I kinda hope he dosent. Share this Article. Really I dont mind taking it slow, knowing Im making a wise informed decision (vs falling head over heels immediately) but he also sends mixed signals. I will not deal with this again. But I do miss him believe me! Is his I need time and space a way for him to nicely say we are done? Thank you Thank you Thank you! Yes he swept me off my feet, everyday saw me, took me out, called all day, he told me he loved me first and wanted to marry me, etc. and that it would probably be the best for both of you if he left now. no texta hardly comes to see me only for a minute and leaves tells me he'll come back and doesnt. Ive decided if he never calls me again, and after I see him next week (I frequent where he works) if he still doesnt call me or offer an explanation, he is going to get a nicely worded letter about his behavior and I will close the door on this chapter. When I dated men in my younger years, b4 I married my husband who I have now separated from, I wud've brushed this type of guy aside as I wudn't have had the patience to play along with their apparent games and I certainly wud never have done the chasing! Ha! He suddenly became distant and different annoying things like texxing and then disappear in the middle of the conversation. Initially i called him once in a day & messaged in general clearly stating that its okay if he doesn't reply. Im so in love with him, I'm absolutely helpless, I try to ignore his calls, but i can't I value his friendship to me too much. and then the last thing i heard was that he can't wait to hold me and that was 3 weeks agowell guess what? I ignored him and finally send him a long text telling him that I dont do games. and we agreed to meet and he called me but he was a bit 'I do not know what time and when I could meet you and what do you think' and I said I do not know either, when you know let me know and I could tell he said goodbye with an attitude and then he never called me back, 4 days ago, does that mean he will never call me again? and he seems ok with that it makes me feel im nothing! They will throw you over for the next new love interest. I remind him were both single we both care for each other I'm falling in love with him again & we won't say the love word or relationship the closer we become he freaks will desapear no more than a week out of nowhere will text like nothing happens. Or, should you just give him space? May be they do just get so scared of losing their freedom that they take themselves away rather than we push them away - thinking that in the meantime we will get the message and not even try to pin them down. I feel the same way. Webwhat to do when aquarius man disappearsbeyondtrust jump client guide. I will "never" be with another Acquariusever!! I an a female aquarius and the situation for me was with this aquarius guy. How accurate is it? Maybe your guy feels so emotionally drained that he needs some time alone to decompress and organize his thoughts. This is all understandable as i like to have my freedom too. I cant change who I am. So I have to stick to my guns. Until Saturday. DETROIT Police are searching for a Detroit man who failed to return home. He recently went on a date with this girl that I have never met, but then he told me about the date and what happened two weeks after it happened. WebAquarius / By Dawn Underwood. and we had fun around vacation even he often sleep while vacation! As a result, hell be reluctant to take your dating to the next level. I am recently starting to treat him the same way he treats me but it doesn't seem to phase him one bit. After almost a year I deserve better. I have no doubt he likes you, but he wants you as a source of fun with no strings attached. Why don't u just say it..its just that ur emotionally immature..even detached from them..i mean all of us women are al.ike right? Im supposed to be w/ him for almost a year and act like I dont care, dont have feelings, dont want more - and sleep with him? we couldnt reist the connection we kissed several times and es we had sex twice. Just a text saying im sorry i dont have much to give. I much prefer the feeling I have when he trests me like I'm his girl, that's really good. He'll think this in the kindest, most rational way ever. He's talked about all his past girlfriends. Reasons Why an Aquarius Man Pulls Away. He never acted like it. So much good insight into the Aquarius male. I met an aquarius man we went out for about a week had the most amazing time together. Sometimes I just feel like giving up because he is so damn moody and seems so wishy-washy I am used to Earth signs ( was married to one). King William Fair takes place from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on April 29. WebFor Aquarius men, noticing your absense can have a stronger effect than if you bend over backwards trying to get into their good graces. i tottally confuse with my ex aquarius! Let us know where we stand, we will appreciate it so we don't waste time with you Aquarians! Cause still to this day he still the same non caring attitude just for his self only. SAPD looking for 29-year-old man missing for nearly a month. This experience is already knocking my confidence. If an Aquarius man keeps coming back to you, its for a reason. because even though we're humanitarians and have love for everybody, we subliminally know who's that special someone in our life, and in the end of the day we'll just have that urge to connect with that person. Thank you! Is he trying to let me down easy. But damn when the hell do they give a damn about your feelings or do they ever? 1 hour ago They love women with whom they can have such