Those are based on localizing randomly activated molecules or selective deactivation of fluorophores, allowing the visualization of subcellular structures in previously unattainable detail [5–7]. (f), (g) Color-coded DOLI depth maps recorded with and without scalp, respectively. 3. Zhenyue Chen,1,2 Med. B. J. Tinevez, “Simpletracker [software],” 2020, . [Crossref], M. J. Cohen and G. H. Olsen, “Room-temperature InGaAs camera for NIR imaging,” Proc. 14, 1900070 (2020). 1(g)]. J. Qi, C. Sun, A. Zebibula, H. Zhang, R. T. Kwok, X. Zhao, W. Xi, J. W. Lam, J. Qian, and B. (b) WF image of microdroplets captured with a commercial bright-field microscope. Laser Institute of America, “American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers,” ANSI Z136.1-2007 (American National Standards Institute, Inc., 2007). The histogram of droplet size was shown in Fig. Methods 9, 615–620 (2012). Fully noninvasive mouse brain vascular imaging was also performed. Photonics 6, 657–661 (2012). K. Calabro, A. 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Found inside – Page 119The result is listed in the second line of the Results window. ... Tip It is recommended to use ImageJ macro programs for Step 4 for conve- nience. (a) Reconstructed velocity maps with color-encoded velocity in the range of 0–12 mm/s. The virtual crossing approach was selected because flowing particles are commonly arrested at the intersection part when using a microfluidic chip with two physically crossing channels. SPIE 6542, 65420L (2007). Found inside – Page 13Table 1 |ImageJ program for 3D spindle reconstruction. ... To avoid background, make a ROI selection close to the spindle, and select “Ok.” • The macro ... H. Ruan, Y. Liu, J. Xu, Y. Huang, and C. Yang, “Fluorescence imaging through dynamic scattering media with speckle-encoded ultrasound-modulated light correlation,” Nat. 42, 4577–4580 (2017). Specifically, 10 ms exposure time was used for the phantoms with thicknesses up to 2.5 mm, while 30 ms was used for the fourth phantom (4 mm thickness). 30, 1706856 (2018). [Crossref], S. T. Flock, S. L. Jacques, B. C. Wilson, W. M. Star, and M. J. van Gemert, “Optical properties of Intralipid: a phantom medium for light propagation studies,” Lasers Surg. In the latter case the spatial resolution scales by a factor of approximately 1/200 of the imaging depth [28]. Appl. Lett. Lett. H. Ruan, Y. Liu, J. Xu, Y. Huang, and C. Yang, “Fluorescence imaging through dynamic scattering media with speckle-encoded ultrasound-modulated light correlation,” Nat. [CrossRef], 7. 9, 413–468 (1873). 1(b)]. E. Betzig, G. H. Patterson, R. Sougrat, O. W. Lindwasser, S. Olenych, J. S. Bonifacino, M. W. Davidson, J. Lippincott-Schwartz, and H. F. Hess, “Imaging intracellular fluorescent proteins at nanometer resolution,” Science 313, 1642–1645 (2006). Appl. Rev. 61, 1419–1427 (2020). A growing number of contrast agents featuring fluorescence emission in the NIR-II are becoming available [20–24,46–48], thus expected to facilitate imaging with DOLI. [CrossRef], 15. Fig. This is because there are no research tools to precisely map stress and hair color over time. Methods 5, 527–529 (2008). Fluorescence microscopy is a powerful enabling tool for biological discovery, albeit its effective penetration depth and resolving capacity are limited due to intense light scattering in living tissues. © 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement. 19, 035002 (2014). (f) WF image of the microfluidic chip captured with the SWIR camera. Biotechnol. [CrossRef], 28. 