These kinds of lines in your palm also mean that you will be very confused while taking decisions in life. In addition, it refers to your life path (or called your destiny). As a fate line is connected to our work life we can often see if we are going to be wealthy based on the fate line. 2022Auntyflo. (Fig 2). If you have two fate lines on your palm, you are likely to have good luck. I have partial simian lines on both the hands. 3. Deep Line: Inheritance. An island on your palm means the hollow and isle-shaped mark on the main lines. You may experience health concerns or even financial issues during this time. This is a good sign for people who have a strong desire to succeed in their lives and have a strong desire to make things work out for themselves. The fate line that goes horizontal then upright shows the possible hospitalization and also recovery from illness. Absent Line: Preplanned Life. It is important to understand that you cannot control everything in your life, and that there will be times when you have no control over the outcome. You should not ignore the significance of the absence of the fate line. A square on the line indicates you are always beset with emotional depression and pains. A shallow line represents working too hard or being underappreciated. In other words, our destiny! This indicates a change of direction in life, the point the fate line crosses or stops at the headline is aged 35. The star on a fate line generally means success and happiness, also riches. It is important to try to get to know yourself better. His/Her surroundings will take control of his/her existence. The length of the life line has no relationship with how long a person lives. The person who has forked line would have a gratifying career. The palmistry fate line reading is based on five years of study at the base of the palm. The higher the line stars, the later in life the owner will follow a chosen direction. The fate line has been referred to as the line of ones career. You will continue to see failures and success in life. 1. Your life will become happy only if you obey and adjust with others. A Love can last if it joins the fate line then it becomes a part of it. If your fate line commences inside the life line curve (which is curve around the thumb) means you will observe a career change that will greatly affect a loved one. You are more likely to struggle with giving up on goals and achieving success in your career. Be careful about every step you are taking in your life, because a wrong step can give wrong in return and a right step the right. This line is located on the base of the hand. (Fig 4), If your fate line is oblique as the picture shows, it indicates that you always have a unique idea and like to judge a thing from different point of views in work. You need not worry a lot about your life or future if the palmistry fate line is absent on your palm. A shallow fate line indicates a hard work and career full of twists and turns. An island at the end of the fate line shows you couldn't realize your lofty aspirations during your life, thus be passive and disappointed during the old age. For the fate line to begin on the mount of Luna means that the owner may find family will dictate his or her career path. In fact, your fate line can be very strong, and you should take advantage of this! The good news is that you can always make your own decision. Broken fate line People who have broken lines will not be usually fine after forty years old. The fate line in palmistry decides the duration of your life and the vitality of a person. You ask for assistance and approval from your family member. Not as easily define as the three dominant palm lines (heart line, head line, and life line), your fate line will give indications of the challenges you may experience as you pursue your life's purpose. Following can be the starting position of fate line: 1. (Fig 13), If the fate line is surrounded by the life line, it indicates the abuse of affection. He may successfully carry out a task and may sometimes face immense problems doing a simple task. It denotes several meanings in your life and the major one is that your professional career will not be consistent. He's got a very keen interest in business instead of doing a standard work. The head line is stronger and leaves the simian line in the middle of the hand. From the line, you can find out the changes of your career during your life as well as your ability in work. The persons life, luck, career growth, ups and downs in business and earning, and overall success are predicted by the fate line. The most acclaimed illustrated palm reading guide. But around the age of 35, you are likely to stop your work by your false judgment or decision. Some clues about love and relationships are revealed just by the position of the line on the palm. Having two lines indicates that you are more likely to make money than others. The timing of the fate line gives you a understanding about the life of the person. The Fate line controls the timing of ones fortune. This marking indicates that youll have a successful career. Your luck line is a symbol of your ability to earn a high income and have good luck. You are endowed with a good talent. The point where the Fate line crosses over the head line represents your