Brandon Smith is founder of the Alternative Market Project ( as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. Japan and the UK have opted to support US interests, which is not surprising since China and Japan have hated each other for generations and the US is the UKs strongest economic partner in the wake of the Brexit. Not enough demand destruction to drive prices down a couple dollars a gallon. Think long term. Two of his other novels have also been best New York Times bestsellers. The underlying problem of energy prices needs to be considered as they contribute to further supply chain stress. Cheating. #1 Trusted Gravity Water Purification System! What appears as paralyzing cognitive dissonance may be intentional disinformation. Please let others know they too can trust SurvivalBlog for the most reliable and practical survival information by voting for SurvivalBlog on He is also a retreat consultant specializing in off-grid living, rural relocation, and survival preparedness. Life goes on you get some breaks and you lose out on some breaks but there is always someone doing better and youre not sure why. Yes, that describes Brandon Smith. Free Targets and Target Tracker Shooting Logs! Brandon Smith - of the highly-recommended Alt-Market blog. One great example is Kim Philby if you study his case. However, the Fed has stopped printing money they are doing it on purpose to create a crash. Nothing could be further from the truth. With the hospital walls and doctors removed, our bond felt stronger than ever. This event may not be concluded until the end of this year, but I still maintain as I always have that the Brexit and the growth of populism in Europe is a distraction that has actually been encouraged by globalists through the use of forced mass immigration measures to terrify the citizenry. I have been wrong about many things before and one of the few things I am certain of in life is that I will be wrong about something again. Yes, I dont know where he gets that idea, theres no evidence to support it. They will cry foul today at the idea that the globalists have rigged the game and that the US is being set up to fail, but when they are shown to be wrong once again they will state proudly that they saw it coming all along. Sovereignty activists will cheer the Brexit outcome, and then things will start to go horribly wrong. War with Iran at this time makes no sense whatsoever unless you look at it from a globalist perspective. This can also be done over your entire investment lifetime. Currently, the mainstream media is very quiet on the Iran situation despite the sudden shift of US military resources to the region, which leads me to believe that a conflict is being planned in the near term. What better way to stop him than linking him to the bad guys by an author who only wants to help us all understand the truth as he sees it? When computer solitaire first came out it had one version. Global dollar liquidity has been dwindling as the Federal Reserve continues to cut its balance sheet unabated. I agree that we have issues. Now that phenomenon might be biblical. It will, starting next month. Get two people together anywhere on this earth and there is a fair chance they will conspire to do something nefarious. Bill Holter and Rob Kirby say no way. Over the past decade, buybacks have been funded by money borrowed from the Fed at near zero interest essentially free money. Murdering. Find systems, replacement filters, parts and more here. If you know nothing about stocks then dont buy stocks. Wars. and on and on. And the societal breakdown that looms in the next economic (as opposed to financial) decline. He played college football at Penn State ., Hollywood Is Dying, And The Elites Dont Care Europe is about to face the worst winter in decades with natural gas supplies severely limited and the cost of power for manufacturing no longer tenable. It will likely take two or three months before the tax and the rate hikes create a visible effect on markets. Want advice? His work has been published in numerous places. I will be publishing an article soon with a working theory on how the US could actually stop inflation without crushing the rest of the economy. He is a Republican . JWR is a journalist, technical writer, and novelist. If you have followed Brandon Smith, regularly reading this web site, you would not be asking what the price of Silver will do in this contraction. Clearly we are in the season as Christains would define. Same for flour. In economics these are called recessions or depressions or economic crashes or bubbles bursting, etc. The WEF globalists have been trying to remove the opposition to replace it with their utopia. You name it. [2] and served there until February 5, 2008, when he was elected in a special election to the 30th district (Bell, Breathitt, Johnson, Leslie, Magoffin and Perry counties) of the Commonwealth Senate, to replace Daniel Mongiardo, newly elected as Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky (and himself a Hazard native and resident). Click here to get your free Info Kit on Gold. Be ready!! After years in the stock market I found I could only discern the trend and failed, more often then not, to call the top or the bottom. He returns to talk his theory behind the train crash in Ohio, Russia going on the offensive in Ukraine, Chinese spy balloons, his article "A Dollar Collapse Is Now In . 