conversations and talk to about anything. Never did. You see, an Aquarian doesnt pay much attention to his emotions and he prefers that his partner does the same. King William Fair takes place from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on April 29. Don't know what to expect I really want him but feel like he's wasting my time I shoul just leave him forever & just grieve him away already. Once your Aquarius man sees that, hell know that youre open to new experiences and hell regret missing out on the new you. Told me he loved me wanted to be with me and take care of me. If you have a job and your own business than why do they lie and take from other femals, that stuff is not right. On March 7, Saturn enters Pisces after a three year tour of duty in Aquarius. I feel like he is trying to hint at me that he is not gone, but he knows I'm off this week and I have heard nothing more. But when it came to me i couldn't have friends. I started talking to an Aquarius man online 20 months ago. We texted for 9 months then he finds a reason to ask to actually call me. I posted on Mar 27th titled it Same *hi7 Different toilet. Perhaps he needs some alone time because he feels exhausted from talking to other people all day long. I mean who does that to someone? Be the person to make his tie and coffee and telling him "Go get em tiger" when he leaves the house. Ive beenflirting with an Aquarius man for four months now. i need some input in my confusing relationship. He got out of his truck I guess to come see why I was thereduhand when he got close to the car I just drove off, and never looked back!!! But, then again, he all of asudden ignores me for a few days. When he backs off, you back off. And I said I wouldnt do it again. But it wasn't good enough. Im not trying to discourage you from continuing your relationship but seriously seriously consider what I have written. Sometimes a few times a week, sometimes not for 6 weeks. OMG thank you, this helps tremendously .. Join in and write your own page! Texting with you gives him the excitement hes looking for (without having to commit to only you). Unfortunately, this burden is too much for one man to carry, and eventually it begins to wear the Aquarian down. We love people, love being with them, love studying themBut we also hate being tied down and when people get too closeIt scares us, to be frank, and we run away to the next thing. The last time (see my posts above) he ran off and didnt call for two weeks. 6. They will send txt's to you one minute saying how he can't wait to see you and the next he pulls a dissapearing act while he's dating others. I also know he doesn't like small idle talk, maybe that's an Aquarian male thing. Good luck. Give this Article . I am ready to end this life long friendship because I feel like I am being played??? I have read your book, but I need to ask you a few more things. All of which he has to want to develop independently. now that i look back he was freaked out by it and so was i!! Those guys are either immature or just not that interested. And like you, I have wanted him more than anyone. But anyway will he come back around? When youre anxious around a guy, youre more likely to become uptight or serious, which prevents you from showing off your better qualities. Okay. But scared to be open with him cos I know I'm on borrowed time which feels unsettling. I tried calling him texting him he never contacted me replied back. They are extremely frustrating, and the mixed signals they give are weird, for sure! I mean I'm definitely interested in him but I'm really not sure how he feels abt me(I'm an Aries grl). You don't think we are scared too?? But no matter how i tried to prove to him he had a good woman on his side. i got frustrated like everyone else, i thought what a jerk! and do just like your men are doing and cut and run. Worse I don't think I can deal with these periods where I am being made to feel like I'm his nextdoor neighbour, mate or sister. If the content is really true , I would prefer stay away from an Aquarius then.Someone with no consistency is not at all fascinating however Mr.Einstein he is.Looks like quite a puerile to me , may be I would like to have an aqua kid , coz that would be so very fun to be with him, but never a reliable partner. (Though, quick side note. But I do love listening to him rant on about whatever lol not to mention he is very ambitious, So damn sexy! I appreciate your honesty and now I have a beter understanding of aquarius male. Over these past 6 months, I have falling in love. so, i decided i'd had enough of his juvenile behavior and actually told him i didn't want to be friends anymore. When he does come around, I'm happy to see him but I'm not gonna jump in his arms or anything. Of course, one of the most direct and quickest ways to find out why hes pulling away from you is to talk to him. she needs to know that she is the best thing in the world for her man. Aries woman who has embarked on a very strange (for me) and confusing relationship with an Aquarius male and just don't know where I stand, but then again reading all these postings it seems that maybe I never will! Im at lost of words, do kno wat to do. By understanding someone and how they view things it's easy to make yourself more attractive to them. So, if he figures out that he cant dedicate enough time to them, hell sacrifice you and your relationship and hell start pulling away. Remember to be honest and straightforward with him, so dont try to play any mind games or youll lose him forever. Find out what astrology has to say about your unique partner and relationship beyond just sun signs. Tiny..I feel ya, gf! Whats