Across all verticals, 67% of the sponsorship packages we analyzed were a combination of awareness and value. Would this approach work for your events too? Virtual and hybrid events require a completely different skill set to what traditional event planners may possess. A destination with depth opens a wealth of options from venues with historical importance to well-known landmarks or traditions that deepens the connection between the city and attendees. After-hours conversations and activity can be just as valuable as the learning within the plenary sessions. It means rethinking the overall event design from the core, particularly regarding formats that never worked even pre-pandemic: the keynote/breakout session format, or the panel format without any touch points between an online or offline audience. What’s worse, the average rates on booking websites are cheaper than in discounted room blocks for events. People aren’t willing to wait for a serendipitous chance to meet a keynote. Look into ways for your voice tech to perform actions. When a destination management company evokes those types of pleasant feelings, those emotions get transferred to the event itself. Travel corridors are constantly being updated based on local case counts, so be sure to stay up to date with the latest restrictions, and keep in mind that designations may change in the weeks or even days leading up to your event. There is an increasing use of dedicated scents across retail and hospitality establishments. We all know that keeping up with the latest marketing tips and techniques can be a challenge but you don’t want to get left behind on your marketing strategy. There is a trend these days is to cluster buildings together in a campus-style configuration, mixing education and entertainment, learning and laughing, conferences and events. Although it is tempting to be prescriptive and dictate the messaging, imagery and output that you want influencers to use, this can be a turnoff for their followers looking for something more personal. The series is a revival of the Eco-Challenge series first broadcast from 1995 to 2002. A picture is worth a thousand words: Furniture and seating play an important role in the purpose of the event and the ability to facilitate effectively. In order to execute engaging, high-quality broadcasts, AV producers will be needed to bolster event teams. Selling switches people off, blasting out sales and marketing messages is not, therefore, an effective marketing strategy, we need to be savvier for 2020. Still, DMCs must be the driving force in inclusion and maintain that force through the coming years.   Some speakers are walking their dog, some others are multitasking at work. What do you want it to be and what would you like it to be? Shifting to the great outdoors may not allow you to forego safety measures entirely, but it does reduce the risk. Start each day of your event with a mindful minute. They never mention Tony’s event directly but do mention Robbins' "teachings." A meeting planner traveling with their group to Mumbai, India, for example, must have conversations with their Mumbai DMC beforehand in order to educate their guests on the culture, and the likelihood that beef would be omitted from all menus. Adult ball pits and play areas and inflatable assault courses can offer such motivation. Airport technology. Small, local vintage vendors are being used more and more over the commercial nationwide giants because they have more time to carefully create a vision for the DMC and that DMC’s meeting planner. Use movement to improve event energy. Most of all, staff can give an honest and natural representation and show off the personalities behind the company. EVENT IN 2020 Given that health and safety considerations will continue to be paramount over the next year, facial recognition provides a completely contactless way for attendees to check in to physical events. It’s also imperative to understand how measures put in place to mitigate coronavirus-related risks interact with the established protocol for crowd management. Build consensus. “Green” offerings. Credit: Destinations by Design, Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas (catering). Ventilation that is up to date The survey also asked respondents to identify the top three best ways to measure success from a list of 8 options. Margaux Devereaux (@ms_ripleo) 分享的帖子 Some cities offer substantially fewer Airbnb options and similar accommodations –above all Orlando, where room blocks always seem to be winning – especially if events happen within Disney. The good news: just over 1% of survey respondents rated their grasp of experience design at 1, the lowest level (“No clue, wouldn't try”). Invest in a more sophisticated platform, in digital event production, in professional speakers, in good moderators. Away from bustling city life, it can be easier for your participants to switch off from their everyday stresses and enjoy the tranquility around them. Set a limited number of tickets at a lower price or offer a discounted rate until the program is finalized, giving no set deadline. One suggestion is personalized follow-up and targeting. Less is more — especially in the age of Covid. This isn’t just for meetings either. By submitting your data, you consent to receive more relevant notifications from EventMB according to our Privacy Policy . By creating a system for cataloguing businesses who acknowledge and commit to following the health and safety guidelines, destinations provide event planners with a directory of compliant venues, vendors, and suppliers — another huge asset when it comes to sourcing for a Covid-conscious event. This will be a virtuous circle supporting and encouraging more ‘Conferences that Care’ or, more likely, more elements of care and compassion at more events. Use our Black Event Business Directory. That said, live and virtual audiences will necessarily have a different experience, and you need to design a meaningful experience for each. Hybrid Is the Future Use reverse psychology in your event marketing. Hearsay about how well the event went or how much attendees liked it doesn’t cut it anymore. At first glance, the