2023 will likely be remembered as the year that the whole financial house of cards came crashing down and CBCDs were installed. Small short updates (maybe on Twitter) would also be very helpful. The globalists are flat broke, and the Fed no longer has the ability to print money. Well, it is not going to happen in the nearest future. I dont think it is the Bank of International Settlements we should fear more the FED with interminable QE, negative interest rates, and the inexorable advance of militaristic China. Even after They have forced the Mark of the Beast Digital Scam on us. At face value it doesnt make any sense. Do not be surprised if most if not all of these nations eventually support China in the trade war, dropping the dollar as the reserve currency and following Chinas lead. ., Brandon Smith, Brandon Smiths interview with Ryan McCormick, Prepping, preparing for civil unrest, Outer Limits of Inner Truth, what states to move to when next civil war starts, what are most conservative states, freedom, solutions to tyranny, liberty,,,, Brandon Smith's interview with Ryan McCormick, what states to move to when next civil war starts, How To Harness The Power of Magic with Psychic Medium Lisa McGarrity, Reclaim your personal power and lifeforce energy with Jason Christoff, The Octopus of Global Control with Charlie Robinson, The Homegrown Food Revolution with James Fry, Why The Great Reset Will Fail with Martin Armstrong, How To Insulate Yourself From The Orwellian Era with Doug Casey, Something Wicked Comes This Way with Gerald Celente. There will be times, cyclical events where the game is turned upside down. Maybe, the Chinese have just had enough of the lunatics in Beijing killing them slowly with pointless lockdowns for what even they know is just another flu-type virus. I honestly am dumbfounded that people still support Trump, especially after screwing the American people time after time with his ridiculously bad policies. In a way I think that should motivate people to prep more than the Big Conspiracy. And then, just to make things more complicated some people do some good things sometimes. As soon as China reopens, oil prices will skyrocket once again on the global market. His work has been published in numerous places. He is the owner of Mohawk Energy, a small mining company based in Lexington; the company is unrelated to the Texas fracking supply corporation by the same name. In fact, I am off to my local Aldis later today to stock up on more stuff. With that in mind, take a look at this 10-minute compilation of mainstream media and entertainment figures dismissing the possibility of the China Virus coming from a bio lab as a right-wing "conspiracy theory.". 2022 was the year that cryptos came crashing back to reality, and Das Medianalter betrug 38 Jahre. However, one rule I have found to be universal no matter where in the US I live or visit is that regardless of how conservative the population of a place . In fact, there are times when they deliberately ENGINEER collapse. Everything mentioned in the article is conjecture, just opinions. JBH, you say (below) you have been watching since the 70s. Brandon has always tried to educate the public on facts, evidence and philosophies that the mainstream establishment refuses to discuss in an honest way. There are some layers of truth but the fact is we dont know anything about the global stage and what They are planning. Prepare. 2021 was the year that cryptos had their moonshot moment, Since the crash of 2008, the US has been suffering a slow grinding decline in fundamentals (the collapse of an empire often takes time). The vast majority are in Smiths camp. They want control. in political science. Remember that the financial crash is not exactly the same thing as the economy crashing. George Orwells 1984, the Hunger Games etc depicted what the future could look like if the Globalists get their way. There are no factories on Mars that I'm aware of. Marine Le Pens National Rally Party has overtaken Macrons LREM party in the EU parliamentary elections. But beyond that, Brandons Alt-Market focuses on SOLUTIONS, not just threat analysis. The Great Depression birthed the greatest generation. Authored by Alt-Market's Brandon Smith, originally published at Birch Gold Group,A few weeks ago we reported the Fed was getting hawkish despite what they were calling "low inflation."In that article, we showed rates possibly being raised more than 4 times in 2019. Use your knowledge and your common sense. If it had not been for the financial crashes of 2002 and 2008. Remember the right move is to plan for this to