"Independent Contractor (Self-Employed) or Employee? For Democrats you don't have to choose moderate or liberal. Secondly, a policy argument: working with others who hold different perspectives has a sharpening effect on policy formulation. Theme "Anarcho Notepad" designed and engineered by Arthur (Berserkr) Gareginyan. It Continue Reading Sponsored by Sane Solution It also ensures that there are Christians on the inside of politics where decisions are made. Catalans might be part of Spain with the current borders, but the culture is unique when compared to the rest of the country. It gives me an image of independents sneaking in to voting booths with a bunch of different silly costumes to vote 10 times an election :), Didn't you know? Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? So a group called Election Justice USA filed an emergency lawsuit. Some voters who are of the opposite party might feel as if their vote is unnecessary and unimportant. Harper called an earlier election because he presumed this electoral system would favour his party to win. Sanders suspending his campaign additionally meant Joe Biden would be the Democratic candidate for the 2020 electionthough not officially, as Sanders is still on the primary ballots, but is unlikely to secure votes. Independent voters in numerous states are struggling with the system. Maybe without this restriction, even more voters would consider separating themselves from the two party system? First off, some background: as of September 2019, according to Gallup Polling, thirty one percent of Americans identified as Democrat, twenty nine percent identified as Republican, and thirty eight percent identified as Independent. Others wont want to compromise deeplyheld principles. Here are some pros and cons of working as an entrepreneur: Pros of being an entrepreneur If you want to be an entrepreneur, here are a few pros to consider: 1. Do you agree or disagree with any of the comments above? If an Independent candidate hits on one of the issues that a single-issues voter agrees with, they are a good choice for that voter. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Another one that kind of plays on our pride a bit. Independent contractors are sometimes called ICs, consultants, freelancers, free agents, or contractors. What makes independent contractors different from employees is not the job they do, but how they do it. On top of that, millions of New Yorkers say they didn't miss the deadline. Again anecdotally, the independent vote in Florida tends to either lean Libertarian, or strongly leftist-progressive. Politics is more than just beating the other candidate. Why don't Democrat or Republican partisans register and vote in swing states? If, for example, a majority of the voting population are registered to a candidate's party, they'll more likely consider your vote as "in the bag" without working hard to earn it. , 21 Nov. 2017, classroom.synonym.com/states-use-open-primary-election-14094.html. What I like about this attitude is that you take responsibility for your own wellbeing. Just as an FYI, I live in Florida and we also have closed elections. List of the Pros of the Catalan Independence Vote and Referendum. Your email address will not be published. Maybe youve had to be the emotionally strong one because there hasnt been anyone else to do it for you. For more, check out the Kicker site, like their Facebook page, or subscribe to their email newsletter. 1. 1 is required to work at the company's offices from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily; uses a company computer, phone, and email system; submits vendor selections and costs to management for approval; and provides weekly status reports on the vendors hired, the costs, and the marketing materials delivered. 5 Attitudes That Keep People Single And Relationships Short, 7 Ways To Destroy Your Friendships and Key Relationships, 7 Reasons You Should Consider Dating A Friend. Remember, though, that these agencies may withhold taxes and collect other deductions from your paychecks, depending on your working relationship with the firm. I work in the Presidential battleground state of Florida, we have a lot of state representative, county commission races, etc. is the mathematical equivalent of not voting. How could that happen? But if we use independence in the right way, we can ensure our lives are being taken care of, and also extend to help others. The concept of a bipartisan system is flawed. Usually when we talk about our independence, we usually are referring to how good it is were able to take care of our own needs. Does anyone have any studies or other sources which may demonstrate any positive effects for registered independent voters (such as encouraging more centralist tendencies), and, if so, does the research show whether this tendency is affected by whether the independent is in a swing state? Especially for people who understand politics, I can totally understand how they hate the divisiveness of political parties. Murse, Tom. First, a pragmatic argument: an Independent candidate has rejected the advantages of being part of an established infrastructure and support network. (John Morton/Flickr). , Gallup, 30 Nov. 2017, news.gallup.com/poll/101905/gallup-poll.aspx. Event planner No. At some point in our lives, many of us dream of breaking the shackles of employment and becoming our own boss. When Senator Bernie Sanders dropped out of the 2020 United States Presidential Race on April 8, the fallout was palpable, especially among those who identify as independent. If you're considering pursuing being an occupational therapist, here are benefits: Job security We werent made to do it alone. There is such great power in partnership. Graphic designers, truck drivers, gardeners, photographers, accountants, and event planners can all work as independent contractors, provided they meet the federal and state guidelines for classifying them. Sanders had been pegged by many Democratic voters as too socialist, loud and abrasive, along with many other words. But some of these voters made up their minds in time to register in October but didn't (looking at you, Ivanka and Eric). While its true change happens slowly, we can make that change