This restriction is activated automatically, and its duration depends on the Knowledge level. It could have to do with earning soul shards, or possibly killing so many of each troop type, or even playing Aesirs and/or boosts, but for now there is no popular consensus, so more information is needed on this new achievement. This will be of the utmost importance when you get to the really high knowledge upgrades, for getting your planner achievement, and for training T7 troops. It made it possible for people to work together, share ideas, and pass on their beliefs and stories. . Both the tier VI and tier VII sections are very hard to get through though, and I wouldn't recommend it until you're ready for a higher level of fighting. The Blacklist is a list of Jarls (including your clanmates and allies), with whom you would like to restrict communication for some reason. You can win the support of other Jarls by joining a Clan or creating one of your own! For example, I am cavalry, and cavalry takes more stone than other resources to train. Try out the role of a courageous and wise Jarl. Aside from those there are other buildings that have dedicated spots, watchtower, vault, oracle, shrine of odin, mead hall, wall, hero abode, market, valkyries citidale, sanctuary of the aesir, rune workshop, and hall of mysteries. Each successful attempt at capturing the Place of Power and subsequently holding it until it changes its status to Guarded brings a Clan two points in the Competition. Points in the "Earn Influence" subcategory (learning Knowledge in the Oracle and constructing and upgrading buildings in the Towns of the Clan members) count towards personal and Clan achievements. 2 Lvl. Town, Knowledge Upgrades, and Hero Gear. Bloody Jarl+1 Giveaway! You get White Wolf by killing 16 different types of Invaders/Ghosts including Ubers. We also have a list of ubers and the gems and materials they drop in our rules and regulations section as a helpful guide for knowing which ubers to hit to help you get your hero and shaman gear. I will admit I messed up. Add 10 for each level after that. So, it goes as follows. Hitting invaders will also give you other goodies like boosts and gold and VIP points, and hitting ubers will give you hero keys, bronze, manuscripts, boosts, gold, specialty gems you can't get from regular invaders, and tons of other goodies. ---------------------------------Buildings------------------------------. Since you are still a featherweight fighter, and only concentrating on defense, stick to defending the forts in Holmgang. The importance of that troop training speed up, combined with the troop training speed up of the Need More Warriors achievement can not be overstated. For example, let's say you start an Onslaught. The account of historical figure, Bragi, a 9th century Viking poet, tells of his discovery of a troll woman deep down in the forest. Once you do spend money, the prices of your bank offers change and the bank offers become smaller, giving less stuff for more money, even though the prices are lower. #Vikings:WarOfClans #HoundVWoCBecome a member of the Fireside Camp if you would like to support the channel: Many of the big clans are only interested in players who are already maxed out. Same as Phase One, resources and boosts, but lets add hero energy and VIP points from clan battles to that list. Vikings: War of Clans is a real-time strategy title which means you can only rely on your strategy skills while trying to get to the top. Upgrade your facilities and Resources will pour in! Town relocation from one Kingdom to another is performed under the same principle as in other global Competitions. I have also made mistakes. Got too busy with real life stuff, which is rule number 1 in Cagon. If you are smaller than 350 billion or 400 billion influence, which during this phase you should be a lot smaller than that, it will not take long at all for someone to come along and zero you. Also, when you go through nodes in auto mode 10 at a time you will get 500% defense scrolls, 500% offense scrolls, and 3250% marching scrolls. Economy: This one is important because it will make your town produce more resources quicker. Building more barracks will allow you to train more troops at a time. The beginning steps of building your foundation will not make you a good fighter right away, but they will set the foundation that will make everything you do from there quicker and easier to build off of. What to do? 4 Lvl. Ask your konung clan for the imposter repute for 1 hour while you are still in your home kingdom(optional, this is for the troll achievement and won't negatively affect your fighting stats). To win the Competition, a Clan must lead by points in the most categories. Once your Shaman knowledge is upgraded enough in the Oracle, at least to the point where you can hit level 5 ghosts, and you have at least one shaman that is strong enough to start hitting ghosts without burning through your shaman energy too fast, you will want to start trying to get some runes together. I will break this up in to 3 categories. Be a mighty Jarl whose name is known to the entire world! It's also never too early to start trying to make your way through the floors and nodes of helheim. Bloody Jarl 15. 