last for years and at the end of it (and there will be an end) when things return to the normal rules and strategy your goal is to be better positioned to play the game. It is re-posted with permission. Furthermore, oil and energy prices are being kept down because of Chinas suspiciously bizarre Zero Covid policy, which is slowing their economy to a crawl and reducing oil usage to a minimum. The US market is only 18% of Chinese exports, a sizable piece of the pie, but hardly a devastating blow to the Chinese economy should it be denied to them. If the system is out of balance, collapse will set its ugly foot down somewhere and theres nothing anyone including central banks can do about it. That came in handy for me when the lights went out during Hurricane Irma. But if you cant keep a fairly advanced society stitched together, you can forget it when you blow out a diverticulum, or need cancer treatment, or have a small bowel obstruction things that happen to many! Your goal is to first survive and second to position yourself, using your cash advantage for the eventual recovery. They have to if they want to manufacture etc. Not Cadillacs or diamonds but things which you can hold onto for an undetermined amount of time with little risk. Just to be clear silver will benefit handsomely since it is a PM. My goal is to encourage people around the world (and Americans in particular) to start decoupling from the existing system; we must become more independent and self reliant as individuals, and communities must adopt localized economic networks including barter markets in order to insulate themselves from the ongoing decline of the corrupt financial structure. This would put our time frame for contraction around March or April of 2023. If you would like to support the work that Alt-Market does while also receiving content on advanced tactics for defeating the globalist agenda, subscribe to our exclusive newsletter The Wild Bunch Dispatch. (OK, I had to look it up) Just go back and read what he has written (and predicted) since 2010. A New Russian Offensive In Spring. So what is the strategy? I also bought six months of freeze dried food from My Patriot Supply. Learn more about it HERE. Now, the easy money party is about to end. Mr. Smiths theories are an explanation. Just to be clear, Trump is doing the best anyone could. Its all about controlling the world with just a few and keep them in check and in control with fear thru technology. To survive you carefully (you dont want to flash a lot of money when no one else has any) use your cash advantage to provide food and necessities and to keep a roof over your head. A jury later found Smith not guilty of DUI but guilty on speeding charge. The trade war situation as it is now is not enough of a distraction in my view, however. Because Trump aint buying into the globalist appetite. This is Communism. Yes, the dust bowl was very bad for Oklahoma, the Texas Panhandle, and for Kansas, which relocated a lot of people elsewhere. You turned over the cards without playing any as they came up just to see what would come up and what might come up if you were careful on which playable cards you selected. Brandon James Smith is a lawyer at a public policy organization and an adjunct professor at American University, who lives in Washington DC. The intention of the Trump Administration is NOT to fight back against Chinese exploitation of US markets, this kind of rhetoric is pure theater. The Fed is in the midst of a rather aggressive rate hike program in a fight against the stagflationary crisis that they created through years of fiat stimulus measures. That is without intent or design the deck is stacked such that everything you do works against you. This article first appeared at the highly-recommended Alt-Market blog. That is you dont necessarily want it in the bank when it crashes because the bank will shut their doors and will be required to pay off debtors and depositors under an emergency condition and you may get nothing back. Brandon Nathaniel Smith (born April 12, 2001) is an American football linebacker for the Carolina Panthers of the National Football League (NFL). Banning gun accessories, loves Red Flag laws, hasnt done anything he claimed he would during the election, started wars he said he wouldnt get into and made fun of that hag Clinton for wanting to get into, is talking about illegally banning suppressors like he illegally did with bump stocks, and is going to illegally and unilaterally give more money to the tyrannical Saudi Arabia (queers, pedophiles, satan worshipers, and child murderers Yemen). Is every popular revolt now a Color revolution? I am so sick and tired of these so called financial advise radio talk show hosts. Not necessary..look for the opportunities no matter what the economic conditions might be. Brandon Smith is the Founder of Alt-Market. They have so devalued the dollar that it now buys two cents worth of goods and services instead of the full dollar it bought in 1913. What Happens Next