What exactly am I? corrected and reuploaded. Perhaps you could extend it to include the Contrabasso range? And does anyone have recommendations on what to do to when sick and needing to sing? I have a falsetto range all the way to a#5(b5 is sometimes a whistle along with a c6). If you dont know when that switch happens try singing the ng sound from the bottom of your range up and see where it breaks. the lowest note which I could hit comfortably was C4 and the highest one was G4, whats my vocal range? The high note is Ab4. Falsetto has the similar range to head voice too. My highest note c#6 and lowest is Bb3 is that ok I get called a squeaker alot, My name is maro my chest voice is very weak and in I sing soprano in clasicalchoir easy ,Im 20 will my voice change my chest voice is from e2 _ D 5 sometimes do but I dont know how to control it my whistle is from c 6 _ f # 7 smoothly please help me I want a career in music my head voice is my favourite part of my voice i have full control. probably alto, other way around? what does this mean? How to Hold a Guitar Pick Like a Real Pro! According to the chart bass to high tenor. Anyway, I hope this helps :). It was A5 to F2 for me, but I was also trying to stay quiet so I wouldnt wake up my sister, lol. Again using myself, I can sing up to a F4 chest, but continuing into falsetto allows me to go even as high a C6, which obviously again doesnt make any sense. What does that make my range and how many octaves/notes is that?? In most cases, they are acknowledged in all major systems of voice classification. and Im about to become 22 after four months and 2 days xD. Also any suggestions on how to improve vocal in our current range without straining too much? My lowest note is D3 and my highest is C5, where does this place me? If you find a webside that shows the full chart, please let me know. The tenor voice range spans two octaves from C3 to C5 but can extend either down or up at B2 and F5 respectively. Is A3 a low note for a girl? I can do from an D3 to a E6 so what does that make me? soprano. I can hit E1 with vocal fry i hit falsetto at G4 and i can hit A6 in falsetto then i can use whistle regiser to hit A7 what am i. But I believe I also have an sufficient control over Vocal Fry and more importantly the Whistle Register. As a freshmen in college, I peaked . Am i a tenor? Finally I found somebody that thinks the same way I do. The daily requirement for choline varies with age. So does anyone have thoughts on what classification they would put me in. Hi,I am a boy,Im 13 years old with a vocal range from B2 C6, usually I would sing alto but when take the next step I start singing with my treble voice my voice also light it only gets rough when I sing with puberty voice tenor sometimes I feel strained singing in my alto but not in my treble and tenor.so what vocal range do I usually consider my self. Middle C If you look in the very center of any piano, you'll see the middle C note. The lowest note that I can hit comfortably is a F1, but can go as low as an Eb1! Go look at a piano and you'll see that the keyboard is made up of the same grouping of 12 notes (5 black notes, and 6 white notes) over and over again. Im 24 x, I dont know, but believe me or not but I dont know what I am. Chest-Voice: (F#2) G2 D#4 (G#2) Head-Voice/Falsetto: (C4) D4 D5 (E5), The lowest I can get is f3 and my highest is F5. Imagine a strong, silent-type hero or heroine from a movie: quiet and reserved, but with unmistakable inner strength. Depends on how strict you want to be. Keep in mind also that when you test youre not supposed to force anything. I can reach higher than c5. When you get older and your voice changes will be the time to wonder about classification. Soprano This is the highest female voice type with a typical range of C4 to C6. TenorThis is the highest male singing voice using modal voice register only. It lies from A3 to A5 and is similar to the mezzo-soprano voice range. I have a lot of difficulty with using mixed voice. Am I a Tenor or baritone singer? Baritone/Tenor, whatever you like to sing most! My tessiture (male, 22) is around D3-D5, but I am not that trained yet, my highest note yet was F5, my lowest I could somehow breath out after training my voice in the higher register was an Bb2 I like to sing in upper 3rd to upper 4th octave the most, but have no problem with a bit of a higher tessiture up to C#5 or D5 relatively consistently My goal is to solidify my notes up to F5 . So we are both sopranos. Contraltos are the most unusual voice types in females. Thanks. total chest range is C2 to C5. Im a 43 year old guy and on your test I sang E2-B6 but my vocal coach says I can go down to B1. I tried singing along with Alfred Deller and had no problem hitting the notes too. These qualities are the vocal range, vocal weight, timbre or tone quality, tessitura, and passaggio. I see plenty of females singing even baritone parts, if thats where you feel comfortable. Beyond E5, my vocal cords begin to strain. What is that? King's College Choir announces major change. I wanna get my full voice range into at least 2 1/2 octaves(which for me is a d#5). Classical singer needed the vocal range & voice type classification. Note: these definitions, from the New Harvard Dictionary of Music, are used in music cataloging, using the Library of Congress Subject Headings and RDA.. Vocal ranges for solo or choral works may differ, as evidenced from the different ranges found in other sources. Tessitura C2 C3 Head voice G3 C4 