career in your mid-30s and the crossing point of the heart line is around 55 years of age. According to palmistry if the fate line splits into two parts and create a y shaped structure in a natives palm then it indicates that the person may suffer from confusion and contradiction. You are likely to beat people at interview. If you have a good Fate Line, you will have many options available to you. Zig zag lines : without permission. The fate line stopped at the head line shows the cease of work by your own decision. The fate can start from anywhere on the palm, but here I will talk about only those which can be seen most of the time. Saturnian line The lifeline is an important line of a person that is easily detected and it helps to recognize other lines too. It can be said that this line is used to link your career and general view on work. People with short-lined fate-lines are most likely to be creative and work with the public. Due to unsuccessful attempts in his life he may often feel hopelessness. We sometimes see a deep fate line or a very faint line. These people are generally more successful than the others. You will also get the support of senior members of your family. Marriage line forked at the beginning in a Y shape - when a Marriage line is forked at the beginning in a Y shape that is not a good sign for the person's love life. A deep fate-line will point to the middle finger. In all cases what I have mentioned above the fate line should be un-interrupted and clean. But a positive branch of the fate-line indicates that he or she is trying to discover his or her true self. This type of line on the palm of a woman indicates she will be a wife of a rich person. A native with a light fate line in his hands means that he or she may have to undergo failures and difficulties in life. Any practice which increases self-understanding ought to be urged. You would not be able to work in a particular company and even your work the company will not give you a permeant posting. You may not be able to determine your actual goal, and be always in a state of dilemma. Money Line Palmistry. A strong deep, clear, stable money line provides stability in every aspect of one's life. Fate lines focus on a persons future, prosperity, and career. Sun Line in Palmistry. lf there's no fate line, the individual is most likely pretty much responsible for their own potential and will not suffer the whim of fate. These years are difficult times for your career. Frequently you will be aware of what your own goals or dreams are. You might even be a cynical person, and you should avoid sports. They do not depend upon a single source for survival. Choosing the right career will determine your future happiness. The main indicator of wealth on the fate line is an X. sonicwave 231c non responsive Uncovering hot babes since 1919.. y shaped fate line. This way, you will be able to enjoy your good fortune. You will make life-changing decisions but there will always be the right ones. To find the fate line extending across the whole palm means that you will become obsessive with work. You should not neglect it, but you should make sure its positive for your career and life. All content on this website is copyrighted. If one sees many branches which are descending from the fate line itself this indicates that there could be a number of different problems career-wise. Broken fate line in a natives hand indicates a danger. This line is your life path, and will be important throughout your life. Chiromancy deals with the lines on the palm and chirognomy deals with the shape of the hands and the color, shape and texture of the palm, fingers and thumb. However, their life would have a major change after fifty-five years. If it starts from the wrist so the native has to take the responsibility of people from beginning of his career, it may be the responsibility fo family or any body, the responsibility will come automatically. The whole life would have many turns and twists so that you could not lead a smooth life for a long time. You will also know how life is going to be, smooth or filled with struggles.Timing of the fate line is considered from base of the palm, which is considered as the starting point. When you have a long Fate Line, you are likely to be a workaholic. This is called destiny. Consider Y to be a net and it catches the fish. If the line breaks into numerous little branches at the final point, the owner will need to broaden his or her outlook, a great deal of change is predicted as well as a satisfactorily end result in regard to a career endeavor. If fate line is divided and it is in the shape of Y, then it means that you will be very confused in your life. There might be crosses, squares, breaks, chains, folks, or the hand or it may not have a fate line at all! Whenever we miss an opportunity we tend to curse our fate. A long Fate Line can make you a workaholic and make it difficult to get a break from the grind. To become a successful leader in politics nowadays you must have the support of jupiter also, because Jupiter give good judgement power which helps the native to tale right decision at the right time. Dont worry this is focused on the fact that you are always on the go in life. Career change and earning graph of a person are analyzed based on the fate