3 4. Hansel 20-09-2022 01:52 How long does the achievement take to give it to you if I do it? Also, Jarls who earned at least one point in the Competition get Marks of Resolve. And two, when you start getting in to offense fighting, you will have to drop your shields to do so, so you will want to have the strongest defense possible at that point to defend against any counter attacks. Sisyphus. 11 Lvl. Rewards for legendary checkpoints (1115). In the frozen wastes north of the Whitehood Mountains, pagan Celts and Scandinavians merged into fierce, territorial clans. The opposing Clan is declared the winner and continues to earn points for completing tasks. I already made T8's my first choice, and second to that I will do Fortresses II because at this point in the game, with sieges, Holmgang, and KvK:F, fortress fighting is actually more common that town and tile fighting. I will keep an eye on it and post when it gets figured out. I suppose it depends on individual players aspirations and game, but It makes it quite expensive to get the award for players who aren't very advanced or spending bags of money for energy. Don't bother with the lower levels. Helheim is an essential part of this game now and should not be overlooked. In these cases, the restriction on using the Peace Treaty is not activated. Bloodlust is a secret Knowledge of the second stage in the Towns category. Obviously the easiest guide I could create would read something like this: You could get charms for Baggi the Big in the clan store already, so he was always rather easy to upgrade, but there has previously not been a quick way to upgrade the Inga, and now there is. Skip the ones that don't provide you with relevant fighting stats, you don't need them. Welcome everyone! Jarl Almighty. And perhaps the most important thing of all in the knowledge upgrades is the invaders tech. Each troop type is strong against 2, and weak against 2. If you hold off on spending money again for 30 days, the mega packs will return, and the bank offers will become big again. In this phase we are preparing for phase 4, the featherweight fighting division. It will waste troops that would be better spent getting Jot achievements, and taking part in sieges and Holmgang defenses. These upgrades will give you the largest offense and defense bonuses out of all of the rest of the categories put together. We discussed what to do with those soul shards and how to best select which special knowledge category to start with. As far as the secret knowledge goes in your oracle, you will want to select which one you do first very carefully. When we lost only the top points earner will get some, and it's different amounts depending on what I have on hand to give. "Land!", yells the Jarl from the bow of the longboat. That being said, the Valkyries Citidale needs to be upgraded periodically to get to next levels of your troop type upgrade. It's relatively cheap and if you get enough achievements done you can get through all of it with just achievement gold. Well all i can say thats what i did and i got it. Also the first three, Honir, Magni, and Forseti can get you Lord of Ghosts level 1 if you rapidly summon them in the right order. And T8 warriors require 1 soul shard per warrior to train. You do not have to be wearing them for their stats to apply. Our stronghold will provide you with plenty of fighting bonuses making you stronger without bloating your influence. We've also picked up a few more tiny developing players, which also serve their purpose in a good clan. Level 9 VIP. The upper level town and knowledge upgrades can take a very very long time, but hero gear will help with that. Open the game Menu and select the Profile icon To view another Jarl's profile, hit the Jarl's userpic. If you have the resources, this is the time to train tons of upper level troops. These are not like the first 3 branches of secret knowledge where my recommendation was to choose the one with your specific troop type and do that one first. Smaller clans are risky because they tend to fall apart. The Clan members lose all the points they have earned. Hitting ghosts are worth points in tons of contests just like hitting invaders. -Stronghold Resourse Transformation has changed: I wasn't going to include anything about strongholds in this thread, because I wanted it to be about developing your own accounts, but I will mention this upgrade because it is confusing some people. Plarium has become more and more generous over the years. Important note: Do not make hero gear until you can make it out of all legendary/gold materials. And you should swap out the gear for doing things like building, or knowledge upgrades. - YouTube Premieres in 15 minutes April 29 at 6:00 AM PDT Bloody Jarl+1 Giveaway! Uber invaders drop coal, and you can get coal in bank offers if you plan on spending money. Yes, you can count on brute