Oops, no they won’t–not after the furious reaction they got from their green viewers. The question is now how many billion dollars were spent on developing W&S to get the above gigawatts. “Uhhh, actually, on second thought, you DID build that”, Anytime you are experimenting with new technology you sometimes go down the wrong path that is the nature of the beast. Are mostly building slightly improved copies of 40 year old US designs but will only be able to market to countries with lower standards. They’ll roost in tall trees at night if they’re available. LWR meltdowns are a slow process. …”In its filing with the CPUC, PG&E says both it and its ratepayers will also benefit from the new deals. And, Ivanpah has diesel generators to heat the boilers in the early morning hours…..very capable of blowing up. Ethanol from corn or other agricultural source doesn’t make a lot of sense in terms of energy production. Why not send out letters to ratepayers and taxpayers in California asking for donations to a fund to provide for early shutdown of Ivanpah. Thanks again for the link. Climate activists retort that windows in residential buildings and house cats are still the largest “industrial” source of avian mortality in America. A quantitative characterization of technologies, this book lays out expectations of costs, performance, and impacts, as well as barriers and research and development needs. The question, as always with renewable claims- when output? As only about 20 percent of the facility is covered by the carcass surveys, it’s reasonable to assume the actual month’s death toll is upward of 300 or so. But it only works daytime, so the payout is only about half, say $440 pa. Winner of the 2017 EDRA Great Places Award (Research Category) Winner of the 2017 VT ASLA Chapter Award of Excellence (Communications Category) The Renewable Energy Landscape is a definitive guide to understanding, assessing, avoiding, and ... The problem is political, not technical. All I could find said, “Confidential.”. are fragile and expensive, Just paint the pipes black and they absorb heat. If we are going to develop new energy technologies there will need to be failures along the way. C’mon, it has provided thousand of permanent green jobs. The Wall Street Journal reported: “Instead of ramping up the plant each day before sunrise by burning one hour’s worth of natural gas to generate steam, Ivanpah needs more than four times that much.”, Glad to see Ontario, Canada (The Auditor General found Ontario pays 3 1/2 times the price for solar power than the average in the U.S, and twice as much for wind power) get in on the ground floor of wasting money: Some material from contributors may contain additional copyrights of their respective company or organization. On a different note, several years ago, probably about 20, I visited a solar powered house in Door County WI. No one was hurt. Did you think I thought so? These technologies should be first developed to be reliable and cost effective instead of funding politicians Pork barrel constituents. It was built by the municipal authorities to fill the gap in the affordable power market left by the Federal Government’s infatuation with rotating totem poles. In the high Sierra Nevada mountains, Lake A was higher than Lake B. That’s a huge waste of money. How about blowing snow in Wisconsin? Several quite rare birds are killed that would shut down any other economic or industrial activity. Solar water heating USED to be the most cost effective method to “Go Green” prior to about 2008 when subsidies and net metering were initiated for PV. The facility evaluated in each of these alternatives is a solar thermal electric generating facility with a generating capacity of 370 MW. A car crash is over quickly and you might not even know what hit you. Don’t worry about what they call you.” – Andrew Breitbart | read more, “…the world’s most viewed climate website” Ivanpah has an electrical output of 126 MW. The cost of financing the £38,000 capital, even @ 3% is £1,140 pa, about 2.5 times the income. As an old school piping engineer I am rather interested. Well, there is hope: And we’d have been right, but fortunately this is in California, so it’s all good. And in the meantime, the senseless pain of the animals with no choice goes on. Eugene WR Gallun. I like it, but data is even better. There is enough nuclear waste currently lying around that it could fuel molten salt reactors and provide all the energy this country needs for the next 1000 years. There’s an Objectively Measured Earth Surface Temperature, U.S. IMHO all of it unnecessary. Compare this $2.2 billion solarproject to the expected performance and costs of a Transatomic Power molten salt nuclear reactor and there are no govts that would ever go solar. Thanks for the good info. No problem right? The Socialist Republic of Kalifornia sucks a LOT of power out of its somewhat less Marxist neighbor States. Paul W – to be fair, we get / have obtained a lot of energy from the sun, whether we have solar panels or not (sorry, couldn’t resist). We signed up for green energy.” Hybrids are an interesting idea but there is no data to support the practical application. In any commercial field the engineers would be sued for criminal incompetence . We’ll throw rocks at our grandma’s retirement fund guy till he throws grandma’s Satan Fire Coal stocks into the street! PV has taken over. They don’t need to install diesel generators because they already have natural gas boilers they use to “prime” the system each day. I just shake my head at the stupidity of it all. What could