line. If the heart line begins underneath the index finger, it is an indication that you are satisfied with your love life, or it could mean that you are picky about who you choose to have a relationship with. You are quick to devote your whole life to one particular career path and frequently feel a loss of identity. The Fate Line can begin from the middle of the palm or even from the Luna area (at the bottom of the palm below the little finger) and if this is the case it means the subconscious mind is strong. It is important to try to assess where this break happened in order to bring along timelines. You are usually in power and could exploit your advantages to the full to wield the power. A fate line in palmistry with a divided fate line indicates that you are confused and indecisive. Energy If your fate line is starting from your lifeline, you are likely to be full of energy and are a good worker. If the fate line starts from the life line and goes towards Saturn mount or middle finger so the will be a business man. Sometimes, the native suffers from frustration and mental agony due to losing love partner in life. If the fate line ends at the mount of Jupiter, it implies that you are a wise and learned man. A long-line means youre a hard-working, ambitious person who has a great sense of destiny. A clear, consistent, and straight line indicates self-employment and is a good sign for independent workers or owning their own business. If the sign is close to trapezoid and tightly formed by fate line, life line, head line and health line, it symbolizes a big treasury which means a plenty of property, such as house and car. If you have a long one, you are likely to be a free spirit. Hence, give and take policy in your life would be highly appreciated by many. I loved the predictions. The Life Line the Longer the Better. It makes the person emotionally, mentally, and physically very strong and stable. If this person chooses a particular lifestyle then this may not be controllable. Palmistry says that there are seven varieties of fate lines which have separate influences on an individual. Forked Line: Conflict or Dual Destiny. As far as females are concerned, the broken line indicates that her life would be leading a housekeeper job. A powerful, profoundly marked line may suggest a distinctive feeling of a duty to folks. If your fate line is clear, deep and straight without too much crosses, you are regarded to be bestowed with a good fortune in career. The fate line absence indicates the meaning that you will many ups and downs in your career. If your fate line starts from the heart line, it indicates a lot of struggle and success will come only after the age of fifty five. In fact, I have three lines that cross my fate line at the top which means a change in career - three times, and yes that is exactly what happened! This individual will be closely associated with the public always. This may be caused by your careless character. Elderly persons will help enhance the success of the individual. A Y-shaped fate line represents the Y-shaped path that you take. The fate line is a long vertical line that runs from the base of any one of your fingers and ends right above your wrist. A deep, straight and long fate line which begins from the base of the palm and extends to the Mount of Saturn (under the middle finger) indicates a strong ability to start and run your own career or business. The people with such a line always have a faithful helpmate. The palm reading is done by a palm reader who predicts a persons life based on the lines of the palm. To see a strong line breaking the fate line, or the Life line folks into the fate line means that you will have a crisis point but you will make the life-changing decision. In this way presence of other lines and mounts may also alter the results. You might rise from obscurity to become a politicianor perhaps aperformer. A continuation of a path may be a sign of a temporary hitch in your career. To have such a perfect fate line means that you are going to follow a path in life that is destined to you. Zig Zag fate line Zig zag fate line in a hand suggest that a native may experience many ups and downs in his or her life. In Palmistry materialistic part of life is seen from the fate line, how a native will get all materialistic facilities to enjoy the life that is the main concern part of the fate line. Some people with a faint fateline might be cynical and hate sports. Inside you will know what you have to complete in your life and will learn important lessons along the way. If the faint fate line is a sign of superstition, it indicates that you are superstitious. The fate line crosses palm in palmistry: personality, love, career, marriage, fate, if fate line is bifurcated at the top what does it means, Star between my life line and fate line on my left hand, Partial Simian Line on both hands, Fate line meeting heart and head line. An absent fate line means the subject will have freedom. For the fate line to start from the life line, you have experienced a restriction in your early years. If your line is shallow and wide, you are destined to have a hard working life and fail to achieve great things. This line indicates your past life karma(action) also, what is your accumulation of karma just according to that your present birth will take shape. The closer the fate line is to the mount of luna means the quicker the person will go off on their own, find a career path, move away from home. (Fig 33), If your fate line is chained at the beginning of the fate line, it indicates an unhappy life environment that prevent you from concentrating on study during the youth time. There are several types of fate lines, but you can choose between them. Sample Page; ; The individuals who are said to have a double fate line would be very clever in both arts and crafts. 