force and sheer numbers and throw everything you have at your enemy's gate in the hopes of bringing them down but other Jarls will quickly learn to anticipate your mindless attacks and repel them with ease. This tech tree will make you a lot bigger influence wise. Keep an eye on them, and every time you can upgrade them. Once you start upgrading a certain troop type in the Valkyries Citidale all of the others become more expensive. Resurecting troops is also very expensive with gold, and Plarium also does frequent bonuses on this one too. This and the Oracle itself feed off of each other. If a Jarl joins a Clan after the Competition has been announced and becomes the Clan Chief, the Clan won't earn points for developing the Stronghold or for capturing and holding the Place of Power. The "Increasing Influence and developing the Clan Stronghold" category has three subcategories of tasks. Spies are the rarest but they have a downfall. And then go back and max out your troop defense during defense, offense during defense, and health during defense. Name changes also cost gold. Points for personal achievements are awarded right after you complete tasks. In short, upgrading never stops. This routine in Jot can be followed all the way to level 10 Brave Heart, getting a few Need More Warriors achievements along the way, if you stay small enough the whole time. Remember we are working on fortifying your castle here, offense comes later. For phase two you will want to continue working on your economy stats for all the same reasons as stated in phase one. 9 Lvl. White WolfPlarium makes often reference to fantasy movies and books, for example "Tibboh"; another secret achievement, is probably an inverted "Hobbit"Let's go to Game of Thrones : The white wolf is adopted by Jon Snow, who calls him "Ghost"So, Ghost & Invaders, Jon Snow, Snowiking has this achievement something to do with the Swowiking ?? Hold off on your special knowledge until you read the last part of this Phase. I have been playing this game for years now, and I have seen this game change a lot. Lots of knowledge upgrades, a maxed out town, and copious amounts of troops will make you big, but they won't make you strong. The training limit in the tier VI section is nice, and then the training limit, as well as troop health during defense II, troop defense during defense II, and troop offense during defense II, in the tier VII section is also a good start. My fighting stats are top notch, and I can hold my own in a fight, and I can help you get to that point as well. No sense in using resources and boosts on influence that provides you with nothing useful. If you have the gold to spare, take advantage of this. There is a difference between having big influence, and being strong. And we have guides in our regulations section for which invaders drop which gems for gem hunting, and which ubers drop which materials and gems, and a guide for which floors/nodes of helheim drop which scrolls. You want this troop loss to be productive and help you grow. Or if you're a ranged player and want to improve your offense, it's better to go for the defense secret knowledge first because the ranged offense will be stronger than the entire secret offense knowledge category combined. You cannot join the Clan if you left it less than 24 hours ago. Join my Discord: Add my Facebook Page: this channel to get acc. You will need to start working on 2 more outfits. Hero Gear is an ongoing part of Vikings. Killing enemy warriors during an attack: attack and kill enemy warriors in any location. These are upgradeable with helheim fire and more materials. Just get what you need, and get all the extras along the way like the extra marches, training speed, resource production, etc Next you will just want to go from the top on down. Also always be hitting whichever ghosts drop your troop specific offense and highest defense runes you can get until they're all maxed out at the gold level too. And the reason I have only one infirmary is because I used the rest of my slots for manors so I could max out my silver production, capacity, and troop training speed. Move to Jotunheim. This game is developed by Plarium LLC. It provides no relevant bonuses for me. Cagon already has all of our gear unlocked, but if your clan does not you will want to help out with this by donating coal to your stronghold. For all these wondrous attributes and achievements, his greatest feat is the slaying of Loki at the battle to end all battles, Ragnarok. We usually do a siege during the clan battle, which quickly gets us all 15 of our checkpoints. Next week, I will post about Phase 2: Building Your Home. I never bought any bank offers with manuscripts though. The specialty gear you will want has to be unlocked in the forge of your clans stronghold. I have no reason to doubt what you say, and none to confirm your suggestion either. Do not waste any soul shards on the special knowledge. Same with the upgradable town skins. The secret defense knowledge has ranged offense and defense, and cavalry offense and defense. Your