Time Team brought archaeology to the publics attention (including mine) and will be sorely missed. As Mick Aston observed the geophys and Time Team have always gone hand in hand. (now part of English Heritage) in 1985, and is now head of its Landscape Investigation Team based in York, England. I have not been watching the show for very long because it was not aired in the US as far as I know. I was just looking for where any dig sites would be this year and discovered the program was being axed! and have watched it since the begining. Yet time and time again they did it with grace, charm, humor and knowledge. But, as always with Time Team, the adventure is in the discovery of the secrets of the past, whatever they are!, Landowner Martin Fiennes a cousin of actors Ralph and Joseph Fiennes, and explorer Sir Ranulph says: Were delighted to welcome Time Team to Broughton. I just love the way English history came alive & feel like the team must have lots of fun doing this job.I was hopeing to find them on a dig when I come over to visit .Lets hope the powers that be decide to bring it back or make a new show similar to it. The result was a previously unknown 5th-century monastic enclosure linked to St Columba. We didnt do much history at school and we have all learned so much from TT. And we have just recently lost Mick Aston, the Rock of Gibraltar of the show. Tony was very good at being the non-archeologist and I salute him! With a fantastic team backed by Keith Westcott and Martin Fiennes, local community support, the possibility of an ongoing legacy, and the guarantee of great archaeology, Broughton Castle ticks all the boxes!, Taylor continues: The Broughton villa promises to be one of the finest examples in Britain. The writing was on the wall though poor scheduling . Time Team - Mick Aston (1946-2013) Mick Aston (1946-2013) Archaeological Consultant Professor Michael Antony 'Mick' Aston was Time Team's much-loved Archaeological Consultant. I had no idea it had finished. About the same time I discovered TT and became a dedicated viewer and have viewed all their programmes thanks to More Four. Mick, can I come work for you? I had no idea it was finishing until yesterday and I missed the last viewing as I have flu and have been sleeping a lot.. OH DEAR ! I love watching the old episodes, the ones where there was fantastic camaraderie between the team, excellent and atmospheric music in the background which always complemented the era of the dig and the extravagant clothing worn by the team. Such a shame a beautiful show as this is axed and they show such dribble as reality tv shows blah yuk. The banter between him and the otherwise notoriously stuffy academics was legendary. All the best shows are taken off and all we are left with is the boring and so untrue Archers. Channel 4 has just axed the best show on tv wont be watching channel 4 again, There will always be someone who knows what we like we to watch. Rest in peace, Mick, you added more to peoples lives than you probably ever realised. Victor Ambrus peerless ability to bring the past to life on the fly, for example, was harnassed after his artwork caught Tim Taylors eye in Readers Digest. RIP MICK ASTON. I am appalled. Stewart Ainsworth (born 26 June 1951) is a British archaeological investigator who was regularly seen on . Wasnt TT the only reason to watch Channel 4 ? Axing time team is a huge mistake. This feature was published in Current Archaeology issue274. Its all happening ere Tony. The fun gone out of Sunday teatime! TT had a great following here in Canada. Ive loved Time Team since day one, but recently Ive found it becoming a little too cozy. http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/time-team-should-continue-on-tv.html I am an ex water board worker and I still don t know where they obtained the patience to go into a hole in the ground and dig with a trowel. Spot on. Have just watched the very last episode of my beloved Time Team And feel desperately sad.. Find out more about how we use your information in our privacy policy and cookie policy. I loved the camaraderie.. the discoveries.. the wonderful feeling of how people not only survived in early times..but were every bit as capable and inventive as WE think we are ! Failing that I can recommend looking at Google Maps satellite pictures of your local area looking for earthworks hours of fun! The writing was on the wall when it regularly began featuring cleavage shots of diggers and the dreaded re-enactments. My politics are not Tony Robinsons or Mick Astons, but both deserve warm congratulations for what they did for archaeology and viewers over two decades.Tony Robinson seems to be largely responsible for the successful populist formula, the zest and the humourand the succinct resumes to stop viewers getting flummoxed., He deserves a knighthood but presumably he would just wrinkle his nose. As it was said at the start, they had to change it and then when it all went wrong blame someone else. Lets not overlook Public Broadcastng with its excellent programming, either). Perhaps if Chanel 4 had stuck to the old adage of if it aint broke, dont fix it we would still have had this gem of a program to look forward to enjoying for many years to come.. with shows like Strictly Come Dancing, X Factor, Dancing on Ice, Big Brother etc etc etc all being aired every week, Time Team was an oasis of entertainment and education in a vast desert of mundane TV programming. She was replaced by Helen Geake, Anglo-Saxon specialist. Time team has been a part of tv watching since its beginning . True, Tony Robinson did tend to upstage and steal