, Gods dimension, Gods Kingdom, Gods purposes. Theres only one thing that will cause him pain. He is the focus. He was a prophet and they saw him that way. There are lots of people who can go in short spurts and then be intimidated out of that conviction or cant sustain it for a lifetime. They can clearly see his invisible qualitieshis eternal power and divine nature. Because this is the climax, everything has built up to John. How could you be more than a prophet? And thats pretty much the way the Authorized or the King James translates it. And so, he acted upon that admission. Lets open our Bibles this morning to Matthew chapter 11, Matthew chapter 11. The question is whether or not you can overcome them and that is the mark of greatness. He created conflict. He will come watch the phrase before Thy face. That means in front of Thee, before Christ. First of all, he was a man who could overcome his weakness. And many of them, by the way, were trying to bring in a false kingdom by political means, such as the Zealots who were trying to seize the kingdom of God, politically, and establish it. WebGod's qualification for greatness is death. And so, the Lord begins in verse 7 to reaffirm in their minds his true greatness, because people are so often prone to assume that to admit weakness is not to be great when just the opposite is true. It means the very opposite. He not only predicted the Messiah, he actually baptized the Messiah. September 22-23, 2012 God has called you to greatness. God desires to make you great. Genesis 12 is the Abrahamic covenant passed on from generation to generation all the way down to us. Abraham sacrificed everything and followed God. He left everything behind and moved forward to the promises God had for him. You are like this seed. Because everybody has weaknesses, everybody has failings and infirmities and problems. This is a Psalm of worship and in his worship, he is expressing the greatness of God. So look what He says, the first statement. He is a fulfillment of prophecy. It is often attributed to athletes, musicians, or other public figures. As we remarked then, our Lord poured unstinted eulogium upon the head of John, in the audience of the people, at the very moment when he showed himself weakest. You didnt come out here because he was spineless. Let me show you a second one and thats in verse 7. Not exactly affluence. And they already perceived that he was a prophet. Your destiny contains greatness. But secondly, lets assume we translate it reflexively, it would read this way, and and by the way, the verb form can be either way so we just have to take our choice here. Why would you make such a long, hard journey? Yes, they went out to see a prophet. Thats it. Ever since hes been around weve had problems. Im here to tell you that the simple fact isgreatness doesnt come from fame. And so, the Lord says, well, when you went out into the wilderness, did you go out there to see a reed shaken with the wind? Perhaps with-in you there is the greatest to become a doctor, a missionary, a teacher, an evangelist, a pastor, or something else, or God may call you to be just a helper. The John of Your Kingdom was greater than the John born of women, as great as he was. So, the greatness now, listen to this greatness comes not only from character but from calling. Lets peer inside Pauls heart, and see whats in there. WebSERMON - THERE IS GREATNESS IN YOU: CONTINUE TO UNVEIL IT PSALM 139:14a I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. And when John came they knew he was a prophet. If they wanted weak, vacillating, ordinary reeds that blew around with every wind, they could have found them all over their religious system. What did you go out to see? May we be those who are truly great because we know You. The world is in desperate need of all the good fruit your life was designed to produce. To be UNLEASHED is to be no longer tethered to Verse 12, his preaching led to violence. And you know, were all tempted along that line, to just go to the the way of ease. WebTrue Greatness | Mark 9:30-40. Potential greatness is there waiting development, if we could see the outcome we might not be so impatient or discouraged at times. He doesnt want them to think of John as a vacillating kind of weak person with no ability to make up his mind. Since this guy arrived there is violence, direct correlation. The Lord Jesus said in John 12:24, 'Verily, verily', truly, truly, 'I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it die, it brings forth much fruit'. Well, basically, that is a sort of a Jewish reference, or a sort of an ancient reference to the human race. And that, by the way, beloved, is the meaning of a parallel statement in Luke 16:16, where it says The law and the prophets were until John, since that time the Kingdom of God is preached and every man presses into it. And because of that parallel passage, I think were safer to say that this is a reflexive use of biaz. Very much out of her comfort zone and fearful for her life, God called her to speak up and save her people. He is confronting a multitude here, as we learn from the beginning of the chapter. So at this point, he is at a low in his life. He was writing letters to his church from the Isle of Patmos while the church was under heavy fire. And there was 400 years without a prophet, tremendous anticipation had built and built and built. Verse 16, Many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God, speaking of John the Baptist he shall go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just and make ready a people prepared for the Lord.. WebObviously there are days that give you lessons (and thats ok, thats part of growth) BUT there are days when your return is more than 3%!! John is the culmination of everything, For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. He is the culmination. Acording to Matthew 21:26, everybody knew he was a prophet. You see, true greatness and this is something to remember true greatness always matches the right man with the right position. People in the world just sort of grab and if theyre lucky enough their talent will intersect with their calling. Put your name in the verses. He strengthens and preserves you steadfast in the true faith, unto life everlasting. 145--a hymn of praise that celebrates God's goodness expressed in the created order. WebBecause, although he was God, he gave up all of his divine privileges and became a servant. All right, his greatness, then, was built in his personal character. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. Starting with Moses who was the first prophet, all the way to John who was the last prophet, he is the hes the summum bonum. What is the definition of greatness? He was great because of his personal character. McGraw said, Mattie run the bases and well go home. In all of the human greatness of John, personal character, privileged calling, powerful culmination in human history, you take all of that human greatness and human status and historical value, all that he is born of women, all that he is in physical perception and he doesnt come up to the least person who is in Gods spiritual Kingdom. What went ye out into the wilderness to see? Why did you leave Galilee and go all the way out to the desert around the Dead Sea? The Sunday Mail. In Westmalle near Antwerp, there was a convent of Trappist monks who live under the vow of perpetual silence. Saint Assepsumas wore so many chains because he thought he could get rid of his sin by causing himself pain. There are thousands of blossoms and green leaves and honey for the bees to gather and later there are branches bending with ripe apples. And I told you last time that that was a difficult circumstance for a man whod known freedom, who had known freedom, who had known freedom all his life. He was it. You dont have to debate about Him. So, unless you have been that reduced, I assure you that God can use you. John the Baptist is a prophet and we know hes a great prophet, hes got doubts. Persecution had broken out against John the Baptist. You have the seed of greatness in you! He was greater than Isaac, Jacob, Joseph. We thank you for your faithful generosity. Have you ever heard of the G.O.A.T? You just have to believe in Him. Everything is swirling around him. He not only said, by the way, He will come, He will come, He will come, but one day he said, Here He is. He is more than a prophet, because he was not only the last prophet, but the forerunner of Christ, the baptizer of Christ, the fulfillment of prophecy. Its that that right place and right time and right opportunity and right exposure. Right now Hes working Web2) Greatness never counts the cost. If they wanted to see that they could see that everywhere. And it was all one message. Since the UK is now no longer a member of the EU, you may be charged an import tax on this item by the customs authorities in your country of residence, which is beyond our control. Now, theres one more statement and this message is finished. Through him, the kingdom was vigorously moving ahead. He could make a ball go where he wanted, almost everytime, and that is not easy. Because greatness understands self-denial. He was a man of destiny. No, he didnt say that. And the first response the Lord talks about is the response of doubt and John is His illustration, and we see that John doubted. He could overcome his weakness. You see, greatness starts with personal character but it has to be matched with the right calling. Today, lets talk about John, the apostle who walked with Jesus and wrote his Gospel accounts as he ministered during his time on earth. And in his case the greatest of his personal character matched with the role that he had in history, summed up to make him the greatest man that ever lived. 2023 Grace to You. WebObviously there are days that give you lessons (and thats ok, thats part of growth) BUT there are days when your return is more than 3%!! Great contribution to society. Daniel the stylite of Constantinople lived 33 years on a pillar and was not unfrequently nearly blown off by the storms. When the great Chrysostom was arrested by the Roman emperor, he sought to make the Greek Christian deny his faith and recant, but he was unsuccessful. Hardly. Your greatness is waiting to be revealed, and I cannot wait to see all that you will accomplish. Sometimes during the moment the person may not seem great but in time they actually were great. He was no part of the system at all. Now, Im going to give you a little, sort of an interpretive lesson. Theyre thinking, well, John, I mean, hes doubting. You need to look at the things youre facing and give them a warning that they are about to be overwhelmed by the power of the Living God! Help Grace to You bring important resources like this to people in your community and beyond, free of charge. And He is going to make sure that they understand the greatness of John the Baptist now watch but only as an illustration of a greater spiritual truth. Hes afraid of nothing but sin.. Everything God does, He does with an overabundance of quality. You say, Well, does that express the proper perspective on salvation? Yes. He found it hard to take orders. And I sometimes am sort of caught in the awe of the whole thing and dont really understand it. He became the issue. After clicking 'Register', you will receive an email with a link to verify your account and to complete your registration. His name was Jesus. The Longing for Greatness Grace Tabernacle What to Expect What We Believe Directions Who we are Our Team Weekly Schedule Our Vision COVID 19 Events Paid In Full Card Contact Us Resources Sermon Outlines Changing your home church? Then he ran the bases twice and jumped into the bus. They must have been a little bit quizzical at this point and saying, Well, now wait a minute. She determined to become what was then called a recluse and as such, to pass the remainder of her days in a narrow cell built within the wall of a church. She feels her heart melting, and as it were dissolved through love. Pray the above verses of hope over your life. Its about group pride. As He strengthens you, He equips you to do His work, in faith toward Him and in fervent love toward one another. The Messiahs coming, the Messiahs coming, the Messiah is coming. That is the man of education who will spend all the time that is necessary to come to the right conclusion. WebNo matter who you are or where you are in life: there is greatness in you. On the fifth of October when the cell, only a few feet square, was finished and the wall of the church of Saint Opportune, Agnes entered her final abode. No. Did you go out there to see a guy who plays to the court, who seeks the favors because he wants to pad his seat? Registered User The Kingdom of heaven is suffering violence and violent men are seizing it. And, also, because he had been in prison for about a year his unfulfilled expectation of the Messianic kingdom made him question and doubt and become perplexed. Why? Now that is a mark of greatness. Do not look at your feet unless you do not know where you are standing and what you are doing. He had dynamic ability to communicate. The bottom line in Scripture is that God hates pride and honors humility. WebNo matter who you are or where you are in life: there is greatness in you. I got this far, Ive got to finish. I dont care whether youre talking about the ministry or your job or your school work or your athletic career or whatever it is, greatness comes from an ability to get past your weakness. Let me suggest what these personal characteristics were. Can we believe him? To beckon the seed to come forth there is greatness in you sermon it for what it was his church from the of. They wanted to see all that you will receive, this is good news, this... Assepsumas wore so many chains because he has a goal your greatness is found in people... An account Jesus tells us that true greatness is not easy off bench... Of power expressed in the world just sort of grab and if I am King... No, one of his fathers sheep on one of the words of our in... See whats in there greater than he that is not found in serving others spend the! You step out against the grain of penance, thats foolish webits a very tender and touching of... 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