hero should also be above level 60, I'd recommend 65 or higher before you start fighting but as high as you can get it. Your VIP level should be at least level 30 or higher. I did not ask them to do this, but we seem to be the middle ground in our kingdom that nobody wants to fight against. --Achievements: Not only will achievements improve your fighting stats without increasing your influence, but a lot of them give some very nice gold as a reward. One for speeding up buildings, and one for speeding up knowledge upgrades. Everybody used to wonder what the 4th gem slot was for since we simply couldn't use it. You need to kill 5 million troops with a negative repute to get your Troll achievement. Hitting uber invaders and uber chiefs is a great way to extend your VIP status and keep it going, but it won't get you many VIP points. 6 Lvl. Get to the point in your T7 upgrades where you can not only start training your troop type, but to where that training will be as cheap and fast as possible maxing out training cost and training speed. This is the thriftiest way to spend real world money in the game, and it can get you very far. But they do one more thing though. One Viking is worth a hundred warriors, yet even such mighty heroes need allies. 9 Lvl. Found the internet! This was one of the mistakes I made early on in the game. As chief I do resource sharing, so any member who got any points will share in these rewards, the top 5 points earners getting the most. The gems are fairly easy to get, the runes take a while longer. Blocked users will not be able to send you personal messages, and their messages in chats will be hidden. Over 500 million for all 10 levels combined. Training, healing, and resurrecting warriors. This will leave you with 15 building slots to decide how many manors, barracks, and infirmaries you want to build. You won't necessarily be able to hold your own against the heavy weight fighters of Vikings, but players of similar size as you and even some what bigger will not know what hit them. You can't summon an Earth Aesir, and then 2 hours later summon a fire Aesir, and then 2 hours later summon an Ice Aesir, and expect to get the Lort of Ghosts achievement. Reason being, is you will always be lowest on that resource, so when you start going for your planner achievement, which is demolishing so many buildings level 33 or above, you will want it to be that one because it won't cost you any of that resource to build back up and demolish again. Vikings: War of Clans. Then I will go for defense because I favor defense over offense(I'd much rather be the one dropping shields and waiting to get hit, than the one trying to hit the one dropping sheilds and waiting to be hit). You both have to be online while doing this one. Achievements are special honorable distinctions. So that is my recommendation, 2 barracks, one infirmary, and the rest manors. , , : , , " ", " ", Each troop type takes more of one kind of resource to train. If the tasks in the Clans Battle are the same as the tasks in other Competitions, then the Jarl earns points in all Competitions. This made it take a long time to get to my next palace upgrade, and nobody told me the next palace upgrade gave me all of the bigger rewards. 4 Lvl. For the shaman gear you will have to observe the stats they offer, don't be tricked, there are two levels of fighting gear for shamans and you don't want to build the weaker ones by accident. I will go for health first, because generally speaking health applies to both offense and defense. You have to summon them rapidly, like within a minute of each other, and you have to summon a final Aesir to finish it off. Knowledge learning speed ups and reduced cost, and warrior training speed ups and number of warriors in training increases. You should have gems and runes set for defense. Now, on to Phase One: Building Your Foundation: Every home needs a good foundation to build off of. Before the Competition is announced, all Clans within their Leagues are divided into pairs according to their Influence. You can find a full list online of all of the achievements and how to get them, or you can also ask your clan mates if they know how. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . To increase their power, Vikings unite in Clans. After everybody is ready, drop your shields by sending a single troop or spy to a nearby town that is unshielded, and wait. And it's so very expensive to unlock the T8 warriors in the T8 secret knowledge branch, that you will not want that to be your second or third knowledge. Ultimately you will want to get to the point where all ghost fighting knowledge is maxed out, and you can hit level 6 ghosts. By clicking on the icon of any day, you can see the list of awards. She is harder to upgrade. Also, it's easier to upgrade a single fighting Shaman than trying to upgrade one for each troop type. The timer only shows the period during which you cannot use a Peace Treaty. Lame 15-12-2021 20:06 900 works may be lower, dont know. If you are at this level you should have most of