In The Ukraine Proxy War? Input your search keywords and press Enter. Its too bad that PCR hasnt figured it out yet. Ok, again this is the part that is difficult to accept. This page was last edited on 19 October 2021, at 23:00. Input your search keywords and press Enter. They can eat their widgets, as was noted earlier, we produce enough food for billions and dont need the Chinese to buy it. Not to mention creating tariffs, which is anti-free trade, and ultimately is just another tax (there goes that tax cut he made which will cause inflation via national debt). There seem to be two basic opinions here amongst the comments. Do not deplete your cash/PMs to the extent that you would then find yourself in the position of having to sell stuff at a loss just to survive. My position is that the central bank has a global agenda that eclipses any national loyalty, and that it requires the decline of the American economy in order to expedite the introduction of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) linked together through the IMF. Use your head and buy what you know and understand. This could all go South in a matter of a few days or it could be regulated/controlled and take weeks/months or more to finally reach bottom. What they should be saying is dont invest in an IRA or 401k where its like buying a car that only drives forward with no reverse. And I will pray for those women and children who are depending upon these commenters for protection. This is a catch 22 situation that will soon lead to civil war. Buying what you need, when you need it is far better than buying and then discarding what you have bought when you realize you didnt need it in the first place. US M2 money supply growth has been decelerating and is hovering near 10 year lows, while stimulus measures have evaporated in most countries except China. My pantry is full. The 1% excise tax added on top of a 5% Fed funds rate creates a 6% millstone on any money borrowed to finance future buybacks. Some people just arent happy unless they live with anger, angst and doubt about the future. After 14 long years of ultra-loose monetary policy from the Federal Reserve, its no secret that inflation is primed to soar. Jim is the originator of the American Redoubt movement and a frequent talk show and podcast guest. Central banks, most importantly the Fed, are no longer propping up the system; the life support has been pulled and the parts of the economy that have been dependent are taking their last breaths. More people and vehicles on the road after being shut in with nowhere to go after economy re-opens and there is less consumption? The Alternative Market Project was initially launched in 2010-2011 after he wrote for 4-5 years at Thats right your computer solitaire has been stacking the deck even before it ever offered different skill levels. Kinda counting cards. Rock solid history that makes a pretty good spy novel. No electricity? The US/China conflict has the potential to become an economic world war, with multiple countries beginning to take sides. Organized crime. Kentucky State Police said they initially stopped him for driving 65mph in a 45mph zone. Brandon Smith [send him mail] is founder of the Alternative Market Project ( as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. Also, I believe 2023 should be a crucial year for the globalists and their Evil Agenda. History proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Become a contrarian investor in the things you know something about. . Most of the time your best strategy is to play close attention, kinda like counting cards where you are really in the game and aware that the deck is stacked and you are constantly on the lookout for an advantage. The globalists are the only group that stands to gain from such catastrophe, as war with Iran would seal the fate of the US economy. I had only been writing economic analysis for about a year, but I remember thinking that the overt display of optimism felt like compensation for something. Sadly they are likely on a collision course for a Forest Gump moment. Make sure your own economy doesnt crash when THE economy crashes. It is the result of the entropy of the game and the active participation of the players who are constantly changing things (i.e. From a person who didnt own a single firearm prior to Mr. Obama.I now fill an undisclosed number of safes, can hit a target at 800 yards, reload at least 8 calibers. I started canning meats then. If you know nothing about diamonds dont buy them no matter what the market is doing. If you would like to support the work that Alt-Market does while also receiving content on advanced tactics for defeating the globalist agenda, subscribe to our exclusive newsletter The Wild Bunch Dispatch. Jim is the originator of the Beast Digital brandon smith alt market bio on us it had not been for the and... Soon lead to civil war financial advise radio talk show hosts go horribly wrong it... 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