go more wrong than with the finance system? The first utility scale farm was to be installed near Yuma, but the whole company folded when a federal judge issued an injunction on the basis that a local reservation was insufficiently consulted. August 12th, 2015 by James Ayre. A 1200 MWe nuke plant is about 10% bigger than an 800 MWe plant. “Ivanpah has an electrical output of 126 MW” Site preparation costs are also far less. With about 1000 employees receiving salary and benefits, the annual outlay for that alone is roughly 100 M$. No batteries needed. … You can always unfold it; and recover a useful piece of paper. I live in Mississauga (a suburban Toronto neighborhood with city status) the home of a 2,000 megawatt scubber outfitted coal-fired power plant (Lakeview) shut down over ten years ago to demonstrate Ontario’s commitment in reducing CO2 emissions. The rest is free for them but they then sell it back to me at almost 40 cents kW ,solar panels are not all that efficient unless they are in a lab under ideal conditions , in the real world you can expect to lose 25-33 percent effiency which is never told to anyone when buying a system . A MSR can also load follow, thus able to function as both a base load provider and a mid load provider. And, naturally, he would think it was an exercise in homage. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ivanpah+bird+streamers+. Coal plants used to be very cheap, with all the added antipollution filters, not so much. I always love the irony that we are being accused of the mass extinction of the bird population and somehow a massive bird cooker or chopper (windmill) is somehow a cool. Now they are finding out the cost of cost-cutting. Although intuitive, it is good to be reminded that the poor get poorer as energy becomes more expensive. If they’re frying birds, imagine what it’s doing to the atmosphere. The ‘science’ and ‘engineering’ aren’t interchangeable for this kind of work. It doesn’t matter that this is a dumb idea that doesn’t work. This book provides an accessible reference for lawyers, law students, policy-makers, and the general public, providing an overview of the significant legal implications of renewable energy development.The Renewable Energy Reader is unique ... “Well rattlesnake does too, and there are enough rattlesnakes involved with this project.” You can see the facility quite clearly on Google Maps satellite view BTW. There is no mandate for corn ethanol. To simply average it, rising and falling at 9.16 degree per hour. Janice, Janice Moore — Dead birds don’t shit on mirrors. Plants must be shown to be safe with insignificant environmental impact. Here in Oz the mendicant island State of Tasmania is full of Green daydreamers and that have been subsidized by the rest of the country for years and now they’re having to painfully resort to emergency diesel power for their blind ignorance and stupidity- Solar systems are sold by enticing buyers with the idea of being self sufficient and selling energy back to the grid. The inforcment of these laws and not the elimination of DDT was why bird populations increased. In New Jersey roof top setups are a great way to transfer wealth from the poor to the rich. If I did my math right, I total 525,000 megawatt-hours for the period, which is 10,800 hours, for an average continuous output of about 48 megawatts. LoL. You know the sun could do it. My cat Orn’ry is scared of pigeons. I read someplace that they used hydrogen as a transfer medium? Each and every taxpayer paid somewhere north of $10 for this plant. Scotland has (non-transparent) mountains, too – and Ben Nevis is a metre taller this week than last! Commenters at other WUWT posts related to Ivanpah expressed concerns that the mirror array was in a “dry” lake, or at the downstream end of an alluvial fan subject to flash flooding. You paid it money from BIG OIL so it’ll keep us all shackled to awful fossil fuels. The plant also burns gasoline, diesel fuel and, prodigiously, natural gas as said in the email. 3 reviews of Ivanpah Solar Power Facility "Giant solars! And 55 degree at the equinox. Silly Billies, should have had a sunset clause in the contract, They probably had one that said “after sunset no electricity would be produced”, Maybe they could open a fast food franchise selling flash-fried migratory birds/. Here is one of the entities doing the sales pitch… On a related note, at another solar site, Crescent Dunes, the resource is water which is precious here in the west. He had a toilet that was like pooping into a bowl of cornflakes. The only question being will they learn from the hard lesson and wake up permanently from their Green wet dreams? Much more efficient if you don’t have to carry an engine around. The money trail leads right to UNEP FI and this can be documented. the rate payers will just get an adjustment up to cover this plus profit. This book presents to economists and policy-makers alike areas of environmental economics, energy policy, health and social issues which are needed to stop and reverse climate change. Wind .15 .9% Eighty six permanent jobs. Most of DOE’s budget is for nuclear weapon site cleanup. … falling project costs had driven down prices in new photovoltaic power purchase agreements to around $50 per MWh. How about fines for owners – Google, pardon Alphabet, is not exactly poor. Since the goal of a “smart grid” would mix sources, I guess California and Oregon can go together on a west coast “dumb grid”. Note that gas used at night is NOT counted as part of this percentage. Dear Walt, – Fred Pearce The Climate Files: The Battle for the Truth about Global Warming, “…invaluable” – Steven F. Hayward, The Weekly Standard, “…changed the world and is one of the most influential resources on global warming. Ivanpah was a subsidy-mining operation form the start. . Has a very long lifespan and will be the cheapest producer of power. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stephen-long/167162 Just park it down on third avenue, so someone can sleep in it. You can bomb the hell out of those till you run out of ordnance. Meanwhile I also protest the PUC for continuing to tolerate PG&E’s insistence on trying to market such boondoggle energy to unsuspecting consumers like me. Or 3 hours from dawn or 3 hours before sunset the sun is 27.5 degree above the horizon. I think the birds are not available in nugget form; more like an aroma or boquet if you will (that’s a French word for “smell”). As I thought, this s@@t aint ready for prime time (or utility-grade service). Plus you get lots of hot water at very little cost, on a larger scale, this system could (guessing here) produce a energy and hot water. Those tortoises may not all actually be missing: there’s a chance that some of the transmitters are malfunctioning due to battery failure, or that some of the tortoises may have wandered out of range. What are the ethics of selling someone a product that is produced in the same way as any other generating company but at three times the price? About two years ago the ABC Australia’s Finance and Economics reporter, Steven Long, presented and narrated a 4-Corners report on renewable power, in which he utterly failed to mention its massive production inefficiency and price uncompetitiveness. john – you are right that an unanchored appeal to a big number of birds killed is kind of emotional but meaningless. I see a lot of calls of “Go nuclear” and am wondering. hahahaha That just says they’re never get to employ those systems in actual combat [that] week. which are not even on the horizon yet, happen. I believe it was $19/watt. “IIGCC is a network of 120 members, including some of the largest pension funds and asset managers in Europe, who represent nearly €13 trillion in assets and take a pro-active approach to managing risks and opportunities related to climate change. After the sun goes down and can no longer keep the salt molten, the stored natural gas energy that was used to melt the salt in the first place gets released until the salt is all solid again. Even at Diablo Canyon, the marginal cost of fuel is $8. Sure, it’ll have cost way more then that gas power plant, but cost never figures in when building for the brave new world. Commercialization expected 2020, although the Chinese are pouring money into their designs and may beat the U.S to that state. But I wonder how the government should respond to the under-performance. Why do the Greens dislike birds so much? If I (or others) do not always “get” the joke, that’s just par for the course in human communication. For more information on the program and the requirements to be met for participation in this program. DredNicolson People would come from miles around for Fresh Sun-roasted Chicken. Earth day coming up, forget not to turn on all your lights, if you have not prepared your bonfire, with the required amount of old tires at least light your BBQ. Reminds me of when I was a kid during WW-II, and my Grandfather took me to the Whenuapai aerodrome. At 377 megawatts nominal (392 MW gross), Ivanpah provides enough power annually for 140,000 homes in the Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison service territories. It gets cold winter. At least for as long as they can keep the money-presses rolling!!! Joe. Eugene WR Gallun. I let my big tomcat out at night. They basically crippled it before it got off the ground. Found insideThe aim of this book is to document for the first time the dimensions and requirements of effective integrated groundwater management (IGM). . The reprieve does not extend to tax payers who will pay more to keep this costing more and more later. The project is a 392 gross-megawatt solar power facility consisting of three separate solar thermal power plants. I made one out of black plastic bags back in my camping days it worked pretty well even in Northern England. Something with less thermal inertia, like an Acoustic Stirling Engine, might have helped their energy production. . The southern part of London’s orbital motorway – the M25 – is about the same latitude as the southernmost part of Hudson Bay. I remember when the IRS took over the Mustang Ranch. Found inside – Page iThis book provides a survey of technologies available to tackle the problems associated with climate change in the energy, water and food security nexus with a special focus on the Middle East. It is divided into three main sections. Fully updated and continues to provide for early shutdown of Ivanpah, cost. Menu under the bed again few massive plants were commissioned, including wind solar. S been no shortage of problems at the expense of the mirrors free ” solar electricity so... Thinking this, right charge the Leonard di Caprios of the facility evaluated in each of these leaders with! Begin generate some electrical power and continue until the time of the world, Rogers details the bold,! Mirror array to crash planes providing me with even more info.. Janice Pat Ch ‘ s analysis – is... Turn into power and concise overview of the boiler loop is nowhere near efficiency!, intentional, thus able to function as both a base load that will produce. 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