if not all of phases 1 and 2 done already, so you should be upgrading rather quickly, or almost as quickly as possible anyways. Aside from all of the previously listed reasons, in our regulations section we have a list of a couple of the tricky achievements and instructions on how to get them, and a list of uber invaders, the kind of materials they drop, and the kinds of gems they drop, to make material and gem hunting easier. Play a couple of hours of disguise. Hunting Invaders and Ghosts, yielding resources in resource locations. Most of these knowledges are not that signifigant of increases. Long-Lived. ------------------------------------Hero Gear------------------------------------. Need More Warriors. For your Inga you will want the Priests Mask, Staff of Greatness, Predators Cloak, Mentors Boots, and 2 Sacral Rings. You should always be working towards maximum strength so we will spend a little time on that, but otherwise we will focus on the most useful ways to spend your troops, and what to start doing with the soul shards. In Vikings: War of Clans, you now can receive them after performing certain activities. By level 10/20 for first level. Training upper level troops is both expensive and time consuming, but if you watch the in game bonuses as I do, Plarium gives 10% training speed ups frequently. The first type of hero gear you should go for is the Royal Guard gear. I'd not recommend going for the invader gear. Freyer is pretty expensive on the soul shards but worth it. Stay lean and mean for this phase. Hope to see you around, and Cagon is always recruiting. I did not know that at first. Reason being is to get your free stuff. I will include a money spending game tip at the end of this post, and when it comes to bank offers for shamans you can find them sometimes with charms for multiple shamans. 3 Lvl. 2599413 24-09-2022 13:37 u have to dismiss not dismanle!!! You can get her charms in one of two ways. My purpose here is to do just this, but I also want to create a guide for playing Vikings. ------------------------------Buildings and Knowledge Upgrades------------------------------------. 9 Lvl. This is the forum for speaking of your clans achievements and searching for new allies. Holmgang and Sieges are when we have all gotten ours. I will try to add to this in step by step incriments, and I will mention along the way why my clan will be a good help in taking these steps. To obtain or upgrade an achievement, you need to fulfill certain requirements. Just unlock your defense and health stats of your troop type up to tier 5. For sieging during clan and kingdom battles it's a little different of a procedure, and involves sending your troops in right before the march gets there, and pulling them back right afterwards so as to not leave them exposed for other clans counter attacks. When it is not occupied the label is gray in color, when it is occupied by your clan it is green, by enemy red and by yourself blue. The right combination of hero gear, shamans, shaman gear, gems, and runes, combined with the knowledge speed increases provided by upgrading your oracle, and the building speed increases provided by upgrading your economy stats in the oracle, can dramatically reduce these times. You won't regret it. The recomendations for the shaman gear are the same as the hero gear with one exception. That one is tricky as it all needs manuscrips, so just get as far as you can and keep going back to it when you get more manuscripts. 0 1. If you're getting enough gold from contests, and from doing your achievements to spare, it's better to just spend the gold on some of these upper levels in this tech tree. Jhonathan 29-09-2022 05:47 doing bloody jarl 13 dismissed after each siege some millions now waiting for 3 hours to get 400 m gold yay. Bank offers are a way of getting through this part quickly, but I have multiple accounts in this game, and I've never had to buy a pack with bronze in it. You get Tibboh for making Rings. The Need More Warriors achievement, aside from giving you gold, will also give you impoved troop training speed. For example, there is no shaman armor or boots that gives a building speed increase, so I would recommend just going with the cheapest piece of shaman gear you can get, just for the sake of placing a gem and rune for the pieces lacking this speed increase. It's important to choose the order you do these in wisely because once you start on one, the others get very expensive and time consuming. explainet 05-12-2022 07:40 olympian achievement is for sure getting in . Jarls have already fought the icy Monsters of Jotunheim, and now it's time to test yourself in battle with a new enemy. To apply the gems are fairly easy to get your Troll achievement featherweight fighting division performed the. Of Greatness, Predators Cloak, Mentors Boots, and every time you can get in. Shards but worth it since we simply could n't use it n't provide you 15. How to best select which special knowledge, this is the Royal Guard gear allies. 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