by being willing to stand up for the working lower class. Colorado: Young Voters Flex Political Muscles. Politics is more than just beating the other candidate. NY Bernie voters are going to battle tomorrow. So if you're an independent who's been following the campaigns and recently made up your mind -- or if you just weren't aware of the registration deadline -- you're left out in New York. So I'm wondering if there is an advantage to staying true to my actual political views and staying an independent, as opposed to picking one side at random to register as so I can have some sort of say in presidential elections via voting in the primaries. Including some celebs, like Emma Stone, Kaley Cuoco, and Demi Moore. Additional Responsibility. You can feel free to vote for a third-party candidate without the guilt of betraying your party. With the 2020 election, we have begun to see more than two parties. As a moderate liberalish myself, I know that I will educate myself before making a decision, especially because there are so many options. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, electricians get injured on the job more than other trade skill professionals. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? I could hardly be an independent if I vote for one party always; I thought that context was pretty explicit, the question doesn't really make sense without the presumption that my vote won't effect presidential elections after all. The information provided on this site is not legal advice, does not constitute a lawyer referral service, and no attorney-client or confidential relationship is or will be formed by use of the site. But there were problems. "Frequently Asked Questions.". We view the status of being independent as having made it, as something to aspire to be. Safety concerns. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. On the downside, it's susceptible to party raiding, where members of another party band together to make mischief in another party's primary process. ", Internal Revenue Service. somehow the 'vote as often as legal' comment amuses me. At the end of that time, the event planner must submit a list of vendors hired, an expense report itemizing the costs, receipts for payments made; and the marketing materials developed. Key Takeaways. All answers are welcome, but I'm the sort of person who spends time on Skeptics, so I love sources and statistics if anyone wishes to include them as well :). The Electoral College, the system that elects our president in our people's choice democracy. Socially Liberal but Fiscally Conservative, Advocacy Ideas/ Photographer as Witness: A Portrait of Abuse, Party Politics: We Need Education Reformation on Civic Life. Pros and Cons of Being an Independent Contractorwas originally published on College Recruiter. And its even more than that. An interview with the, Two finalists remain in PSU Presidential Search Over 60,000 Democrats in Brooklyn alone disappeared from the voter rolls. Voting has become a toxic act where people are told, if you dont vote for our candidate, you dont belong to our party. Why should people have to vote for someone they dont believe in and dont support? Many of Sanders supporters felt his chances at the presidency had been smeared and interfered with by liberal media and fellow former Democratic presidential candidates. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for insurance agents was over $52,000 in 2020. Let this be a lesson for all: learn your local election laws! But is being independent as good as its cracked out to be? Ive worked on a number of software development projects in a number of different organizations state and federal government agencies, larger companies, and even those smaller projects on the side. Bible characters like Joseph and Daniel were on the inside and close enough to the leaders of nations to be asked for wisdom at key moments. Ability to choose clients While hospital or agency administrators might assign their case managers a list of patients to work with, independent case managers can choose their own client list based on their areas of specialty and desired work amount. Your use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use, Supplemental Terms, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. The confusion plus the weird registration problems plus the fact that only registered Dems and Repubs can vote in the primary equals 3 million New Yorkers being unregistered with either major party. But before making such a big decision, it's essential to weigh the advantages and disadvantages that becoming a contractor . When many people expressed distaste toward voting for Biden over Trump, choosing instead to withhold their vote or vote third party, they were met with a barrage of Democratic supporters repeating the same phrase: V. When voters in 2016 were surveyed on why they supported their specific candidate, Clinton or Trump, : I dont like either, but Im voting for the lesser evil., There is something inherently problematic about voting for a candidate that doesnt back policies you support, expresses behavior that you find inappropriate or undesirable and may not even support your existence solely. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. But if you're registered in the American Independent Party, that's a party affiliation that's neither Democrat nor Republican, so you can vote only for AIP candidates. Nearly 40 percent of voters in the United States identify as independent, yet there are only four independents serving in Congress. It has over 600 members. We need prophetic challenge from outside politics but believe we also need to redress the balance and have Christians on the inside, on the spot when events happen. George Wallace, a segregationist, helped start the American Independent Party. (Of course, the final product has to meet with the client's approval, and independent contractors and clients usually start out with a written agreement or contract that spells out the work to be completed.). We recognise there are many creative and dedicated Christians working for and lobbying on a range of causes, but we would like to see more of that energy and commitment working on the inside of politics too. Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? As you get older, youre trying to find your footing in other areas, like friendships, education, dressing yourself. However, there are drawbacks to being an independent contractor as well. 1. ", U.S. Department of Labor. Politics are not black and whiteelections shouldnt just be about blue versus red, left versus right, Democrats versus Republicansbut about how much we as people are willing to put forward change in this country. But in Arizona's Maricopa County -- home to Phoenix, the state capital -- the lines to vote were so long that many people say it amounted to voter suppression. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? . But we also recognise that some Christians will want to stand as Independent candidates. Which States Use an Open Primary Election?. HuffPost's top politics stories, straight to your inbox. Pros of moving out. Pros of Starting Your Own Independent Insurance Agency. What are the pros and cons? In general, unless you're drawing a paycheck from your business with taxes already withheld, you'll need to pay estimated quarterly taxes on your income (including the self-employment tax), and file an annual tax return. Because people wont vote for the third party. Being independent means you no longer have to explain away the crazies in your party, or explain rampant corruption, or sleazy behavior among party members. 1. The biggest thing I always hate seeing is how the connotations of parties will be immediately tied to someone who is registered under that party. If Your Wife Isnt Your Standard Of Beauty, Who Is? (Wikimedia Commons). It's important when considering independent contract work to understand the pros and cons of working as an independent contractor. "Self-Employment Tax (Social Security and Medicare Taxes). It resonates with me because, despite being independant to a fault, I feel that in many ways personal success is related to having the ability to be a part of a community, club or whatever. Maybe youve had to be stronger in your career cause money hasnt always been there for you. In so doing, they are aiming to influence the political agenda and to change the conversation in the public square to include those issues that matter to people in their constituencies. I was a registered #voter. Earn more money. Independent voters are outgrowing Democratic and Republican voters 2:1 in the last 2 presidential cycles. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. 1 would be considered an employee because the company has retained most of the control over the means and methods for getting the job done. But if we really want to be world changers, were not going to be able to do it alone. Our destiny involves people, it doesnt shut them out. I know this is a red state and most red Republicans would rather be caught with their pants down than labeled the D word. Theres a reason why more and more people have shifted over to being registered as an independent voter in the wake of the last several elections. National Politics. Also, you might need to pay for your own tools and equipment as well as establish a federal and state tax ID number. While Alabama is now staunchly Republican, it was once staunchly Democrat under Franklin Roosevelt's 12 year presidency. I had thought at one time that independents represented the swing vote either side needed to win, and as the 'king maker' in elections we would thus be the ones that had to be courted and listen to by politicians. The attorney listings on this site are paid attorney advertising. Many of Sanders' supporters felt his chances at the presidency had been smeared and interfered with by liberal media and fellow former Democratic presidential candidates. How good is it when people are so free in their own life that they dont just have enough for them whether it be finances, emotions, time, or otherwise but they have enough to give to others? Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Primaries in NY are closed, meaning only registered Democrats can vote for a Democratic candidate and only registered Republicans can vote for a Republican candidate. Can someone please explain these numbers and how the Republican won the CA US 21st congressional district in 2016? So last time it was just a general overview on my topic and my opinion on some of the issues that come up within party politics. We honour all those who are willing to invest time and energy in the political process. This is undoubtedly true, but there are two counter arguments that need to be weighed carefully against this advantage: First, a pragmatic argument: an Independent candidate has rejected the advantages of being part of an established infrastructure and support network. Fact Sheet 13: Employment Relationship Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Self-Employment Tax (Social Security and Medicare Taxes). In addition, independent contractors are able to: On the flip side, independent contractors have the added responsibility for all business decisions they make, including decisions that might have important legal and financial consequences. Read our, How To Succeed as an Independent Contractor, The Differences Between Employed vs. Self-Employed, What To Know About Household Employee Taxes, How the IRS Determines Independent Contractor Status, What To Do With an IRS Backup Withholding Notice, What You Need to Know Before You Sign a W-9 Form, Hiring and Paying an Independent Contractor. Sure, sounds easy, but changing costumes 13 times in one day to get my 13 votes in is a lot more difficult than it seems! The party is named the American Independent Party. What are the pros and cons of mandatory voting? Maybe that just shows us a real flaw in our attitude in that we dont actually know how to do things with others. ), This is slightly off topic in that this is a pro for having an Independent actually run for president. Over to you what are your views on independence? Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? Pros of Being an Independent Caregiver. Zip Recruiters puts the average pay for independent insurance agents at a heartier $97,996. If its just you, then what happens when youre not able to be there? The problem with doing everything yourself is that you only have the resources and investment of one person to accomplish things. You might earn more as an independent contractor, and the tax benefits can include deducting your business expenses. Once you've decided to go into business for yourself, though, you will have to choose a business structure from among several different options. It's a matter of fact that Maryland has voted democratic for presidential elections for as long as I have been alive, I think it's pretty safe to assume that will continue in the near future. It shouldnt be about party allegiance. You'll also find a bevy of resources on the U.S. Small Business Administration's website. You will essentially be your own boss. Fighting the three-headed dragon of voter suppression, mass media lies, and elitist supremacy, Bramelly Tammer (@Opal_boulder) April 19, 2016. and fellow former Democratic presidential candidates. Lately I feel that isn't the case. As always, Id like to consider this issue from both sides and have a look at the merits on both sides of the argument. This article was written by Holly Epstein Ojalvo and originally appeared on Kicker. You dont have to receive junk mail. rev2023.3.1.43269. So hundreds of thousands of people who meant to register as independent, nonaffiliated voters joined this conservative party. Internal Revenue Service. If you're not the most self-driven person, then being responsible for your own schedule may be somewhat detrimental. We fight for our right to do it on our own, but is it always a good thing? Another con of being registered as an Independent is that people feel they have less of if no voice. Employers are not required to pay the same sort of . Instead of a steady, predictable paycheck, independent contractors can experience peaks and valleys in their earnings. The most successful independent contractors are people who are constantly on the go and take on different projects. Which States Use an Open Primary Election? Synonym, 21 Nov. 2017, classroom.synonym.com/states-use-open-primary-election-14094.html. Workers are generally considered independent contractors when: Some states like California impose more stringent requirements for classifying workers as independent contractors, and lawmakers at the state and federal levels change or add new tests from time to time. @chrislhayes explains why Ivanka Trump is right about voting in NY - it's a disaster. By the way, not everyone agrees that open primaries are better and fairer. One of the great rites of passage that isnt always as defined as a rite is the acquisition of our independence. Sign up for The Balances newsletter for daily insights, analysis, and financial tips, all delivered straight to your inbox every morning! Being an independent contractor can be rewarding since it offers you the ability to be your own boss, choose which clients to work for, and allow you to work from home. Politics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people interested in governments, policies, and political processes. By the time the politician is running for president officially he already has been selected for a platform that is likely non-centralist. An unscientific observation: New Yorkers who are concerned about being disenfranchised by voter roll problems and by the closed primary system appear to be more likely to be Bernie Sanders supporters. Is it good or bad to be an independent in a partisan political climate? 2 is given a budget with instructions to secure the location and hire vendors within the budget and to prepare marketing materials. They can use their own methods for completing the work, and don't have to follow an employer's instructions for how the work is done. Even if I choose to support a Republican candidate, I have no chance at all of changing the outcome of my states final vote. For some of us, independence means being able to make our own significant financial moves, such as buying your own car or your own house without the assistance of others. It's OKif you are registered R or D so you can vote in that primary. Politicians have to appeal to everyone. Pro #1: It usually means you can take of yourself I think it's great that we learn to stand on our own two feet. Involve others. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). The truth is though that often we do need others to help us out. On the plus side, an open primary lets any registered voter can vote for any candidate. Pros and Cons of Independents. East Herts People, www.ehpeople.org/about-us/independant-politicians/pros-and-cons-independants. PSUs diversity and inclusion, Letter to the Editor Kicker explains the most important, compelling things going on in the world and empowers you to get in the know, make up your own mind, and take action. So come on over to the independent side this November 4. Every project and stakeholder offers unique experiences. There are some independent caregivers who enjoy rates of over $15 an hour! If one only discusses political issues with those who hold very similar or identical views how are the wrinkles and weaknesses in ones own arguments identified and addressed? Being totally independent of party you can vote for anyone you want to without feeling like you committed adultery. But both tend to have lower voting turnout than the average voter, particularly in Mid-term elections. You have freedom and flexibility As an entrepreneur, you have a great deal of freedom and flexibility to determine how you work. 2 specific goals, such as how much to spend and when the job must be completed, this event planner remained free to use any means and methods to accomplish those goals. If you're unaffiliated/independent, you can't vote in the NY primary. Here too, the type of annual tax return you file depends on the way you've structured your business. Massive voter fraud stems from the independents ;), There's the old Chicago saying, "Vote Early, Vote Often.". Defined as a rite is the acquisition of our independence vote for someone they dont believe in dont. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc pros and cons of being an independent voter user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA resources on plus! 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