lack of evidence confirming surface (or fomite) transmission might suggest that disinfection is a waste of time. Try doing things like incorporating games, challenges, or childhood competitions — particularly those that can be executed virtually, like a MarioKart tournament. Adopt Wellness and Play to Increase Attention: (Hand sanitizer should also be available nearby.) ‘Pay-What-You-Can’ Transitioning to Fixed Price. We had to become fluent in virtual event technology. Micro-influencers can have a big impact across dark social. Ideally, every speaker would be provided with an image to set as their background, which can be used as a branding opportunity or a way to further incorporate the event theme. The most important information and hottest trends all event planners need to be aware of for 2021 are right here within this free report: Event experience is the focus for most event planners. Destination partners can spearhead this effort by creating a community pledge that local businesses can commit to upholding. For a virtual attendee, the very last criterion to attend hybrid experiences is a forced connection with those attending in person. CVBs may also be able to provide more detailed information on the local venues that have upgraded their live streaming capabilities to meet the new demand for hybrid events. For example, if planners have set up plexiglass barriers to limit airborne transmission, they may need to use extra signage to help attendees navigate around these structures in an emergency. The industry has now been primed to expect the unexpected, so flexible policies will be essential for any live events taking place over the next year, and will likely remain important for the foreseeable future. There are many reasons this could be the case, but the most likely explanation is that, as more organizations reconcile themselves to virtual events and as planners face Zoom fatigue on the part of their attendees, they are having to step up their virtual offering to compete and generate a good ROI. Sign up for our newsletter below to receive our occasional e-newsletter with race updates. One option is to individually serve meals to attendees, but it may also be a challenge depending on the event regulations. It also provides you with a reason to stay in touch. Create “if, then” scenarios that are helpful to attendees. As we redefine the event industry for 2021, the concept of planning large events in exotic locations will change dramatically in the scale of how these experiences will be planned. 10% of the apps we analyzed listed gamification features as part of the app. Investment into irresistible photo-worthy moments within your event means maximum exposure online. Having substantial visual references may alienate the audience listening in. This is an important part of the control they offer over the audio and video during the event. Instead, you are a partner. Make a smart venue choice: Reach out to Black professional communities. This is a great outlook for the industry, as fewer and fewer planners seem to resist tech anymore. In case you hadn’t noticed, everyone’s a marketer these days. Here at EMB, we’ve predicted a lot of the event planning trends over the years. Self-serve production platforms. There is no quick win situation. Found insideThe January edition includes in-depth analyses of topical policy challenges faced by these economies, whereas the June edition contains shorter analytical pieces. In a recent EventMB survey, most three fourths of planners, or 74 percent, indicated that they have become more proficient or much more proficient in tech as a result of the pandemic. It’s also imperative to understand how measures put in place to mitigate coronavirus-related risks interact with the established protocol for crowd management. They provide hands-on learning opportunities and encourage experimentation, which increases retention and the fun factor. Similar rooms with the same level of amenities within a short distance from the event are 25.39% cheaper on average than the advertised or preferred rate. Moving into their place are live visual notes done by an artist in the room. Sitting is the new smoking. Change Through Collective Care: Healing Justice in Social Innovation, Introducing Echoing Green’s Mentorship Program, 462 Seventh Avenue, 13th Floor Here are some interesting aspects of our research that can help event professionals negotiate better deals for their room block: The Black Table  No question that in 2021, the way we evaluate whether or not to attend events will be dictated by safety. The inability to trust that all of these commitments are being carried out by hotels, venues, and other businesses makes the value of these certificates and designations dubious. The venue flavors the event. Content and speakers won't be the draws they used to be. Images will help others get a view into your event and bring it to life for them regardless of where they are. This will be a virtuous circle supporting and encouraging more ‘Conferences that Care’ or, more likely, more elements of care and compassion at more events. The largest portion of event professionals (41.5 percent) are willing to pay up to $5,000. If you decide on a venue that can't provide tech support, look to AV companies that have also been pivoting their services to focus more on virtual events, or to specialized production companies that can lend a hand. Create miniature works of art reminiscent of the guest destination, without them even needing to step outside the hotel ballroom. Responding to something in a reactive climate does not generate the most successful outcomes. Make sure that you cover your bases when it comes to your own contracts with clients. Why should someone choose your event over a free one with essentially the same offering? Brazil is already taking steps towards a stronger and more compr...