Falsetto C4 F4 Speech range (C2) D2 E2 (F2) Subharmonic G1 C2 Scream C5 * (non melodic), Vocal range (Full notes) B0 F4 Vocal range (recorded) G0 E5, No.. I know Im a bass. Diana Damrau sings Mozart's "Queen of the Night" aria. C6-E7 in whistle register and sometimes even G7. Enter your email and your range will display immediately in the app. 4. I used an app called sing sharp and my vocal range is c3 to c5. and Im a 15 year old boy, gonna turn 16. Ive over time developed my higher end to extend to c5, and on a good day one or two notes higher when singing jamiroquai. My vocal range is F#2 ( I sometimes go down to F2 ) ~ G6 ( screaming ) Im male Whats my type of voice? Hi, Im male and 17yrs old. im just wondering what my vocal ranges are bc i can go comfortably as low as E2 and as comfortably high as C6.. My low note is A3 and High is G3. Soprano The soprano is the highest singing voice and has the highest tessitura except for a specific type of soprano called the sopranino. whats my voice type? Okay so, C2-C6Thats a Mezzo! You may be a contralto or a mezzo soprano. Vocal ranges technically only apply to adults. I am female and 13. If she uses her chest voice, mixed and head voice her range is from e3 to f6. Beyonc - Halo. Singers that I like to sing with include Bing Crosby, Josh Turner, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Paul Robeson, Dean Martin, and Harry Connick jr.. You just found your Tessitura range. Some rock solid performers have pulled out D5's but that is rare. Wang Xiaolong achieved an E8 in 2018. But predominately my vocal range is D2-B7, what voice type am I? Pitch detectors regularly place me as having a range over 4 octaves. Those are all the same notes, but in different octaves. Hi, I am 15 yr old boy whos voice has cracked. (A5 have to be warmed up well). Thanks. Accordingly, she can also sing the low notes of a soprano. I just turned 60 and through vocal care and technique thanks to various tuition styles and more books and websites I could ever count, my voice is still hanging in there. Or, your range might be larger than any one vocal type. My vocal range is from G#2-F#7 but Im more on the range of A2-F#7 , How many octaves and what voice type could I be? I can hit 2-3 notes lower than the lowest note to G4. So my vocal range is E2-A5 and Im really confused right now because Im a girl. Im 13 almost 14 in August. I can hit a solid B2 without difficulty. So, in order to determine if I should sing either tenor or baritone, I take a look at my tessitura, which is where in my voice I feel most comfortable singing. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Im singing a comfortable low note of D3, and a comfortable high note of F5. I just hit an F5 as my highest and D#2 as my lowest. Idk but when i tested it, my range was f#3 a5 with chestvoice and mix. Hope I was able to help! This can lead to misclassification in which a singer may be assigned to perform a part of the choral group that is not appropriate for his/her voice range. Okay so, Im a girl and my lowest sustainable and clear note is G#3 and Highest sustainably clear note is C#5. My low note is A3 and High note is G5. Which range should I practice? You have a really high range for a male, i think you definitely isnt a baritone or a bass, maybe a really high tenor or a countenor, you can tell me your highest note in head voice? The lowest note I can hit is D#2 & the highest I can hit is F4 & then I can hit F#4, G#4 in whistle like tone. My vocal range goes from C2-C4 in chest voice. Though altos have a very similar range to mezzo-sopranos, their voices are . its much more easier for me. She helped me because I didnt know where I fit in the choir. , no falsette or whistle, head voice, what is the range and what does it called if Im F#2 C#6, You need to tell me if that C#6 is head voice, mix voice, falsette, or whistle. What would I be? I consider myself in the middle but I excel in 4th octave in the piano. long skirts for ladies. Thanks. Bb1 to F#5. For example, see: The Wikipedia article on vocal range, which gives different ranges for operatic works and choral works. Over time, the term 'falsetto' has been used to mean various things. Uncomfortably, but with proper warm up, A2-D#6 with resonance. My highest falsetto note is A5 highest whistle note is E8. So what am I then. Counter tenor, Dramatic tenor, Lyric tenor, Baritone with a high range, I have been described as all of these, what is your opinion. What goes between those two notes? Could hit D4 but its really pushing it and if I try to maintain C4 or D4 or to hit anything above those, it hurts terribly and I get told to stop. I think Im an alto?? I have a vocal range of D#3 to A6, is that soprano or sopranino or even higher? I am a 19 year old male. (This does not include my head voice or whistle tone), I am the same D3 to C5 comfortable singing range, could this be Contralto or Alto? Hi I am a male who has a 4.7 octave range, going from a Bb3 to a G7. My Vocal Range Is At Bb1-C#6-A6-D7-F#8My relax range is at F2-F6So where do I fit in? Your range is a bit different- you can fit it into either a baritone or tenor range, all depends on what youre most comfortable singing! Soprano because you can hit the high notes. Hello there. You might be able to perform notes higher or lower than your alleged range. Im a male with low note : A2 and high note : C6 what is my voice ? >^< im a boy ~, So apparently by the of the video I can sing from E2-C6. Amd my head-whistle goes to c6-a6 Whats my range? You can belt to the Bb on "stone" and then flip for anything higher. What is my singing key or comfy vocal range? Im 15 and I can only sing Eb2 F4 would my voice drop again? Let's find your lowest note. I have no clue how to learn my range. My lowest note is D3 and my highest is A5. Falsetto vs Head Voice Differences Explained! falsetto range can vary between the two, in fact some baritones can have higher falsettos than tenors it will just be disconnected. CountertenorThe countertenor is the highest male singing voice range that stretches from E3 to E5. What would I be? Im a 22 male, choir member. That wouldnt be considered your range then. You are singing in the alto range. I got A2-B5 could have gone one lower and one higher but it started to sound a bit wonky lol.. not sure what that means..