most surprising about Aquarians is that anger and jealousy are a part of their love language. Give him space. He was talking up the future, and then 2 months later he was gone. Hes also extremely protective of his boundaries, so you really have to put in the effort to keep an Aquarius man by your side. even as a friend it was hard to deal with this behavior and he was never there when i needed him, yet i was always there when he needed a friend; it was definitely always a one-sided friendship, although he'd probably deny that. This guy found me after 11 years at a social networking website just when I had forgotten about him completely. But he did the same thing to me calling my friends asking them where i am if i didn't answer my phone. And I know they all have this fondness for me bc they say they know I'm wonderful/loving but I'm detached to all of them. If anything, to get stuff from his house and so he can come get his stuff from mine lol but more so for us to see each other again :(. He might get hurt when they feel ignored by you. It's easy to do. I'm an Aries grl, This man is going to try your patience like no other. WHY IS IT SO DIFFICULT? And what to do when he reappears as nothing happened? Also, playing silly mind games with him will help him realize that youre not the woman hes looking for and soon, hell break up with you for good. He pulls these stupid vanishing acts and then calls me and wants to cuddle and make love. My last text to him was "oh forget it, like you always say it is what it is"I get the the hint Well when he got home "apparently he forgot his phone at home" he was not happy and let me know. He s unemotionally attach to me when we get our closest & things going great will even say he doesn't know if he could ever love any one. Thats how youll prove to him that youre an independent woman who can handle anything that life throws at her and show him that you can live without him. Has anyone had a similar experience with a break up with an Aquarian man? I still don't kno whether v r datin, in a relationship etc etc and I'm afraid to ask as this myt ruin everythin(learnt frm my past). Learn more. I have absolutely no love-loss for him, and as far as I am concerned he can go to you know where!! But to find out he was cheating on me in the end. That means completely getting off his radar. Honestly I had no intention of likin the Aquarius guy either, I agreed to go with the flow & thot I'd b ok & wont let my heart & my feelings get involved in this but looks like now I'm begining to like this guy with each passin day but he seems to be vry grounded, the typical Aquarius attitude of being realistic. Hi thanks for that amazing insighti was wondering if acquarious, when they realise they behaved not so nicely, if they stay away because they feel they failed and that the person wn't like them againdo they also stay away because of guilt? For them, dating is very easy. He once told me that when he doesn't want someone anymore he just stops talking to them. then he may never. Join in and write your own page! Similarly, if an Aquarius man has fallen in love with YOU, hes going to stay loyal to you and only you. (Theyre also entirely capable of dropping a connection completely). If you are already dating an Aquarius man and hes ignoring you, there is that possibility that you did something that crossed a line for him and so, in retribution, hes giving you the silent treatment. While not always the case, this is fairly common for Aquarius men. At home, he is very touchy and sweet. This is to keep you from getting too close b/c he has a life which you do not fit in too. i know its not the beat time to meet someone this way but we did. Very much agreed, sir! Theyre hard to keep but not impossible. but it is an exhausting game w/ no guarantee that you will get to where you really wanna be w/ them. He may mean well but don't talk about if it you're not about it. A relationship with an Aquarius man can be exhausting or difficult sometimes but at the end of the day, hes still a human being. as my feelings for him are so so strong, but I know in my heart that I will not be able to cope with the rollercoaster ride longterm. And you wanna get as far away from them as you can. I think they need to grow up and know that the world doesn't revolve around them and that they need to give to get. He has brown eyes and black hair. I live my life with or without him. Movin on down the road to a real man not a scared little boy. It sounds like he isnt entirely over an ex-girlfriend or is boredsince he is single now, so he flirts with you out of the fun. This post is really helpful. How accurate is it? He told me I will always have an upper hand over other girls because he knows me better and feels comfortable with me. He Disappears Unannounced. Esp other women. That cant keep happening. I realized not too long ago that all I have ever dated was Aquas (and Virgos) and I have to say in their defense that they are not all like this. Or you can call your friends and invite them to come over to your house for a girls night only. Because then you'll be very confused when he suddenly disappears or brushes off invitations to spend time with you. So, let the aquarious go and he will start working for you but the SECOND you show emotion, he is so desperate for it and attention they almost sabotage everything for more of it. Hi, im a leo and been dating a aquaruis man for a couple of months. Give this Article . How to know if you're with your soulmate. Aquarians need their alone time to recharge, to think things through, to work on their ideas and to soothe their overthinking / over-analysing. I wish you the best and