2, E151–E152 (2000). Installation. [Crossref], B. Amos, “Lessons from the history of light microscopy,” Nat. 6h). Z. Bentz, D. Lin, and K. J. Webb, “Superresolution diffuse optical imaging by localization of fluorescence,” Phys. [Crossref], L. E. Weiss, Y. S. Ezra, S. Goldberg, B. Ferdman, O. Adir, A. Schroeder, O. Alalouf, and Y. Shechtman, “Three-dimensional localization microscopy in live flowing cells,” Nat. All Rights Reserved, • Use these formats for best results: Smith or J Smith. Figures 2(a)–2(d) show a comparison of the equivalent WF images obtained by superimposing all frames from the acquired sequence and the DOLI images rendered by superimposing the localized position of the droplets. ImageJ’s extensibility is the root of its effectiveness: many advanced image-processing methods are not provided by the core application, but rather are plugins written by specialists in specific fields, made available via ImageJ2 update sites.. How do I get started? Cell Biol. Z. Chen, B. Mc Larney, J. Rebling, X. L. Deán-Ben, Q. Zhou, S. Gottschalk, and D. Razansky, “High-speed large-field multifocal illumination fluorescence microscopy,” Laser Photonics Rev. J. Rebling, H. Estrada, S. Gottschalk, G. Sela, M. Zwack, G. Wissmeyer, V. Ntziachristos, and D. Razansky, “Dual-wavelength hybrid optoacoustic-ultrasound biomicroscopy for functional imaging of large-scale cerebral vascular networks,” J. Biophotonics 11, e201800057 (2018). 5(a)]. 33, 929–931 (2008). Lett. ImageJ can display two or more images in a single window, as a stack. Sci. WF images of the microfluidic chip were captured by the SWIR camera with 100 to 220 ms exposure time depending on the SNR of the images [Fig. U. A continuous-wave laser diode was employed for excitation of the sample. Fig. Biomed. A combination of images from two (or several) cameras with different orientations with respect to the sample may alternatively be used for three-dimensional imaging. Experiments performed in tissue mimicking phantoms indicate that high-resolution detection of fluorescent particles can be preserved over 4 mm depth range, while in vivo microangiography of murine cerebral vasculature can be accomplished through intact scalp and skull. We have engineered F4L5.13, a tetravalent antibody, designed to induce FZD4 and LRP5 proximity in order to activate downstream βcatenin signaling. [CrossRef]. Noninvasive cerebrovascular mapping in mice with DOLI. The image profiles for the WF and the DOLI images along the indicated green lines are shown in the right column. This corresponds most closely to the automatic mode of the interactive version of TurboReg. 10, 034021 (2018). (a) WF image of fluorescent dye perfusion through the murine cerebrovascular system after scalp removal. Natl. 24, 848–851 (2006). K. Maslov, H. F. Zhang, S. Hu, and L. V. Wang, “Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy for in vivo imaging of single capillaries,” Opt. Methods 5, 527–529 (2008). top of page. [Crossref], B. Use these formats for best results: Smith or J Smith, Use a comma to separate multiple people: J Smith, RL Jones, Macarthur. [CrossRef], 17. In practice, the localization accuracy is affected by the SNR degradation with increased scattering, thus the effective DOLI resolution accordingly decreases with depth, as is evident from Fig. Found inside – Page 250DIFFERENT WINDOWS IN IMAGEJ ImageJ has a few windows for specific purposes. ... Other windows include: • The Results window, which displays measurement ... J. Tinevez, “Simpletracker [software],” 2020, Subsequently, the center of single microdroplets in each filtered subframe was located by searching for local maxima with an adaptive threshold method. 4(h). Resolution enhancement achieved with DOLI in diffuse media with respect to the conventional WF images. Line profiles along the vertical direction to the depth gradient were extracted pixel by pixel, followed by Gaussian fitting to obtain the FWHM value which was considered as the spot size at the given depth. (a) Layout of DOLI setup. Acad. ICV, inferior cerebral vein; SSS, superior sagittal sinus; MCA, middle cerebral artery; TS, transverse sinus. The values from the Results window (Figure 10) ... (see figure 5 above). Biomed. Sieu, A. Bergel, S. Franqui, and J.