(my range) Im not much of a singer.. ok well maybe a shower singer.. wrote a few original songs..posted on youtube (an eon ago)..pawned my guitar for groceries and never really sang again.. now im going to get a new guitar and hopefully take guitar lessons as i only know a few cords and only in the same order..but id like to try singing agsin and so I was curious to take the test.. and see how I fared .. .however being sort of a living room couch singer..and knowing nothing about vocals.. Im more confused than when I didnt care..lol..ive no clue how to read the range chart.. I dont think youre doing it right, no one under the age of like 14 can hit below D1. Enjoy! .. my range I found was D3-E6 help please ASAP I need to know what song to prepare for an audition and its coming up quick thanks so much. im wondering if males can sing with full voice upto c6 ? What does this make me? Turns out I feel comfortable at A#3 aswell, but like I said in the previous post, I know nothing about singing so I am just going by what feels good and sounds about the right note, am usually less than an an octave off :-p. Looks like you and i have the same vocal range B1-E5 except i have a G2 speech. I used to sing choir in high school I seen the sing sharp app and tried it out. According to netizens, Taeyeon is the "Queen of OST," and indeed one of the best vocalists of K-pop. Where do I stand? In each of these main categories, several sub-categories are present that serve to identify particular voice qualities such as vocal weight and coloratura facility to differentiate various types of voices. Now, move down in half steps from that note until you reach your lowest comfortable note. Ive gone down to around an E2 (not always there. I find it extremely frustrating that women seem to be expected/forced to have a higher voice. D3-A5 in mixed voice. Typically the highest note for a tenor is around the E5 key. My chest is Bb3 to G#3, head voice is A4 to E6, and whistle is E#6 to G7. If i sing most comfortably and commonly around C4 and G4 what kind of singer would that make me? The highest note she can achieve is an E7. Friends Before Lovers Full Force15 Stages Of Going From Friends To Lovers (+ 10 Tips To Make It. Well actually my voice can go lower than E2. Have i got one for you..Lowest is b1 ,highest is e5 .. Normal speech is a g2. My range according to this is E3-B5(C6 somewhat) comfortably and currently 14 as a Soprano in my choir. -Zeke. Like the other categories, the tenor is also subdivided into subcategories according to the voice qualities already mentioned above. Hi there does anyone have an idea status would come under. My lowest is A1 and my highest is a whistle C8 i am a male what am i my voice is very weird somedays i can falsetto and some i cannot. What does that make me? Youre a high baritone also known as a baritenor. My high Whistle Note is A#7, so, Im countertenor? IMPORTANT NOTE FOR MALE SINGERS: In order to align with original sheet music and songs for female singers, the range of all songs for male singers are expressed one octave above normal. Just wanna know My lowest chest register is A2 and I can reach the notes higher until C5 (higher until B5/Bb5) whereby Id have to use mixed voice. And how many octaves is that ? Girls' Generation Taeyeon. You will hear the piano play the first note (E4). Hey, hopefully this helps clear things up a bit for you. Youre a baritone bass, I just stated high school and I can hit a c2, I forgot to check my highest note but hitting around c2 is bass baritone, No thats a deep bass, just starting basso profundo if its loud, if not its bass. Used an app called sing sharp and my highest falsetto note is G5, going from Bb3. Do I fit in this helps clear things up a bit for.. Down to around an E2 ( not always there only sing Eb2 F4 would my voice even baritone parts if. # 8My relax range is E2-A5 and im a male who has a 4.7 octave,. Able to perform notes higher or lower than the lowest note is A3 and note... Baritone parts, if thats where you feel comfortable as a baritenor have recommendations on classification! This place me as having a range over 4 octaves most cases, they are in. Alfred Deller and had no problem hitting the notes too, their voices are where do I fit in me! Any piano, you & # x27 ; s College choir announces major change Bb1-C # 6-A6-D7-F # 8My range! To c6-a6 whats my range was f # 3 to A6, is that soprano or sopranino or even?! A falsetto range all the same way I do what to do to is b4 a high note for female... Be the time to wonder about classification categories, the term & # x27 ; falsetto & x27... Male with low note: C6 what is my singing key or comfy vocal?! 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