I KNOW, I KNOW its hard. Is there any hope at all or am I just wasting my time. When building a relationship, focus on being a friend to him first. They want to pursue you. i think maybe he can wait to hold me and it's just all a load of bullshit!! It's like he feels me pulling away and he charms his way back in and then disappears again.can't take much more.Thanks. He had some exam for 2 weeks so i let him be. By understanding someone and how they view things it's easy to make yourself more attractive to them. He lost out bigtime. But does he miss me? He wants to be with a woman who can keep up with him, who thinks outside of the box, and who isnt afraid to break out of her shell. Now I'm left heart broken and have no idea where I stand. Aquarians are widely known for their 'disappearing act'. Im dealing with the same thing! He wants to come and visit me, but this moody behavior makes me a little worried! I did my best to not react to his little dissapearing acts. when i asked what he'd been up to, it was always 'busy with friends.' WebAbout Aquarius Marvel - Spider-Man Ugly Sweater 1000 pieces Made by Aquarius Themes: Movies & TV More Info About This Item You Might Also Like slide 5 to 6 of 16 1000 Pieces Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows $22.99 1000 Pieces Creature Feature $22.99 1000 Pieces Tea Party Time $19.99 1000 Pieces Poppy Fields $16.99 1000 Pieces Enjoy it! now that i look back we've been "dating" for 9 months, taking it ridiculously slow, barely starting to get to know each other. I just ignore him back. He didn't like any of them. Sorry but they will cheat they will do whatever to make things good 4 them including cheating ( aquarius man). i mean his laptop on cus he wants me to speak with his mum, and he fall asleep and i got so mad at him! I just answer any questions to avoid him criticizing the way in converse. Previous to that I had only had one date in 5 years after separating from a long term relationship. And sexy, and intelligent - and the chemistry is amazing. All of a sudden, though, for whatever reason, he may stop with these gestures and even pull away, so its understandable to ask yourself what happened to him. I am a Leo, so I will lick my wounds in private, him never knowing that he has put a stain on my heart and I will move on.:(. Aquarius guys like the girls they pretend not to like. But its not fair. We were friends for a year before that. a very cute "AHOLE" I felt guilty, his suffering he cried alot on phone and begged to come back, so we got back again, and then he forget my b'day! And the less he is worrying about commitments and whether it is endangering his freedom or not, the more he will focus on you and he will slip back into his affectionate and caring state. He will still disappear, in typical Aquarius man fashion. But I am now at the point where I realize I have to be careful not to allow myself to be badly-treated (e.g. and then he bought plane ticket vacation for us, i mean he full of surprise (which is hard for me to not meltttt =.=) doh! Goodmorning texts every morning, on the phone all the time, spending plenty of time together. And I shouldn't have to wonder if I did something wrong, if he's mad at me, or just needs space. Before I read this great information I didn't know how to deal with the Aquatius male. he is acting so different now i cant stand it. If youre not an Aquarius, it may be hard to understand, but committing to something For me, its all about not hurting the other person. He persued me, was all over me for the first 8 mths. Be strong. These men are sweet hearts and know how to sway their women to fall in love with them to keep their women coming back for more. Ladies, if he doesn't marry you or commit to you with in 2 years. I am a confused (and frustrated I might add because of him!) Its a part of his personality and he cherishes the time he can spend with his friends. I love him so much. So the big question is: do I contact him and try to find out WHY, or just leave him be and hope he comes back around? Mind your own business. Hidden in the tiring and mundane is a chance to transform your prospects in a delightful way. To hear it, you need to be sensitive. But first, I suggest that youdownload your Free copy of my 30 Dirty Little Secrets About Your Aquarius Man.. Pay more attention to what he does. A lot of people even asked if we were dating each other. Here is kicker: your heart is totally accessible to them, but you cant seem to get anywhere near theirs. He has a lot of people wanting his time. I am 45 and consider myself to be a very good judge of character yet even my mature years cannot work this one out. We talked and i thought things were ok but again the next day nothing. We had a great time last weekend went to the beach made love and he said he would see me the next day and he would be here waiting for me when I got off work, when he didnt show i called him and I asked what are you doing are you coming over> And he said Im reading. I'm not perfect either, but my gracious, I don't go from hot to cold in less than 60 seconds for no reason. Thank you for your words of encouragement. The bad thing is I still have feeling's for him even thoe he hurt me. In the long run, having this chat with him may save you from further experiencing pain or wondering whether or not he has the desire to rekindle your relationship. Feel im nothing guarantee that you will get to where you really wan na be w/.! Not a scared little boy talked and i should n't have to wonder if i did want! Started talking to them his tie and coffee and telling him that i look back he cheating... 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