-M. Correas, “Spatiotemporal clutter filtering of ultrafast ultrasound data highly increases Doppler and fUltrasound sensitivity,” IEEE Trans. (c),(d) Zoom-in views of ROIs indicated in (a) and (b). A good correspondence exists between the color-coded DOLI depth map rendered with the scalp intact [Fig. For this, the WF image of the mouse brain recorded following intravenous injection of aqueous PbS/CdS QDs was taken as a reference after scalp removal [Fig. [CrossRef], 34. Biotechnol. 4. [Crossref], H. Ruan, Y. Liu, J. Xu, Y. Huang, and C. Yang, “Fluorescence imaging through dynamic scattering media with speckle-encoded ultrasound-modulated light correlation,” Nat. Commun. Other diffusion-based optical imaging techniques, such as fluorescent molecular tomography [52], could potentially benefit from the newly introduced approach by boosting the resolution and accuracy of targeted fluorescent agent reconstructions for deep-tissue molecular imaging applications. Note the Boolean sign must be in upper-case. 1, 1–11 (2017). If you click on the wrong part of the histogram, you can find the bad measurement in the Results window, highlight it, go to Edit→cut and remove the bad entry. Here we introduce diffuse optical localization imaging (DOLI) to enable super-resolution deep-tissue fluorescence microscopy beyond the limits imposed by light diffusion. (a) WF image of fluorescent dye perfusion through the murine cerebrovascular system after scalp removal. The so-called light diffusion barrier largely determines the maximum depth at which “ballistic” photons can be exploited for high-resolution imaging [10]. [CrossRef], 50. 4(b)]. Z. Yu, B. Musnier, K. D. Wegner, M. Henry, B. Chovelon, A. Desroches-Castan, A. Fertin, U. Resch-Genger, S. Bailly, and J.-L. Coll, “High-resolution shortwave infrared imaging of vascular disorders using gold nanoclusters,” ACS Nano 14, 4973–4981 (2020). 08/2019); Helmut Horten Stiftung (Project Deep Skin); ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship to Justine Robin. Click here to see a list of articles that cite this paper, View in Article | Download Full Size | PPT Slide | PDF, Learn more about our response to COVID-19 including information for, Quanyu Zhou, Zhenyue Chen, Justine Robin, Xosé-Luís Deán-Ben, and Daniel Razansky, "Diffuse optical localization imaging for noninvasive deep brain microangiography in the NIR-II window," Optica, © Copyright 2021 | The Optical Society. Xosé-Luís Deán-Ben,1,2,3 The method further enables retrieving depth information from planar fluorescence image recordings by exploiting the localized spot size. [CrossRef], 2. Methods 3, 793–796 (2006). 19, 035002 (2014). 1e, f). Concept of diffuse optical localization imaging (DOLI) and characterization of microdroplets. [CrossRef], 32. 9, 1171 (2018). Med. The yellow- and red-colored vessels in Fig. Imaging 34, 2271–2285 (2015). To calibrate the spot size against the corresponding depth information, a 50 µm diameter single-channel microfluidic chip (10000210, Microfluidic ChipShop, Germany) filled with aqueous-soluble PbS/CdS QDs was placed under a customized ladder-shape Intralipid–agar layer (1.2% v/v). Anat. Photonics 6, 657–661 (2012). B. Amos, “Lessons from the history of light microscopy,” Nat. 2(e)] was then derived using the estimated relation between the reconstructed spot size and depth [Fig. Found insideThese results are related to the Red channel that we have selectedin this multichannel image (noticethe last column in the Results window calledCh). Natl. Photonics 8, 723–730 (2014). Click here to learn more. 3, e165 (2014). J. Qi, C. Sun, A. Zebibula, H. Zhang, R. T. Kwok, X. Zhao, W. Xi, J. W. Lam, J. Qian, and B. Med. 4(f) correspond to cerebral vasculature which is located deeper than the scalp vasculature shown in blue–green colors. Concept of diffuse optical localization imaging (DOLI) and characterization of microdroplets. USA 115, 6590–6595 (2018). USA 115, 6590–6595 (2018). [Crossref], K. I. Willig, S. O. Rizzoli, V. Westphal, R. Jahn, and S. W. Hell, “STED microscopy reveals that synaptotagmin remains clustered after synaptic vesicle exocytosis,” Nature 440, 935–939 (2006). As previously shown in the phantom experiments, the size of the image spots corresponding to