[more], In recent years, two national workshops were held to discuss alternative possible paths towards a Brazilian Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) agenda (UNESCO / IUCN, 2011; Ministr y of the Environment, 2014). A recent study out of Germany demonstrated that dedicated, physically distanced seating during food and beverage consumption is an effective way to limit the spread of Covid at events. Flat-Rate Exhibitor Fees and Bundled Virtual Trade Show Packages. Gatwick Airport, for example, has made the security check in after a long-haul flight a seamless experience in some areas with digital scanners and retina displays. Be creative when providing networking opportunities — consider taking small groups of people that you have qualified such that contacts between them are likely to be valuable and productive, and organizing a carefully planned networking engagement for them. Measurable Value is ROI King   Support from event technology partners will also be a major factor in that production plays a role in the engagement of the audience. When a convention center is involved (and as a result a CVB), rates are consistently better even if multiple properties are involved. Recycling. Some also support planners with ideation as well as monetization opportunities by providing renderings and visuals for sponsors and stakeholders to be able to see exactly what the event format and design will look like. For example, the cobbled London streets with some of the earlier architecture, in line with traditional storefronts create walking tour opportunities and simple “must-see” locations in the city, purely by showcasing its history. Who’s on Coachella’s lineup? People are looking for local or cultural events to attend, mixing business with pleasure; bringing guests with them so they can enjoy a little mini vacation on the heels of their event; and insisting on other ways to enjoy themselves. Whichever way you impacted the community make sure your attendees know how they helped. Encourage diversity by awarding discounts based on how far an attendee travels to attend your event. Instead of bringing people together in common areas, recent research by the German University Medical Center Halle (Saale) indicates that the goal will be to keep them apart according to social distancing guidelines, and to minimize traffic and potential interactions. Did you feed 2,500 people? Smell is a powerful tool to evoke memories and nostalgia - what better way to transport someone back to your event. 53% of event professionals are comfortable or savvy when it comes to virtual event tech. With Covid safety now a major consideration at live events, health and safety infrastructure provides additional brandable real estate as well as an opportunity for sponsors to show their commitment to safety. In many cases, it is not just a question of how many people are allowed to gather together indoors, but how many people are permitted per square foot/meter. The International Comparison Program (ICP) is a worldwide statistical initiative led by the World Bank under the auspices of the United Nations Statistical Commission. This focus on authenticity and connection will only continue to grow in the DMC industry as business becomes more approachable and less rigid. It’s style and ambiance create an impression on your audience. Don’t forget the secret knock or password. Give attendees an easy task to help with a larger movement. These backdrops served to give the event a cohesive look, and they also helped to engage the audience by also allowing for a literal change of scenery for each session. Restrictions on group sizes are typically less for outdoor events, and people can normally stand closer together. Hold contests for best visuals. Here's how virtual venues can add value to your virtual or hybrid event: Cancellation and attrition policies have long been a point of contention between venues and planners, but the pandemic has drastically changed the way both parties approach them. Keep a good sense of humor in dealing with the challenges. Be proactive in your voice assistance. The report also explores the relationship between perceptions of corruption and PFM performance. It finds strong evidence of a relationship between better PFM performance and improvements in perceptions of corruption. In addition, airlines are testing travel corridors based on Covid tests, wherein passengers who test negative would be allowed quarantine-free entry into their destination. Host a secret speakeasy as part of an evening activity at your event. While Covid has affected every part of the travel industry, hotels suffered a great impact. All the efforts of staying at home and social distancing are very important, but do not lose sight of why we do all this: to meet again. Find the right AV partners. Offering an audio-only stream is key to optimizing background playback. We’re moving finally from the pursuit of standardized, homogeneous experiences where destinations were chosen specifically because they were similar to our own, to the search for new, unusual encounters where we come face to face with difference. The Toy Association decided to navigate these waters by offering three “market week” events that allowed exhibitors to showcase their new products and set up meetings with prospective buyers. We witnessed this in July and during the summer of 2020, when there was a break from the virus in many countries of the Western world. 23% of packages offered only awareness. Be realistic about any potential disruptions to your event, such as renewed travel restrictions, and work with the venue or vendor to find an arrangement that works for both of you. Event Safety Alliance VP Steven Adelman insists that careful planning does more than prevent emergency situations from turning into full-scale disasters — it also protects against future liabilities. IN CONCLUSION The 3 most important ways to measure the success of a live event experience. If you decide on a venue that can't provide tech support, look to AV companies that have also been pivoting their services to focus more on virtual events, or to specialized production companies that can lend a hand. You could also use the art to inspire the design of your virtual platform for hybrid events to ensure consistency between the two environments. Social distancing will be a staple of post-lockdown events, certainly in the immediate future, and many events can be seen enforcing it: Social distancing at all times, and especially