a scene or two, but those of us who enjoyed one of the best programmes to ever hit TV, expected and accepted that. I remember John Gater and his long beard. Stewart Ainsworth, Time Team member Influence beyond. This would be the only way of successfully reincarnating Time Team and fixing your pathetic and ignorant and unsuccessful changes. The message was simple: this is local archaeology, it is your archaeology. I got fed up with running and prancing, daring to contradict real aercheologists. How about a petition to Channel 4 demanding its continuation? Judged a misfire by Channel 4, it could have been the end. Time Team first appeared on British television in early 1994, lasting two whole decades until it was cancelled in 2014. . While Time Team unquestionably experienced problems, particularly in its final years, this much-loved show was an astonishing success, propelling modern archaeology into the public conscious as never before. But TIME TEAM managed the impossible. All the others as far back as 1828 from Ireland and Scotland. I loved watching time team I want it to come back on the tv I miss watching it on Sunday afternoon. And as for the Ooh.. Ah, that be cer monial, that be in the dialect of a village idiot just about summed up the whole package. Certainly the revamp for the 2012 programmes didnt do the programme any favours but another reason for the loss of viewers even before that must have been the lack of a fixed time in the schedules. Im the guy who set it up, iv got the page on Facebook, Twitter and the main website that i run. There is more than enough rubbish shown on tv so why axe a good item that entertains, explains and raises more questions. In fact, I actually struggle to watch any anyway, as I made clear at the beginning the post production is irritating. Just started to watch the latest series on C4, very very sad to be losing it soon. This is true I dont go to bed without at least watching one episode I would too love to get involved but at 67 a bit too old. So disappointed to hear the show has been axed. Oh Dear. I will watch Time Team episodes as long as I last. time team r.i.p. This is just swell. With 1.5 million views a month on the Time Team Classics YouTube channel in 41 countries worldwide, the new programs will premiere on YouTube, with additional behind-the-scenes content on the platform Patreon. my gosh, I am from Chula Vista Ca. Please bring back Time Team with Tony Robinson. From the fall of TT on the minuscule scale, to the fall of a Royal house; loss of a battle; collapse of an empire. Please bring it back with all the original cast the new ones where good but I preferred the old cast and format. On the other hand, all good things come to an end. Tony Robinsons role seems to one of a viewer who does not completely understand what is going on although logic says he must have a reasonable knowledge of the subject. I learned a lot about my British roots by watching and have shared the knowledge with my family. TV & life not the same as early 1990s but I think the format is still sound (just dont turn it into on old OU prog). Piss-up and brewery certainly spring to mind. As late as season 18 the programme was pulling in a respectable audience of 1.1 million, partly because it had built up a loyal following, and partly because the team were still digging great sites. It was my favourite show for many years and definitely, for me, left so many other scientifically accurate but boring-as-bat-poo documentaries in its dust. With Phil Harding also on board, three members of the future Time Team core were in place. It is amazing to contemplate the staggering amount of archaeology lurking beneath the surface of the whole of the British Isles. Its prototype was Timesigns, a four-part series that aired in 1991. Biggest mistake ever! The key participants deserve a rest at their age, and the joy obviously just wasnt there. He brought archeaology to the public domain and helped us discover where our nation began, how it grew and how it is still changing. while the Facebook page is slowly building! . 20+ years is a remarkable feat for a television program, and this isnt Dr. Who either. Yes, it became a bit formulaic probably inevitable when dullard TV producers are involved. The Aussie fans are disappointed too that T T will be finishing up. Pay per view TV? Im sitting here on the sofa watching the usual More 4 showing on a Saturday morning. But it just goes to show how Time Team in ingrained in our family! Stewart has been interested in history since the age of eleven, after reading a book about Horatio Nelson. Well it seems the bean counters got their way. I started looking to find more information about the history of Henham park & was so sad to see the show has been axed. History is a fascinating subject but Mick, and Phil, and even Tony all made a significant contribution to our understanding archaeology and they way in which it can inform us of our past. Found Time Team on You Tube. [] One of best, very passionate three part on geology of Great Britain was filmed with Mr Tony Robinson who is/was excellent presenter. Research digs usually ran for weeks if not months, and it was questioned whether anything approaching responsible archaeology could be achieved in a mere three days. I speculate that Mr Bushs rant is based upon nothing more than jealousy over the fact that Mr Harding has obviously learned one more word than him whilst digging those big holes! They should have known how appealing it would be. What a wonderful 20 years we/they had. So we manage to get something enjoyable, which at the same time is also useful. Hi. The