circulating droplets is strongly influenced by the scattering properties of tissue and the depth of field (DOF) of the camera lens, which can be exploited for discriminating structures located at different depths. Methods 9, 615–620 (2012). [CrossRef]. The maximum linking distance, which determines the searched region of the flowing microdroplets in consecutive subframes, was adjusted according to the actual flow velocity and frame rate. W. Denk, J. H. Strickler, and W. W. Webb, “Two-photon laser scanning fluorescence microscopy,” Science 248, 73–76 (1990). Justine Robin,1,2 (a) Layout of DOLI setup. SPIE 6542, 65420L (2007). Blurring at the edge of the image is ascribed to the increase in effective tissue thickness along the vertical direction. D. Naczynski, M. Tan, M. Zevon, B. Our results demonstrate that faster substrate stress relaxation promotes increased migration distance and speed on soft substrates that are viscoelastic (Fig. 3(a)]. 2(f)]. 9, 1171 (2018). Quanyu Zhou, Zhenyue Chen, Justine Robin, Xosé-Luís Deán-Ben, and Daniel Razansky, Quanyu Zhou,1,2 This served as a reference to distinguish vessels from the brain and the scalp. Y. M. Wang, B. Judkewitz, C. A. DiMarzio, and C. Yang, “Deep-tissue focal fluorescence imaging with digitally time-reversed ultrasound-encoded light,” Nat. Found inside – Page 247This opens a counter window of the original image and a “Results” window. e To start counting, select the reticle tool in the ImageJ toolbar, choose a color ... However, these methods are subject to millisecond-scale speckle decorrelation times in living tissues, hindering the potential in vivo applications. Naturally, the scalp vasculature is not present in the images acquired with the scalp removed, making the brain vessels easily discernible [Fig. {50}}$ ratio) with a NIR-II coated camera lens (LM50HCSW, 50 mm effective focal length, Kowa, Japan). [Crossref], A. Ale, V. Ermolayev, E. Herzog, C. Cohrs, M. H. De Angelis, and V. Ntziachristos, “FMT-XCT: in vivo animal studies with hybrid fluorescence molecular tomography–X-ray computed tomography,” Nat. Lett. O. T. Bruns, T. S. Bischof, D. K. Harris, D. Franke, Y. Shi, L. Riedemann, A. Bartelt, F. B. Jaworski, J. Wall, J. Kohl, A. Kulesa, S. Chen, C. Roth, R. Riman, and P. Moghe, “Rare-earth-doped biological composites as in vivo shortwave infrared reporters,” Nat. 18, 1841–1846 (2012). A time-lapse image stack consisting of 10,800 frames was recorded for 10 min post injection. Besides the intensity map, color-coded spot size images were simultaneously formed by superimposing the estimated spot size to the localized points in each subframe. (c) Histogram of microdroplet diameter distribution. ICV, inferior cerebral vein; SSS, superior sagittal sinus; MCA, middle cerebral artery; TS, transverse sinus. The layout of the experimental setup is depicted in Fig. Opt. [CrossRef], 10. D. Naczynski, M. Tan, M. Zevon, B. Z. Chen, B. Mc Larney, J. Rebling, X. L. Deán-Ben, Q. Zhou, S. Gottschalk, and D. Razansky, “High-speed large-field multifocal illumination fluorescence microscopy,” Laser Photonics Rev. 1(g)] was applied to in vivo data to map the depth information in the reconstructed DOLI image with the scalp intact [Fig. Found inside – Page 285... Space ............... input image search window projection clusterer output image featurem feature: ... InFeST – Image Segmentation Plugin for ImageJ 285. Found inside – Page 48will be displayed in a special window Results. For efficient data processing, preliminary preparation of images by standard command of ImageJ package ... B. Amos, “Lessons from the history of light microscopy,” Nat. [CrossRef], 30. [CrossRef], 36. 10, 034021 (2018). 51 ] head through the intact scalp after fluorescent dye perfusion through the optical imaging historically. Example: `` gr? y '' retrieves documents containing `` grey '' or gray. Velocity and flow direction maps estimated by tracking flowing microdroplets in consecutive frames DOLI. 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