6. If the fate line is short then the owner is likely to move around in life, looking for a purpose. The fate line runs upwards, in between the life line and headline. A low fate-line means youre well-balanced and mature. There is a goal to be insecure, to get a job or marriage that provides security or routine in life, but it will not be enough to satisfy the owner. The bubble or even tropical isle denotes a period of disappointment and indecision in the persons profession. The organization may rule the executive. We have lots of wonderful palmistry information on this line below. The different types of palmistry fate lines are: Doube fate line -The people who are said to have double fate lines will have two lines on the palm of their hand. This simply means you havent defined your own personal goals in life or thought about what you want from your own existence. This may make it difficult to choose a career path, and a double fate line can signify that. (Fig 14), If your fate line starting from the base of the palm and ends at the Mount of Mercury (located below the little finger), it indicates great achievement in business investment. (Fig 12), If your fate line starting from the base of the palm and ends at the Mount of Sun (located below the ring finger), it indicates artistic endowment. A short line sometimes appears between the life and fate line but terminates near the head line. You usually could gain wealth by using your artistic talents. It is usually in an arc. If your fate line starts from the head line it means you will struggle up to the age of thirty five and your luck will bloom after that. Violations will attract legal penalties. A square hand indicates that you are a natural teacher and will be a great help to others. Given that the location where the fate line intersects the heart line fits approximately at age 57 - 65. So, you usually have a lot of troubles with such a line. If the fate line starts from Moon mount and reaches the mount of Mars (the region under the little finger and between heart & head line) so opposite sex will help the native to become successful in life. (Fig 3), If the line is shallow at the same time narrow and obscure, it shows you are not like to be bound by a common destiny. A faint fate line may also mean that you are cynical, or that you lack the willpower to change your life. Hence, it is important to understand that to some professional palm readers it is not worth mentioning in the actual reading if the line is absent. Youll be unable to control many things in life, and its important to learn how to roll with the punches. A sketchy, chained, weak fate line may indicate that its owner is striving mightily to fit someone elses notion of successful.They may have an outwardly conventional life but be plagued with the feeling that somethings missing. (Fig 7), If your fate line starts from the heart line, it indicates late success in life. If the Fate Line starts joined to the life line, it indicates that you are a self-made inpidual. Sun (Apollo) Line - Fame, Luck and Wealth, Marriage Compatibility and Love Life in Palmistry, Matching Heart Line in Palms & Nature of Spouse, Line of Intuition - position and direction, Hora Auspiscious or Inauspicious time in a Day, Prophetic Dreams of King Bimbisara in 19th century BCE, Trojan War is Brihaspati-Tara-Chandra story, Origin of Lunar Dynasty, World before start of Satya (Krita) Yuga, Solar Dynasty and Beyond. If you do have a wavy line, your career will progress and your income will increase. Equally, it is important to understand that the other lines in the hands also need to be interpreted in relation to the fate line. A solitary path may be better suited for someone who has a fate line that starts in the middle of their hand. Occasionally if the fate line forks, one branch would go to the actual Jupiter mount (under the thump) as well as the addition to the Lunar mount (the other side of the thumb below the little finger). Generally, he or she will get achievement about thirty-five years grow old. The stage where it crosses the heart line it coincides with age 35. He was born in a traditional Brahmin family in India West Bengal near Kolkata, The City Of Joy, one of Indias major cities. You are an illegitimate child or orphan. Only through self-understanding are we able to begin to move towards what we should want from existence. Denotes a period of disappointment and indecision in the persons profession have broken lines not! Mentioned above the fate line would be leading a housekeeper job very strong, and be always a! Goal, and you should make sure its positive for your career fate! Said to have such a line age 57 - 65 generally means success happiness! 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