time team has brought history, archaeology, geophys and a devoted team of professionals into my life. Special thanks also to the fantastic people behind the research, graphics, computer animation that added so much to each episode. Beautifully expressed, Andrew. She studied at University College London and University of York, specialising in Anglo-Saxon cemeteries. They seem to have replaced alot of the original cast for more easy on the eye team members, the new historian was a prime example. Partly, we all feel we are losing old friends after all this time but theres so much trash on TV that its no surprise that its loss is so keenly felt. Changing all the staff behind Time Team was a big mistake, but ending it is even bigger. I am American and Time Team is my favorite program. With Channel 4 keen to attract more supposedly affluent viewers in their 20s and 30s, season 19 also tinkered with the format. Thank you channel 4 Thank you very very much . yes, I too have treasured every episode, and it has been the one programme of all channels that I never wanted to miss, even asking family to record it if I went on holiday, in the early years before I had a dvd m/c. Whilst not filming Phil still works as a field archaeologist with Wessex Archaeology, and has been involved in a project listing all known Palaeolithic sites in Britain. It is the ONLY program I think worth watching in all the rubbish put on these days ! There is such a thing as going on too long with any endeavor, and in watching this series the definition of too long is clear. Good job I have the internet to log onto. I enjoyed all the archaeologists and presenter Tony Robinson. I have just realised that time team is to be axed by c4. The easy familiarity between the people on the programs has been such a contrast to the egos and prima donna attitudes you see in so many other programs. And the journey is not quite over yet. there must be a law t Didnt like the changes either to the team it change the dynamics of the program but kept watching anyway. My wife and I are from the States and discovered Time Team on Amazon Prime after watching/ loving other British shows- Rick Steins culinary travels, Timothy Wests canal cruising, etc. , updated . How many people can look back on a twenty years span of such a masterful contribution to human culture? Nevis, West Indies: Part 1: Directed by Graham Dixon. Best wishes, good luck and Gods speed to the lot of you! It is to bad that the show was cut, there are so much more to find, discover and educate us all. When Time Team came along, I got absolutely hooked on it. ! Thanks to all who were involved in Time Team in any way. Ive learnt so much and enjoying every minuteo. I hope that someone has the sense to resorect TT even if it is repeated from the beginning. My youngest is 10 and has been a fan from as early as I can remember, he has his own dig at the bottom of our garden and a massive fossil collection. Stewart Ainswort. What better way of introducing archaeology to young people than for them to see it on a Sunday afternoon? And lets be honest, it doesnt get any better than watching absolutely great British television presented by the all time best supporting TV character, Baldrick. The changes proved too much, too fast, and viewing figures crashed to 700,000. Ok BBC4, its time for you to take Time Team. I liked the pictures Victor did on several shows which showed the principals in historical costumes. I would make just one more: yes, we love the established contributors, our well loved favourites, but what about the good new talent being seen in this present series (2013)? I have just found out about the decision by C4 to axe Time Team, which was surely one of the best programmes on any television station anywhere. and which would be the best way to alienate the people working on the programme. Totally agree. But Channel 4 has dumb it down, the last episode i watched was at Henham Park down the road from me, They found out nothing that wasnt local knowledge already. [emailprotected]. Shattered. Chronicle. SAVE TIME TEAM, Closing in on 4,000 signatures already: http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/time-team-should-continue-on-tv.html, Hey guys just a quick update of a Article we have got up promoting the SAVE TIME TEAM Campaign. Thank you,Mick, for all that you gave us.and thanks to Micks family for sharing him with us. Being well aired on the Yesterday TV Channel Monday to Friday throughout the day, Time team proved that nothing I is really lost it us just covered up soil sand and water 3 cheers for the team ron atkinson. In 2011 the production centre for the programme moved from London to Cardiff. Does Phil Harding have a PHD? What about the number of times they were wrong? Please BBC take this show under your wings ! HATE all the crap American shows taking over the tv. I will miss it & Sunday afternoons will not be the same-Im all for a petition -there arent many programs on now that are educational & family viewing with no risk whatsoever of offending anyone, there are too many reality programs these days & that seems to be what the young people are watching. The original cast the new ones where good but I preferred the old cast and format people than them! And knowledge and 30s, season 19 also tinkered with the format masterful contribution to human culture,,... Am American and time again they did it with grace, charm, humor and knowledge and raises questions... Have the internet to log onto a good item that entertains, explains and raises more questions more showing! 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