indoors, Seated, socially distanced, and potentially staggered meal times, Sanitation and separation by plexiglass and other types of dividing materials, The use of counselors or stewards to direct attendees and force compliance with the rules at all times. Event professionals will remember 2020 as a year that redefined the industry forever. If the venue has multiple entrances, make use of as many as possible, with about 250 people entering per hour. This is often a missed opportunity as most event planners wait for everyone to gather at the first session or opening keynote. Portability is a key concept. Multi-Purpose Venues Others have a gluten intolerance. Find solutions: A full 32% put themselves in the next two categories up (11% at “2 - Educated guess,” and 21% at “3 - Loose definition”). Social Distancing is the Name of the Game for Room Settings They become part of the fabric of the city in which they stand and contribute to the architectural aesthetic of that city. For example: Here are some things to keep in mind regarding "hygiene theater": Onsite testing has been a topic of discussion for several months as a way to potentially return safely to in-person gatherings. This scenario, where a complex system of high environmental and economic value is subj...[more], In 2008 the President initiated Brazil's National Plan on Climate Change. Those moments can add value and make the virtual attendees feel like they’re special as well, since there may be a temptation to privilege live attendees. Curiosity is a natural action driver whether in life or at events. But believe us, it draws a lot of conversation before and after the reveal. With more marketing budgets being allocated to events and a corresponding access to better automation and marketing tools, the accountability standards for planning teams are going up. Seated, socially distanced, and potentially staggered meal times I understand that EventMB will not share my data and only EventMB will send me relevant marketing comms on behalf of this report sponsors (limited to one email per sponsor). Alcohol consumption simultaneously inhibits the disposition to comply and counteracts the two fundamental tools for reducing transmission: the wearing of masks and the enforcement of social distancing. Make your mark: Interpretations powered by machine learning will be able to remember specific preferences and apply them to future translations. In front of exhibitors or workers selling items, such as food or goods, as it limits contact during the exchange of payment. Link the ability to read badges with your chatbot or voice assistant so it has all the information about the attendee it needs to be helpful. Read More Give them the opportunity to attend an event together in order to bolster buying online-only tickets. Limit alcohol consumption. Events started to pick back up, and safety was paramount in terms of how attendees evaluated whether to attend or not. Social distancing at all times, and especially indoors For many organizations, visual content is the area they are looking to invest the most, second only to blogging. How you connect attendees with physical distancing, plexiglass, and face masks will be the main decider for success. The aesthetic of your event is more important than ever as you know that every interesting element and angle is likely to be shared. With furlough schemes in different countries drying out and massive layoffs, many will leave the industry for good. The fact that support dropped by 10% is a testament to both event tech providers creating better self-serve tools and planners getting more comfortable using them. Walk This Way For example, not all platforms can embed a live stream from a studio or production company, which should eliminate them as options. The opportunity to be part of the show is also a great differential between in-person and virtual attendees. What to look for in an outdoor meeting venue: While this may produce challenges in inventory, it provides opportunities to purposefully tune each event to the needs of the meeting planner. Offer a variety of equally high-quality alcohol-free beverage options so wine and cocktails aren’t treated as the default choices. These are not problems. Virtual platforms provide various opportunities for branding, such as live-stream overlays, that were not previously offered at in-person events. Face masks may complicate the logistics of this kind of system, but many companies have been actively updating their algorithms due to the pandemic in order to enable them to recognize people based on the top half of their face, and transparent face shields could potentially bypass the need for masks or at least allow people to lower them temporarily. Audio to Combat Zoom Fatigue Hexagons, octagons, and trapezoids are becoming the norm within venues and décor pieces alike. For many venues, this is part of the package offered and an appealing proposition for event planners keen to create an ambiance. Elevate your brand: By choosing a more rural location, you're not only prioritizing safety, you are potentially creating a more immersive experience and the opportunity to connect more deeply with people. Convenience is central to the success of the format. Make sure to leverage the magic of the destination to create an immersive experience so the audience will want to be here rather than at home. Engagement 2.0 in 2021 must be a mixture of well-designed event experiences that have engagement moments built into the event itself and a virtual event platform that is able to deliver those engagement moments for both online and offline audiences. Originality Intellectual Capital Over Physical Infrastructure To surround objects — that way, attendees are unable to touch the item being showcased. The fact that support dropped by 10% is a testament to both event tech providers creating better self-serve tools and planners getting more comfortable using them. They will need to think about different formats for online and offline, and hybrid interaction will be completely different and engage audiences on different levels. Local speakers with unique perspectives. 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